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[Music] for you are a prophetic people you take prophetic steps even being guided by my spirit my house that i want to build even on this tree plot of land is fed up and charity he sweat hope and charity he's fed up at charity [Music] when we began the project we called the charity pavilion you know because of the emphasis there was faith hope and charity and you know he's sitting on three plots faith hope and charity so we call the charity pavilion and i'm trusting god that right now the emphasis are things everlasting so i i don't know but i remember also the lord told us that this is not the this is not the what you call the headquarters as it we are this is they just it's not a permanent place even though it's ours we are not struggling with but it's not the permanent means it has something else in mind for us that is evil i can't even fart from it so we are just following the lord and you know following the leading of the spirit instructions have come concerning it and i've seen the lord you know in his faithfulness uh just making provision and we are going at the pace [Music] so i'm actually the one supervising or coordinating the work going on on site the stage we are now is the gallery we are done with the ground floor and we are now at the gallery and the gallery is a c-shaped so we are presently doing the gallery now the casting of the gallery and we thank god for the greece and for the team and it is just god that has been able to bring us this far with that it's not a one-man thing it is the lord that had helped us as it seemed to come this way and we give glory to these lord there's a whole that we are looking at a hole that can take up to a thousand a thousand to to probably to i mean a thousand two thousand five uh by god's grace we have the upper part the gallery where people can equally sit down and it's quite large long and secure and have um you know uh i said we have levels then we have these two sides you know the this end and that end which is a gallery but it's not going to be a gallery it's going to be offices and then triggers department for the meantime why we trust god to be able to develop something for children's departments so we use those places for offices um young believers class and eventually children's department trusting god for so it's just a big hole that we intend to be able to take a lot cutter for a lot of a lot of people one of the things that as a pastor i like doing is requesting the vision having a time to teach along the line of what the lord laid in our hearts to do you know teach about it in church so that everybody will know this is what we are for this is what we stand for this is not just a church you know that is we have a focus and our focus is like the name of the church is you are living with church and our catchphrase there is assessing the life behind the veil um we are praying about it and trusting god that for the part of god he said this is where to form me so we are trusting god that even while we are moving here we are moving here as a sold as a a platoon of soldiers what i mean by that is that this is a new area this is a developing area so we are moving here people most of the people around this area some of them are not charged some of them are just nominated some of them are not even serious with the lord we are moving here as an army ready to conquer ready to take this place ready to evangelize the place not only evangelize the place but also cultured them we are trusting god as people moving here you know because it's a developing area as people move in here they will have a church to attend but the church should be so strong that they can't bring in external culture here they will come in here and they will be cultured for them they'll be captured and cultured for the lord challenges will always come when it comes to putting up beauties especially in lagos we had the challenges with the people who call themselves some niles yes those people who always want to uh reap the ice you should say so where i don't i want to see where they have not a soon that we thank god that they were so much in that a challenge that kind of a challenges nothing is too small to to bring for the building of this uh structure because i know that i i'm praying that in very near future very very near future when i say near future now i'm not looking at more years i'm looking at most that who should come here to come and watch god and i trust that god will do that for us you know by the time we move here of course a lot of logistics and but our hearts have to be prepared that wherever the lord i believe the lord brought us here i believe the lord has planned for this place this place i believe there are people destinies that god will direct to get houses here build houses here maybe not for them even their children you know that god has already foreseen and had plans for them that as they get here they will be captured for the lord that is one uh so um the issue of logistics moving people to this place and all of that also trusting god to be able to give us direction and grace on how to do that i'm encouraged so far by what the lord is doing and i'm i i believe believe that well it also depends on the speed of the workers i believe by this time next year we should we should have started using here land here use here walk here [Applause] me here friend me well here and from here my father will be framed even god will be free even god will be framed and god will land also he would land also he will land also it's for his sign it's for his sign the vision is christ the nation the vision vision division bb [Music] you
Channel: nlwclife
Views: 3,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: icxDPVdyt2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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