Introducing TensorFlow 2.0 and its high-level APIs (TF Dev Summit '19)

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[MUSIC PLAYING] MARTIN WICKE: I'm Martin Wicke. I'm the engineer lead for a TensorFlow 2, and I am going to, unsurprisingly, talk about TensorFlow 2. TensorFlow has been extremely successful. And inside of Google, outside of Google, it has grown into a vibrant community that really when we started it we were not able to imagine. And our users are building these ingenious, clever, elegant things everyday from art and music, from what you just heard about medieval manuscripts, science, and medicine. And the things people created were unexpected and beautiful. And we learned a lot from that. And we learned a lot from how people did it. And TensorFlow flow has enabled all this creativity and really jumpstarted this whole AI democratization, which is great. But it has been a little bit hard to use sometimes And we know. At sometimes it's been a little painful. So using sessions wasn't the most natural thing to do when coming from regular Python. And the TensorFlow API has grown over time and got a little bit cluttered, a little bit confusing. In the end, you can do everything with TensorFlow, but it wasn't always clear what's the best way to do it with TensorFlow. And so we've learned a lot since we started this, and we realized that you need rapid prototyping, you need easier debugging, there's a lot of clutter. So we're fixing this. We're addressing these issues with a new version of TensorFlow-- today, releasing an alpha of TensorFlow 2. Many of you have participated in the design reviews that went into this for all the features that we have implemented. Those of you who are really living on the bleeding edge of development have probably played with a nightly. You have installed it. You have tested it. You have found issues. You have fixed issues. So thank you very much for your help. You can now install the alpha release of TensorFlow 2 using just pip install --pre tenserflow. And you can go and play with it. So what has changed? When we create TensorFlow 2, really the biggest focus is on usability. We've adopted Keras as the high level API for TensorFlow. We've integrated it very deeply with TensorFlow. Keras gives you a clear path of how to develop models, how to deployment models. It has a [INAUDIBLE] API that makes people productive, and we know that it gets you started quickly. TensorFlow also includes a complete implementation of Keras, of course. But we went further. We have extended Keras so that you can use all of the advanced features in TensorFlow directly from tf.keras. The other big change in TensorFlow 2 is that it is Eager execution by default. Traditional 1.x TensorFlow used a declarative style, and it was often a little bit dissonant with the surrounding Python. And in TensorFlow 2, TensorFlow behaves just like the surrounding code. So if you add up two numbers, you get a result back immediately, which is amazing, really. [LAUGHTER] But you still get all the benefits of working with A graph-- robust program serializating, easy distribution of programs, distributed computation, optimizations on the graph. All of that stuff is not going away, it's just getting easier. So TensorFlow 2 is a major release, which means that we have the ability to clean it up. And we did-- like, a lot. So we had a lot of duplicate functionality that we have removed. We've consolidated the API. We've organized the API. We've made sure that the API looks and feels consistent. And this is not only about TensorFlow itself, this is about the whole ecosystem of tools that has grown around TensorFlow. We've spent a lot of effort to try and align all of these interfaces. And we've defined exchange formats that'll allow you to move all throughout this ecosystem without hitting any barriers. We have removed a lot of stuff from TensorFlow, but that doesn't mean that it's not-- it has gotten more flexible, not less. It retains and expands on the flexibility we had that enabled all of this development. And we've created a more complete low level API that now exposes all of the internally use ops to the users via the robs module. We provide inheritable interfaces for all of the crucial concepts in TensorFlow, like variables and checkpoints. And this allows framework authors to build on top of TensorFlow while maintaining interoperability with the rest of the ecosystem. And you'll hear a lot of these examples later. There'll be talk about TF agents later today. There'll be a talk about Sonnet by DeepMind tomorrow. So you'll see examples of how this works in practice. Now, the real question for you is, of course, what do I have to do to be a part of this great new era of TensorFlow? And we know it's always hard to upgrade to anything. And that's especially true for major version upgrades. At Google, we will now start the process of converting one of the largest codebases in the world to TensorFlow 2. And while we're doing that, we'll be writing a lot of migration guides. we have started that already, and some of them are online and will provide a lot of best practices for you. And if we can do it at Google, you can probably do it too. So we're giving you and us a lot of tools to make this transition easier. And first of all, as part of TensorFlow 2, we're shipping a compatibility module-- we call it tf.compat.v1-- which contains all of the 1.x API. So if you rely on a specific deprecated function, you can still use it, and you can still find it there, except for t tf.contrib, which is not going to be included at all. But we've created a community-supported alternative that support your use case if you rely on something in there. We're also publishing a script which will automatically update your code so it runs on TensorFlow 2. Let me show you how that works. Let's say I want to convert this program, which is a simple example that we have online of a simple language model trained on Shakespeare. So what I do is I simply run tf_upgrade_v2, which is a utility that's included with any installation of TensorFlow 2. It tells me what it did. And in this case, there's really just a handful of things that it changed. And you can see, if you look at what changed, there's some functions that it renamed. The reorganization of the API leads to renamed functions. So multinomial was actually the wrong name for this function. So it renamed it to random.categorical. That's something the script will do for you, so you don't have to worry too much about it. A lot of functions had arguments renamed, their order changed, or some arguments added or deleted. As far as possible, the script will make those changes for you. And then, if all else fails, sometimes there isn't really a perfect equivalent in TensorFlow 2 to a symbol that existed in TensorFlow 1 And then, we'll use the compatibility module that I talked about earlier. If there is no perfect replacement, we'll use that in order to make sure that your code still works as expected after the conversion. So it's pretty conservative. So for instance, the AdamOptimizer is a very subtle behavior change that mostly probably won't affect you. But just in case it might, we will convert it to compat.v1 AdamOptimizer. Once the conversion is complete and there were no errors, then you can run the new program in TensorFlow 2, and it'll work. That's the idea. So it should be pretty easy for you. Hopefully, you won't get trouble. Note that this automatic conversion, it will fix it so it works, but it won't fix your style to the new TensorFlow 2 style. That cannot be done automatically. And there's a lot to learn about this process, so if you want to know more, check out the talk by Anna and Tomer tomorrow at 10:30 about 2.0 and porting your models. That'll be worthwhile. Of course, as we go through this process at Google, we'll also publish a lot more documentation. But this talk is the best start. All right. So let me give you an idea about the timeline of all of this. We have cut 2.0 alpha today or yesterday-- it took some time building it. We're now working on implementing some missing features that we already know about. We're converting libraries. We're converting Google. There's lots of testing, lots of optimization that's going to happen over the next couple of months. We're targeting to have a release candidate in spring. Spring is a sort of flexible concept-- [LAUGHTER] But in spring. After we have this release candidate, it still has to go through release testing and integration testing, so I expect that to take a little bit longer than a for our regular release chains. But that's when you can see an RC, and then, eventually, a final. So if you want to follow along with the process, please do so. All of this is tracked online. It's all on the GitHub TensorFlow 2 project tracker. So I would just go and look at that to stay up to date if you were looking for a particular feature or just want to know what's going on. If you file any bugs, those end up there as well so everybody knows what's going on. So TensorFlow 2 really wouldn't be possible without you. That has been the case already. But in the future, even more so, we'll need you to test this. We'll need you to tell us what works and what doesn't. So please install the alpha today. We're extremely excited to see what you can create with us. So please go, install the alpha, check out the docs. They're at And with that, I think you should probably hear about what it's like to be working with TensorFlow 2. We'll have plenty of content over the next couple of days to tell you exactly about all the different aspects of it. But we'll start with Karmel, who will speak about high level APIs in TensorFlow 2.0. Thank you [APPLAUSE] KARMEL ALLISON: Hi. My name is Karmel Allison, and I'm an engineering manager for TensorFlow. Martin just told you about TensorFlow 2.0 and how to get there. and I'm going to tell you a little bit about what we're bringing in our high level API and what you can expect to find when you arrive. But first, what do I mean when I say high level APIs? There are many common pieces and routines in building machine learning models, just like building houses. And with our high level APIs, we bring your tools to help you more easily and reproducibly build your models and scale them. As Martin mentioned, a couple of years ago, TensorFlow adopted Keras as one of the high level APIs we offered. Keras is, at its heart, a specification for model building. It works with multiple machine learning frameworks, and it provides a shared language for defining layers, models, losses, optimizers, and so on. We implemented a version of Keras that has been optimized for TensorFlow inside of core TensorFlow, and we called it TF Keras, one of our high level APIs. Raise your hand if you used TF Keras already? OK, a lot of you. That's good, because this next slide will seem familiar. In its simplest form, Keras is just that, simple. It was built from the ground up to be Pythonic and easy to learn. And as such, it has been instrumental in inviting people in to the machine learning world. The code here represents an entire model definition and training loop, meaning it's really easy for you to design and modify your model architectures without needing to write tons of boilerplate. At the same time, by relying on inheritance and interfaces, Keras is extremely flexible and customizable, which is critical for machine learning applications. Here we have a subclass model. I can define arbitrary model architectures, modify what happens at each training step, and even change the whole training loop if I want to. Which is to say, Keras is simple and effective. Anyone can figure out how to use it. But we had a problem, TF Keras was built for smaller models. And many machine learning problems, including the ones we see internally at Google, need to operate at a much larger scale. And so we have estimators. Estimators were built from the ground up to distribution and scale with fault tolerance across hundreds of machines, no questions asked. This here is the much-loved wide and deep model, a workhorse of the machine learning world that took many years of research to define but is available as a built-in for training and deployment. Which is to say, estimators are powerful machines. But you've told us that there's a steep learning curve, and it's not always easy to figure out which parts to connect where. And we learned a lot in the past two years building out estimator in TF Keras And we've reached the point that we don't think you should have to choose between a simple API and a scalable API. We want a higher level API that takes you all the way from [INAUDIBLE] to planet scale, no questions asked. So in TensorFlow 2.0, we are standardizing on the Keras API for building layers and models. but we are bringing all the power of estimators into TF Keras, so that you can move from prototype to distributed training to production serving in one go. OK, so brass tacks-- how are we doing this? Well, this is a TF Keras model definition in TensorFlow 1.13. And this is the same model definition in 2.0. [LAUGHTER] Some of you may notice the code is exactly the same. OK, so what actually is different? Well, we've done a lot of work to integrate Keras with all of the other features that TensorFlow 2.0 brings to the table. For example, in 1.13 this built a graph-based model that ran a session under the hood. In 2.0, the same model definition will run in Eager mode without any modification. This lets you take advantage of everything Eager can do for us. Here we see that our data set pipeline behaves just like a numpy array, easy to debug and flows natively into our Keras model. But at the same time, data sets have been optimized for performance so that you can iterate over and train with a data set with minimal performance overhead. We're able to achieve this performance with data sets in Keras by taking advantage of graphs, even in an Eager context. Eager makes debugging and prototyping easy, and all the while Keras builds an Eager-friendly function, under the hood, that tracks your model, and the TensorFlow runtime then takes care of optimizing for performance and scaling. That said, you can also explicitly run your model step-by-step in Eager mode with the flag run_eagerly. Even though for this example, it might be overkill, you can see that run_eagerly allows you to use Python control flow and Eager mode for debugging while you're prototyping your model. Another big change coming in 2.0 is that we have consolidated many APIs across TensorFlow under the Keras heading, reducing duplicative classes and making it easier to know what you should use and when. We now have one set of optimizers. These optimizers work across TensorFlow in and out of eager mode, on one machine or distributed. You can retrieve and set hyperparamters like normal Python attributes, and these optimizers fully serializable. The weights and configuration can be saved both in the TensorFlow checkpoint format and the backend diagnostic Keras format. We have one set of metrics that encompasses all the former TF metrics and Keras metrics and allow for easy subclassing if you want even more. Losses, similarly, have been consolidated into a single set with a number of frequently used built-ins and an easily customizable interface if you so choose. And we have one set of layers, built in the style of Keras layers. Which means that they are class-based and fully configurable. There are a great number of built in layers, including all of the ones that come with the Keras API specification. One set of layers that we took particular care with where the RNN layers in TensorFlow. Raise your hand if you've used RNN layers in TensorFlow? OK, these slides are for you. [LAUGHTER] In TensorFlow V1 we had several different versions of LSTm and GRUs, and you had to know ahead of time what device you were optimizing for in order to get peak performance with cuDNN kernels. In 2.0, there is one version of the LSTM and one version of the GRU layer. And they select the write operation for the available device at runtime so that you don't have to. This code here runs the cuDNN kernel if you have GPUs available, but also falls back to CPU ops if you don't have GPUs available. In addition to all of those, if you need layers that are not included in the built-in set, TF Keras provides an API that is easy to subclass and customize so that you can innovate on top of the existing layers. This, in fact, is how the community repository TensorFlow add-ons operates. They provide specialized and particularly complex layers-- metrics, optimizers, and so on-- to the TensorFlow community by building on top of the Keras base classes. All right. So we streamlined API-- that's a start. The next thing we did was integrate Keras across all of the tools and capabilities that TensorFlow has. One of the tools we found critical to the development of estimators was easily configurable structured data passing with feature columns. In TensorFlow 2.0 you can use feature columns to parse your data and feed it directly into downstream Keras layers. These feature columns work both with Keras and estimators, so you can mix and match to create reusable data input pipelines. OK. So you have data in your model, and you're ready to train. One of the most loved tools we have for running your training jobs is TensorBoard. And I'm pleased to say in TensorFlow 2.0, TensorBoard integration with Keras is as simple as one line. Here we add a TensorBoard callback to our model when training. And this gets us both our training progress-- here we see accuracy and loss-- and a conceptual graph representing the model we built layer-by-layer. As an added bonus, this same callback even includes full profiling of your model, so you can better understand your model's performance and device placement, and you can more readily find ways to minimize bottlenecks. Speaking of performance, one of the exciting pieces we're bringing to TensorFlow 2.0 is the tf.distribute.Strategy API. In TensorFlow 2.0 we will have a set of built in strategies for distributing your training workflows that work natively with Keras. These APIs have been designed to be easy to use, to have great out-of-the-box performance, and to be versatile enough to handle many different distribution architectures and devices. So how do they work? Well, with Keras you can add and switch distribution strategies with only a few lines of code. Here we are distributing the same model you just saw across multiple GPUs by defining the model network, compiling, and fitting within the distribution strategy scope. Because we've integrated distribution strategies throughout Keras in TensorFlow, you get a lot with these few lines of code. Data will be prefetched to GPUs batch-by-batch, variables will be mirrored in sync across all available devices using allreduce, and we see greater than 90% over multiple GPUs. This means you can scale your model up without changing code and without losing any of the conveniences of Keras. Once you've trained your model, you're likely going to want to package it for use with production systems, mobile phones, or other programming languages, Keras models can now export directly to saved_model, the serialization format that works across the TensorFlow ecosystem. This functionality is experimental while we iron out a few API details, but today, and going into 2.0, you can easily export your models for use with TF Serving, TF Lite, and more. You can also easily reload these models back into Python to continue training and using in your normal workflow. So that's where we are today in the alpha. But we're obviously not done yet, so let me tell you a little bit about what's coming up in the next few months. We talked about distributing over multi-GPU, but that's just the start. Using the same model code, we can swap out our strategy and scale up to multiple nodes. Here we take the same Keras model we just saw and distribute it across multiple machines, all working in sync using collective ops to train your model faster than ever before. Multi-worker mirrored strategy currently supports ring and nickel for allreduce, which allows us to achieve great out-of-the-box performance. This API is still being developed, but you can try it out today in the nightlies if you are interested in a TensorFlow-native solution to synchronous multi worker training. And we are very excited to say that using Keras and distribute strategies you will also be able to use the same code to distribute your model on TPUs. You'll have to wait for the next TensorFlow release for this to actually work on TPUs. But when it's released, this strategy will still work on Google Cloud TPUs and with Colab, which can now access TPUs directly. And as we approach the final 2.0 release, we will continue bringing scalability into Keras. We will be enabling distribution with parameter service strategy, which is the multi-node asynchronous training that estimator does today. We will also be exposing canned estimator like wide and deep directly from the Keras API for those of you who want a higher level higher level API. And we will be adding support for partitioned variables across many machines for some of the largest scale models, like those we run at Google. And that's just a sneak peak. So please do check out the 2.0 preview and try out TF Keras if you haven't already. If you have more questions, you'll be hearing more throughout the day about Keras and high level API and how they integrate across TensorFlow. And we also have a workshop tomorrow that Martin mentioned. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: TensorFlow
Views: 303,543
Rating: 4.8690557 out of 5
Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: TensorFlow, purpose: Educate
Id: k5c-vg4rjBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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