Introvert Student vs Extrovert Student

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(bell ringing) - All right, let's go around the class. Give us your name and a fun fact about you. - I'll go first. My name is Charlos. My favorite color is dandelion. I play keytar and I speak French. - Ah, tres bien. - Okay, well, I'm not like, fluent. - Right, okay. How 'bout you next? (dramatic music) Me? - You gave me no time to prepare and now every thought has left my mind. - All right, just start with your name. - So when I said every thought, I meant every thought. - Okay. All right, who knows the answer for question three? - Yo, it's 42. - That is correct. - Yes! Let's go. - [Student] Get it, boy. (Charlos hand clapping) Yeah, man, whoa. - Okay, sit down. All right, who knows the thing for the next question? - [Brian] I guess I'll raise my hand. But what if I'm wrong? I will have drawn attention to myself only to show that I'm a dingbat. - Hey, Brian. - I wasn't raising my hand. - Then what are you doing? - Deodorant check. (sniffing) Yeah, it's, it's still working. - Okay. (bell ringing) Okay, everyone, we got a group project coming up. - I love group projects, you get everyone's phone number, you get the group chat fired up, you have a bunch of group meetings where you order pizza and chill, and maybe you throw together the project in like, the last 10 minutes before class. - I'm convinced that the only reason teachers make us work in groups is so that they only have to grade five projects instead of 30. (phone alert whooshing) Oh, great, group chat just got fired up. (phone alerts whooshing) Oh my, oh my gosh. Oh, please stop. - Oh, Charlos, we missed you last class. How is your sick grandma? - Who? Oh, Grandma. Grandma is recovering from her ailment as we speak. I appreciate you all, thank you. - Hey, teacher, I wasn't here last class. I wanted to see what material I missed. - You were here. You were sitting in the corner like always. - No, I emailed you saying I wouldn't be here. And then I wasn't here. - I don't remember that. - You replied to the email. - I think I'd know if one of my students was absent, okay? - Okay. - Uh, Charlos, what are you doing after class today? - Oh, nothing much. Why you wanna hang out? - No. - Hey, Brian, are you doing anything after class? - Why would you need to know that information? - I'm just making conversation. - Stop invading my privacy. - Okay. (bell ringing) - I can't wait for summer break so I can hit the beach with all my pals and get some rays. - Can't wait for summer break so I can bask in the glow of my computer screen. The blue light really helps me maintain this ghostly pallor. ♪ A stranger's come to town ♪ ♪ They call him Mr. Frank James ♪
Channel: Frank James
Views: 113,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frank james, introverts vs extroverts, introvert student vs extrovert student, introvert vs extrovert, introvert problems, introvert comedy, introvert humor, introvert memes, comedy sketch video, funny video, comedy sketch, relatable introvert memes, introvert problems funny, if introverts were completely honest
Id: kZx7OJpQVoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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