Introduction to Data Structures through C | Data Structures Tutorial | Mr. Srinivas

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hi everyone welcome to nourish technologies this is cynnwys today we are going to start data structures using C language for data structures through C language so first of all what is this data structures through C language means what so remember a data structures is not a language simply a data structures is the concept of set of algorithms set of algorithms used to structure the information it is not a programming language like C C++ Java so these are just a set of algorithms we are implementing these algorithms using any programming language for example in C or C++ languages we have to write the code or we have to write the logic data structure algorithms so but in Java language right or in a dotnet language so they have given a predefined implementations to all these algorithms called collections framework but now here so we are developing the logic how to implement an algorithm right so what is a data structure means to structure the information while storing we know the importance of a data storage for every application and nowadays so why Hadoop data science and all ruling the market so what is the reason behind that means all these are data processing tools in early days right in 1960s only right some of the scientists identify whatever what is the importance of a data right so you know future so by the time so they were introduced one very good language that is a Python language that is a Python language to process the information much faster but by that time the people so does not know so what is the importance of right data analysis and all nowadays right so whenever they understood the importance of data storing and data processing again a Python smooth to the limelight so that was right so very important programming language so this is all about just analysis of a data so when you will analyze the data means after you storage now here our discussion is a data structures data structures means while storing the information so what are the algorithms we should follow if you follow those algorithms what will happen how effectively we are storing the information all these are comes under data structures algorithm right so here data structures data structures through C language data structures through C language so we are implementing algorithms using the syntax of a C language the syntax so to structure the data n number of algorithms were proposed n number of algorithms all these algorithms are called abstract data types abstract data types sir what is abstract data type very simple a set of rules algorithm is nothing but set of rules right so tell me some of the examples of data structure algorithms right so generally in every programming language to structure the information we use one a data structure concept and of course that does not follow any algorithm but that is also one way of effect of storing the information effectively so what is that example array what is it example array using arrays we can store the information effectively how so that we will see and some more examples for example stack queues queues linkedlist linkedlist trees trees graphs graphs so all these are succumbs under algorithms and so many are there sorting techniques searching techniques all these are comes under algorithms right so now we will see so one by one and here algorithms are divided into two types nothing but data structures are divided into two types so what are the types see data structure algorithms algorithms divided into two types so what are the two types means first one is a linear data structures second one is a nonlinear data structure sir water linear data structures and what are nonlinear data structures linear data structures means the arrangement of elements are in a sequential format so one is connected to only one element right so that is such type of elements algorithms are called arrays stacks queues linkedlist all these are comes under linear data structures because in these data structures one element is connected to another element in a linear form non linear form means one element is connected to n number of elements the best example trees and graphs trees and graphs these are nonlinear data structures and these are linear data structures okay so first of all we will see a simple data structure arrays right array so we know that what is the array and why they introduced the concept of array why right simple thing simple thing it holds more than one element it holds more than one element next one it holds only homogeneous elements nothing but same type of elements and next one this is index based so accessing become faster processing the elements much faster in arrays right and it is also called a derived data type derived a data type and next one it doesn't follow any algorithm it doesn't follow any algorithm so this is a simple data structure they introduced in every programming language algorithm okay how to access the elements effectively from an array for example if you declare an array int a RR into ARR either you declare select this error of 5 some of the values some of the values we are storing right all these elements get memory allocation all these elements and we are accessing using index number 10 20 30 40 50 the base address just considered two zero four six two zero four eight two zero five zero two zero five two two zero five four just consider integer occupies two bytes memory we know that array is an internal pointer variable it holds the base address of the memory block the base address ARR is holding the base address of the block is a two zero four six it holds the base address of the block it holds next one how to access the elements simply if you access a our-our of three ARR of three then how it will execute so directly it will give the value a order of three value is a forty simply it is giving but internally what is happening means internally it uses the concept of a concept of pointers ARR plus three sir pointer or thematic how it will increase very simple it will be increased by the size of integer every time the size of integer of course exactly not we are writing like this because so whenever we are increasing the ordinary variable that will be increased by one integer variable but whenever we increase a pointer variable using modify operator that will be pointing to the next memory location in the array that will be pointing to next memory location in the array right see so now pointer ARR value is two zero four six plus 3 into sizeof integer is a two bytes now again pointer to zero four six plus six is a pointer to 2 0 Phi 2 what is pointer 2 to 0 Phi 2 the value which is inside the location so what is that value 40 40 if you are new to the programming we are accessing the array elements with the help of index number but once you are perfect in a pointers concept right you should understand what is the internal concept right how it is providing the information effectively so with the help of some of the formulas we can access the information of every arrey much faster of course using index number but in the background of every index number so there is a concept of Oh pointers and pointer of thematic concept so many concepts we will use okay so this is right what is the advantage of array when compared with the ordinary primitive data if it is a primitive variable if you declare two variables if you declare two variables into a equals to 10 and into B equals to 20 consider a gets memory allocation at some location and B gets memory allocation at another location at another location so we cannot access the information effectively using programs so whenever we are declaring two variables all these variables get memory allocation in two different locations so in such kind of situation right if you want to access the information effectively that is not possible because these are random memory locations we can't use any equations or any expressions to access the information so faster so this is the advantage of arrays instead of using right variables and one more important thing using arrays right we can store n number of elements with the help of a single variable whereas if you go for ordinary variables for example if you want to store right some mobile numbers 100 mobile numbers 100 variables you have to declare right for example 100 students match marks again 100 variables you have to declare so working with 100 variables either declaring right or assigning processing anything is much complex in a programming so that is why it is better to use arrays instead of using primitive data types this is one type of a data structure of course it does not follow any algorithm but using arrays we can store the information effectively and we can process the information effectively so right so now so we are using right some of the algorithm based data structures right to store the information nothing but to structure the data right see so one important thing you should understand that right if you want to implement all the algorithms stack algorithm queue algorithm linkedlist trees and graphs right using any programming language for example here we are using C language you should be perfect in some of the areas of a C language so what are the areas so first one first one functions we should understand functions and one more thing a recursive function also second one arrays arrays third one structures structures fourth one pointers and the last one is a dynamic memory allocation these fie concepts are very very important right that you should know to learn a data structure algorithms using C language because if you want to implement any algorithm into code to store the information in a structural format we are following all these concepts logic right functions arrays structures pointers dynamic memory allocation alright hope all of you people good at all these concepts of a C language right if you are not perfect just go through write all the previous videos in a C language so there already we discussed about all these concepts perfectly ok right so in the next session we'll start right how to implement a stack algorithm right using static memory allocation and using dynamic memory allocation right so hope you will enjoy this video for more videos please subscribe to nourish shatori channel thank you
Channel: Naresh i Technologies
Views: 1,182,571
Rating: 4.9118857 out of 5
Keywords: Srinivas, Naresh IT, Hands on Data Structures Training, Data Structures Demo, Online Data Structures Training, Data Structures Tutorial Videos, Data Structures Overview, Data Structures Interview Questions, data structures and algorithms, Introduction to Data Structures, Data Structures with c, Structures, DS, DSwithc, Java Data Structures, ds with c, ds through c, data structures introduction, ds tutorial, ds tutorial for beginners, basic data structures, data structures basics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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