Introduction To Hydrangeas | Arts Nursery

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hi my name is Rebecca and today we're at arts nursery and I'm gonna introduce you to hydrangeas hydrangeas are a very popular flowering plant they are perfect for the shade and they generally are a multi stem shrub or they can also be trained as a tree they are very versatile plant for the landscape or you can grow them in patio pots hydrangeas are deciduous shrubs which simply means they drop their leaves in the fall in the winter and regrow them in the spring and summer the leaves are green although there are some unusual varieties that have interesting texture or color and some new varieties that have great color to the stems although the foliage is attractive the main reason by far people grow hydrangeas is for their big beautiful flowers they give great color to a shade garden and they start blooming in late spring through summer and they're versatile they're easy to grow and you can even use them as cut flowers there are different types of hydrangea flowers there's panicles and corns panicles are long cone-shaped flowers and the corms come in two groups one is Hortensia 'z which are most commonly known as mop heads they're the big ball type that everybody loved and then there's a flatter type which are called the lace caps hydrangeas come in a range of different colors from the traditional blue to the attention-getting pink and all the range in between there are also cream and white flowering varieties one of the secrets hydrangea growers know is that you can change the color of your hydrangea this applies to the blue and the pink varieties and is based on your soil PH and the chemistry of your soil we are going to cover how to do that in a separate video on how to change your hydrangea color the white and the cream varieties do not change color although their flowers fade to a different color generally dusty pink so there are different colors of hydrangeas and there are different shapes of blooms so it's safe to say that there are different types of hydrangeas as well we're gonna explore six different types that are commonly found in garden centers like ours hydrangea macrophylla is probably the most popular variety Rafaela means big leaf in Latin and that's exactly what they have big green leaves with serrated edges and then they're accented by these great flowers which are either mophead varieties or the lace cap which are flatter hydrangea serrata is known as the mountain hydrangea and it's not as commonly known as the macro phyla large leaf varieties but they're known more for their winter hardy tolerance and they typically have the blue and pink lace cap flowers for most hydrangeas the flowers are the star of the show however for the oak leaf hydrangea or hydrangea Korca folia I'm not too sure although they have beautiful white panicle flowers in the fall their leaf which is shaped like an oak leaf turns a riot of color of yellow orange red and brown this is a fantastic extra feature for this plant group because it extends the season of interest hydrangea paniculata or panicle hydrangeas are great in the garden you can grow them as a multi stem shrub or you can train them at a young age to be a tree or buy it trained already like that they are beautiful they have fabulous fall color as well and their flowers are a panicle type that is white or a creamy white and as the flower ages it turns to a dusty antique pink hydrangea arborescens or smooth hydrangea is a hydrangea with a thinner light green leaf and has a more open habit they are known for their jumbo large flowers that are greenish white when they first open and they mature into more of a creamy white they look fantastic in the woodland garden hydrangea animala petiole Eris is the climbing hydrangea this hydrangea can grow vertically in your garden so it'll attach itself to trees to walls to trellises and it attaches itself using reutlitz or aerial roots that will reach out from the stems and cling to whatever it's climbing on the stems are interesting because you can see its shaggy kind of reddish-brown peeling bark which adds a nice interest to the plant but of course the flowers steal the show and they bloom early to mid summer and are a beautiful white creamy lace cap flower in recent years the hydrangea breeders have been creating some really exciting varieties these are called the reblooming hydrangeas and there's many on the market now the most well known one is endless summer but there's also bloom struck twist and shout the proven winner lines the city line Venice Berlin Mars all of these are fantastic the reason being is traditionally hydrangea macrophylla s' would bloom only off the previous year's growth also known as the old wood now these reblooming varieties will not only bloom off the old wood but also the new growth that is produced that year that means more flowers to steal the show so you get a great plant and you don't have to be nervous about pruning off your flowers if you miss prune it or prune it at the wrong time of the year and also if you live in an area where you get a lot of late Frost's or have a really harsh winter you will still get flowers that year on your hydrangea so reblooming hydrangeas are a great addition and they also look fabulous in pots if you want to learn more about hydrangeas give us a quick call send us an email or better yet come and visit us our location is in Surrey which is just outside of Vancouver British Columbia and we are open every day 7 days a week except for a short break in January so come out and visit us stay in touch through our website Art's nursery comm our blog social media like Twitter Facebook and Instagram thanks for watching
Channel: Arts Nursery Garden & Home
Views: 54,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hydrangeas, hydrangea basics, growing hydrangeas, arts nursery, types of hydrangeas
Id: ypazN8Iveas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2016
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