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[Music] hello friends welcome back to our channel so from today's session I'm going to discuss about the two concepts that is HTML and JavaScript so in today's session let us have a look on introduction to the HTML that means by this is chamber and where this chamber is required so what's the importance and all these things so in nowadays our daily life is related to the websites right so if you want to eat tasty food in the home first thing we will do is search in a Google so we will find the number of web pages and among them we will see the procedure to do the recipe and if you want to purchase a product again we will go to the shopping websites so everything is related to web steps even though if you want to watch a movie again we will use a website to book the tickets so in order to create these websites the basic need or the basic requirement is HTML so HT m HT mass transfer hypertext markup language so here I mentioned it has a language don't think it as a programming language it's a markup language so this is used to create web pages definitely after this session I mean after this course this has similar Java scripting I promise that you can create a simple website on your own so this is for creating a web page then where we will use this hypertext markup languages and this is used to create user interfaces user interface means if you open a web site so we can see the color background the text font the text size the paragraphs the alignments and everything simply we can say it is a look and feel look and feel the first impression right so that can be achieved by using hypertext markup language that we for you as a user interface next so what is the requirement for this so what is the software we need to implement this HTML so there is no explicit software and they required to implement this HTML we need so these are the requirements C requirements to implement this HTML the first one is editor say text editor so it have used a notepad also right we can use a notepad because it is an AK text editor any text editor we can use to create HTML web page second that browser I think all of you are familiar with this web browser Internet Explorer Google Chrome next cape navigator Mozilla Firefox Opera so all these are the web browsers available so we can use any one of the web browser so the requirements to implement these HTML or creating these webpages is only the editor and the web browser so editor is used to write the history ml tags and web browser is used to implement the HTML code next process to execute first one we have to write the code a text editor write HTML code in text editor of your choice and the second save the file with extension dot HTML or dot HP so if you save the particular file using dot HTML or dot HTML HTM that implies that is a webpage that is not a file except web page third open the file in their browser sympathy only three process three steps in order to implement any HTML web page so first we have to write the HTML code in text editor second we have to save the file with the extension transition or not each team right so for every file there will be an extension so whatever the file we are saving in the computer it will be having one extinction so for the C programming files the extension is dot C for Python programming files the extension is dot py the document files the extension is dot Devo see text files the dag an extension is dot txt multimedia files that means songs the extension may be by a dot mp3 or dot mp4 and the video files the extension will be dot mp4 or dot V will be so like that every file in our system we'll be having an extension so by seeing that extension we can know that what type of data is available in that particular file similarly here if the any file is having the extension dot HTML or dot HTML that applies is a web page so it will be opened in web browser so first of all we have to install this web browser right so I think in a regular system you can find this web browser either Internet Explorer or the Google Chrome anything any web browser right so this is the process and these are the requirements and this is the applications where we will use this hypertext markup language now what will be there in this HTML so in this HTML the code is returned as HTML elements elements right so HTML elements we called them as HTML tags so by losing this tax who will write the code so a tag is represented in between the less than symbol and the greater than symbol this is very important so every HTML tag is represented in between less than symbol and the greater than symbol these two delimiters and every tag will be having stop tag and then start tag is represented as less than greater then anything is represented as less than backslash technique backslash so every text ethnic text will be implemented by using these tags in our HTML so the main tag for every document in our web page is HT and many so we can start by using HTML and and we can and by using slash HTML so this is the starting time this is the end date so the text will be implemented when you see these HTML X right so hope you understood this interaction so let us stop here in the next session we'll start the actual concepts that means there will be different tags in our HTML so we will see each and every tag one by one with examples right and so if you are having any doubts you feel free to post your doubts in the comment section so that definitely I will try to clarify all your dogs and one more thing I have been my worship number and one melody in the channel art so you can find them and feel free to post your doors in my whatsapp or through an eBay so definitely the plane and if you really understood my sessions Mike my sessions share my sessions with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to our channel thanks for listening thank you very much
Channel: Sundeep Saradhi Kanthety
Views: 57,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sundeep, saradhi, kanthety, html, introduction, basics, markup language, static, webpages, web browser, text editor, txt file, extention, .html, .htm, java scripting, dynamic, front pages, user interface, front end, tags, html elements, start tag, end tag, html fundamentals, web serevices, hyper text
Id: 8JQaedsB2qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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