Introduction to metal working Home Workshop (Tour of Home Workshop)

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hi my name is wolf hessler i'm a retired engineer and i have recently moved into a new house and i've equipped a small metal working workshop in the basement of my house before we go downstairs and i'll show you around and and we'll go over the basic equipment that you all need to do this i'd like to uh set up a couple of little introductory comments um to enjoy any hobby you have to pursue it with a bit of determination and time and money but it's not excessive and the idea is to keep the cost down and keep the reward up i'm helping me with the videos my grandson ewan and a few other rules that i've set for myself really is they have to do with safety and organization and neatness if you want to take pride in what we do we've got to be able to have a pleasant surroundings we need to keep it organized we need to stay safe and we will need a few rules one of them is put tools away every minute we spend putting things away we'll save five minutes looking for them afterwards that's one rule i have accidents the multi the the factors even bigger if we can avoid accidents we make this can make this a lot more pleasant safe and enjoyable um also before we go downstairs uh we have i want to explain the fact that at this point i'm doing this entirely at my own expense we're not promoting any particular brand or manufacturer although you'll see manufacturers names on the equipment but that's just incidental we're not promoting any particular makeup equipment there's no other motive than to provide information for people that are interested in uh in in a metal working hobby uh also if you uh enjoy this and and like to see this video uh don't forget to um uh give us the thumbs up hit the uh hit the notification the bell and subscribe for future videos we plan to have certain um projects that we're going to do simple things based on the kind of skills that we expect our audience to have and to develop we'll go over that and we'll keep it nice and simple pleasant and enjoyable so let's see you downstairs we're downstairs now in the shop uh let's first talk about the space that i partitioned off here from the rest of the basement it's about an area here this portion is about 12 feet by 16 feet and then it goes another eight feet or so and it's about four five feet wide here there's some storage shelves i put in there uh and also we have this drawer type desk work desk that was made by my son-in-law and when i mentioned what i what i wanted in the way of drawers and the size and so on i mentioned that i could make my own drawer pulls so not thinking that they would actually take me up on it but it turned out they delivered it installed it without drawer pulls so i haven't made these myself with material that i had this is just half inch polished aluminum rod um and you'll see they're not all exactly the same because i scrunched whatever material i had this one here this little gold bar that's a that's a rug rod um it's a little more solid than a uh than a curtain rod um and that was just materials that i could buy on scale this was actually from a from the curt a steroid bought at a hardware store for 4.99 and the rod is about almost four feet long and i got four of them at 1.99 you can't go wrong if you had to go to a a metal distributor uh that would cost me easily over fifty dollars so it doesn't all have to cost money i also keep uh good relationships with machine shops in the area and i managed to get scraps take a shot over here you and there's some mild steel and aluminum bronze um materials to uh make parts with um so we have the the work desk with the drawers i have um also another movable on casters a work bench bought a canadian tire also with drawers but one thing it's on casters so that i can move it which is a good thing i can actually move it right out here but when you're when you're cutting or filing i'm working on the on the uh on the vise you get always some movement y'all you're familiar with it so i put i made some proper adjustable feet on this end only where the swivel casters are the other casters are not swivel and they're fine um so i have one here and also because there's a five inch sewer pipe running along the wall i had to stay five inches away from the from the wall so so i added a piece actually i added about six feet make it a little bit wider workbench and also gives me the opportunity to bring the other foot further out so i have more stability when i'm when i'm working on the bench so that turned out to be very handy the fact that that pipe was there and besides it also covered it up that actually forced the layout because it comes right around here before it goes to the outside so that means my my leg has to be also six inches from the wall which is fine that's what i wanted and i can also move it away when i have to get behind there but i'm working on it similar with the milling machine so here we have a little 12 by 28 lathe um it's uh it's it's about thirty thirty four hundred dollars um turned out to be really quite a um practical serious blade um much quite a departure from the little mini lays that you can buy now for under a thousand dollars i started off with that but that's another uh that's another story so i've used this already now for the last two or three months and it's it's exceeded my expectations although it does require some work for one thing we had to take it apart to get it down here because it weighs about 500 pounds and put it back together again then when i put we had a running but then some electronic problems showed up which was able which was resolved fairly quickly and i haven't really spent a lot of time in actually checking it out for squareness and accuracy because i've been very satisfied with the work that i've done on it already now i did do one thing in the last four weeks to get a little more torque out of the machine and we'll talk about that in another episode but that's why this special cover here um one thing that you need in the shop is you need to have good lighting you need to be able to see especially when you get my age so i install this little desk lamp i have two of them one over there workbench and i can swivel this around to also light up my the milling area here here we have a little milling machine also about weighs about 500 pounds we also had to take it apart it's been working fine doing a good job um you have to be some somewhat familiar with the machines to keep to to make them work and do what you want them to do but it's not difficult and the machines were quite uh easy to work with relative relatively easy to work with um and it cost about um uh 2600 i believe it was and then to cut things off and cut things for shapes i have a little band saw this is probably basically probably more useful woodworking but with a metal cutting blade you can cut also the metal aluminum bronze steel you you definitely need a means to cut things i also used to cut material to length or i'll bring it into length already cut i don't have a hacksaw i don't do any grinding here and i don't any welding here we're doing only machining this one cost was under a thousand dollars the in the corner here we have a a radial arm drill press it's got uh i think it's got nine different speeds because there's a center puller in the middle to change their it's quite extensive it takes it takes about 30 minutes to change the speeds but this was a very low cost princess auto special good capacity good lots of adjustments and if i want to use the full capacity of the of the throat i've got to move the bench out from the wall which is fine because it's on casters so i can do that um roughly the equipment in here uh is a little under ten thousand dollars and then you need to uh buy some tooling um as you go along and i buy it as i need it and also sometimes you you get lucky i i got to know a local machine shop for a while maybe we'll do an episode there he lent me or actually gave me a couple of i needed some more uh micrometers for different these are old ones that they didn't use replaced with newer ones so i actually i got that actually for free and a few other items but these are all fairly low cost there's nothing expensive in there though what you see in this drawer might cost maybe three four hundred dollars um in the future we're gonna go under a little more detail some of the projects i actually did uh how i go about doing it do a little bit of planning make some sketches um the emphasis will be on that we that i show you how i how i do this so and show you that you can do this too if you have the interest and the discipline uh to carry it through we'll try to have some action every every episode to show how the actual machine the machine's working and we'll sew some finished items and i'll add something this is basically an intro to the shop so everything that we have here is what you need to do we're doing in our videos to get started yeah we can do we can do most machining jobs if this if there's larger pieces with a lot of metal removal i go outside and get it done but i don't do any welding here i don't do any grinding i have a small tool grinder in the garage to keep things tidy and clean down here um don't forget um we're in a residential house uh we don't want to carry any dirt and chips up as upstairs i have a wife to keep happy too i always change my shoes before i go upstairs clean up every time that makes the one thing about cleaning uh if if i spend 15 minutes cleaning up the shop the first 10 minutes are there's not much enjoyment in it it gets more fun as you get to the as you get to the end and things start to clean up and start to look nice and shiny and i believe in keeping it that way and i think everybody gets more enjoyment out of it so see you next episode
Channel: Wolf's Workshop!
Views: 11,073
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Id: siYgp_az8cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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