Introduction to LayOut - Let's Talk Layout

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hey guys it's hurtin a lot of you been asking for a series on layout and I haven't got right to it and I'll be honest with you why I wanted to make sure that we could set it up in a way that would be useful to people just coming by and watching series videos don't do very well where one has to do we have to watch part 1 then part 2 then part 3 where they build on each other because it's hard sometimes you get eight parts in it's hard to go back and watch all eight so people are less excited so I wanted to be smart about this and kind of break it down into bite-sized pieces that could stand on their own so with that we're gonna start this series of let's talk lay out where to start today by looking at the user interface and see how layout is laid out yeah that's a good one and how we could begin using it so let's do that right now okay so here I am inside of layout so obviously the main part of the screen is taken up by this page I started a document well actually maybe the next one will be how to create a document from scratch but we're just going to take a look at this existing document right now so this is my page so here I have this part that I can't I'm in select I can't pick it this is actually my page this moves around on here just like it does in Sketchup if I roll up and down on my middle mouse I'll zoom in and out if I click and hold the middle mouse button the scroll wheel I can actually pan so if I'm in here real far I can click this is not moving something this is actually panning my whole page just like in Sketchup Sketchup you orbit obviously but in layout we're in 2d so we're not going to orbit so much as just pan I do have scroll bars on the side too so I could actually use those to move in and out as well as in the lower right corner let's zoom so if I want to see what 100% zoom looks like I can click that and there we go all right so let's talk a little more about that page so you can see I have what looks like a letter size page it actually is letter size and I have some grid on there this can be picked from a template when you first start again likes it next video will be starting a new drawing but once you're in here you can actually make changes to that if I come up here to file and I hit document setup I can change the information about this page so let's look at a couple things here let me look at the grid first so a lot of people get hung up on this grid seeing it using it setting it up that sort of thing it's really pretty simple here under grid I can toggle show the grid on and off I have the option of using lines or points I can also set up a major or minor grid so right here I have a major grid of one inch so this is 11 boxes by eight-and-a-half boxes because a 1/2 by 11 and I have each of those grid pieces broken down into four so each of those four inside that so actually you can't see a full grid you see a half of one in here but that's the cs4 4x4 I have the options to to print the grid clip the grid to the page margins so that's these white spaces around here are the margins or grout draw the grid on top which will actually place it over top of my drawing so it is one of the things that happens is once I get a drawing on there I can't see that grid if that's an issue for you can draw it on top there are things want to look at in here will come into here throughout the series but I want to look at paper this is pretty simple but some people have struggled with finding where this is this is my paper size so mine is 8 and a half by 11 which a standard letter paper in the US there are templates for a4 a3 and there's a whole bunch of them I also have the ability to set my margins like I said that's this white space so right now I have a half-inch around the whole thing but I can actually change that if I want to that's indicated by this little light blue line so you saw when I turned my grid off I still got this line that's my margin line these lines whether they be grid or they're margin lines don't actually come out in the print unless you tell it to do that so if I do want to print my margin lines I can turn that on on the print otherwise they stay off all right so here's probably the most important thing in these these page setups is rendering resolution how is this going to render the page to the screen and how is it going to run on a page to the printer that's my own terminology display resolution I'm going to set that to low low is going to give me the quickest render on the screen whereas my output resolution I'm going to set to high this is going to give me the highest output whether I do a digital output or to printer it's going to give me the best resolution for output so you do want to make sure I believe when this first installs they're both set to medium you want to come in here set it to low and high the final thing is units so this is the units I want to use in here fractional or decimal inches feet meet Melanie or you can see you can recall those things so I'm going to keep mine to fractional inches and set to maybe sixteenth of an inch this is this is page scale this is not in scale of the drawing all right let's go ahead and close that all right so continuing our walk through at the top I have my toolbar these are all of the tools that we will use inside of layout so here I have a drawing tool arc tool some shape tools an offset tool text label dimensions table and then we have some options for editing these which is our well eraser but then we can have a style picker split enjoying well we'll go into these in a further piece right now I just want to kind of finish this walkthrough we have some other buttons here at the top the first one right here is my presentation mode where I can actually go through and use layout kind of like a slideshow and go through the pages and then my page control buttons add a new page and flip between pages so left and right and go between two different pages the bulk of what we use inside layout is in our toolbars right here so I'm going to do a super high level buzz through these the first one is my Sketchup model this is all the information about this viewport right here which is a Sketchup viewport this is different from text or drawing a shape anything like that this has a whole lot of data in here you can see in here we have all kinds of options here about what is being shown what the cameras like there's fax shadow or fog what style is being used which tags are showing all of that is controlled in the viewport inside here so we could actually price spent an entire time just on this one but not right now I'm gonna go ahead and close that look at a couple other pieces one is layers so in layers we have a bunch of different layers I can actually create multiple layers and they are actually layers so on every page right here if I toggle that on and off well we see that text disappears that's on the on every page layer and it's on top of our default which is where the drawing of the chair is if I was to take that and drag it underneath default look what happens it disappears because this layer has white there and it's covering up that text so layers do work like layers were one lays on top of another and it can in here I can lock and turn on on off layers I have some options for dimensions again once we get in some dimensions here and see this will actually let us change how our dimensions look on the screen there's an option here for scale drawing which is something that's what two versions back now which is actually let me go in and draw at scale in layout I have my pattern fill so if I do have shapes I can go in and put patterns so if I want to do feel like rock or insulation inside of a model I can do that and then scrapbooks scrapbooks are awesome this is pre created geometry that I can just drag in and drop right on to a model or I'm sorry into a window I can show it on my drawing screen they're awesome these are huge time savers will dig deep into scrapbooks and see how what great time savers they are for you two pages left or two panels left we have shape and style when something is selected anything is selected I can change how it's displayed using shape style so this in the case of a drawing like this it's that stroke or on the outside this line this black line if I want to turn it off we can just toggle stroke off it disappears back on change the color if I wanted to everything is controlled from this shape and style and finally pages so we saw before we have two different pages here and click through those two pages this is the UI that's going to let me go through the pages so if I don't want to use just these two buttons at the at the top to go through a bunch of pages I can actually do it here too but this is also an let me add new pages or duplicate pages to create my layout drawing okay so like I said that was basically intended to be an overview and that's really all I wanted to do is just show you where the things are that's going to be important to get into that before you have to actually start creating a document you have to know where the tools are before you can use them so next time we'll come in and we'll actually start working like I said maybe the next thing we'll do is creating a new document in layout if you like that go ahead and click like down below that one way I know that this is a series that we should be doing and you guys want to see more so click like if you haven't already go ahead and subscribe we create a couple videos a week skillbuilders this series some live models and you'll be notified of those if you subscribe to us most importantly though please leave us a comment this whole series is only being created because people left in the comments notes that they would like to see more layout in our videos we like making these videos a lot but we like it even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 24,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, LayOut, 2D, Output, Paper, Introduction
Id: qKuYNBN4zbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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