Introduction to Power Query & Power Pivot Data Model in Excel 2016 (Excel Magic Trick 1468)

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welcome to Excel magic trick number 1468 hey if you want to download this excel file or the zipped folder with the text files we're going to use so you can follow along click on the link below the video hey we got to talk about power query also known in Excel 2016 is getting transformed to see how to clean transform and import data for both pivot tables Excel pivot tables and power pivot the data model and the pivot tables we generate from the data model now this example comes straight from my Highline business 218 advanced Excel class and here's the thing I already filmed this video and these three examples but guess what in the last year Microsoft has completely changed the data ribbon tab now it's even stranger than that some versions of Excel 2016 still have a data ribbon tab like this and some other versions have a data ribbon tab like this so what I want to do is this is the newer version of the data ribbon tab and I want to film a video with the three examples using this ribbon tab now here's the difference between these two notice getting transformed that's power cream this is the older version where again and transform is on the right and then we have the old legacy get external data now we do not need get external data anymore so Microsoft got rid of it because everything we need is in power query so what they did is get and transform is on the left the existing connections that's connecting to some data source they've already connected to which used to be in get external data is now right here and get and transform data the connections group is now its own new group queries and connection so connections and refresh all are down and this and then there's the show queries button that's how we open up the task pane to show all of the queries we've made in power query that button is now combined down here with queries in connection all right so we're gonna use this ribbon tab we can see up here there is get and transform queries in connection now this video is an introduction to power query and power create is simply amazing there's three main things that it can do it can clean your data transform your data into a form that's exactly what you want most of the time it's into a proper data set and it can import data from almost any source now our examples one two three will cover exactly one two three the three amazing things that power query can do our first example will be clean data and create an Excel pivot table report the second example will take a cross tabulate a table and convert it into a proper data set and then the third example will take 1.2 million rows of data from different text files we will import it into a new feature called power pivot and power pivot is a new feature like power create but what power pivot does is it allows us to import millions of rows of data much more than we can hold in an excel sheet and then we'll create a power pivot report all right we're gonna go to the sheet peak you get in transform to see our first example now our first example is about cleaning data and then making a pivot table report this is going to be our end result now look what someone did someone created this data set and look at that product date and region are all in a single cell so we need to break it apart into one to three different columns this is called cleaning the data we need one two three four different columns in a proper data set and then we can make a pivot table report now anytime you have data in Excel if you want to get it up into power query we come up to get in transform and use the from table button but we have to convert our data into an Excel table before power query will even allow us to import it clean it and then create a proper data set with a single cell and our data set we go up to insert there's the table button or of course I'm going to use ctrl T there's the create table dialog box definitely we have headers click OK now we definitely need to come up to the new table tools design context-sensitive ribbons come over to properties and that is not a good name we got a name this now if we're creating a lot of tables there is a keyboard that will jump you up to exactly where the new name should go and the keyboard is alt JT a notice I'm highlighted so I can simply I called it start table description amount and enter now that we have converted it to a table and named it we can come up to the data ribbon tab getting transformed from table button now look at this this is a whole new window this is the power query editor window and it is amazing what we can do cleany transforming and importing data now over here that's the name of our table from Excel I want to give it a new name over here in power query so I'm going to highlight this and call this proper sales table and enter now it already created two steps and as we do any cleaning and transforming over here it will build a set of steps that we can look at or edit anytime we now step number two is changed type it added a text data type and here it added an integer data type now I don't want those data types because we're gonna transform this column and change the data types anyway so I'm gonna come over here and click the red X that is so cool now it has the icon for I don't know what data type you are it has the icon for text and integer together alright we need to clean this column so I click on description and I need to split and the characters that tell us where to split the characters between product date and region those are called a delimiter now in this class we're gonna see lots of different delimiter x' tab delimiter comma delimiter x' but look at what happened here we have three characters space forward slash space and we have them in two locations so we need to split this into three columns by the delimiter no problem with power Creek I click the column home there's a split button transform there's another split button both do exactly the same thing or we can right-click and come down to split column by delimiter when I click by delimiter it's going to ask us what the delimiter is and look at this I can come down to custom now if you've ever used the old feature in excel text to columns we were not allowed to have more than one character as our delimiter but no problem here space forward slash space now look at this we also have options of where to split it which we didn't have in our old text to columns we definitely want PLEASE split at each occurrence of the delimiter now I come over and click OK and that is simply magic we have split into three different columns notice also it added a data type and for data types you can click that icon and look at all the different data types the icon for text is ABC over here this description has the date icon so that's the data type we want ABC we want that one here but amount I actually want to change it from I don't know I'm gonna click the drop down to currency now we could see two different steps over here we're still going to need to rename these columns so I'm gonna simply double click the column header product and enter double click date and enter double click region and enter and I'm going to name this one too this is actually sales and enter we have our name we have our steps we can load our cleaned data now transformed into a proper data set by going to home actually I'm gonna double click backspace capital D and then enter now we go up to home close and we don't click up here on the close and lo we click the drop down and now we go to close and lo to I click that and since we're in the latest updated version of power query this is the import data dialog box if you're in that earlier version you'll actually see a larger white dialog box that says lo too but the same buttons are in both dialog boxes I'm gonna select table because I want to dump it back as a table later we'll learn about only created connection and later we'll learn about the data model that's a synonym for power pivot what we want to do is dump this on a new sheet so I'm gonna click OK and just like that we have our proper data set on a new sheet I'm gonna come down here and double click and call this PT one that's going to be our pivot table one now if we ever made a mistake while doing power query like we didn't name the columns correctly or something you can simply come over this is the queries in connection pane it'll list all of the power or query queries we have in this workbook that relates to data that's that button right there if we need it to edit we simply right click edit now we're gonna make our pivot table I'm gonna click in a single cell and to create a pivot table we go up to insert pivot table or we're gonna make so many pivot tables we're always going to use the keyboard alt + V now we want to put this on this existing sheet location I'm gonna try g1 click OK now we can close this query paint we can open it anytime we want now notice we have a D and as we saw in video number 3 and business - 18 class this is Excel 2016 and if we drag a date field down two rows instantly it groups that is so convenient if I come over here and expand there's the month there's the day now I'm going to unexpanded and I'm going to come over and drag date off now we have April and May in the row area we want to drag product down below months and then come over and use our plus to expand look at that so for each month we have a list of our products now let's drag sales down to values I would immediately come over and somewhere in the values area right click and point to number formatting number formatting will allow us to add number formatting to the actual sales field I'm going to select currency to is fine symbol is fine and click OK now let's drag region over to columns and look at that we have a cross tabulated table any intersecting cell is calculating the sum total based on three conditions the region is south the product is qua the month is April now something happened here that may not be happening in your version of Excel when I created the pivot table by default it showed the field names the earlier version of 2016 and then the earlier versions of Excel we always had to do an extra step to show the field names we always had to go up to design report layout and show in tabular or outlined in this particular version you're allowed to set a default setting for a pivot table and you would do that by file over to options over to data there it is make changes to default layout for pivot tables and it default and of course I chose show in tabular when I click OK click OK now here's the amazing thing we have April and May right this is a excel table created by a power query if I go back to the original data source which is PQ get in transform there's our source data let's scroll over this is so amazing I've added a bunch of records here this is just like if you're out there working and you get sent by email the latest records so I'm gonna highlight the first two or first two rows ctrl shift down arrow ctrl C to copy ctrl home to jump to cell a1 I'm gonna click in that one of the top cells and ctrl down out now I want to very carefully click exactly one row below and use ctrl V to paste now that was supposed to automatically incorporate this I'm not quite sure what's happening with my excel but no problem this is an Excel table I come up to table tools design over to properties where we named it and click resize table I'm gonna click in the first two cells there I see it I mean use ctrl shift down arrow control shift down I had to do it twice to incorporate all the data click ok now what's so beautiful about this even though we had to take a couple steps to update this is this is a table object if we go over to our C PT 1 and I'm actually going to show you I'm going to open up queries in connection there's our query now I need to refresh the pivot table which is connected to our excel table from Power Creek which is actually connected to the PowerPoint which is connected to the original table instead of refreshing each one individually I'm going to try by going up to data refresh all button now this doesn't always work but I'm gonna click it and hope it does I see it refreshing over there it definitely refreshed 481 rows when I click control down arrow I got them all right there or ctrl home it looks like that refresh all button didn't work I bet you that's a bug but now I'm going to come over to the pivot table right click refresh the two-step refresh method and instantly I have the latest records in my report so power Creek took that original data cleaned and transformed it we created a pivot table we added new downa back over here and just like that even though we had to do a two step refresh everything's updated power query is amazing now let's go look at our next example pq2 now this is a straight transform our data we need to go from and I'm going to just pull this task pane in we need to go from a cross tabulated table that means that number right there is four in a key Midwest I need to go from this crosstab into a proper data set that's just a picture so I could show you what our goal was it's no problem with power grid now we still need to convert this to an Excel table to get it into power so control-t enter all JTA I'm gonna rename this I called it start cross tab T for table and enter now I click in a single cell dad get in transform from table range here's the query editor there's our crosstab the name I'm going to change it I called it units because these are units proper data T for table and enter it added two steps I don't need this one at all so I'm gonna get rid of it it's okay if you leave it there too now I want you to notice something that this whole column is Eun a key so there's a yin a key for each one of the regions but also look at this East East is associated with each one of these products so for any intersecting cell I really need to create a record that has Midwest Aspen 74 Midwest bellend 47 Midwest carlota 57 that means three columns product region units now these are the ones that we need to unpin it notice this looks like a pivot table that we created and it's as if we need to unpin at this back into a proper data set that's why they call the feature on pivot now we could highlight all of these columns here and then use unfit these columns but it's much easier to select just the first column and we can go over to transform and there's our drop-down for on pivot columns and we have one pivot columns and other columns or you can simply right click and I want to point to please unpin it the other columns when I select that one to three columns there are all the East's all the products and the units now we want to double click a name each column this one region I'm gonna click the data type and go all the way down to text double click product and enter double click units and enter click the drop down and this one we want hole number after a while you start to get used to what the icons mean what data type they represent now if we look over here we have our name there are all of our steps and if you want to go back notice I can click on each one of these steps and see exactly what I did now our last step was changed type now I want to close and load to click the drop down to close and load - I'm going to load it as a table put it on this existing sheet click the collapse button I'm gonna click right over to the side there's the sheet name and p10 click the uncollapse click OK and just like that I have my proper data set now the reason that unfitting a crosstab table is so important is because once you have a proper data set you're allowed to use excels data analysis features like sort filter pivot tables and so on if our goal was to first sort by units then by product we can now do that because we have a proper data set I'm going to say sort largest to smallest then I'm gonna sort product a to z and just like that I have exactly what I want that's example 2 for power query transforming into a proper data set now let's go over to PQ 3 now we have two amazing goals in this example here the first is we'll use power query to import multiple text files with over a million rows of data and we'll transform those text files into a single table and then because we have too much data to put into the excel sheet we'll get to see powerpivot for the first time now powerpivot that's the name of the feature in excel that allows us to import millions of rows of data and here's the thing behind the scenes there's something called a data model now you can think of the data model using this picture here here's excel with all its sheets and power query is in excel and power query can load data to the data model now we already saw how power query can load data to an excel sheet but in this case it's going to load it to the data model now Excel has power pivot and power pivot does a bunch of things but what we're gonna use it for is it will be the window that shows us the tables that are stored in the data model now the data model is a super efficient database to hold big data now when we're in Excel power pivot window is going to be sitting there as one of our ribbon tabs but as soon as we load our data to the data model something magic happens a super efficient database actually opens behind the scenes now we're gonna call it the data model but there's lots of synonyms for this data model a columnar database X velocity engine all sorts of other names too but we're gonna simply call it the data model so as soon as we load data to the data model the super efficient database opens up and holds our big data and we can access all of the tables that we put in the data model through power pivot and we can make pivot table reports from those tables in the data model now I want to go look at the text files I'm going to go over to Windows Explorer one of the items you can download is this zip folder and when you unzip it this is what it looks like I'm going to double click there's a single text file for the year 2017 here but then there's this first folder and if I double click and open it it has data for the Year 2015 and 2016 now I'm going to double click one of these text files and open it to look at it now text files have been around for a long time it's how we get data from one system to another many databases and data storage systems cannot talk with each other they cannot send data back and forth so decades ago they invented a number of file formats that are actually text files that keep our columns of data that make up our table in a text file and we can export it for one system and import it to another so here we have D sales rep product and revenue now it doesn't look pretty when it's in the text file but it'll come out looking just like a proper data set so I'm gonna close this we have data for 2015 and 16 and the amazing thing is I'm gonna click the back button we're gonna tell power query to look at this folder and power query will import any file in that folder then the beauty of it is later when we get data from a later period or more data we simply put the file in there and when we refresh our pivot table and power query everything will update with the new data now I actually want to double click and open this we are smart we keep only text files in our folder but that doesn't always happen so I actually want to mistakenly put a new an excel file in here I'm gonna right click new down to Microsoft Excel worksheet and I'm going to name this data and enter I just want a file that's not supposed to be in here to be in here because power query makes it super easy to filter out any files that shouldn't be imported all right I'm going to click the back button and back again there's our two folders now we go back over to our Excel workbook now we're gonna import all that text data into the data model and we're gonna import a second table also here's our lookup table where we have to look up the managers that are in our text sales table and find the region so actually we'll have two tables in the data model and there'll be two tables in our pivot table field list and we'll be able to drag region from one table and sales from another table and our pivot table will work perfectly I'm gonna go back over to PQ 3 that's our end result we're trying to create a simple regional sales report but because the data is all over the place and our sales table doesn't have a region column we're gonna use power query and power pivot data model to make it all happen all right it doesn't matter which sheet we're on we're going up to data over to getting transform over to get data and they're all grayed out because I have this selected I'm going to click in a Cell get data now we have multiple files so we're going to use from file and we don't want just a single text file we want to point power query to from folder so I click on that it's going to ask us where that folder is we click the Browse button browse to wherever the first folder is if you click on the top one it will obey you it will import everything in that folder and in this one but we want to point to just first remember two text files in an excel file now I click OK now I click OK and this step may be different in the other version of Excel whichever version you're we are gonna click Edit so I'm going to click Edit now because we pointed power query to a folder of course it's gonna find all the files and import data about the files like the file name extension when it was accessed when it was modified and so on now the actual data files are over here I want to click not on the word binary but off to the side and the light green oh look there's a little preview off to the side a little preview off to the side that's not a file we want now here's the amazing thing we can come to the extension column and use our filtering skills that we learned in Excel to filter out any extensions that we don't want now something about power query that is not true about Excel or even power pivot power query is case-sensitive so if I use the filter and I choose dot txt all lowercase and later we get a text file that is uppercase dot txt power query wouldn't understand so here's what you do on a column like this we want to convert everything to lowercase now right here everything already is lowercase but we're building in a precaution for the future with the column selector we can go over to transform over to text column and format lowercase or we can simply right click down to transform and lowercase we didn't see anything happen but it's a precaution for the future now watches we can simply come and use our filtering skills I'm gonna uncheck dot xlsx and when I click OK that's filtered out so later when we have other types of files or more text files power cream will remember to only import case dot txt now all of these columns we don't need the only one we need is content so I click and now I right click please remove other columns all right now we're good to go I want to come and name this first I should have named this right off the bat this is going to be our final sales table final sales table and enter there's some steps already but we still have more steps now here's a big difference between the version we're using and the other version now there's even some in between versions but you got to be aware if we click this button right here it may just immediately combine all of the files into a proper data set if that's the case you'll have to watch video number three for Highline Excel 2016 class because I saw you I'll show you how to deal with that earlier version but we're in the later version even most of the versions are updated so watch what happens when I click this double downward pointing arrow when I click it the first thing that's going to do is ask what our delimiter is now because there's multiple files it's going to use the first file as an example file then it's gonna base its decision for combining and creating our table based on the first 200 rows we're sure that all of our text data is exactly the same so those two settings are fine our file origin is fine also you might have to change yours but we want to select the delimiter the delimiter is what separates the columns now we have a text file that is tab delimited that is a very common delimiter another very common one is comma now once we set our delimiter now we can click OK and when I click OK again it's going to do something much different than the very early versions of Excel 2016 and this is what's different there's a bunch of steps that it did for us if you don't see all these steps and it went straight to a table you are actually going to have some false records with field names from all of the files you tried to import now for us we only had two files so down below there would be one false record that listed date sales rep product and revenue the trick was in the earlier version you had to use filter and load more and then filter out the one record that said product but we don't have to worry about that anymore what it did was it looked at the sample file it actually built some code for us then it built a custom function that it can then invoke later for every single one of the text files in that folder now if we click down on final sales table there's the final result you can see over here it says invoke custom function remove other columns expand changed type now we sort of don't need to worry about all of that because it did it all for us it got date datatype text text and oops I don't want revenue to be integer now even though this did come with no pennies I want to change the data type to currency now when I change this to currency it's going to be polite it's saying hey do you want to replace the current or add a new step if I click add a new step it adds an extra step down here which we don't need replace current will actually change the code it created automatically and replace it with our currency so replace current now that's pretty amazing that is about 1.2 million rows that we took from text files and convert it into a proper data set now we very carefully want to come up close and low close and low - if you select that one there's too much data it will try for a second to put it into an excel sheet but then it will give you an error message so we have to click close and lo - and this is where we want not a table because that tries to dump it in the sheet we want only create a connection and I love this add this to the data model now here's a hot tip even if you only have 500,000 records or 250,000 records those would fit in an excel sheet but if you add it to the data model the file size is dramatically reduced alright only create a connection add this to the data model be sure to check that a few people in class today didn't check that and click OK you could see it over here the query is trying to import and go through all those 1.2 million records it looks like it totally worked 1.1 6 million rows loaded now I didn't load it into the sheet so we have to either go over to power pivot and click on manage data model or they also have in the data ribbon tab manage data model so I'm going to click this to go look at our imported data and here it is you could see down at the bottom it says we have one point about 1.2 million records now this is our power pivot window we're going to use it in this class just in this example to look at the two tables and then we're gonna see how to build a relationship between the two tables later in the class we'll see how to build some dacks formulas now this is a separate window that opens that is actually looking at that data model database now we want to jump back to the excel sheet you can use your mouse in the taskbar you could also use this button up here or simply use alt tab because we have one other table we need to import to import this table into the data model now we're not going to use power query for this we're just going to import it directly into power pivot data model now power pivot data model will not accept this excel data unless we convert it to an Excel table so I'm going to ctrl T and enter alt JT a I'm going to name this table manager a region and enter now we can go up to the power pivot ribbon tab and there's a huge button and this to the data model now you have to be sure and have your cursor inside the excel table and click Add to data model and look at that we have our second table now I want to go look at final sales table this table and we can move the columns but we don't need to notice it as sales rep but we need to add up all of the revenue based on the region well if we were in an Excel spreadsheet what would we do well we have sales rep but no region column what we would do looking over at the manager region column is this is a lookup table we'd actually use vlookup over here we'd look up the sales rep name we'd use this as our table and we'd add a helper column with vlookup well we do not need to do that when we're using the data model we get to use something called relationships now I want to go back over here this is a lookup table and like lookup tables when we're doing exact match there is a unique list of items in the first column that way when we build a relationship the final sales table over here we'll see the many side that means we're allowed to have the sales rep name repeated many times so Tomica poo many many many topeka pause because Tamika made many sales but if we had vlookup right it would look this up many many many times but because this is a lookup table and there's a unique list it would always find Tamika and always return southern Europe now we don't need to use vlookup we're going to use a relationship now this to us Excel people is called a lookup table sometimes you'll hear the term dimension table instead of lookup but to us Excel people this is a straight lookup table now we're in the home ribbon tab and the power pivot window over in the view group we're going to click on diagram view and here's our two tables there's our final sales table and here's our lookup table or dimension table now managers that's the unique list of sales rep and over here a sales rep now it doesn't matter that they have different names watch what we're going to do we're going to click and drag manager and drop it on top of sales rep instantly we have a one-to-many relationship remember the first column over here managers unique list that's exactly one of each but of course each manager can have many sales now if you remember back to the prerequisite class business 216 we saw this type of one-to-many relationship in Access but over here in power pivot it's going to be amazing we could simply drag manager to the pivot table and revenue and it will work perfectly now we're going to use this pivot table button in the power pivot window and it doesn't matter which view you are in data or diagram view I'm going to go ahead and click that pivot table button now it'll jump us back over to excel because we're gonna dump this data model pivot table on a new worksheet I'm gonna click OK I'm immediately gonna double click and call this I called it DM for data model and then PT two because this is the second pivot table on the sheet now let's close queries and connections and what's happening in the pivot table field list is we have lots of tables now it's showing you all the possible tables in this excel workbook and in the data model now the way you know that these tables are from the data model is because it has a black bar at the top that means they're from the data model now I'd like to move just these two tables over to the active pivot table field list area so I'm going to go back to all and I'm gonna right-click the first table and say show in active tab now I'm gonna go to manager right click show in active tab now I want to go over to active that is amazing now I'm gonna click and drag this over here just so we can get the full effect two different tables this is the first time we've done this I'm dragging the region down two rows region is from to manage a region table I'm dragging revenue down to values and look at that we are totally allowed to have a region column from one table and our revenue from another table and notice we didn't have to add number formatting it got that from our power query when we added currency to that column now we have one last thing we're gonna do we have the two year data we have a report and later we'll make much more elaborate reports this is just a simple report but now we have the latest data so we go back over to Windows Explorer double click to open that and I'm gonna click on 2017 and copy I'm gonna leave it out here double click first and ctrl V to paste now when we go back over and refresh it will not take the excel file but because these are lowercase dot txt everything will up take power query the data model and our pivot table let's go back over to excel now we want to refresh this but I want to go up to the data ribbon tab and click queries in connections by the way this button opens up our pain for queries in our case or connections in the earlier version this button was in getting transformed and said show queries I want to show that and I'm going to grab the title bar and drag this over I notice right here we have one point one six million rows but now we're gonna try and on the data ribbon tab to refresh all because we have to refresh power query the data model alt tab and the pivot table now this doesn't always work there's sometimes bugs in these new features that Microsoft adds but we're gonna try to click refresh all so we can avoid refreshing the query and the pivot table in two steps all right I'm going to try this I click refresh all look at that I can see it working over here we see our pivot table original total with two years of 36 billion and just like that it did update the refresh all worked our pivot table is updated and look at that the query is updated I could see 1.6 million rows if I go over the to the data model down here I can see sure enough 1.6 million records in that data model all tab now if the Refresh all button didn't work you simply have to come down here right click refresh and then do it a second time in the pivot table right click refresh now one other thing that happens sometimes I have a sheet all the way at the end that I want to go look at I'm gonna come over to the worksheet scroll arrows and right click to expose my list of all the sheets I'm going to scroll down at the barry and i want to click on unhandled air click okay all right I'm gonna lodge this over on the right by dragging it and we got to talk about this air that sometimes happens in PowerPivot unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application now yesterday in our lab at Highline College we had this error and Matt Allenton a power pivot expert has this amazing article that describes this error now the problem with this error is it can be caused by a bunch of different things one of which is when you import an Excel table into the data model now this article also describes a number of fixes but this is the one fix that should always work you have to disable the power pivot add-in close Excel turn off your PC and then turn on the computer open Excel and re-enable the power pivot adding now that's crazy that Microsoft would produce power pivot and have this error like this now as Matt Allenton says in this article why should we put up with all this trouble well because power pivot is so useful all right now back over to and I'm gonna click on the sheet P Q in this video we saw an amazing introduction to power query and power pivot we saw over here on P Q getting transform our first example with power query is we took some bad data and use power query to clean it then we dumped our cleaned proper data set on a new sheet and created this pivot table then in power query example number two we saw a to use power query to transform across tabulated table into a proper data set then in our third example and watch this I'm going to do it a different way I'm going to before I click on the right triangle I'm going to hold roll and click that jumps all the way to the end in our third example we actually started in Excel using power query to import text files that contained over a million rows of data we loaded that through power pivot into the data model the data model is the behind-the-scenes database that allows us to hold big data then we use PowerPivot to import an Excel table we built a relationship and the data model was complete two tables and a relationship and then what did we do we built a pivot table based on the data model and dumped it back in Excel and this was our pivot table which we then added new data to that folder refreshed everything power query the data model and our pivot table and everything updated alright that was a lot of fun with an introduction to power query and power pivot if you liked that video click that thumbs up leave a comment and be sure to subscribe because there's always lots more videos from Excel is fun all right we'll see you next video
Channel: ExcelIsFun
Views: 582,389
Rating: 4.9343066 out of 5
Keywords: Excel, Excel 2016, Highline College, Mike Girvin, excelisfun, Excel Magic Trick, Excel Data Model, Power Pivot Data Model, Power Query, Clean Data, Transform Data, Power Query Import Data, Import Text Files into Excel, Big Data in Excel, PivotTable, Clean Data Power Query, Introduction Power Query, Introduction Power Pivot, Busn 218 Class, Highline Spreadsheet Construction, What is Data Model, Relationships Replace VLOOKUP, Excel Data Analysis, Business Intelligence
Id: ohGFPF12Qwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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