Introducing Apple Watch Series 6 — It Already Does That

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<i>Helena Bonham Carter: Imagine a future where one day</i> <i> machine learning will give you the power</i> <i> to track your sleep.</i> <i> Helena: Imagine...</i> Excuse me, ma'am? <i> Helena: Yes? Can I help you?</i> Yeah, this already does that. <i>Helena: Oh, I didn't know that.</i> Well now you do. <i> Helena: Okay, let's try this again.</i> <i> Helena: It's alright. I'll start again.</i> <i>Helena: Imagine one day a tiny device with an optical sensor</i> <i> will send you an alert if your heart rate is too low.</i> -Psst.<i> Helena: Yes, What?</i> It already does that. <i> Helena: What? Oh.</i> <i>Helena: Okay...well how about</i> <i> will send you an alert</i> <i> if your heart rate is too high.</i> It already does that! <i> Helena: Alright, let's try something new...</i> <i>Helena: Will send you an alert</i> <i> if you're some place that's too loud.</i> I just received one of those alerts. <i> Helena: Really, well you should probably find</i> <i> a quieter place sir!</i> You should probably mind your own business. <i> Helena: Ugh. Okay. Imagine. One day. In the future...</i> - Hold on. Helena: No, no, no! Let me finish... One second. <i> Helena: You'll be able to take an E-C-G...</i> It already does that. <i>Helena: It already does that.</i> I heard that. <i> Helena: Good.</i> <i>Helena: What about continuously track your elevation?</i> <i> Helena: Does it do that?</i> - Does that. <i> Helena: Right, got it.</i> - Does that. <i> Helena: Thank you.</i> - Does that. <i> Helena: Yeah, heard it the first time.</i> <i> Helena: Encourages you to stay fit?</i> Does that. <i> Helena: Okay. I get it. You're fit.</i> <i> Helena: Umm, I don't know.</i> <i>Helena: Will it automatically call 9-1-1 if a bear chases</i> <i> you off a cliff and you take a hard fall? Huh?</i> <i> Yeah. Already does that.</i> <i> Helena: Seriously?</i> Yeah. Seriously. <i> Helena: You've got to be kidding me.</i> <i> Helena: Okay. Okay, okay, okay I got it.</i> <i>Helena: Let's go from the top.</i> <i> Helena: Imagine.</i> <i> Helena: A day. A future. Imagine a future.</i> <i>Helena: One day a tiny device.. blah, blah, blah.</i> <i> Helena: That uses red and infrared light</i> <i> to measure your blood oxygen level.</i> <i> Helena: Yes? What?</i> <i> Helena: No, no, no, no, no.</i> <i> Helena: Don't you dare say it.</i> <i> Helena: I'm sorry I can't hear you.</i> <i> Helena: Very cute.</i> <i> Helena: Well. That was fun.</i>
Channel: Apple
Views: 29,146,178
Rating: 4.538198 out of 5
Keywords: Apple Watch Series 6, Apple Watch, Apple, Health, Blood oxygen, Sleep tracking, ECG, fitness tracking
Id: TCMnrssX1NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 13sec (133 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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