Introduction to the .22 Rimfire PART I

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welcome back you know today we're going to talk about the king of all contra jizz and it's not what you might think it's not the 3006 it's not the 308 it's not even the 270 Winchester and certainly not to 223 in my personal humble opinion the king of all [ __ ] uses 222 222 room fire now let me explain a little bit about why I think it's such an important thing in our in our firearms culture first of all let's talk a little bit about its history it was it was brought out back in the black-powder days the 22 shot was the first of them and with his 29 grain bullet in a short case and still run then that was that was enhanced by adding a longer case to the 29 ring bullet and speeding it up a little bit not too long after that certain deficiencies were found in the 22 lawn and it was further enhanced by adding a 40 grain bullet which was at the time used in the 22 extra-long the now lon obsolete 22 extra-long the Jay Stevens company in Chicopee Massachusetts down on the Connecticut River was the company that founded the 22 long rifle in 1887 and that was really only about 10 years after the Jay Stevens toulon Arms Company got into business I think they got into business just just a year before the Civil War and in 1864 but it's been around an awful long time now something only lasts a long time if it's useful and as you know the 22 long-rifle conference is used in all men or firearms derringers revolvers automatic pistols as used in rifles of all types if used in over/unders where there's a shotgun and 22 combination and it and be in even those even though it was established so many years ago in the United States of America it has found a home all around the world and it's used in international competition in the Olympics and in both summer and winter olympics for that matter and in World Cup competitions there's probably no other conquered that comes close to it in terms of its usefulness all around you know if you're if you're a person who if you're a person who lives in a compact private some cities we just you know it's a three-hour drive to the nearest outdoors we can shoot a 22 becomes a very nice thing to have because you know there's usually a club nearby with indoor range that you can that you can shoot you're a Content so and it's a it's an extremely accurate it's extremely accurate round and it's inescapable it's capable of being used in survival guns is it it is for you know for for many for many years the military issued 22 is both for training and for and for survival purposes no we'll talk some more about the different types of different types of firearms that are available with the 22 I'm going to stay focused today on rifles for the most part but let's talk a little bit about the ammunition for us well then it gives you some sort of a background as to what's useful 22:22 ammunition let's go over the over the basics right here i've got i've got the three i've got the three round set up here if i can do this without tipping them over this is the this is the original 22 short right here with this 29 green bullet this is a CCI CB lon now this is a this is a long cartridge but with a reduced powder charge which gives a 29 grain bullet a virtually silent report in a rifle it won't it won't function because of its very low intensity it won't cycle automatic actions but it's it's a fabulous gun to have for for plinking offer for small German elimination you know rodents and here's the is the standard 22 long rifle with its 40 grain bullet and of course the that's the standard bullet weight and we'll talk about the types of bullets the the 22 short is still a is still an incredibly useful and accurate package and there are there are still some they are still some fine 22s out the that are capable using me 22 short it's a it's around which has to be it has to be fed through a mechanism which is designed to support that short length and without without getting into into jams certainly it can't be used in any of the other loading rifles that are currently being made to my knowledge and it is difficult to use in some bolt-action rifles but there are still quite a number of rifles that advertise short long and long rifle market and their barrel and those are very useful but because because over the last I would say in my in my lifetime in the last for 35 or 40 years or so the great popularity of the 22 long rifle has really put the 22 short in the back seat and unfortunately whereas one time we know when I was a kid a box of 22 shorts cost 30% less than a box of 22 long rifles that situation now is is greatly reversed at me it may be in some cases where the parts of 22 shorts can be twice or three times the price of a comparable 22 long rifle why is that mainly it's a matter of it's a matter of popularity and caught the there is no call for the 22 short anymore they said on a deal is off for nobody nobody buys them so they've become a they become a special production item like a lot of cottages so when something is not being produced on a on a large scale basically the factory has to schedule a time where it will produce something on a limited on a limited run basis and requires special it requires special attention they have to run many before they get things right you know the overproduction be issued and all sorts of stuff so the prices jack way up out of proportion to its to its raw materials there's still a great practice for those who want to have fun in shooting shooting in in areas where noise becomes an issue and they can be they can be extremely accurate the the 22 long as I told you has been largely discontinued by most manufacturers CCI still occasionally makes them they make them in this in this CB Lawton version and which is probably one of the more useful ones because it does it does serve a specific purpose it has a it hardly can be heard it's it's actually more silent than some than some high-power compressed air rifles know the we'll talk now about the 22 long rifle it's in a you know for those of you who I know that some people are confused about the naming system which is used in the industry 22 long rifle doesn't mean a rifle is long it's just the name of the cartridge that was that was developed during the black powder year know the 22 long rifle was originally established with that 40 grain bullet as they said and when they bought a hole in it to make it a hollow point it became a 38 grain bullet in most cases now that particular bullet weight and shape has had been found through years to be extremely capable of extreme accuracy and stability in cerrado throat a velocity range of about a thousand eighty thousand sixty feet per second up to about 1100 1100 AD or 145 something like that death that's the typical range of velocity for both standard and high-velocity 22 long rifles in the last in the last number of years I would say that especially in the last 25 to 30 years the manufacturers have certainly become aware of the fact that people love speed no matter what it is the minutes whether sports cars you know whether it's both or whether it's a mission people love speed and they love to they love to have the fastest possible ammunition on the block so they've accommodated that by providing what has largely been called generally generically been called hyper velocity 22r ammunition the 22 long-rifle as I told you with its standard 40 grain bullet will Center on that for men that we can we can venture off and talk about the hyper velocity stuff the speed of sound is slightly over 1,100 feet per second at sea level ammunition 22 long rifle ammunition falls astride that number so you can have ammunition which's which is what's called standard velocity now in our modern lexicon it's been more sexy to put on the box subsonic okay same thing subsonic standard velocity it's adjusted it's just a it's just a new word for the same thing anybody who anybody who bought some subsonic ammunition in 2015 or 2016 buying the same velocity ammunition that that was marked on a box as standard loss back in the 1950s so imitation which ammunition which falls below the speed of sound is generally called now subsonic with standard velocity ammunition which is categorized above that in the you know in the 1204 ii range in generally called high velocity ammunition in the in what we would call the standard non hyper velocity category of ammunition in other words this this particular this particular bullet right here rocketry here that showed you now it's important to note when you're when you're understanding what the speed and the speed of sound what the speed of sound has to do with all this it's important to note what that has to do with accuracy I was just reading I was just reading my particular review I think was on big way USA I was reading a review to kill a cartridge that a 22 cartridge that was it was a it was a high velocity and the reviewer gave it three stars because he said it performed fine inside 50 or 60 yards but then all of a sudden the accuracy fell apart well anybody who understands what - ASSA t22 ammunition is worth 40 grain bullets understands that that's true and that's expected that's not that's not that's not an irresponsible different design feature by the manufacturer and nobody was nobody was giving him crummy quality ammunition it's a it's a lot of physics that took over at 60 or so yards you see you know anybody who's been in a powerboat a motorboat with a you know with a boat that gets up in planes and and creates a wake behind it as if the throttle want to be immediately cut you know and sometimes that happens when people coming in to the beach or something like that they immediately cut the throttle and everybody loses their balance on board and everything instability drinks but then when they cut this Ronald a couple of seconds later all of a sudden that weight splashes into the back of the transom and it really upsets the apricot and everybody is really you know the boat is destabilized now when you have a bullet in flight at hypersonic velocity when you have a bullet in flight over the speed of sound is broken through the sound barrier when it's when it's taking off from the barrel it's already broken through the sound barrier and that's that that's that distinctive snap that you hear with high quality ammunition you hear that crack that is distinctive with a high with a high velocity 22 shell that distinctive crack when it breaks through the sound barrier that that means that it is traveling with a wake behind it just like that just like that boat is is dragging and dragging awake from the all the way from the nose of the bullet from the tail of the bullet and that is following it when when the bullet drops below the speed of sound whatever whatever speed that is that day with the humidity conditions and the you know the atmospherics the pressure and everything whatever the sea level is when that bullet suddenly slows down and breaks below the speed of sound the same thing that happens with the boat occurs with the boat the bullet is just as nothing that can be done about it the bullet is suddenly struck and swamped by its own wake so a bullet which is traveling with extreme accuracy up to maybe 50 or 60 maybe 75 yards depending on its depending on its shape and initial velocity it ultimately flows down sometime before 75 with a with a 22 and that wakes wants it and destabilise of it all manner of things can go along at that point some some ammunition will continue that it's a good if it's a good stable 40 grain bullet which is long been considered the most stable of all of bullet weights for the 22 long rifle if it's a if it's the long stable 40 grain bullet it will it will continue to to basically try to thwart that instability and it will arrive on target with pretty good accuracy out to maybe a hundred yards or so and with with with probably little indication that is key holding or anything like that if you examine the paper the bullets will usually be in a nice nice circular hole in the paper everything everything is pretty good it's a problem occurs especially with what's called hypersonic what they've classified at hypersonic ammunition you know angular Remington today they all have got CC idea well got the different versions of pedigree of hypersonic ammunition they were all classified as having usually lighter than standard bullet weights 32 grains 36 dreams things like that that you know one of the width is really two ways of increasing increasing velocity one is to increase the pressure in the barrel which is depth that's something that they don't have they don't have much latitude with a with a 22 a 22 has to stay within certain pressure limits otherwise it can it can destroy the gun auric and slap them on it autoloader can slap the bolt back so forcibly that it does damage to the gun so probably they don't have any latitude when it comes to exceeding pressure so they have to stay within pressure limits the other thing that they can do is maybe change the burning rate of the powder and so that it has a little bit more burn time down the barrel maybe maybe they can fuss around with some of the chemistry involved to increase its velocity but usually the way that they achieve hypersonic velocity is is a combination of some sort of chemical additive in the powder or burning rate but as you it always has to do with a lighter weight bullet lighter weight bullets you know can be achieved in two ways also you can you can achieve it either by cutting the lead off the bullet itself in other words reducing the weight of the bullet which reduces its length or in order to effect the same length you can change the alloy and so that it becomes lighter and easier to propel with less with less initial resistance and they do all all right all these different things are done in order to provide hyper velocity now here's the paradox involved with all this physics comes into play and nobody has much control over the faster the faster most hypersonic hypervelocity ammunition is driven with the 22 conversely the shortage typically that I found that the shorter the range on it I should say the shorter is accurate range and that's very easy to understand awful because shorter or lighter bullets either way whether they're shorter and lighter or whether long and later they don't have the same density and penetration through the air through the atmosphere and because they don't the atmosphere grabbed them and floated down that much quicker this is the same thing that occurs with this is the same thing that occurs with high velocity all v velocity ammunition whenever you change the bulb when you go to a lighter bullet weight you get higher initial velocity but you get less calorie downrange you don't have this you don't have a long or range that's why long 20 22 caliber 223 bullets have become popular with fast twist barrel because those long those long bullets with extreme high ballistic coefficient a capable penetrating downrange a lot longer even though the initial velocity is frequently several hundred feet per second slower coming out of the gate so what what occurs with when occurs with the 22 long rifle is the same exact thing you know when you you can come out of the gate real fast but at some point down range of pay for that because at some point that initial velocity is quickly shed and that that bullet will slow down very quickly where is the longer heavier bullet continues downrange less impeded by by drag and and curiously enough I've I've noticed that while inside that I've got some winchester power point I kind of keep these keep these special because I've got I've got just a little over one brick of them there they're very special to me that there were 40 brain they were 40 brain load but they're but they're loaded up I believe is 1245 feet per second my paperwork will be right here to stay but I believe is 1245 feet per second which is a good it's roughly 100 feet per second faster than most 22 long rifle ammo and that 40-grain bullet even a hollow-point so and that's that's another thing they've added two grains of boat weight they've used the standard they've used the standard bullet weight of a round nose leg bullet but still with the hollow point so if sacrifice nothing in it makes for a very it makes for much longer heavier bullet and even though the velocity doesn't sound anywhere near as sexy as some of the stuff that's just beating out at two maybe even three hundred feet per second faster when it gets down to 75 or 80 yarn - still cruising along very accurately and it still has it has plenty of punch more energy way out there then the lightweight bullets have even though their muzzle velocity and mobile and if you might be superior but you know things are not shot at the month and that's where try to some day talk about various various aspects of shooting but you know the world is fascinated by multiple ASSA t everybody just looks at muzzle velocity but they don't look at they don't look at the extended velocity and what a cartridge is doing downrange and that's where it counts because that's where that's where your target is so if you're if you're busy if you're busy buying you know 22 amo online or your local you know Bass Pro Shop or something like that or your local hardware store try to keep in mind what it is that you're trying to achieve hypersonic hypersonic ammunition can be a lot of fun to shoot because you know that does have a distinctive report it gets up there real fast and if you're shooting if you're shooting water you know if she's shooting plastic water bottles I mean they really they really are very impressive in the console op so you know even though you get a bigger splash on target you know you're paying for all this it's fun and I don't you know I like to do it to everybody enjoys enjoys splashing waterfalls and making uh making a mess of water balloons that's a great sport but hacker hypervelocity stuff I can tell you within within 15 or 20 yards where you're going to be shooting the average squirrel you make a absolute mess with the squirrel that's not dinner fair you're not going to be sitting down that night and enjoying that squirrel and the same thing with the same thing with cottontail rabbits are the hairs that we have up and these these price you know you want to have something as that's a little bit more sedate when it hits the target because the desktop that stuff doesn't require much money muzzle energy and much impact mostly it's a matter of hitting them and the Hamish standard hollow-point does a pretty nice job and not only that but you know most standard velocity I should say standard high velocity animation though that the normal high velocity 22 ammunition has got incredible incredible shock empower you know it hits hard at the typical ranges where small game is shot so when I say the typical ranges where it's the most small game is shun 40 50 yards or something you know occasionally maybe if I live in New England if you're living if you're living out west and you're shooting prairie dogs and stuff like that I'm talking to the wrong people anyway the creative probably you need that 17 Remington's and all that stuff to get out there those of those of fine cartridges but listen stay with the 22 a minute and understand them the philosophy behind you know watching watching the characteristics of the ammunition and don't just simply buy a box because it's got the highest velocity on the show you know buy it if you want and have fun with it but be mindful of what it does it when it's downrange is it's going to slow down a lot quicker you know lightly bullets basically come out of the barrel the brakes on they assume you to launch him from the barrel they accrue ting to a stop the velocity slowed down tremendously and whatever whatever even if they keep the same velocity up or even exceed the velocity of the heavier bullet when they get smacked in the tail end with that wake that collides that that sound wave that collides they upset a lot easier and more violently then the standard 40 grain of 38 grain bullet will so keep that stuff in mind and understand the difference between the different things in my experience and you know I've shot these things in all manner of guns in my experience the technology that was accomplished by the Jay Stevens company back in 1867 putting a 40 grain bullet into a long rifle case they had a right to be killed with you know they they had they had the numbers correct rate to begin with and and it seems like it seems like all efforts to to somehow improve on that end up being just a better mousetrap but it doesn't necessarily kick it kicks my keys any better if it's a it's a fascinating thing that sometimes sometimes did the knowledge that people had years ago before technology before computed before chronographs it was just it's fabulous that they could ever come up with that stuff and the the way 22:2 made figures significantly into how into how accurate they are now I've seen an awful lot of it it's I say it's urban legend did a lot of urban legends that go around and I'm always fighting them most of them are bogus here's another one that I find is widely bogus well it may be true that certain rifles prefer a certain ammunition over others there's a broad brush that's often you today see on the web that all rifles are rule into themselves and you have to test all ammunition before you know if they're accurate well that doesn't depth really not true that's that's it that's a gross misrepresentation and a gross exaggeration after an ammunition is accurate ammunition if you categorize all the most accurate and munition out there whether it's made bike lot for Ely you know Winchester Remington you take if you take all their different and I'm not saying that necessarily Remington and Lynch yet they have the ammunition which is equivalent to Lockwood and Ely but if you take if you take all the top crust 22 ammunition and test them together you're gonna find that they are all extremely good they are all extremely good then if you take all their their bottom draw stuff I don't know helium he's a lot more don't even make bottom draw stuff they make they make what they make Columbia munitions and things like that that is lower price but you know all this stuff is superior quality but if you make if you take if you take to the bottom of the totem pole stuff and one talking about that time about your typical box store stuff I got this I got this at Walley world back about them I don't know two years about three years ago during a drink during the great 22 Depression all I can say is that that stuff the fact that it's in the box means that the machine was running that's about you thing I can say about the stuff is big top boom bang boom hit every pie every time I pull the trigger it's a different sound coming out of it some of the some of the subsonic some of the Cypress onyx I was supersonic it just it's amazing I'm not even sure if I like to fire it in my gun because I'm not sure if it's that if it's made at cheerlessly and that haphazardly it means that some of it could be a little bit overcharged but that's not just because it's that's much because you know and I'm not trying to fault Remington this was this was made around a great 22 Depression a couple of years ago and you know they're filling a void you know the public was screaming for ammunition so they were running the machine to top speed and pouring out the ammunition without regard to quality control probably basically suspending all quality control except for just the safety quality control just to make sure that maybe they did was not over charges but it's characteristically when you buy it when you buy you know the bottom price ammunition it's going to be it's going to be very very inexpensive compared to the other stuff and it's also going to be very cheaply made and it's going to be horrible in terms of accuracy this stuff here it people will go so far as to maybe make a three and a half a four inch circle at 25 yards with three pretty middle but it's the it's the stuff that I can load the gun with take my Brittany out in the woods you know and I can I can he'd love to hear the gun shoot so if I'm if I'm just simply you know knocking pine cones off at a distance so he can go run off and then chase the pine cone him bring it back that's all that keeps me happy and that's what that stuff is or is good for shooting it clogged the dirt down the steam pit of something but if I want if I want to actually hit anything with it it's got to stuff to cowboy and they are not the only ones enough they're not the only ones in that game oh there's a lot of promotional there's a lot of promotional stuff out there you know this just the case of 22 is I go out again was during back during that period when camera was trying to find it's more of a collective anything collected item anything else has got some 22 winch up to 22 wildcat cam again you know be careful be careful of what's in the name it's wild all right it's wild all over the place it's very it's probably a little bit better than that the Nets remington junk but it's not a lot that it's then you have but don't don't discredit all bulk ammunition this stuff here happens to be just a terrific stuff i I buy this whenever I see it which is not all that often but this is this is the federal champion comes in a bulk pack and you know if you if you're buying it on a bulk pack you're basically providing them with savings over this type of box here these boxes have to be specially packed by machine which can stack them in a box that technol of to see that technology been around a year but you know it obviates that particular part of the production and can keep the price in the lower so even though federal makes a champion that comes in the individual 50 round boxes this stuff if you don't mind the fact that they're getting banging around and that they may not necessarily remain perfectly true in all respects because of their packaging method if you don't mind that it's good it's good value you know the very best the very best ammunition is always going to be packaged in order to preserve that accuracy so I got some y 4l all these are you know these are attacked in the same type of quartz that CCI have used in the past everything where they individually cradled like in it in a day crate so this stuff for girls their their accuracy when you're storing have you have these you have these tax right here this is this is the way CCI packs and a lot of companies pack this stuff with honey so but all that stuff is all kind of the game right now we still we're still emerging out of the 22 depression we're still we're still finding shortages of supplies and month in most stores most shelves so but but keep in mind if you're if you if you're buying if you're buying ammunition you know not all ammunition has to be a super target great super target great ammunition is generally bought by people when they're going into competition you know whether they're going into the biathlon or shootin in a small-bore competition of something like that then they'll spend then they'll spend the big bucks on a couple of boxes and you know they get new clothes and everything else and they appear before the public not to do it best but you know you don't have to feel as if you have to walk them by that stuff that shoots so accurately with almost guaranteed accuracy with every shot so then you you can drop down a few a few dollars per hundred and you get into a higher category the person who maybe shoots every Thursday night is something down the club and it basically just shoot Mickey Mouse max with their shooting practice matches that are not necessarily for they're not necessarily for the gold it open winning trophy just shooting against everybody else that night that's that I would say the medium rare stuff because the rare stuff at the top you get the medium rare now we're talking about the medium now the medium stuff is where I like to buy it's not the cheap oh it's this it's this stuff right here [Applause] you know the ammunition prices along with that 22 depression ammunition prices have doubled you know we're paying with painting again twice as much as we're paying four years ago for 2020 munition and there's less of it so naturally people are willing to pay for it just because it's there see there was there was some certain bargains out there but some extremely good ammunition I just you know this this stuff I probably shouldn't mention because everybody's gonna be buying it up but this particular stuff here wolf and it comes in it comes in two different grades because the match goal is the very best one I found as I found this stuff to be absolutely superb this will shoot along with Elite NX in most in most cases with most rifles the lubricates a standard velocity round and in the lubrication is somewhat greasy it's not it has a it has almost a sweet smell to it was just typical of European a man that's mean it's not me like the wolf stuff that's made in Russia for the centerfire cartridges made in Germany and it's tenants um but uses I believe it's better for recovery has that had distinctive smell but for whatever it is it's extremely it's extremely accurate and it runs about half the price you know you can get us through Sinclair usually in places like that but it usually runs about half the price of you know the high-grade Ely 10x or the lot for match great stuff and yet issues with extremely good accuracy I've had I've had some disappointments in recent years with domestic mate federal seem to maintain good quality control and on a case but on occasion I found that it's difficult to find decent remington and winchester stuff on the shovel because they they really only make their powerpoints tough the stupa rex and stuff like that that's always been good i've never found any problems with it whatsoever but much of their production seems to be centered now around you know producing just god and great blinking ammunition and I spoke about high velocity in munition you know the the supersonic stuff of both the speed of sound the second paradox I'm going to talk about is standard velocity ammunition standard velocity ammunition at 100 yards will generally be and I always I always put a caveat on everything because I say it generally it's not always the case don't write in and tell me well that's not a good situation but generally speaking the best standard velocity ammunition at 100 yards is more accurate than the best high velocity ammunition at 100 yards and that's because it never has to bounce down below it doesn't have to rumble through the shock wave it doesn't it doesn't get caught up in the rapid downrange so it basically in other words it's the sound wave of is arriving ahead of time and then the bullet comes in after it falls in after the second place and that's that's what keeps it accurate because it never it never encountered that instability in flight so if it starts out accurate if you've got ammunition that will cut pinwheels at 50 feet on an NRA 50 foot bullseye if you've got if you've got ammunition that will constantly pierce up the center of Seoul so we dollar every single in it I don't prefer you to do that please but send it to me but if you if you have a gun that had that kind of accuracy at 50 feet it's going to have that same kind of accuracy at 100 yards it's not going to it's not going to divert much you're going to have you're going to have minute of angle accuracy out of the 22 provided you don't have any wind or anything and and ammunition which starts if it's I philosophy ammunition it's difficult to find extremely high velocity you know it's hard to find high velocity ammunition that has exceptional accuracy you know if that's a 25 or 50 yards it has hunting great accuracy it has the type of accuracy which is more than sufficient it would be maybe two MOA it'll be now what's two in the way I've I've talked about this before one minute of angle em away is one inch per hundred yards down range so in a hundred yards you got one inch at 200 yeah I could get two inches and so forth and fifty yards 1 MOA is a half an inch so you know don't get confused with terms if if you have somebody at the bench beside you in shooting one each grouping he's shooting at a 22 target at 50 yards and he's saying shootin want to add more weight and correct them and tell on the trophy you get a two am awake on which is not bad any any 22 off-the-shelf that choose one age groups at 50 yards is a very fine very fine production gun so if you really want accuracy if you really want the best accuracy stay in the subsonic range so we're going to track that out I can bring up something else you know whether a cartridge stack of subsonic or supersonic in many cases has to do with barrel length there's a there certain there's a certain fact that most 22 handguns won't actually a you know fire high-velocity ammunition at supersonic speed but they won't usually I did all kinds of chronographic down my basement one day I chronograph I think was thirty different kinds of ammunition and I cron drafted out of my seven and a half inch Ruger US government model pistol and none of none of the none of the regular would you say not the hypersonic but none of the supersonic twelve hundred twelve fifty foot per second blows nothing came out at supersonic levels they all state below the speed of sound so Danny ammunition you know whether you will you by high-velocity ammunition or not when you fire muna and that's a long pistol so if you're firing if you're firing supersonic velocity ammunition pistol you can expect it it's not going to reach supersonic levels is going to be staying subsonic and that's why that's why a lot of people find that ammunition that shoots terribly as sixty yards would did with their rifle can shoot magnificently out of a handgun a good quality handgun because if staying below that it is team behind the shockwave the step talking now about like to talk a little bit about the rifles themselves and what we're trying to achieve no I don't want to offend anybody please that's not my intent I'm trying to improve I'm trying to improve the level of marksmanship in this country as much as I can by privates or my knowledge so that people at least understand what it is that we're trying to achieve what I'm trying to achieve my wife and I had the pleasure going to the Lillehammer Olympia in 1994 which seemed like yesterday was a long time ago now and we stood up in the freezing cold and got our got our feet frozen stiff standing out watching biathlon competitors from all around the world and I was very greatly saddened by the fact that the United States of America that has the it's the only government in the world guarantees in writing that you have the right to keep and bear arms and that one nation was not able to not able to bring up a biathlon team that was worthy of competing in the in the Olympic medals they finished you know we had some we had some wonderful competitors and and I and I applaud them for their efforts because they're you know to go and compete at that level is an extreme it's an extreme accomplishment it means that their world-class and I don't take that away from them but they you know we didn't have we didn't have a big team in order to be able to win those those competitions you know they're the countries that entered those competitions and won at the top at the top level were not the countries that guarantee anybody's right to a gun in most of those cases the gun is controlled by a government closet and the person has to go and shoot on government government certified training grounds and that's that's the limit to their freedom and yet those are the countries that provided the biggest number of competitors and the other ones that when these these medals consistently and it's it wasn't just in that particular Olympics and this is this is an unfortunate trend that has been going on lively since the 60s since the since 1968 one a lot of clamps were put down on us gun ownership but we need to do better than that there's I'm bringing this up because the culture that's the culture this that we're in right now is focused on quantity of fire you know everything everything is more more MORE you know everybody wants to have a 20 round magazine or 30 round magazine or their drum magazine it's just a matter of pouring out more ammunition and despite the fact that we're pouring out more ammunition we've got we've got nothing to show for it it's a there is a there is a direct relationship to this whole thing you know back when back when shooters went to when a kid went out with his 38 caliber musket with a bomb patch and he had to get dinner by shooting it out of a tree with one shot he was a careful shot he was a great shot you know that was it was not it's not about quantity it's about it's about learning to be a great economy of mind being able to understand that if each and every shot is something which stands for itself we saw this the biathlon is one of the greatest ways to see this in action you know the you've got you've got black circles out there and the person who gets done with this arduous country Trek with us with his cross-country skis over Hill and Dale he comes in panting like a dog and throwing his throwing his rifle wash ashore it's being carried between the shoulder-blades non-autonomous and he takes he takes that off and flips his flushes model guard down gets into position throw the magazine and this that's carried it takes them it takes him 30 or 40 seconds before he even in position to fire us for a shot and then he Powell pow pow he has to knock out every single one load of disks everyone that doesn't every one of them that doesn't turn white means that he has to take a lap around the penalty circle you know there you see there you see the results of whether the Deschutes capable of adhering to each and every shot with the same accuracy and the same fundamentals and keeping everything together and basically keeping this mind glued together for those with just those summer shots if it's very very distracting to watch where you know somebody has competed at that level and the one thing that they could you know maybe see that's the one game where you know you can you can make the other guy pay even though even though he may be faster than you on the course maybe maybe he came in 10 seconds or 20 seconds ahead of you to the to the firing line and he's and he's shooting before you do I he's maybe falling he's made me falling behind on his shooting and he's missed two or three targets while the the casual shooter who's got an economy of mind is able to shoot like that kid with the ball and musket and knock out every one of those targets and he continues on free the bird while the other guy doing three laps around the circle which takes him another five minutes so you know if you're well whatever your whatever your game is if if you're if you're not if you're not of that economy if you don't understand the economy of shooting that every single shot counts every shot you know to watch somebody who's shooting in a competition and he has he he's cut the center of the target out and the X ring is completely gone and then all of a sudden he lets go on the last shot and he blows an 8 while he just lost the competition and he's lost his trophy he's lost his chance to his transit glory and that because he didn't follow through and most soon as these days and not even capable that and I know this for a fact I'm not speaking out of school here when I go to the range or when I go to the sandpit would no matter where it is it at any range and I see the guys unpacking there and unpacking me of doubles and they take out all this stuff and all this stuff is usually about 10 pounds of ammunition and they just got spraying animation downrange at 15-yard target or 25-yard target was just standing there Julie it's a it's a it's a fluorescent you know walking dead figure or something and I just all I do is I pack up and leave I really couldn't care less about that stuff if if that's a game then turn the video off because you're not the person that I'm talking to I'm talking to the person who wants to be able to hit what he was aiming at at any range without without qualification and if you're the person whose gadget minded if you're the person who's who has got to own everything in the latest Cabela's shooting catalogue or the latest best pro shooting catalogue and have all the all the gadgets you know the the the window meters under calculator if if that's our game turn this video off too because you're not interested in what I'm talking about I'm talking to the shooter who has economy of mind that he can that he can buy whatever ammo is available in the store whether it's the whether it's the cheap drunk or whether it's the high-grade stuff whatever he can find he's going to make the best or she's going to make the best use of it and learn how to shoot even the junk even the junk ammo I should say this the stuff that's only capable of shooting you know two-inch groups at 25 yards you know that stuff that stuff in the right hands can make the other person who's shooting his super sexy quality ammunition it can make it can make him look terrible I want you know when I see a person who can shoot death that's something to behold I'll never forget there was a you know this was not a rifle situation but I'll never forget quite a number of years ago I think would probably about 40 years ago I went to a trapper had a skeet when I was a skeet range one night in a town nearby and they were having all of all the floodlights were on me having the night time they'll have a nighttime skeet and trap and I want to welcome you I wanted to go over to shoot skeet I was always a trap shooting but I never shot them let's keep that until then so but I wanted welcome to shoot skeet night yeah my I had my 12-gauge my 12-gauge gun and I had my ski choke screwed ends number one and I'm going around and there was a fellow who was shooting number five in the group and this guy had it was an old rusty beat-up single-shot 410 shotgun now he couldn't shoot the dolls you know he couldn't shoot the dolls but he never missed anything now he's shooting with a half a teaspoon of shot with with basically in lobster more shooting like with a rifle than with a shotgun and he cleaned him up one after another so he cleaned up 25 then he went around again he did another 25 he's shot 50 in a row and I know that he could have shot another 350 it didn't make any different the guy was uncanny with a gun you could shoot with his eyes closed so it's not you know anybody who was standing me up just looking or if you're taking a picture you know that poor pathetic guy you know you've got a bad gun you you know it's not the right it's not the right gauge for that board it's you know he's really handicapped and there's a crummy old gun well but they if to walk around with that guy and watch him shame everybody else basically shooting he could he could have been hitting loaded bird with the 22 as far as I'm concerned with that good but this is the type of economy of mind this is understanding that shooting is not about quantity I should say for me it isn't now for you if it is it is but that's not how we get to not that's not how we get to be competition the world-class competitions and that's not how we're going to win them so if you want to do that if you want to if you want to compete in world-class competitions I'm going to bring you back to some basics here and in the next series we're going to stink we're going to stay tuned on this topic in the next series I'm going to talk about the correct training method that we use for developing the greatest skill so stay tuned in part 2 and we'll be back god bless
Channel: undefined
Views: 119,950
Rating: 4.9106584 out of 5
Keywords: Long rifle, L.R., LR, learn, competition, biathalon, rifle, handgun, .22, 22, twenty-two
Id: 50aadkteBRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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