Introduction to React 2025

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for those of you joining who don't know me my name is lee robinson and i'm a developer a writer and the creator of react 2025 the course that we're going to be talking about today and really this stream is going to give an introduction to the course we're going to set up our project um set up fireplace and then deploy to vercell i'm going to kind of walk you through you know zero code to actually getting something out in the wild deployed and alias to the domain that i already bought so quickly i just want to give an overview of what the course is for those people who don't know react 2025 is a different approach to doing courses so in my last course mastering xjs i focused on showing kind of a breadth of different topics and what i really wanted to focus on with this course was showing a real world example building an actual sas product so not just something that looks like a sas product but no actually like shipping the product and trying to get users on as well too and i think that's the big difference plus i wanted to talk about and use kind of my vision for what the future of react applications will look like and kind of the paradigm shift that we have with the jam stack as we transition to you know sites that the output is static but how we get there is very dynamic and that's kind of the whole premise behind react 2025 just you know the way we currently do things in a lot of enterprise settings is really difficult and a lot of work and with this setup it makes life so much easier you can iterate faster you know focus on your product and i think that's one of the things i've been really pleased with with this technology stack and why i want to share it with more people so if you're interested if you like the stream today definitely check out the course we're going to be doing more live streams in the future uh as i kind of walk through deploying this application from you know xero to prod so that's the course now i want to talk about the product that we're going to build before we jump in and actually start doing the coding so you have an understanding of the problem that we're trying to solve so the problem we're trying to solve is as i was iterating on ideas for you know what i wanted to do for this course there was one that kind of stuck out that i really liked and that was adding comments is really difficult on static sites um they're just i haven't found a really good solution that accounts for everything that i would want so after thinking about it a lot i decided this was going to be the product for the course a really easy way to add comments or reviews or just any sort of user feedback to your static site and really what this comes down to is you know i run a blog i've been blogging for like six years and it's a really essential part of my life and of the internet and at one point back in the day i had comments with discus and discus had some privacy concerns uh it slowed down your page load it loaded a whole bunch of tracking and crap and stuff that nobody wanted so i definitely didn't want that but i still like the idea of people being able to contribute back to the article and give a little bit more feedback on some of my articles back in the day people would say hey this reminded me of you know another article or another topic here's a good resource much like a hacker news or reddit and kind of you know complement that discussion rather than just leaving crap but with that you also get people who can abuse comment systems or take advantage of it and i think that's why a lot of people stray away from this is they don't want to deal with the spam they don't want to deal with building this themselves especially if they're just deploying like a next js app or a gatsby app so they don't really want to mess with it but if there was a really easy sas solution that allowed you to just in one line of code no javascript add static comments to your site i think that would be a huge win and that's what i really want to explore with this course i want to build this product and actually launch it and see what happens so how does this actually work like how would you do it without any javascript at the bottom of your blog for example you would embed a link to this dynamic route of your page and what that's going to do is go fetch all of the comments or all of the feedback on your course or your blog and it's going to render out just a static html page and what we're going to talk about further along in the course is this idea of incremental static regeneration which actually periodically regenerates that static page in the background so what you get with that is a page that is never down there's no downtime and it's updated in the background and because it's static and because we're serving it through an iframe just an html route there's no javascript there's no embeds and it works for any framework and any language so it doesn't matter if you're doing next or gatsby if you're on javascript if you're doing vanilla html no framework like this can still work and that's one of the things that i really like about it and i don't i don't think something like this was really possible until we had the infrastructure with vercelle next and incremental static regeneration to allow us to really easily do this at a large scale and also on our side not incur that much cost because we're not pinging the server on every request to fetch all of that feedback so that's the product i'm pretty excited about it if you have any feedback or any ideas on it or suggestions please let me know send me an email leave something in the chat i kind of lay it out just an idea of what this database might look like and this will i'm sure this will probably change but the idea is to enforce um no spam people would log in with their social media accounts so github or twitter or facebook so you know you're putting a face to the name you're holding people accountable and on the back side um there will be moderation so that you can remove comments if people are spamming so you'll have a user obviously with some information about their account um and their plan we're going to tie into stripe later in the course you'll have a piece of feedback that you could even attach a rating to is kind of what i'm thinking which will be attached to a site and then a user could have many sites so what does this look like um i have been doing quite a few mockups in figma so i'm going to kind of just run you through this whole process of what this will look like here's kind of the tentative landing page i have very much based on the react 2025 landing page hopefully just a really easy way to sign in with github and give some of the value proposition here on you know what's wrong what needs to be changed some kind of quote and then some kind of pricing and then with an actual real demo down here at the bottom of comments that people have left on the website so this would be kind of like the public facing version of it but then i also want to have like links to pages where people can actually leave their feedback so for example this could be a link for leaving feedback on my blog and you could send this out leave a rating leave comments and people would log in and authenticate to to go through this flow so then on the back side on the user side this would be my dashboard you know i land here i have no sites so i click add my first site modal comes up enter in some information having like a fancy loading screen um and then it shows all the different sites that i want to get feedback on i can go in and edit these or if i click into them it shows all of the feedback you know which route they left it on and then at least what i'm thinking for now is that each one would have a status of either active it's just playing on my site pending i want to approve it or removed i flagged this because xyz so then also i'm thinking there could also be different kind of settings or styling options here so you know maybe i want to show ratings maybe i want to show time stamps i'm debating using the styled system style spec to allow people to just dump in whatever kind of style you know like theme ui theme into here to allow you to style these objects which i think would be really cool hey in the chat and uh yeah i think something like this should work pretty good you could delete feedback from here then as a user too you could go in and leave feedback on other people's sites as well so for those just joining i'm kind of giving an overview of the product right now that we'll build in the course um and then yeah this is kind of what it would look like maybe if it was embedded on my blog post so down at the bottom you'd have a link out to go lead feedback and then you know the feedback that you've approved would end up showing here and yeah just some logos and other miscellaneous junk here but that is kind of the high level overview of the product that we're going to be building and i think without further ado let's actually jump in and start coding some stuff i'm really excited um so i'm going to turn the music a little bit let me know if it's too loud um first things first uh we will be using chakra ui yes so chakra ui under the hood uses styled system and styled system is based off of this um it's like this it's called the style the theme spec i think style system theme spec yeah and this system ui theme specification its idea is that these themes then are interoperable between whether i'm using chakra or i'm using themeui or i'm using anything else you can kind of drag and drop and use this theme in multiple places so that you're not necessarily locked into one framework um the stack that we're going to be building with this will be next.js it will be firebase for authentication and database through firestore we'll deploy to versel and then for styling yeah we're going to use chalker ui which is styled system and it uses emotion for css and js so yeah big fan of style system big fan of chocolate ui um first things first typically like just because i'm old-fashioned i guess the way i usually start projects is i make a repo and then i clone it locally and then i start installing dependencies but you can actually do it all through the gui on purcell so i'm gonna try that for the first time because i never usually do it this way but if it's that easy i might as well so on my dashboard in vercelle i'm gonna start from a template and i want to do next.js and now this is linked to my personal github account so i'm going to name this fast feedback okay i'm not gonna make it private so you guys can go check it out if you want um so i will be live streaming the course as well as the project but they're kind of intertwined so part of the course is showing how you build a real product from start to finish so i'll go in depth on you know specific next js features like how you do data fetching but then i'll also actually tie that into real world examples of how that relates back to a real product what's up greetings um so fast feedback is the name let's actually deploy this it should also create a new repository on my personal github so firebase has actually got a great free tier that's the thing that i really like about this setup is that versel firebase both have really good free tiers so you can actually deploy this whole thing for free to get started which allows you to kind of figure out you know are people even going to use this um before you waste a lot of money on you know setting things up and i think that's really a huge thing having a you know a single platform like firebase that handles authentication as well as the database and yes the site will be statically served which is a huge huge feature of vercell but i think one thing i want to touch on too in this course is that you know just because we're outputting a static site doesn't mean that we can't have really dynamic data tens of thousands of pieces of feedback coming in because we still can um you can absolutely code along um we're going to be going at you know the same speed that i'm going at so if you want to code along open up versailles create an account we can kind of um work on this together i'll try not to go too fast and i'll try to answer any questions that people have as we go along so i made a new project on the versailles dashboard i picked a next js template and i'm actually really shocked that was super easy normally i just do it from the command line but it looks like it already deployed my application nice i already deployed my application with just kind of like the hello world next js template and my guess is that it already set up a new repository [Music] yep oh wow so it already made the new repository that was awesome yeah we will talk about reducing bundle size that's a really nice thing that i like about next.js is it has code splitting on a per route basis so if i'm loading like the index route right here it's only loading the code for that index route even though you know i could have 100 pages in my application and some of them could be more expensive than others in terms of loading time having that code splitting you know for free out of the box uh is really really nice because technically you can do this with react router or other you know homemade setups create react app gatsby but it's nice that it's just out of the box included with next.js so this is deployed one thing i did before we started here was i secured that domain name before somebody tried to pull a fast one on me so if we go to settings for this project and we go to domains you see it got deployed to one really awesome thing about mercel is that you can also buy domains through here which makes your life so easy like in the past buying domains and setting up dns was just terrible i hated doing it so the fact that i'm able to buy domains through here and like one click just charges my card uh sets up ssl sets up so you have https which is amazing and boom like you're just done so i already did this i already bought the domain but then if i go to my project settings i'm going to add this domain and that's it like it's already configured if i go to like we already have something in prod and like that took like five minutes which is incredible to me resell and next guest is such a powerful combo i really love how easy it is to go just from zero to production so now i want to actually clone this locally so we can start making some changes so let's grab this url usually it says copied i think um let me find a terminal okay i'm going to i think no okay we're going to clone this locally and i think from now i'll probably do all the terminal commands just inside of visual studio so let's open up that new project a kind i might have just seen that i have yes i do have a website for my cat i'm very proud of that it's literally just pictures of my cat oh no they're not loading i'm gonna have to fix that okay so i have the repo cloned locally now um let's actually install the dependencies and get it running locally so if i open up the terminal down here at the bottom i'm gonna pull this over a little bit we'll run yarn uh i prefer to use yarn over npm really you can use either at this point they're pretty close in terms of features i don't really want to mess with the whole yarn the new version of yarn and everything that comes with that but at least the legacy version of yarn i enjoy using um but yeah yarn or npm you'll be good either way so next thing i want to show is making a change locally and the workflow that you get through versailles which is um i think they call them deploy previews so i'm going to make some changes locally i'm going to validate that they look as expected then i'm going to make a pr on my repo and go click on a deploy preview and see a live snapshot of those changes that i can send to people send to people to review and really simplifies that if you know if you've worked in any like legacy applications or really enterprise-y where you have just a million steps to get something deployed it can be a little bit overwhelming so the fact that i can create a pr and get an immutable deployment that i can send to others and kind of view is really really nice um can't see the terminal very well because of your webcam that is a great point uh let me maybe i'll just move my webcam i think i can do that okay that should work i think let me know if that didn't work there's like a slight lag in the stream so i moved it over but i'm not sure if it actually went oh yeah i did okay there's like a there's like 15 second lag okay i can also make the text bigger in the terminal if that would help so we ran yarn we install our dependencies when we do kind of hello world for next it gives you some helpful scripts already in your package.json so dev will start up a dev server locally build will compile your application and then start will actually run that server in production mode locally so what we want to do is just run yarndev that's going to start up our server at localhost 3000 and it should look exactly the same as what's in prod right now it does awesome so we have it running locally let's make a change and i'm going to kind of go through that whole workflow through github so if we open up the index route says get started by editing pages.index um let's change this instead of saying welcome to next.js we're just going to say fast feedback and i hit save and because we're on next 9.4 or greater we have react fast refresh which is kind of the new and improved version of hot module reloading if you're familiar with that and honestly after working with this for i don't know i think a few weeks since it's been out at this point it is seriously life-changing like it makes it's so much faster to develop locally i mean just watch how fast that happens it's insane and it remembers the state of your application so if i had you know a model open with some data or i had you know form fields filled out that stuff wouldn't get um removed when the page refresh it wouldn't be like a hard refresh so react fast refresh amazing shout out to the next gs team for that and the react team um super super helpful so we changed fast feedback um we have a lock file now for yarn since we installed our dependencies and we have our changes on the index file so i'm going to [Music] create a new branch by the way that keyboard keyboard shortcut that i'm doing is command shift p in vs code and that allows you to just quickly run actions so i personally do a lot of my git commands directly through vs code just so i don't have like five terminals or five things up at one time so i'm going to create yeah we can totally increase the font size um i'll make this smaller over here that should help a lot um it's i think probably like six months ago vs code didn't have the support to do command plus or command minus for increasing so i'm really glad that that is natively built in um so i want to command shift p to pull up my git commands and i'm going to create a new branch and let's just call this update the headline sure so i made a new branch and i'm going to say hello world this is my commit i have it so it will automatically um stage all of the commits all the changes that i have so when i press command enter it's going to actually commit this hello world and then i do command shift p again to pull up my git commands and i push it to the origin so i have a branch update headline i push it to the origin let's go back to github and you'll see update headline i just pushed this branch so let's check out this we're going to make a pull request hello world here's the changes i made some formatting changes that i'll need to set up prettier to take care of for me and then the lock file pretty straightforward let's actually create this pull request and what you're seeing this comment is actually from vercell and what it does is it does a diff of the routes that changed and it shows you a summary with a screenshot i think it uses puppeteer or some sort of web scraping tool to go actually take a real screenshot of that image and it leaves a comment back on the pre or on the pr so that you can view a live preview of these changes so imagine that this app was way more complex than it is right now and i had you know copy changes or cms changes or you know things that somebody in upper management had requested you can say hey i made those changes here's an actual preview a live deployed version of those changes let's go here and if you see this url you get this immutable deployment specifically for this branch that will live and you can send to anybody and it kind of exposes those changes and that's kind of the beauty of this versailles workflow is that you can develop then you preview it on your pr and then if i decide this looks great i'm ready to ship this when i merge my pr it's actually going to ship it to production alias that to and here relatively shortly we should be able to see our changes live in production one thing i'm going to do really quick as a personal preference is set up um squash commits where's that at so i prefer if i have like 15 commits on a pr i prefer just to squash it down into one when i'm merging that pr into master this is just a personal preference of mine so i'm going to set up that and if i look at my notifications it's going to say that brazil told me that this was merged and it was deployed to the following urls so if i go to i'm going to go back boom we just made some changes locally really straightforward headline changes went through that kind of workflow of viewing a live preview of our changes and then actually getting it deployed to production so really happy with how fast that went um versailles makes that really simple the next thing i want to talk about um actually i'll pause a second if anybody has any questions about anything that we've covered so far i haven't really been checking the channel font size is up yeah i think we're good let me know if you have any more questions in the channel i'll do my best to answer the next thing i want to talk about is firebase and actually setting that up so we can do user authentication and store information to the database so the first thing that we need to do is head over to firebase if you don't have an account you're going to want to create an account and once you create an account we're going to create a new project so i'm going to click add project we'll just call this fast feedback demo don't need google analytics it's going to provision everything for us it's really crazy how you can go one click to having this whole instant setup that's it's using gcp under the hood google cloud platform with just a much more friendly user interface on top of it okay so our project is ready the next thing we want to do is add an app to get started so we're going to be doing a web app and we'll again just call this bass beatback demo or dev i don't know we'll just go demo will you use swr for fetching after the page has been loaded ecstatically absolutely yes so swr is great if you want to load data on the client side like a dashboard page and have it so if i navigate away i go to another browser tab or i'm you know i'm stale for a little bit we'll come back and we will update that data in the background and that's really really helpful because it manages kind of that whole life cycle for you so you don't have to worry about you know setting that cache or figuring how you update that cache it kind of abstracts that away a little bit so we're going to be building that dashboard this dashboard and we'll actually use swr to fetch the information about the feedback go here and then in the background if new feedback comes in this page will be updated so it's really really handy for that [Music] i'm gonna kill my server over here and install firebase because we're gonna need that first before we configure this and while that's installing uh the way i prefer to segment my code is i like to have folders like pages obviously which is the next js routes so every file inside of pages maps to an actual route that gets deployed so index and pages that's you know the home route if i did slash blog that would map to blog.js um the way i like to set up my projects is i usually have folders like utils for utilities uh lib short for library for kind of the logic or data fetching code styles usually for a theme or any other styling related helpers and then i usually have a components folder as well too anything that's shared across multiple files i try to abstract out to there so the first thing i want to do is i'm going to set up a library folder and i'm going to make a new file we'll just call it firebase.js firebase finished installing over here so we have firebase.js and here are the keys to initialize a connection to firebase on the client side is there any reason for using client-side rendering or server-side rendering when you can just use static site generation and veteran client-side that's a great question very shortly i'm gonna be sharing a blog post as well as more information that goes um really in depth on when should i do client's head rendering when should i do server-side rendering and kind of lays out kind of the best practices for each hi um but in general you're absolutely right like most of the time now with next static site generation functionality and then the incremental static regeneration which i'll touch on too more often than not you probably don't need to do server-side rendering and as that continues to get better with not only next.js and gatsby i think we're going to see more and more sites that are able to be served statically to users even though they have dynamic content so um coming back to firebase even though there's a bunch of stuff here there's really only three things that we need and that's the api key the domain and the project id so the way we're going to pass these values it's kind of loud the way we're going to pass these values to firebase to initialize it is through environment variables and nextgs just kind of changed how they're doing environment variables to align more with create rack create react app and how other applications traditionally handle environment variables and that's through the dot m file so you have a.m file.m.localfile for the things locally and also like m.production for your production environment so what we want to do is we're going to add our root create a new dot m dot local and this is going to be the environment variables that we want to pass when we're running locally using yarn dev so i mentioned there's three that we need the firebase api key the off domain and the project id so we want to expose these on the client side and this is one uh intricacy of nextgs environment variables we're going to prefix these with next underscore public and this keyword makes them available on the client side so they recently changed this just to make it very clear when things were being exposed so that it wasn't lost in translation and you weren't accidentally exposing some kind of server-side key on the client side when you don't want to so we have firebase api key off domain and project id so i'm going to copy these over okay so we have our environment variables locally we have our fire firebase library file now that we have these values i think we can go back to our console we're going to be doing authentication first so i'm going to pop over to here let's actually install this code so we're going to go um i could go through the firebase docs but one thing that i want to show is i already have a little bit of a code snippet set up here from another application that i wrote so what i want to do is just pull this top part so that we're not pulling in too much stuff at once because i don't want to overwhelm we're going to import firebase and we're going to import firebase off and then if we haven't already initialized the application then we want to do that so we don't want to initialize it multiple times and rather than importing a file and doing that inside of here we're going to do it through environment variables so let's do um trying to remember what these were just going to copy paste it uh api key process dot m dot whatever this was off domain project id that looks right to me and then we're going to export firebase so we import the modules we initialize the application with the keys that we got from our console and then we export firebase so that we can use in other places um one thing i want to quickly do is set up prettier prettier will auto format your files for you and i have it set up in the s code where files format on save and this this saves me a lot of work in the long run because i don't have to mess around with configuring things i can kind of just spam things in here copy paste and hit save and it just automatically works so i want to copy over um i want to copy over some settings i have from another file inside of here so we'll do a dot prettier rc.js and these are just the settings that i prefer this is the total personal preference thing but i'm going to add these settings which will change this slightly to use like single quotes again personal preference so we have firebase set up the next thing that we're going to want to do is actually start trying to do user authentication so i'm going to make a new file and we'll call it um off.js and i'm going to kind of go back to this example and copy this verbatim strip out some stuff and then i'll explain everything that we're doing here this is a prevent me from having to type a lot uh okay we don't need any of this okay so what we're doing here is we're gonna set up a custom hook and i've used this in a couple places which is why i like to just copy paste it and reuse it but it allows us to provide authentication through firebase to our application so the way this is configured right now from one of my other projects that i was showing was through email and password but we're actually going to want to change this to yes 100 i can link you to the code we just copied this is just another project that i have on my repo um it's doing email and password auth and i use this with this is actually from my last course mastering xjs and i use this with hazura to set up an email login so if you're interested definitely check that out but we kind of want to take this and modify it a little bit so that we can do through github so i'll just kind of run from the top down what we're looking at here we have a couple things we're importing from react we're going to set up react context and react context allows us to access shared state without having to pass things down through multiple levels of the component tree so imagine that you have 12 levels of components you don't want to have to pass through props all the way down and you know there's a variety of different ways that you can do state and react applications but react context makes it really easy then to just pull that state from anywhere in your application that you want so we're going to use context and on top of that we're going to make a custom react hook we're going to make a custom hook so that we can kind of encapsulate this functionality into a shared spot and then use that in multiple places in our application so this for example is going to be called use off we're going to use the context of auth so this provider that is making these values available to the children so at the top level i'll show this next but we're going to wrap our application with this provider so anything any child of that provider has access to this hook and it can hook into that state and then inside of this use provide off we get to actually define the functions that we want and then export them out so that you have things available right so we have a user id we have sign in we'll need like a sign out and maybe just those three to get started so going from the top let me pull up firebase off github i want to make sure i know what the function name is sign in with pop-up that might be what we want to do another thing that we need to do first is actually configure an application inside github that will allow us to do the authentication so let me quickly i have a note on this so if we go to github before we do any more code here i want to make sure that we have this application set up so that we can talk to it let's see we need to register our application okay so we want to make a new application let's just i can put a link to this doc inside the channel but we want to register a new application so that firebase can communicate with github so we'll just call this fast feedback demo um cool and then we're going to need a callback url if i go back over to authentication we want to set up a sign in method and the first one we're going to do is github eventually in the future we could do more here we can do facebook twitter but i'm going to start with just one so let's enable github and we have this callback url here that firebase will use to communicate with github get information about your user and then talk back so let's copy this go back over to github paste that in here and register application now obviously i'm going to change these after the live stream but for now we'll take this client id what do we got here go back to firebase paste that in take this secret put that inside of here and save this so now we have enabled github login through our firebase configuration and we have an application inside of github that is populated so that we can use this now we need to sign in with the sdk i'm just gonna move this over okay so after we get the user we want to put it in state so that we can access it later down the road but what we really need to change here is the method on how we're doing the sign in so let's say this is sign in with github instead and we want to export that down below so we return firebase but we need to previously we were importing it like this and we abstracted that out to a library so let's just get rid of that and we're going to need to import that so it should be able to automatically find that for me which it does import firebase from firebase so we don't need an email and password returned firebase um off and then i believe it was sign in with pop-up yep sign in with pop-up and then we need the provider so we'll do the github auth provider that looks right okay so we get a response and then we're going to set the user equal to the user that we get in the response okay that seems seems pretty straightforward sign out we also access off and we sign out which is going to clear that cookie out and then basically what this logic is doing is that if that state changes in your auth it will either update the user in your state or it will actually clear it out and just set it to false and this hook will run um when that state changes so let's see we could export the whole user i guess maybe instead of just the user id yeah let's do that sign in with github sign out this is looking good i think this is a good start the next thing we need to do is make this context available to our entire application so to do that um let me just pull up these docs we're going to do a custom application so this custom app file is a nexus specific file and it essentially wraps your application so that you can provide you know a shared layout or shared providers or shared logic so we can actually override the app by making a new file at pages underscore app.js we can under we can override how next does this by default and then provide any extra logic that we want so we can just take this code snippet put it inside of here we're not going to need to do any of this or any of this so we can get rid of that and right now it's it's not doing anything um but we want to make that available so let's go in here and i'm gonna take this cut it and we're going to import that provider of the auth that we just created inside of our library so import that i also have a vs code extension that auto closes tags for me which is really helpful so i can share my extensions in the channel after this but we want to provide off and then inside of that auth we want to render the component if i hit save it will be nice and magically format this for me which is good now our application has access to that off context wherever they're at so let's go back into index and actually utilize this off so we're running locally here let's just ditch let's ditch a bunch of this crap and then inside of here we'll just say um we'll put a div and we're gonna get the user and we'll just log it out and see what we get this is a functional component right now not returning anything so i need to change this too much styling so we want to off from use off pulls in that custom hook that we just created so now we have access to that hook and we need to access the sign in method from that hook so that we can actually invoke that login flow so to do that we're going to need a button and we'll just say sign in and then when you click on this button we want to call no problem see ya uh we want to call off and then sign in with github yeah let me make sure i spelled that right because it didn't look like it was giving me the autocomplete so this will prompt the sign in flow and then we should probably only try to access the user if it actually exists one way you could do this would just be like if off.user exists with tern aries but i actually prefer to use optional chaining which is a feature that's baked into nextgs which allows you to safely access nested properties so even if user doesn't exist like our application won't blow up that's a nice thing um what else do i need to do here let's run this locally oh man that formatted a lot of stuff let's rerun this locally so server started on 3000 it loaded our environment file from m.local so that's good that means that our keys are available um one thing we can also do is just make sure that firebase is getting initialized i'm going to keep this console open okay this is looking good yes that warning is okay so we have a sign in button with those new chrome default styles and we have no no information about our user i'm also going to throw a log in here so we can keep track of our user so right now the user's false because we're not logged in let's sign in i'm probably missing something here okay so this popped me over to firebase which then pops me over to github which is now asking to authenticate with my personal account um the only thing it's requesting is the email address which is good um so i want to authorize this fast feedback demo okay so we're making progress i think that worked i was just not very smart and i tried to log out an object which obviously doesn't work um so let's log out like the email because it looks yeah perfect we're logged in let's go uh if we look here we have a bunch of information about the user like display name email photo url this is another then another one that we're probably going to want uh because we want to display like a little account up in the top right so we'll probably want to save the photo url but i'm probably going to save that for another lesson as we set up chakra and we actually do some more fancy styling but pretty pumped that we got this set up and configured with firebase configured with github and we're available to sign in we might also want to now sign out that would probably be helpful and we probably only want to show this if there is a user so if there's a user sign out okay let's go over to our console and make sure that we see the new user that we just created so inside of our firebase authentication console we see my email address with the provider of github was created and we're able to see that come through so excited that that's working um and it looks like we signed out correctly as well too where's my little host yep so let me refresh the page i'm still signed out and if i sign in it shouldn't re-prompt me for authentication because i've already done that and then it shows my email address and we're able to sign out so that's awesome um we're coming up on an hour so i'm thinking i might start to cut this one and wrap it up so that we don't go too long i'm gonna try to keep these in kind of hour-long chunks in the interest of everyone's time um so if anyone has any questions about anything that we've seen so far throw them in the chat i think i've covered most things that i want to talk through at least for this for people who are joining who are maybe just saw my tweets or um maybe just stumbled on this through a youtube subscriber uh if you're interested in the course and you want to see more live streams uh feel free to just shoot me a dm on twitter and i can hook you up with a discount um we're probably going to do at least uh probably like four or five more of these i've started to write up some documentation on all the different things and yeah there's gonna be quite a few from setting up firebase and actually leaving that feedback doing the admin dashboards hooking up stripe doing some logging analytics testing and then actually launching this product it's going to be it's going to be quite the process but i'm really happy with getting an application out there deployed to prod getting firebase set up with github authentication actually logging in users so yeah i think with that being said that's probably going to wrap it up for today um i'll hang around for a minute if anyone has any questions in the chat i haven't had a chance to look at this cool all right well that's going gonna wrap it up thank you so much guys for um tuning in and checking out if you have any more questions feel free to shoot me a message on twitter or shoot me an email and i'll be happy to answer anything you have um quick question will you use firebase db or hazura like datrink i'm planning to use the firebase database so that everything is contained inside of one i really do like hazura but i think that unless you have very relational data you might not need to go that level of complexity for something like this at least for what i've scoped out for the application i should be able to accomplish everything i need from a database perspective through a nosql database i have a question about using contacts with nexjs absolutely um shoot it over can't wait me too i'm pumped i'll give adam a second here if he wants to talk about context but yeah the nice thing about context is um i've personally wrestled with redux before and a few other state providers and i like context because it's a little more bare metal it's you know provided by the react team so you have a guarantee that it's going to be continuously worked on and developed but with you know every good thing it comes straight off so one nice thing about redux is that there's a lot of performance optimizations built in that kind of do intelligent diffing to understand when should this component render um some of the other state libraries out there like mob x or the new one recoil that seems pretty cool do a good job of that as well too do we have access to that product overview page this page i can send the community members a link to this yep um it's very much work in progress so i don't want to share it publicly yet but this will let you kind of run through all the documentation that i have so far um i was working on a project and i had a layout wrapper and i put that into the app.js file but when i tried to add context like you did it wasn't working so i had to wrap each page individually uh i set it up like adam did in option three i'm not sure specifically what you're talking about but um you should be able to have context provided to any application if you put it at the app js level for example if i were to make another route inside of my file structure at pages blog i would be able to also access the use off hook that i created here because i've defined this provider at the app.js level but i'd be happy if you want to just send me a link over to that after this ends and i'll i'll be happy to take this offline and take it to twitter you can kind of deep dive and try to help you figure that out all right thanks so much guys i'm gonna end the stream really appreciate you guys tuning in again feel free to message me if you need anything thanks
Channel: Lee Robinson
Views: 54,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, nextjs, vercel, stripe
Id: MxR5I5_hOKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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