Introduction to Modifiers and Compound Objects part 2 | Advanced Modifiers in Autodesk 3ds Max

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hey guys welcome back today we talk about compound objects and Seamore modifiers which will help us in making our model quickly so let's move to the modifiers first click on the line and first modifier is our late little basically usually 360 degree objects like the objects which are on each shape so just take a turtle first we'll make up plane we just move upward and backwards on the grid and we'll apply our reference so that we make at a perfect result bitmap PNG okay click on the shaded mode this shape of the grid so like if you need to just make a model of these shape particular shapes so by creating this with the default shapes or by editable poly more they will create a lot of problem or they will become more difficult so in this type of situation with 360-degree shapes like the shapes which are running which part wrong like these shapes are totally round so in these situations like modeling these several shapes of bottles or glass or any showcase jazz etc we just need to make the outline of this shape like you like I didn't show you once just click on this here by pressing shift you can get straight line by holding shift and just click the left mouse button you just need to follow the basic shapes and thing we then very easily there is nothing difficult in that you just need to follow the shape click click click and just on the great advance and just leave the shipping between pressed lightly when you're done with the shape okay so the third time here IRP tab is about 58.5 it just click on effect private not only private point in this just be sure the member I will that are while applying late on any shape you need to keep PI private pivot point plus anchor Celeste let's keep this pivot point to the center again click on effect path you will find only just click on the modify tab line lay it on it and you will see that you got a shape now we just need to correct the shapes just go to the line vertex and just crack your shape you just need to make a bit more round shape okay okay I just I just make this shape once again so that I'm human this kinda shape very clearly with round ideas click here click here click here look here apply late on it and you will see that we finally got those if you need any changes you know cap just click on the class mod plus more is for the options given in that object if you need to just do some changes you can just tell me on the vortex we get the changes like if you just need to make this course would just click right click and click on the Bezier corner it will give you to hand us where you can just add just the shape very easily without burning trickle in case if you are not able to get these handles or work properly just click on the scent of this pivot point and your handle will be working very clearly you just need to pick the values so you may get the perfect round shape because these are getting hard edges so we just click on the bezel corner tab just make a shape little bit curvy is giving very hard edges we don't need any hard edges just click on the B is a corner here and we'll start getting round shape we just place the vertex properly as per the reference and we get the perfect shape very easily so how let me show you how the lathe works just keep on the lathe and you can just decrease the value so you will hear see that the basic shape is here the line which we have modeled on the reference and as soon as you just start increasing the degree you've got 360 you get your complete round shape this is the lathe modifier this helps in creating the shapes like 360 degree shapes very easily like let me show you one more example let's just delete it like if you just need to model a bottle or a showpiece you just need to take care of the items we just need to observe the shapes and pick very lightly go to the modified type and then click on the vertex just add just the shape little bit visa corner and place the pivot point to the center doesn't matter if you place it here or here you just need to care about you need to place it in the center click on the fact given point once more click on the modify panel and just apply lead to so here you can see you just got around vessel very easily so this is the layout modify this helps in creating the necessary objects or ROM ships very easily from the next modifier is sweep sweep modifier is basically used when there is a particular shape throughout the path like if you have a shape of the bridge okay let's make it roughly if you have a shape of great like if it's going okay if you have a shape of bridge like if it's going something like that you just need to take care of the points like you to be the shade like with this shape of a bridge so if you want this shape throughout your path you just need to make the outer shape once and just piggyback vertices then just very easily then you need to make the path the path which you want this shape okay so let's make a part click lightly then just click on your lap part go to the modify panel apply sweep these are the default built in shapes give it here like bar select P Y you can just check out the shape and another option is use custom section custom section type so you just need to click on the pic and select your shape so here you can see that whole shape the outline which we have made the whole shape has gone throughout your pad so this modified helping when you are making a bridge or when you are making gear or these type of modern Beach Road Park can be easily made by the sweep modifier so these are the two modifiers which are very helpful so next now the compound objects gematria panel open object here are basically twelve items given but each and every item is not that much useful so let's start from the most useful things so just take a box and a square go to the compound objects click on this scatter so here's that object is like you just need to select your main object sorry you just need to select mean objective on the scatter and here is peak distribution object which table click on it and click on this scale so now this time it is not clearly visible for you so good without what if I panel I just clean it so here you can see that these two decades have just covered this sphere let's make it more easy more easy to understand you just create a box and a sphere now click on the object you want to scattered so just I want to scatter the sphere on this box so just click on share go to T compound objects click on scatter and pick distribution object and just click on the sphere so this time your ball just in Spain inserted just into our box shape for downward just dip ease the base scale value and start using duplicate so here you can see that your sphere had just covered the shape of pop so now you can just increase the number of duplicates you can just increase their size you can just read the different different values you can just click skip an area random face the long edges all what it says already is even here you can just become well you say that is option of box here - you can just turned 8 new seed this option is for generating like news pieces of the particular object like different different different each and every time just click on it you will get different type of species okay so this is the scatter object deleted now let's move to the blob that's option log bash and give you a big bash Lobby - and you can just apply it on your shape like if you want to just make this type of blobby blobby object on arc like just click on the arc and you want that it should apply on these shape he just need to go to the compound objects log - and you can just pick object so you can sorry yes you pick your objects just click on the pick and select it and now you will get the log of check all over there you can just play with the size it will birth I think we decide it will merge into a single object like we have got that particular shape these blobby shape onto the path you can apply these type of blobby shapes in any type of the path you need like if you just need to make the layout of a box rectangle square or and you just want that blobby these shapes will be little bit blobby you can just make a blob shape click on the path and just apply apply to it so it will cover the whole path with its blob shape okay so now next note to the boolean option option is like if you want to let like if there is a box and you want a certain hole in the center so you can just make a take a cylinder and if you want a perfect circle in between just placing between click on the box go to compound objects believe and pick operation B so here is s here you get that 12 circles between the box it is for just creating the hole in an object and this is for the greetings single in the object if you want to create multiple in the object you just need to take once again the box and we need to applies share on it but it was fair so that you can understand easily okay just copy that shape just copy copy copy select copy so now you want that these shapes must be believes in these shapes so just select the object move on to get shapes bling in and click on the compound objects click on the row bully and click on start picking and start clicking the shape you will start getting the particular hole in your so this is the work of probably an option he is similar to the pallino domain really gives you who will you believe the item in the why and problem give you choice for multiple bullets the next option is pro cutter cutter is similar to the billing option like if you just make a box and sphere and you just want again to leave this particular parts of the pops the part with space and occupying just need to click on the compound objects go to the pro cutter and click pitstop sorry just need to select the sphere the part you want to be ducked I just want to read up this sphere from this box so just click on the sphere no cutter and I just want to cut T shape from this shape just click on the picture object and click it here so the particular shape you want it will be just treated from the box so these are the optional come on object one more important option is low locally basically useful same as I explained you in the sweep modifier but the difference is when you apply texture on the sweep modifier the texture is like disturbed or not properly placed but if you just apply it on the love loft the taxi will automatically take the shape of the path like for example if I am just making the road let's do it like if I'm just making the road and I just want I'll just the shape of your leg with that and just click on the compound objects loft and here you get option of get path and get shape this time I have clicked on the gas shape so this time I need to click on the cat path and click here and you see that you start getting that shape you can leave or the modifier panel you can just check out the things in parameter shaped information etc so like you got the particular shape or if you want to just control that sort of that and do so if we want to just click here like click on the shape this time you can click on the loaf and so this is a path and you just click on the guide shape and click it here you will get the part of your word it's say now then you apply the texture on the loaf detection will automatically take the shape of the rule like the road here but if you apply it on the street modifier the texture will not take the shape of the car and the particular turns so the texture there is not properly placed so in making the shapes lack of Road and the pole bridges you can choose the options from ghost because it helps him placing the texture properly so these were the two modifiers which were left in the earlier tutorial these are the commonly used modified which helps us morning a lot these are the options of compound objects the compound objects have really a good do option of a loaf to believe these are very helpful and now just let's reset the Max once again and let's talk about the align option line option is basically used like you have a cylinder give the height and like you just there is an and you just need to apply this sphere on the top of the slender in between so you will just right here you will just keep it here you will manage try to do this these you can just properly align this fear on this cylinder so just select this shape object you want to collide and click OK all taste for a line as soon as you click all day you can see there is a different sign of alignment and click on that object you want to align on actually click the option you will get three options X Y Z as soon as you click on the third option it will go to the z-axis here are the option of object minimum Center minute center pivot to pivot my center Center you should be our weekly call center to centered and exercise that quickly properly place the sphere on the center of blender and click on ok so you will hear see that this sphere just went to the z-axis and now you can see that this fear is properly aligned to the center of cylinder you can see here also so this is the option of alignment alignment shortcut is called and now you should now we'll talk about the copy/paste option like if you just click on the shift can you move the object you will get three option while copying like copy so just copying the object now I tell you where you properly copy just for copying the object we if you want to just pick the value look this way you can if you just want to change something like that this is kind of thing but we have multiple sphere like there are there is a seal you have created 100 to 200 shades and if there is a particular case you want to do with the leg of a chair you can't change 100 you can you cannot make the changes in 100 of stairs in that particular scene so in this type of situation where the objects are common area are I need multiple numbers you can just click on the instance give number of option you want you will get a line and benefit of making your stance is you can select the main sphere and the thing you'd make change the main object that particular parameter is changing all of the 36 or 38 copies we have made that time so instance option is using that time and the third option references like we have modeled I think very properly and you have just you just need to show to some percent and you and you want that he must not make any change so you can just click here and click on the reference option that says option is like Butler object can be seen anything can be done got the main thing is that the object will not have the parameters like this fear is having the parameters but that reference object will not have the parameter so we generally there can be no changes can be done on that absence object gives this is the benefit of reference object they can no changes be done you can show your file to anybody client or any the person without hesitating so these were the these were the options of 3ds max play we have talked about late sweetie compound objects alignment and three options of deep copy reference and instance so you can just make a different type of models and we next tutorial will talk about the editable poly mode in - tutorial I will briefly axe I will completely explain you what editable poly more so and then we will make a good tutorial thank you
Channel: Sandeep Singh
Views: 13,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: introduction to modifiers and compound objects part 2, introduction to modifiers adn compound objects part 2, compound objects in 3ds max, 3ds max modifiers, Introduction to Compound Objects, compound objects in 3d max, Sandeep Singh, Modeling in 3ds max, Introduction to 3ds max modifiers, How to use compound objects in 3ds max
Id: kB75ifrZRzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
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