Introvert's Bizarre Adventure on Omegle at 3AM

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hi why do you not skip me at the very first place emotional damn it I it took me so much courage to say hi to you and then you decide to stay only after hearing my heart oh maybe it's my voice not my face hey what's up guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to prove to you guys that introverts can make friends as well on Omegle at the cap yeah let me go such a traumatizing place but on Omega there's so many interesting people I'm gonna prove to you that Omegle is introverse friendly let's get Universe Bizarre Adventure episode number one I'm not taking reference from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure okay so on Omega you can meet so many different types of people I think it's the best place to make friends am I right for people like me who have no friends people said that British people are very friendly [Music] go you're so pretty I'm sorry you're such shiny skin hello wait I cannot if any of them tried to compliment me I cannot handle it because I add Wheels okay I hate to say that okay my guys it's just it's just it's so hard to to hear like a compliment like this like in real life you never get to have this kind of experiences no one will just come into you and say like hey you're so pretty you look so good no one's ever say that because you will be considered weird if you promise to someone and say something like that anyways yeah let's find the next one okay let's go [Applause] ten seconds later why is this stressful it's just oh my God this is so stressful from this frozen screen I already to tell that she's cute I cannot say that because I will be considered as weird that's why I skipped her before even having any connection with her you understand me sounds like a weirdo thing hello hi hi what I have to come up with some some way to say hi to people wikiHow no no no they always have this wish they're not kind to me at all they even skipped me before I started speaking [Music] you don't have to skip me that urgently if you don't like me it makes me feel bad just imagine that it's okay people see you and they're like how much I hate you okay I'm gonna challenge myself guess what I'm gonna try telling myself it's the biggest challenge ever okay challenge myself I'm not gonna skip anyone for five times okay the coming five people I'm not gonna skip at all so I won't find excuses right you guys say that oh I only match with girls I only match with cute girls maybe I'm not gonna skip anyone I'm gonna prove to you that no guys will talk to me actually no one won't talk to me at all [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] damn this there's really one thing okay like after all we have two conclusions first okay of course I already knew that second one is why in the UK even like two years old they're smoking I don't know what they're smoking but they're doing something on the app as well not like okay like I can't tell in real life but on this app geez what is wrong with UK coming what is wrong with my British mate are you real are you wrong hey yo what anymore he most certainly do not that's the most British British no no I'm from the UK nice YouTuber no okay nice excuse me [Applause] I don't know British they're not nice not nice let's find American people from America they're all extroversed if I remember oh um you're from Poland yeah and where are you living right now [Music] I mean I live in Canada if you know what that is it's in England it's like outside London uh I can ask how old are you how old do you think I am 18 yes exactly I'm good at this you are I hate to say that I hate to do that I have to skip you because you know you're so fine you're so nice but you know it's just not okay like introverse they're so bad at buying okay like I'm not 18. oh my God so I cannot lie to you damn it I I feel so guilty when I skip someone so kind to me I'm so sorry but we have to move on I'm 100 sure whatever where my editors editing this video they feel the second hand embarrassed but anyways maybe one day I need to do this introverts freezing on Omegle inside [Music] how much of a coward I am even on this website no one remembers you no one even care about you hi you look so pretty thank you how are you I'm good what people say after how are you how old are you right yeah how old are you okay next second question is how old are you you look like someone famous I know skip it you're not from Poland no I am from Poland I just speak English wow yeah I know I hear that okay do you want they want a real answer or a fake I'm 17. stop the cat damn it I mean of course I had to skip already because it started to get so cringe and I cannot lie you know I just did anyways let's talk to some guy this morning guys hey how are you I like your mustache thanks for where are you why it's so passively aggressive I really can I try to I want to make a real friends as well but I don't know why I feel the stress you know like the passive aggressive yo nice look good looking bro lens I like your hair a lot hello hi ten seconds later I'm not gonna talk to talk to who are more passive than me okay no you have to say hi hi or skip [Music] foreign [Music] key [Music] what kind of random thoughts we should collab let's collapse [Laughter] [Music] this is how Bros collab I miss you we miss you thank you this is too cute her smile is so innocent just like mine damn look at this dude wait he reads it all knock knock me who's me me I got another one knock knock oh who's there no it's not even a knock knock joke I've been waiting for you you come around and tell me the truth 2 000 years later my girl we've got nothing to lose cold nights for Sunday morning a few moments later bye that's it oh oh I think British girl is a little bit wild all right guys that's it for the whole video yeah I have been through a lot you can tell from my face anyways if you like this YouTube video please give me a thumbs up share this video subscribe my YouTube channel also comment something down below to tell me what I should do on Omegle next okay Instagram here second channel here see you next time bye guys foreign
Channel: kinryyy
Views: 71,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omegle, omegle at 3am, introvert on omegle, omegle brought me trauma, traumatised on omegle, funny, omegle reaction, strangers on omegle, pranks on omegle, pretend to skip prank, omegle prank, funny omegle moments, omegle troll, kinryyy, kin ryan, omegle singing, singing to strangers on omegle, rizzing on omegle, rizz, rizz on omegle, sush, sush omegle, picking up girls on omegle, omegle rizz
Id: TugIuN2a02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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