Introduction to ConjureSDF

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hello my name is Hubert I'll be showing you how to use the conjure csdf um it's a add-on made by Ja and you can get it from his gumro and his blender Market there are links in the description I I'll make sure to um include them and what's important is you have to get blender 3.3 so to get that version you have to go to blender page go to the download on top then there's this look looking for the blender LTS we go here we scroll down we go again to 3.3 and you just speak your version um Linux Mac Windows whatever I'm using Windows so I would get this Windows installer or this port table doesn't matter that much okay so let's open the blender let's just download it I'm using the 3.3.7 and the first thing you want to do is go to the preferences inside the edit preferences then we click this install button and you want to find where is your um version of the conjour I have it inside the downloads because why not and I'm going to pick the uh I the 0.1 1.4 I'm the install button and it looks like nothing happened uh now we have it and what you have to do for for everything to work basically is you have to install modern GL you just click it okay it took I don't know 15 seconds then you click save preferences and everything should work I recommend for you to reopen blender after you install the addon so we are sure that blender installed properly be because I had some L problem with addons not being installed properly without the relaunch of the app the first thing you want to do is delete the default Cube basically we and we also don't need this light or yeah let's get rid of it and now you can go to the endb and it's called anab because we open it with n key and there is this thing and it says all grade visard switched to conser vision and conser vision is basically a custom um brander engine that the other uses and you can either switch here or in your default scene here it doesn't matter where you switch it see be because it switches it either way and then we have like viewport settings quality I might go over it later but they're not that important for you when you're modeling they are kind of important if you want to make a render inside the conure Vision basically for anything to work we need to add the csdf route and it's how to say it's it's like a thing that configurat your scene for some the con work so let's add the rout um before that there's a more Tex then cast the spell we to let's do that and we have this new menu here there's a mirror there's a FP flip Direction the miror right now is um made for the whole object so you cannot FP like a specific um booon like in the blender van blender basically then we can flip the there's also smooth mirroring so it's like we are mirroring on the so we have this y AIS right and we are mirroring across this plane this is our plane and if we do smooth mirroring we can make a basically like this smoothing um coming from this plane and go from this side to this side I haven't used that once I I don't think that's that that useful for me but you know that might be changing uh now there's more text now are a CSD primitive and there's shift a so there is this B basically new top inside of shift a pop up menu and this says csdf Primitives and inside the csdf we work with Primitives so there's I think 14 35 9 oh it's 12 sorry so we have 12 Primitives we have Cube sphere ellipsoid they're basically the same we have cylinder eliminated cylinder kind of the same C con by capsule capsule coin link taus and hexagon I will go quickly um about each one of them basically so let's start with a cube and you might you might be thinking it doesn't change that much our the viewp right before we change our render engine to be consor Vision so we have to change the renderer or our viewport and you can either by default click the Z key and you get this uh render view pie or whatever or you can click in this stop uh right there's this U view for shading and click the render and now so there are two how to say it there are two UI parts of the zon one is in the end panel and one is in the um object properties to get this object property you have to click on the object our box our sphere our primitive basically and then you go to this yellow icon and if you scroll down you will see that there is this consure csdf and what I recommend for you to do is you click those eight dots you hold it and you go up so you make sure the conjur is first um is really useful for it in my opinion and we have a new Stu going on before that in this menu so we have outliner it's basically this thing on top it's is basically an outliner for the csdf in blender we have cameras empties bones armatures I don't know PL whatever and in csdf outliners we have only Primitives for the csdf and we have unest and next underactive I will go next nting later because it's kind of more complicated subject okay let's click our object and we have um new settings basically let me expand this thing get rid of this zoom in and we have different operation right now it won't change much if we change the to different ones basically because we need something to interact if we have booon we need two object to interact because we are cutting one box into another box and to make this box more rounded there is this option to make it rounded that's kind of self-explanatory we can also solidify and it works the same as the default blender it doesn't have that much in this state but if you are cutting with it you can make really nice um panel cut basically there's ignore mirror I said previously we have this mirror and if you want to have something asymmetrical like we are cutting ho here and you don't want or this hole to be on the other side we just click ignore mirror and this cutter will ignore the mirror globally we have keep primitive scale is I'll exp shortly because it helps if you change Primitives from like sphere to a box okay so let's add another primitive um un select everything because if you select box or our initial primitive you will be nesting the operation and I I don't want to go over nesting right now because as I said previously it's kind of comp more complicated so unelect everything shift a let's add a cube or whatever you want press G to move it and you can also scale it and rotated like default blender um geometry basically and as you can see we have this smooth edge going on across our operation and we can change its sh with the strength so like so and I will be making my box more rounded the second one so there's better distinction between them and here we can change the operation right now we have Union so we are um adding two things together we can also subtract them like so with the difference there's also a intersect so we want um how to explain it we want to be left out with the parts that are in both of those boxes I'm not sure how this works I have to explain properly doesn't matter but if you play with it you will understand it basically then there's the inser and it's kind of a weird run because we are kind of inserting this and instead of a strength we get a dep like so so if we go really low we can make those panel lines but the problem with me doing panelas like that is that you are still in setting the geometry but you know it's still nice way to do some weird stuff like that and we can make this more round less round and now let's go over the blending modes so right now we have this really smooth transition we can also make it be chamfered so there's only like B with one segment I think and we can also do reverse B um I mostly use the default one or sometimes Sher there is one case for you to Cher that I'll showing shortly and there's also no blending at all but I don't recommend for you to click on this blending to be known because if you have a lot of a lot of Primitives it will take the add-on to take a while to recompile the whole geometry of the primitive so it might take like 1 second and Z one second freeze and it's kind of annoying and what you can do is in the smooth and blending you can crank the strength to zero and what it does is it says it sets blending to be uh basically known and the nice things about it is it doesn't recompile the whole mesh so we can go and like go from you know zero to five and it's really quick and there's no freeze okay let's move to this keep primitive scale so if we have it unchecked okay before that let's add a cube another one and I wanted that to be a new one because now this scale is 111 and if we change it to the cylinder it's normal Cinder right but if we go to cube again and we make it like so and we do cinder again it's still like that so what it does is if you have this cryp primitive scale unchecked it's resets the scale to one one one every time uh we change the Primitive type so now I have 2.31 one and if I go to cylinder I have 1 one1 it's fine right now and for the most case I want this to be checked and if I change to cylinder now it's like that of course the problem with this I would probably want this to be rotated like so like this but that's fine you know so that's for the keep primitive scale um the better example would be probably if you have a C cone like this and we change this size to this and we have this unchecked and we and we change to cylinder the top phas is um not the same as we have right now and if we keep the Primitive scale the Bottom phe now is the same so you know not not as I wanted but it's still good okay so let's go over The Primitives that we have in our disposal I I just show you the cube so let's go over the sphere then the cube except for that we don't have a the round um option because three is always round right and if we scale it it's scaling the all the axis so it's you know if I scale it to two it's 22 two and I cannot scale it in the inv visual axis you know like I only make two scale at z c and the the outliner show shows it that I'm scaling scaling it but in actuality I'm not scaling it and to go around that we are not using the sphere but we'll be using the ellipsoid as under there and what elip solid allows us to do is basically do what we wanted right we can scale it like that and it's you know perfect for those three smooth cards like that looks nice right and again there's no radness is that different from the sphere except that you can scale it into the um each axis indid individually I think that's the way you say it then we have Cinder there is rounded part but it's only on those top and bottom faces that we can run more and if you want to Cher them um what I will do is I will move this or let's move this cylinder down let's make it small and what we will do is pick this box and we'll make the difference and nothing happens because our box is first in this stack and what it means is it will only affect things that are on top of it like in the default modifier you know if he wants to mirror and array we first mirror and then array we don't AR than mirror because we might get some weird results modifier stack all matters same with con csdf to fix that we just click this arrow and we move it to the bottom of the stack because we have only two things in the stack we can change the strength but we want the really pler change and to do that we pick the Cher and now basically what we want right and the bottom face stays you know like this if you wanted to make this cylinder be Cher from the both sides what I would do is move it down scale this box so it's hold the whole cylinder and scale it on the z-axis so it doesn't go over the top faces and we pick the intersect and now as you can see we are getting what we want it kind of right there there's some visual back but I guess that's PS with the yeah with the ray scale you need to make it smaller but that's fine that's fine for me I don't care and that's for the cylinder and and like tricks with the cylinders I guess it's are a elongated cylinder and we can round it you can scale it on the each axis as you want to although if you go too much you will get those really not CER like shapes but you know like this I don't know what what this shape is at so same here if you go really thin and your roundness is really strong just have to oops oops not this this this roundness we have C cone and C cone and cylinder and the difference between C cone And the cylinder is that with cap cone you can change the head of the bottom and the top faces basically so we can make something like that and it's really nice thing to use this C because we can for this really nice cards let's use it like that and it doesn't work because we nested it that's my fault let's unest it and let's put the difference on bottom and you might be wondering how do I make this card be in the center well what I would do is go to the edit mode even though I said said to don't go you don't go there because you cannot change anything but we can select stuff so we can click shift s let's use cursor to select it and now we have our 3D cursor here let's exit the edit mode with top let's pick our difference and let's click selection to cursor and now it's in the perfect Center and if you want to make this like the center of this SP so you can access later you can go to shift a and add a empty like that and we can access this um empty way faster than going to edit mode and you know accessing this pH inside the edit mode the next thing is the by capsule and the same thing as as SC cone but we can change the sizes of the balls that we have on top and on the bottom basically that's basically it there's no rounded option because it's you know always around the next thing is capsule ands different than the P capsule in that way you cannot change the you know the ball on the top to be smaller than ball on the bottom although we we can make it longer and you know like feel care and I guess the Y axxis doesn't work and if you go minus scale so it's like minus point2 you'll get weird results like this so don't go there be sure to check your scale if you have any problems with the Kure the next thing is coin is just a coin I guess and we canot change the roundness on this part so it's like a walls I guess cylinder I'm not sure why this is there but sure why not then we have a link you can change the like the roundness of it so if you go really big we have a sphere uh again as with the capsule we we can change the L the thickness the length is with the Y AIS the thickness is with the Z axis s and Z then we can change the like the width with the X and the length with the Y we have also a taus which is like a donut you know the donut tutorial we can just make the donut with one click does the power of control right and the last thing we have a hexagon that's basically a hexagon right we can use it to make like a so there are the cylinder bottom like so is it in the middle yes it this let's make it into a difference but the problem is it's on top of the stock so we have to make it to be under the cylinder like so that's basically a screw right we have a screw then we have then we can add a box now like this we can do a different then a Cher but that you might be feeling I don't want to Cher this like the screw hole so to do that we change the modifier order we want to firstly make this cut and then cut with this like a screw hole and to do that we just make sure the box is first and then our SC second and we get what we want the next figure that I will go over is the the limitation kind of conjure and that is cutting at the same depth so if we take this box we duplicate shift d and we move it right here you see even though they're on the same dep this second box uh is cutting it further so it's kind of a problem and that's because this is I think a MAF Shader the csdf is sign distance field and it doesn't like when you cut stuff at the same dep is not a huge problem if you know if you have more experience with this I was never limited by this uh limitation myself but it's something to look out for and it's it's not like bug that you will have to like say oh I found this back now it is just how supposed to work basically let me go over the next thing and what is actually is be because it's really powerful and so let's add a cube with this sphere selected let's scale it move it up like so and let's also add a cylinder without selecting anything and now uh what is happening is that we are adding this box only to the sphere so if I were to change this box to be difference I'll be you know subtracting only from this sphere of course you might be smart and say well this box is is you know before the cylinder so it wouldn't be affecting either way well you're right so let's take the sphere and let's put it on the bottom of the stack it's the same right the box is still on the bottom of the stack so so it's the last operation but it's affecting only the sphere and that's basically nesting we are telling the program to make the selected Primitives affect only one primitive so we're tearing the blender cut only into this sphere and leave the cylinder and with this thing we can also create those really nice transitions that are kind of hard to achieve with subd without a lot of work so let's put this sphere on top of the stock and let's change the strength of this box what we are doing is we are changing only the strength of this line basically and we are not picking the um the cylinder at all it's we can still change the cylinder strength here but we can make it this really small and then we can make the Box really smooth and we and we get this really nice contrast of this smooth um transfer and this really sharp you know transfer on the cinder and we can also make this into a you know Cher like this or like nothing whatever of course we can also unest our cards unions and so that you click the object that you want to unest and you click the unest button in the N panel under the csdf and we can also Nest them how to do that is basic we want to pick the object that we want to be on top and then we pick the object that we want to Nest it under okay and with mirroring it's extremely easy we can just pick the axis if you are not sure which access to is you you can always you know like pick randomly or you can look at this Gizmo that is here on top and it shows you which axis you want to mirror over basically so let's P pick the red one which is x axis and let's move it and it works as in right we can also pick the uh the green one the y- axis and as you can see it works perfectly but let's say you want to have the cylinder only in this position and you don't want it to be mirror and to do that we just Pi the ignore mirror one in the project properties panel and now it ignores everything and actual last thing is mhing so we go to end panel and there is this mching part and it's basically making our csdf data a real mesh that we can texture and what's not because we can change those M cabs that we use right now you can change to the render uh top under ke here then you go to the m c the m c is important because if you go to studio and you show something like that you will get errors and now you can use your custom M CS that you have installed inside the blender so really nice and let's go to the M mhing missing bounce can convert csdf to mesh so let's click this add bound and we get this box with those empties what is um happening right now is basically we are creating this cage for the program to calculate um the conversion so for this works perfectly but if we were to add the cylinder make it smaller and move it here what would happen is our strer would be cut off here and to make it fit we have to move those empties and the Box will be created like perfectly right so let's go to the side view and move it to the right position from this view make sure to only P EMP um I would advise to give it some more room let's go to the side view move it with top view it's fine okay it's good and we'll be getting 27 million triangles sry voxes which is too much for this object so I'll be changing that density to 50 and now we can convert it to mesh it will take 4 seconds so 1 2 3 4 2 six that's fine and now let's hide this original collection where there's the csdf and now we have our converted data in the C SDF mesh collection as you can see in the outliner in the blender outliner it's the green collection and we have chunks so basically the Converses split our mesh the csdf data into Chun so I think it has easier times Computing that whole operation I might be wrong that's fine what what you could do is you know manually go and merch them together but but since the developer is so nice we have this clean up mesh tracks option so let's click that and this was really quick although we l some details and that's because as it's written here after clean up rematch the Citys movie can be adjusted in modifiers stab so you can see we have those three mod modifiers and we can change its settings basically but let's turn each of them so the first thing we are doing rematching it once again but with a modifier and we can change the Vox size to be way smaller yeah like so so we are getting way better result then we are smoing it so we are getting way more smoother result because as you can see we get those really ugly artifacts going on here and if we add a smooth modifier it's really it's gone it's almost gone right if we zoom out you just cannot see it right but without you can still see them from the afar so that's really nice then the next thing is a decimate and we are decimating so there's not not a lot of um un needed geometry basically like here you see we have this really th plane unless you're animating you don't need it to be you know Danse as it is right now so we are get getting rid of a lot of unwanted faces and still keeping our curvature smoothness see the shedding doesn't change at all um unless you change some setting like like I did let's control Z okay that's perfect and that's basically it for the tutorial
Channel: Hubert Krzykalski
Views: 7,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d animation in blender, retopology in blender, hardsurface modeling in blender, blender modelling from sdf to mesh, export from womp import in blender, blender sdf modeling, blender sdf modelling add-on, blender sdf modelling, blender tutorial, blender animation, f2 addon blender, blender sculpting, blender sdf modeling prototyper add-on, blender sdf modelling prototyper, blender sdf modelling prototytper add-on, blender sdf modeling add-on
Id: zSph--jkz2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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