Introduction to Bike Shoes and Pedals, Why They Matter

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bakit Pelican cycles in Fort Collins hangout with Eric and in this case we're looking at shoes and petals and I just wanted to understand you know why you'd want to go with clipless versus just platforms what the benefits are are road versus mountain can you just take me on a journey absolutely sweet so first thing what is clipless yeah that's an important one there yeah so oh yeah back in the day and still today we have these great pedals you call baskets we call cages we call whatever called death traps where are you I almost broke my wrist with those runs yeah so these four designs which were to fronds way back in the day and we're designed to lock your foot in and you literally have somebody hold you up strap those down and you rode and somebody caught you at the finish line and undid Emily gasps I got you go they still using today in velodrome so when if you're Washington Olympics this year and you're watching the velodrome racing which is a wooden oval yeah they'll see their coaches hold them up mechanic strap them down and they're clipped in and also strap that for nostalgia why would they do that power power pure power not coming off not moving every single walk goes to crank yeah so they're like great so why are you talking Mike Lovelace well this basket yeah this cage it's called a click called it a clip once you remove the clip to fit its clips last nice and that's these that's what this is cliff list this is cliff list and there's two series of pedals there's going to be a mountain bike style pedal okay and on the backside there's a road bike style oh cool oh yeah these ones are they're kind of like longer they look a little different why what's the deal so when you're shopping for shoes even though you may not be mountain biking and you're commuting we get lazy and we still say mountain or road so on it we're going to have a road shoe the yellow and the mountain shoe which is the blue yeah so with this it's a three-piece cleat or a 2 volt crease so with a road shoe the platform and the connection area between your foot in the pedal is much larger to transfer the power to transfer comfort to spread the load up to not cause a hot spot huh let me go to Mountain we had to go so we added up tread so walk around town walking into word on I'm enough rocks being off-road the mud turn your bikes or a river you need a friend ok we had to design a pedal that was much smaller so the road came first and then the mountain came out interesting does anyone ride with those four Mountain because if they're doing like cross-country to long distance or something there was a couple racers this is the level 100 last year and Road shoes nice did they win they got first and second oh my gosh do it just the shoe okay okay but you have to be in order that happened you do not walk anywhere it is you clip it at the start line you can power through the race you write a hundred miles off road you get back you on clip okay you can't walk off of these very easily you can walk in them around eight stations and things like that when you're doing this country right when you're riding walk into 7-eleven they do have the traction to do that but you are damaging the cleat the more you walk off because you're physically walking on the Queen good to know you got the Shred so I see a lot of commuters a lot of mountain bike riders even a lot of road bikers are using the cell pedal if you do spin classes as well the SPD which is Shimano pedal design oh it's going to be widely widely accepted in spin world market and rain water yeah you runners SPD pedal on your road bike you run on your T bike you run on your spend like arcade you can use one pair of shoes for all and it's almost notes there's almost no disadvantage shoes and once your problem besides stiffness and that's the next thing why do I want to get rid of my tennis shoes and go to a mountain biking shoe so the traditional running shoe is going to look something like this yeah this happens to be a cycling shoe as well but one of the main philosophies is is that from the ball of the foot resume to the heel you want to dismiss so this shoe is designed where you can actually spend a day at work in it go to the gym do some basic your entremet Atrato that's a basic workout and then ride home and then write a King Soopers comb or wherever the grocery story so the stick is here laterally it's what causes problem and causes inefficiency if you grab your running shoe your regular shoe you're going to see it flex hold a lot more yeah we need to go to the gate motion so we can run now to have our arch collapse of the gate so when we stiffen that up it transfers more power to the pedal they did a study where they had college kids from high school racers Pro racers people have never been on like put them on a stiffer pedal and when they rode it did increase their power on everybody interesting are going to be faster with this different creates kind of like a platform there correct so your foot as a dynamic thing is basically trance to a lever to push more power got it so the stiffer the shoe the more power you transfer you can see this a lot different I got bended as much but they're gonna be harder to walk in so the stiffest must erode right you were talking about to be the road or the $360 s work shoe oh yeah Oh Carm oh my gosh this is a race how tough is carbon I mean if you is that you get on a rock or something is it going to just start delaminating or what happened so believe it or not when specialize in designing mountain bike shoes yes they know that there's rocks on mouth oh yeah but when they're designing the shoe design a different than just design the road ship yeah right you see the case they're gonna be a lot closer nowadays and they are because they're going to be a little bit earlier a little bit more protection okay so it's not pure carbon fiber it's a blend of all carbon fibers of plant the materials they blend into agreed on so the outer layer is going to be a protective layer that's why it has this cute little weave that we all associate with carbon fiber yeah that's a protective layer so much stronger I don't know that they're going to keep that from splitting cracking scratching oh my god oh yes the more you walk in this you can damage the shoe you can ruin them that's what it's the ratio this is also a great shoe for again I write centuries I'm going to commute to work on Miami Vice I'm going to mountain bike and race or I'm going to go to spin class so it's a very stiff very light shoe that can double as a light mountain bike race mountain bike shoe and a good okay but experienced a few dollars yeah well I think about it $100 180 bucks for a pair of mountain bike shoes $150 for a pair oh shoot yeah you want one shoe sometimes is that so much better interesting okay thank you the next thing is if these shoes are accepted they start $100 they go up to 400 500 or something yes they're not like running you're not going to wear them out in three months for six months I've had shoes that have lasted 10 years now here the last two years like destroyed them crawling up rocks and things like that they're going to last a lot longer than running shoes and you'll see running shoes that run $150 just be hiking boots there that you wanted all right they're really not astronomically but know when you buy a good pair of shoes you're getting up to the long right it's kind of the buy at once you'll replace it in seven years or eight years but then 200 are spread across that time makes a big difference so it convinced me going from these ones that don't have any clips or anything they're just it's just like a stiffer shoe up to clipless like why correct so going from we talked about why you go from a running shoe or flexible daily shoe that's nightly show yeah when you are going from a shoe that just stands on the pedal huh that has a couple different forms we got our athletic looking shoe and then we have our a very aggressive downhill and duro shoe and so forth no yep the skateboard looks cool going to have no clip it's made of a sticky rubber so these are made to interface with an aggressive pedal that's all the pins in it so we need two guys doing the back foot in the skate videos and in the downhill videos things like that this is a system that we using sticky rubber there this efficiency yeah is most the same efficiency as clipless this is a very viable option for people that may have an e entry have some ligaments or damaged tendons are damaged and can't get out of the public pedal or are scared to do it let's go okay we do have the technology now to get you sitting here but why you would to make a jump is when you go to a foot pedal like these guys here you're locked in so when you're getting size and they're getting fitted you're in a permanent position topically right position is Hockman moves water so we can set the satellite closer we can set the porn app perfectly and we can get you dialed in we're going to the most power and most efficient the other big thing is about the pedal stroke is you get a little bit more power a little more efficiency because you can scrape your port at the bottom this is the very end of the pelvis stroke a little bit more private requirement interesting there's still a lot of analysis going on the bike industry of whether or not you want to pull up on the back of the telescope yes but you obviously can't do them on platform fellowships what would raise off the fact that that's still under discussion it's personal preference I'm against it how's it going to do it none of us unless you're watching this video and you're going Alex this year care about 10 seconds or world coverage yeah so if you're 10 seconds faster or you crash trying to be some kind of weird peddling stroke pedal the way you ride most the time you're fast doing that with a clipless pedals going to push down scraping the mud off your shoe adding that does give a little bit more efficiency the main thing is it keeps your feet on the pedals yeah so you're not hopping off without having the Telos lament your shin you're not falling off the flat with the thing and I mean this that literally happened to you can see those marks that's from a pedal just like this which I love but you know I fell off of it I and it was an electric bike actually was a heavier bike so I kind of like popping up a curb and it just didn't respond the way a human powered bike would because it's heavier and then I kind of lost my balance scraped my shin and you were talking about maybe like turning 2 so like if this is on your crank arm and you're pedaling and then you kind of have it down which you're not supposed to do if you're turning it should be up but if you have a down a key like right on the concrete kind of you know pick your whole bike up and spin you this has a lot less surface area yeah you're going to crash in that kid so these you have more corner ability more pedal clearance for the middle floor I'm just having that's what located here and it's going to help you stay in control and stay on the bike eliminator so these ones look like they do both like why there's like a plastic piece too there's a couple different styles of pedals in turn see a billion out there they're going to see some that are flat on top uh-huh oh another clip on the bottom yeah they're going to be some that you can play them but this is going to give you the option of if you're clipping in on a mountain bike ride or a road ride and a light turns green and you don't get the Queen in the first try you spell yeah just keep pedaling and you'll make it through the intersection make it pass the light make it past the rock and then we're about flipping it again cool there's for the people that are a little bit nervous or don't have the muscle memory or the strength to getting out of Hills there is a new system fashion model called the clicker okay and that's going to be these style pedals here it has a lighter spring tension and easier to get out of so few people that are getting into it a little bit more timid it's going to have a multi release cleat on it instead of the standard single release cleat for the spring tension con- complete these are very very easy to get out of and very easy to get on it's a great way to get people into silvus cuttle mom and you can always adapt a little bit stronger holding committees you need to you can always increase the spring tension off this is a true sense so again commuting to work because things like that we're not spreading across races or jumping over canyon these are a great place to start because it's going to hold you in place enough and give you the confidence to get in and out quickly or something sweet and I feel like we've gone through and covered a lot of the different options and stuff it definitely is spending time with you today we were doing like a fit to a bike and it was you know we talked about the pros and cons found a good shoe that felt felt nice and convinced me that you know there's there's some good options out there and adds a lot to the pedaling so thank you so much for going through this any final thoughts on pedals and shows up when you're riding on the bike remember the contact patches are going to be looking to keep your eyes your hands your sit bones with the saddle yeah and your seat if one of those things are hurting you're not going to ride your bike hmm so when you buy the five thousand dollar bike and you just can't find everything else you might not ride it as much future mountable you spend an extra five hundred bucks to get a comfortable saddle get comfortable padded shorts get shoes that fit you well that can do the job that you want to happen he loves Anita or the bar suction right place it's going to make you ride your bike more and when the good fit right you have to have the right gear but it's not set up right that can be that can be best you absolutely thank you man you
Views: 166,730
Rating: 4.8927798 out of 5
Keywords: bicycle shoes, bike shoes, bicycle pedals, bike pedals, understanding bike shoes, understanding bike pedals, clipless pedals, clipless shoes, platform pedals, platform shoes
Id: K0bGhZbWpsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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