Introducing Divi Dashboard 2.0 🤩 😄

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hey everyone tim streifler here with divi life and i am super excited to introduce divi dashboard 2.0 we have completely redesigned and rebuilt the plug-in from the ground up and then added a bunch of really awesome new features if you're not familiar divi dashboard is it's one of our longest standing plugins actually that was originally released in 2016 and it allows you to create a custom wordpress dashboard using divi and so rather than having the boring wordpress dashboard with the welcome screen and the wordpress getting started content you can create content that is branded to you or your client you can add contact forms you can add video walkthrough video so you can do whatever you want to do with that back in dashboard and so it's a really cool way to make your clients feel really special and that they're not just getting another wordpress website they're getting something unique that's branded to to them or whatever and so um i'm gonna go ahead and show it to you here so let's go ahead and share my screen now we are launching this uh 2.0 plug-in as part of our big black friday sale so the 2021 black friday sale here at divi life uh releasing 24 new products total including divi dashboard including divi modules pro which is a bunch of new modules with many more on the way so lots of cool stuff here and then an exclusive 2021 black friday bundle with our ecommerce shopping cart and plug-in divi sidecar all of these are our new new products um five different layout packs 150 headers um a bunch of uh ecommerce child themes divvy shoe divi bike store divi beauty store so um that this is all part of our black friday extravaganza so to speak so um so that's kind of what this is this is uh coming from so uh divi dashboard 2.0 is really awesome it has it's all completely redesigned settings panel um so but before i show you that let's show you the before so this right here is the before this is the default classic wordpress dashboard with this welcome screen here now with divi dashboard 1.0 we would replace just this content here so uh just the the welcome area that's why the plugin was originally divi dashboard welcome we've kind of renamed it to just divi dashboard because now with 2.0 you can replace this entire screen we have the full screen mode which will replace all of this get rid of all these widgets and just have your custom dashboard page and so i'm going to show you what that looks like here you can still do the classic version and just replace the welcome screen if that's the what you want to do so let's go ahead and and dive in so this is the the settings panel of course it looks like uh divi's ui we're using divi's ui elements and styling so it feels familiar and part of divi and so basically the way that this settings is laid out is you control everything per user role so with 1.0 the plugin would really only work for admins right because wordpress by default only shows the dashboard to admins and we had some code snippets to enable it for other user roles now that happens automatically and it's built into the plugin and you can actually create different dashboards for different user roles so if you wanted one for admins and one for editors that looks different you could do that and right now it's just showing the default user roles that come standard with wordpress because i just have a very basic install but if you install woocommerce or membership plugins or any plugin that's going to create a custom user role on your wordpress website then it's going to show up here those user roles are going to show up here and then you have the ability to add different dashboards for those different user roles so for example woocommerce will add i think subscribers or that's woocommerce subscriptions it'll add customers and different things like that membership plugin is going to add members and so you can create a custom dashboard for those user roles so you just select the dashboard that you want here and then um we have a couple different settings here that we'll talk about and get to um but before you can really select a dashboard you need to create a new dashboard and so um let me just make sure i'm clear so if you're an all access pass member you can download the plugin in the divi live customer portal under all access pass downloads so you just come over here download divi dashboard 2.0 and then if you want to download the divi dashboard layout templates uh scroll all the way down to the 2021 black friday bundle select divi dashboard layouts click download and then you can you can have all of those and then if you wanted to preview all the layouts go to divi we have the demo in the black friday post the link there and then you can see all the different layouts that we have all the different dashboard layouts and you can preview them so i have already installed the plugin obviously on the site i've already loaded up all the layouts to the divi library so if you haven't done that then you can do that and then jump back in and follow along and then once you create a new dashboard the first thing you're going to need to do is make sure you have the the divi builder enabled so i'm i have the classic builder in divi theme options i'm using the classic builder but either way you need to enable the divi builder so if you click that link it's going to take you to divi theme options and you just want to make sure that this is turned on for the dashboard so that you can use the divi builder to create these custom dashboards and then once you do that you just add the [Music] if you're going to use one of our dashboard layouts you just add that just like you would any other layout and then that is it so very simple so i'm going to go ahead and just show you what that looks like here i'm just going to do not full page mode let's set a max height of 800 pixels and so now instead of that boring wordpress welcome screen we have something that looks way better it's simpler it's branded you know i can change these to my company colors we have some quick links that will still link to the different areas of the site all of this is automatically set up in all of our our layouts we have a contact form so if your client wanted to ask a question like how do i upload images they can do that directly from their website so this is a huge value add for clients they're feeling like they're getting something special something customized not just a generic wordpress website so that is just the normal mode now i'm going to show you how to do full page mode which is really cool so all you do is check the box for full page mode and then close that out so the dismissible that is only applicable for normal mode actually i'm going to show you i'm going to show you that really quick is dismissible so if you have that turned on it will allow the client to dismiss it here and they can always get it back by going to screen options and turning it off however most clients won't know how to do that and so they'll say i don't know how to get back to uh you know the area that has all the links and and the videos or whatever and so by default this won't be enabled so they can't dismiss it and that's probably what we recommend because they don't really need to dismiss it there's not really any any reason to do that but if you want to give them the ability then you can do that here okay let's get back to full page mode check the box when you're using full page mode just clear that out we don't want to hide we want it to be full page and then now this is full page and there's no none of that other wordpress junk all those little widget boxes below of useless stuff now it's whatever you want it to be right here in the back end of the website so i'm going to show you a couple more of the the layouts here um so show you layout seven so this one isn't as optimized for full screen um but you can you could obviously make this background full screen if you wanted to so yeah this is kind of a simpler more client friendly approach with these buttons to manage pages manage blog posts so a lot more user friendly contact support and then of course you could add below it some help videos that will show them how to use your website so very cool i'm just going to show you one more here that i have loaded up already this one here has some nice colorful blurbs again we got the quick links we have links to some training and we have some of our layouts actually have the videos embedded um and so if you wanted the video right there you could do that and then again contact support with a little uh contact form to be able to send them a message or for them to send you a message so um yeah very very cool now that is kind of the basic functions of the plugin the last thing i wanted to show you is a really cool really exciting feature that we're launching with divi dashboard 2.0 and it's the ability to create global dashboards and so let me just tell you the scenario if you are someone who creates websites for clients you're creating a lot of websites and you want to have your custom dashboard for the client uh that's branded and everything to your company your agency uh well you can do that and you can you know have the same layout um that you use and you can upload it to each site individually or what you can do is you can create a global dashboard and create it once and store it on your own website or on a demo site or somewhere and then what you do is you turn on this external page feature here and you just pop in the link to your global dashboard so it has to be on a live website server and the benefit of that is if you ever want to make changes you just make those changes once to your global dashboard and then automatically all of the sites that are set up to use your global dashboard there are they're automatically going to see those changes on their site which is really cool so if you have uh you know some time sensitive information um you wanted to share with them uh maybe a notice that hey we we know website load times um are slow we are working on it you know whatever or here's a black friday promotion we're giving 20 off our seo service package whatever you could do that so lots of opportunities there to be able to create something once and this is actually a highly requested feature with 1.0 so we're super excited to be able to release it here in the 2.0 version of this plugin so i'm just putting the home page of our website here divi because i don't have an example of a global dashboard set up but this is just to illustrate the idea typically we don't recommend just putting your homepage in the dashboard not a very good user experience but you can see here it loads everything full screen really nice right here so rather than in loading in a layout directly from this site it's loading it externally so a global dashboard which is really cool so a lot of opportunities here it doesn't have to be just a normal dashboard you can you know put in other content here uh you know if you have a like a customer portal or invoice system or something a lot of different things you can put in right here in in their their their dashboard so very very cool that is divi dashboard 2.0 big release really excited let us know what you think let us know if you have any feature requests as i mentioned global dashboards was a feature request from customers from the 1.0 version and we built it in so if you have any other things that you'd like us to add let us know and we will work on getting it added to this plugin so as a reminder divi dashboard 2.0 release we're releasing as part of our big black friday 2021 extravaganza where we released a total of 24 new products but not all of them have been released at the time of this recording but on cyber monday we're about to release a bunch more awesome new products that we're super super excited about so um uh yeah divi modules pro a lot more in store for this product this is just the beginning a lot of custom modules coming to this plug-in um obviously dv dashboard 2.0 royal commerce 2.0 as well and then the 2021 black friday bundle 10 brand new products in here you can get the bundle for free obviously if you get the all access pass lifetime membership you get the black friday bundle you get the cyber monday bundle and then you get all of our current products all of our future products everything but if you spend 90 or more you get the black friday bundle for free so if you buy just one a lifetime membership of one plug-in then you're gonna get the black friday bundle um honestly though most people are opting for getting the all access past lifetime membership just because it's an insane value and then with the 30 discount it's even better um but yeah so lots of really cool stuff here uh and yeah that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and yeah stay tuned for more videos we're gonna be highlighting more of our new products and doing a lot more stuff so uh until then take care bye
Channel: Divi Life
Views: 1,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: divi, Divi Theme, divi plugins, divi dashboard, divi extensions, divi life, Tim Strifler
Id: eyQhCElYbdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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