Introduction to .NET MAUI

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>> Hello. Thank you, Scott. Thank you, Jamie. I'm back and we are going to talk even more about .NET MAUI. This is an intro talk. I'm going to show you how to get started and we're also going to do a bit of a deep dive into what was actually going on with that amazing podcast app that we showed in the keynote earlier. If you're joining us live, hopefully you'll join us for the keynote too. If you're joining us on the recorded version of this talk, I'll make sure I cover everything so you don't have to go back and watch it, but it was awesome. All my friends were there so you should check it out. Let's take a look at what came out yesterday with .NET MAUI Preview 10. My colleague David Ortinau, another Program Manager on the .NET MAUI team, wrote a wonderful blog highlighting all this stuff, but here it was condensed into a slide for you. The best way to use the latest and greatest .NET MAUI is with Visual Studio 17.1, which is the preview branch right now. Yesterday we shipped Visual Studio 2022, general availability and it's also shipping the preview version that came out yesterday. All of that's up there on the site. Grab preview 1 and that is where you're going to have the best experience with MAUI. I'm not going to spend too long on slides because I promised on Twitter I will get to as many questions as possible. Let's take a look at how all of this magic happens. We're going to start right here in the Visual Studio Installer. This is 17.1 Preview 1. I hope you can see it. I have my giant purple cursor from Scott because he also used this machine, that's been fun. If I click this mobile development with .NET workload, and if you're a Xamarin developer, this is the same workload you used before with Xamarin. You can see I have some optional components here, IntelliCode, Xamarin, and now in 17.1 I have the .NET MAUI preview checkbox. That's going to grab all the latest bits for you. Just check it off. There's no command line, anything. You don't have to do the workload install, you don't have to use MAUI check if you've heard of that tool, you can just go right forward in the IDE, it's very simple. Then that will install everything and that also installs all of the developmental tools you'll need to do your Android development and iOS and Mac and blah blah blah. I would also check off the universal Windows platform development box if I were you because that is how you get all the cool XAML, Hot Reload stuff. That's when you change your XAML and it reflects in the running app. With the dynamo workload, I still have my podcast up open. But before we look at that, let's go to the new project dialogue and if I could use those mouse, it would really help, "New project" and I'm going to search for MAUI. Nice. I have three templates I can choose from. The first one is just your standard old .NET MAUI app. It looks very, very similar to the website that Dan Roth showed, the min blazer site if you watched his talk, which was right before this. We also have a MAUI Blazer app. That includes the basic building blocks for pulling in Blazor and Razor code into your .NET MAUI App if you want to do the Hybrid app. Then we also have a class library template, which we're not going to look at too much today, but let's just build on a library with .NET 6 for .NET MAUI because of this. Then let's go take a bit of a deeper look at the podcast app we showed earlier. One of the greatest things about .NET MAUI is that everything's in this single project. I saw a lot of buzz on Twitter about how excited people are for in particular being able to use SVGs in your MAUI app. This is totally new if you're a Xamarin developer, you've always had to use PNGs or other types of images and make sure that they're all the right scales and resolutions for any possible device your users could be pulling out of their pockets to look at your app with. But with SVGs, it just scales for you. Then we also have a PNG in here. The good news is if you don't have SVG versions of things, you can still stick PNGs in. You can always go into your platform specific folders as well and create a resources folder here and in there add different images you might want with different scales and sizes. For example, if you're putting screenshots of your app in your app, the screenshot on iOS is going to look different than the screenshot on the Android. If you need to put those specific images in for just that platform, you can do that in the platform specific sub folders here. Something else that I didn't get to show this morning in this demo was that this is using all the great new C# features that you saw Mad stock about and Maria talk about. My personal favorite is global usings. This takes so many lines out of my project. Look at this. All the namespaces for the actual project folders, my models, and view models and all that stuff, plus the MAUI and the extensions namespaces, all that is just in this folder. If I look at my view model here, there's no usings and I just have the semicolon so nothing is indented. It's way easier to read and use and it's super clean, makes my life a lot easier when I'm demoing it and also when I'm writing it. That's good. That is the whip around of the code I actually showed. We looked at a couple of pages. We'll run this here and let's talk about the target selector. When you do the File New MAUI project, it's going to give you-all of the target frameworks we support by default. You're going to have .NET 6 Android, iOS, Mac Catalyst, and Windows as long as you have the one App SDK stuff that you need installed, and that'll all work perfectly. Do we have these little things here? Use MAUI and single project, which just lets the compiler know that this is a MAUI app using single project, so not to expect different platform heads. The great news is if you are upgrading your Xamarin Forms app to .NET MAUI, we are going to have upgrade assistant support. We've been working on it. We have some demos of it on the Internet somewhere, but it's not quite out yet. You can actually keep those expanded out app heads if you'd prefer. You don't have to use single project. We're not going to force you into anything, but it's pretty good, so I would suggest using it, but you don't have to. You can just set this to false and you'll be good to go. My target frameworks selector, it actually pulls from in here what I have in my project file to populate this list right here, my framework's list: Android, iOS, Mac Catalyst and Windows. Let's start with Windows again just like we did in the keynote and it gives me the right targets here for what I am trying to run this app on. We'll go over Windows machine, give it a second. It's going to load up. Boop, boop, boop. It's thinking, it's doing all the things. You can see that we still have a bunch of warnings in this app. The great news is that if you actually do want to get the code for this app, it will be out either later this week or early next week. We're open sourcing. It is all going to be on GitHub, it's just not there yet. So you'll be able to check it out and see exactly what we did in a little bit. This is the app and we have full XAML hot reload and .NET hot reload support here. I can click around, I can turn on dark mode, all the things. We'll go back actually. Right now the listen together component is hidden in my shell. I'll go to my page here, I'll go to my desktop shell and we'll talk about why I have two shells in a second. But we'll uncomment out this. See if I remember my hotkeys and we'll make sure that popped right up. Yeah, listen together right there. The component is not loading right now, that's okay. Oh, it did load. In the room that Dan and I were in and the keynote is still open, so that's good. That is just how easy it is to hot reload your XAML, literally adding and removing top level components from your navigation right there while the app's running. Then let's look at .NET hot reload. I'll go into the settings page and let's do the settings page view model. You saw me flip it to dark mode. Use dark mode, it's the best mode and it's just this little toggle that flips it off and on. But with .NET hot reload, I can actually test all the different changes I want to do, even if it's in my view model. Doesn't have to be in the code behind of a page, it doesn't have to be in an API or anything or in a service. It can be in my view model while the app is running. What I'm going to do is I'm actually going to comment this whole thing out. I can't even change it back to light mode if I wanted to because like I said, dark mode is the best. When I hit the little hot reload button, boop, boop, boop, let the magic happen, wait for that to pop back up, and it told the Windows app, hey, this toggle doesn't do anything anymore, and that's that. That is .NET hot reload, just that easy. I know you've seen it all over the place if you've been following along with the Visual Studio launch or the .NET course content from today. There is truly hot reload everywhere, it is amazing. Fire emoji is everywhere. It's so good. It works for MAUI, works for Windows, works for Android, all the things. Speaking of Android, let's talk a little bit more about what happened this morning with the Windows Subsystem for Linux or Android. Oh my goodness, the amount of times I've done that, it's all good. Like I said, with the installer, it's going to install everything you need for native Android development, including giving you these little buttons to open Android Device managers, SDK managers, log file, reading and all that stuff and of course the command prompt. This is the ADB command prompt. The Windows Subsystem for Android, you can install from the Microsoft Store. It's also going to give you this Amazon Appstore, which is how you can go in and download existing apps that you can run on your Windows machine from the Amazon Appstore. What I did was I installed this one, Flight Tracker 24. It's very simple, I like it a lot. This is actually a native Android app right now running on top of Windows. It looks just like a Windows App. It's almost difficult to tell the difference, but you can tell because it's using the Android styling for its buttons. Android by default, depending on the version, likes all caps buttons. Not my personal preference, but works great for them and it's a nice way to tell the difference between if I'm running a Windows or an Android app. I opened this and when I opened this app, it actually spun up the Windows subsystem for Android. I can go into the Settings app, make sure that developer mode right here is toggled on, and this is saying that devices on the same private network can come into this. That's great. I don't even have to be on this specific thing. I would recommend setting it to continuous just because that means if I close that flight tracker app accidentally, it's not going to close my Windows subsystem for Android altogether. Then you might have to refresh here, but overall you can just copy my IP address and then I'm just going to type ADB Connect, paste. I'm already connected. It's going to say already connected, awesome, everything works great. Then I can go change my target framework here back to Android, and it pops right up. Of course this is not my only option. I also could create an emulator, I could plug in an actual physical Android device, I could plug in my phone. You can still do all the different things that you did before, but especially for folks like me who are running on older machine, this machine is brand new and wonderful, so an emulator would run great. But my laptop at home or on the plane, not great for my emulators right now. This is perfect. I'll just hit "Play", give it a second, and it's going to spin right up. I mentioned this earlier and I'll mention it again, it is part of the Amazon Appstore, so you do not have Google Play Appstore API. If you're using something, an example, a lot of folks was using this specific Google Play Maps APIs, those things aren't going to work in the Windows Subsystem for Android, but you can still launch your app and play around with it, just those components aren't going to be able to hit the API. Which means this is still a pretty nifty way to get things started and test things out and to hot reload and all the things. I still have a lot of the same tooling I have on Windows here. I have my Live Visual Tree so I can do my XAML Hot Reload and investigate what's going on with my UI and go to different places. I have my live preview window still pops up. We don't just yet, in this particular release, have support for the Windows Subsystem for Android with live preview, but we will because it's awesome. It does work with Android emulators. If you're running an emulator, you can use Live Preview there. Let's talk about why I have two different shell files, those navigation description things. I have my desktop shell. But in here, my Android app, these are actually bottom tabs. On the Windows app and on the web app, they're both on the left, the discovery, subscriptions, listen, all that stuff is on the left, just like in a hamburger menu type of thing. But in here, their tabs on the bottom. I can see that in my Live Visual Tree on the side here. I'm going to click this to bring me to where this is defined, which is in my MobileShell file. Instead of, here I have ShellContent, that's all it is, which is that side. I have a FlyoutHeader and all that stuff, so it describes my always open flyout on the side. I have tabs, just a tab bar with tabs. It's the same icons, same title, and everything that I was using before. It's data binding to the same page and pages, but it's just a tab instead. That's a really nice way to give these custom experiences through your users depending on the platform they're on, if they're on desktop or mobile or iOS or Android or whatever. Let's do some C# hot reloading. Let's go fix that thing I commented out. Let me set myself back to different themes now. I'll uncomment this. Hit "Save". Go and find my Fire emoji, hit that, give it a second to think, everything lights back up, click on it, go to my Settings page, and now I should be able to turn off dark mode just like that. You can see I'm super productive. I am using the same tools and buttons and code and things that I use with a Windows app and with the Android app, and it makes it really easy for me to context switch and test my app on all the different platforms I might be deploying it onto. Like I said earlier, this is only half the magic. Before I flip over my Mac, I do want to show you that I can target, got to stop this, I can actually target iOS from Windows. I can see all the target platforms and frameworks here, but I can't deploy a Mac Catalyst app on my Windows device because it's not a Mac device. It can't run a Mac desktop app, which makes sense. That being said, there are some ways I can handle iOS. I'm going to click it. I don't have anything set up to demo, but I wanted to show you that there are three different options. There's remote devices, which means I could plug my iPhone into a MacBook, pair that Mac over the Internet, there's a little button, pair a Mac right here, does it all for you, as long as you're on the same network, and then debug it to my device plugged into that Mac. I could use a remote simulator, which is the same thing I'm paired to my Mac again over the Internet, then I have a remote simulator that pops up and shows me in Windows, even though it's actually running on my Mac, or you could do my favorite and the easiest thing which is we use something we call, used to be Xamarin Hot Restart and now it's just hot restart, more hot things, hot reload, hot restart. That is when I actually take my iPhone. I plug it right into this PC and I can deploy to it from Visual Studio. I don't need my Mac. It can go in my bag. I can close it. It doesn't need to be on the Internet, anything. The only requirements for that are that I have an Apple developer account and I have iTunes installed on the machine. It's all you need to do, so it can communicate with the iPhone. It will deploy it right in, and then I can have my iPhone right here and swipe around on it and edit my code, do my hot reloads all from Visual Studio for Windows. There's plenty of demos for that online, which is why I don't want to spend too much time talking about it today, but go check that out if that's something that you think you'd be interested in or if you don't have a Mac yet and you want to get that third platform out on Visual Studio for Windows. We're switching over to Mac. Boop, magic. You can tell this is my Mac because it has all the stickers, all my Xamagons, great stuff. I need some new .NET stickers, but we'll get there. There's a lot of amazing ones in the store. I saw Jamie and Scott talk about, so go check that out. Let's look at Visual Studio for Mac. We do not have MAUI support yet. It is currently in progress. It is something we are working on every day, but there is a new Visual Studio for Mac preview out and you can of course open a solution file in Visual Studio for Mac and use it as a text editor. Some things do work like I can see my targets here. I can see all the iOS simulators I deployed to. I can see my Mac. I can see the Android emulator I have created because a lot of that stuff is the same that you would've seen with Xamarin too. Those tools still exist. It's just a matter of wiring everything up correctly. This is the same solution. I've got my GlobalUsing too, I've got all my beautiful C# features. I've got my pages and blah, blah. Then one thing I wanted to mention is that there's a new git experience in Visual Studio for Mac, which is something we have heard so many requests for, and I'm really excited to be able to show it so you can see where I've made changes. I can stage all, I can make my command so I can pull and push over right in VS Mac. It's brand new. It's modeled very much after the Visual Studio for Windows experience, so it's hopefully familiar to you if you're switching between the two IDEs. There's a lot in Visual Studio for Mac. It's going to be running on .NET 6 soon. It's going to have native M1 support soon. It was completely rebuilt from the ground up with a fully native UI stack, so it's super snappy. It's got right-to-left tech support, it's got really just a modern and Mac-like look and feel while still staying true to what you want to see in a Visual Studio. I can see my View windows have actually been completely reorganized to look and be organized in the way that they are on Windows. Instead of trying to spend forever finding what window you're looking for, you can do that all in VS Mac. Let's run this again. What I did actually to build this before was I went and I built this components project from the command line, and then I built this app itself from the command line just using .NET build, and then I gave it the path. That's all I had to do. It builds it all for me. Command line is magic. I love it. Then I can start and stop it from inside of Visual Studio for Mac. If I want to make code changes and stuff, I am going to want to rebuild it from the command line right now, because VS Mac, we're still working on picking up the proper changes so that we can redeploy it. But yeah, boom, up and running. I can click around and interact. All the things you've seen this app 100 times now, so I'm not going to bore you with that. Then I can stop. I can go and I can switch my target. Because I have a library project right now, it's actually going to ask me to rebuild everything here and I'm not going to make you watch me rebuild this podcast app. But if you don't have a library connected, you can switch between targets in VS Mac and just debug on the different ones. That's a really quick way to get things working. Also, your XAML Hot Reload will work, so have fun with that. If it doesn't work, file a bug. As we always say, helper for a problems, our favorite place. Go on in there, let us know. That's really good to have. Your C# or your .NET hot reload hasn't come over to VS Mac yet, but that's another thing that is in progress. Like I said, this is a preview version of Visual Studio for Mac as well. It runs side-by-side with Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, so you can have both this and VS 2019 installed and it won't screw anything up. It's got its own little world to lives in. Don't worry too much about that. I would highly recommend trying it out. I have a little bit under 10 minutes left. I do want to give it a few minutes for questions, but before that, I would like to pop once more back over to my Windows so we can look at a few more slides. Let me open this, make sure this is the right stuff. Let's talk about how to get started. You can do, that website if you want to. But for MAUI, all you have to do is just download Visual Studio 2022 preview. Then that's the last link here. Then check off the .NET mailbox, checkoff UWP, so you've got those XAML Hot Reload development tools and everything else you need was just going to get installed for you. The other one thing I wanted to call out, I mentioned this earlier, I think, is that you should try out the upgraded system if you have .NET 5 or done a framework apps or anything that you want to bring over to .NET 5 or .NET 6. It is now stable, so go for it. We are going to be building .NET MAUI support into the upgrade assistant, and there is some basic functionality there. Let's try it out, let us know. We're going to publish more blogs and docs about testing out our branch of the upgrade assistant throughout the early new year, early 2022. Can't believe we're there. We'll have more info to come, but definitely get familiar with it with other apps you have that aren't XAML forms or dot net MAUI so that you can give us feedback on what you want to see there. That is it, I'm going to open it up to Scott and Jamie, and we'll see what questions rolled in. >> Let's take a look at the big board. >> So many. >> Reminders, you can go and tweet us at dotnetconf hashtag, dotnetconf. >> We'll answer your questions live. Patrick asks, can you show how you choose between the different shell pages, desktop versus mobile that you just showed in .NET MAUI? >> That is a great question. The cool things about MAUI is that you can do platform specifics anywhere. It really depends on your app. You can do it right in just the program, the MAUIprogram.cs if you want to. That's not where they did it in this app, this is where we just configure fonts and stuff. You can do it in the actual pages, themselves. I wonder if it's in, let's look at the mobile shells AML and see if they did it here. No. I actually don't know where in this code base we set it. But I know it's somewhere because we had to. Let's see. We'll give it a couple more tries. Maybe, probably not an helpers. Now, that make sense. Maybe in ViewModels, shell ViewModel. That's got to be it. Apps, sections, all of these things. This is where we set all the images if we want to, for the ViewModel. Yeah, there are a whole bunch of different ways. The nice thing is you can use if devs, if you want to, you can use is platform or device. platform and then use the Xamarin Essentials api, which is now the .NET 6 essentials. Not sure what we actually named that Essentials api for MAUI to find all the different ways. That's actually a good question. I will find it and tweet you because I should know where this is. >> No worries. It's live TV, it's all good. >> Can .NET MAUI have some background tests to run even if the app is closed? >> Yes, great question. We don't necessarily have that functionality built in, but all of the packages that exist, shiny is a really popular one if you've heard of it, to do background tasks with your existing Xamarin apps. All of those packages, we're going to bring up the .NET 6 and we're going to make sure the community has a really clear path to bring up your packages. Most of them will actually just work. It's if you have UI things that is going to make the difference, that you're going to need to bring some things over to MAUI. But for background tasks, I would be surprised if you just retargeted shiny and pulled it into your app. It should just work. It might just work. I don't know. We'll find out. >> Cool. Here's one from Joe. Can we use fluent UI web components within dynamo? >> Great question. Because you can use blazer within MAUI, you can use anything you want with blazer within MAUI. Yes, you can use those fluent UI web components. That's actually what we had in the podcast app. That blazer component that we put in the listen together page, that was all blazer codes. They could have chosen to use Fluid UI or anything else or silent however they want. It wouldn't affect the shell around it, the actual native app around it. It would just affect the blazer code. >> Cool. >> Who else we've got here? >> Is the upgrade assistant also used to migrate an existing Xamarin Forms app to .NET MAUI? Is there another tool or do we have to do it manually? >> Great question again. No, you do not have to do it manually. The upgrade assistant will have support for Xamarin Forms to MAUI. It does not currently. That is because MAUI isn't fully released yet. We're still changing things. It would be silly to build an upgrade assistant for something that isn't fully stable yet. But yes, you won't have to do it manually. The upgraded system is an amazing tool if you haven't tried it already. It does namespaces and it basically is like a really magical find and replace and then also try converts your project files to the latest .NET. It'll do some XAML updates for you. It's a great tool. Definitely check it out. We will have MAUI support. There might be some tweaks you have to do by hand after the upgrade assistant has run. But we're hoping it won't be too many. It's really going to depend on your app and your needs and how much custom code you have written. >> Very cool. >> It's coming. >> Patrick, wants to know if global usings that we've seen will work with or what's their relationship to XAML files? >> Good question. Global usings are a C-sharp feature. No, they do not work with XAML files right now, although I would love to see that. We should probably figure out how to do that. >> That sounds fun. >> It's always possible. What else we got here? >> Time for a few more questions. This is a long one. >> Here's a long complicated one. Does .NET MAUI have different outputs for each platform like Xamarin Forms or does produce one output for all platforms. For example, the output produces a AppDelegate for iOS or MainActivity for Android. What's hidden, what's not? >> We still will create the native projects platform archive package, whatever you want to call it, for whatever you want to target. You can publish in archive for release, which will give you an APK or an app bundle for Android, an IPA for iOS. Whatever the app x for Windows is and whatever it is for Mac as well. When it comes to things like your app delegate, your Info.plist, things that are very platform specific to give you permissions and things just for a certain platform, those still exist, those are in that platforms folder. Then you can expand it to iOS or Android or whatever. Do any tweaks you need to do there. Slowly but surely we're pulling as many attributes as possible up into the top level, up until the shared level. Some basic permissions we want to move into the single project. Things like your app, name and version are already up there in the single project. But there are still some things you have to do platform-specific and they're probably always will be because the platforms are so different and that's what makes them unique. >> Very cool. Well, thanks so much for your hard work appreciation to the team for working on extra credit. >> Thank you, Maddy.
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Id: HMYpAw2sl58
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Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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