Intruder asks 'Where is Nancy?' before beating Pelosi's husband with hammer, police say

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Thank you. Judy: Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul, was severely beat hen with a hammer when an attacker broke into their home. The speaker was not there. Authorities say the suspect 42-year-old David depape specifically targeted the residence and shouted where is Nancy. San Francisco police chief said officers checking on the home witnessed the attack. >> Our officers both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer and violently him assaulted him and our officers disarmed him and took him into custody and requested emergency backup and rendered medal -- medical aid. Judy: The attack comes as threats to American lawmakers are at an all-time high two years after the attack on the capitol. Lisa, what more do we know? Reporter: We got a statement and said Paul Pelosi did make it through surgery and a skull fracture and damage to to his right arm and hand. He was successfully out of surgery. That is good news. We know he was assaulted with a hammer and don't know if there were other hammers involved. The suspect is a 42-year-old. Someone believed who lived in Berkley California and we asked Mary Mccord and expert on these things about some things she has been hearing and researchers about online presence with someone. >> It is not confirmed it is the same person but person with the same name is connected to a couple of different online platforms one being a blog spot that is espousing free speech and decrying censorship by the government and the other is a web site that engages in anti-semitism and anti-lgbtq, qurch anone and hate speech targeting women. >> I was told by a source he asked where is Nancy. He went there looking for the speaker. He has been charged with multiple crimes including amendmented murder and assault with a deadly weapon. F.B.I. And capitol police. Judy: A lot of questions of how he managed to get in and where was the security at her home. What is known about threats against lawmakers and being protected? >> We are going to be talking about this but here's what I know. There was no police force there securing the residence, there is not security when she is not there. And remember, many of our viewers know, she is in second in line to president of the United States and no security at that residence other than private security or private securities. This summer, house of representatives did give a lot $10,000 for every member to spend on personal security and encouraging like cameras and still members are working on that. Threats are rising still in both parties. Here we are coming after two years on January 6 and threats. I spoke to members of congress and staffers who say, it is not subsiding and officers getting threats. However, lopsided more Democrats getting threats. And January 6 committee, they have a detail with them and women of color in particular getting these threats and unfortunately as more nand and need for security there are 10% fewer capitol police officers than before January 6. Judy: The protection level has gone down. >> Correct or the number of officers has gone down. Judy: So much here to unpack and you will be reporting on this.
Channel: PBS NewsHour
Views: 112,406
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Keywords: nancy pelosi, threats to lawmakers, violent attacks, paul pelosi, paul pelosi attack, nancy pelosi's husband, nancy pelosi's husband attack, paul pelosi recovery, pelosi
Id: z9yM5yxpDgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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