Introducing Amazon FSx for ONTAP - Technical Discussion

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[Music] hey guys going to steve thousand principal of the cto advisor you are joining the cto advisor road trip in seattle we're talking about data in the public cloud and this idea of i think solving a gap that's been in the industry specifically in the aws product offering when it comes to managing data that was on premises that now needs to be placed in the public cloud and taking advantage of many of the public cloud services that aws has this video is sponsored by netapp we have with us nick howe from netapp adrian deluca from aws guys welcome to the show thank you keith nice to be here all right nick we're gonna start with you first okay uh i'm gonna ask the obvious question why build this like what what what is the problem as we've been building the cloud portfolio at netapp for a few years now one of the things that we found is that our our beloved install base has had problems with data gravity they they find it they love aws they love working in aws but the enterprise applications multi-tier apps that they want to take up there also come with a very big anchor called data those can oftentimes be hundreds of terabytes if not petabytes in size and it's hard to move that around just to say you want to do some qa on it real quick and then shut it all down right so the idea is to put on tap in the place where they want to work and leverage all of the efficiencies that come with using ontap in a native experience so i want to hit adrian on this concept of native i know all of the native aws storage services how does this fit in that portfolio of services well it's not just a you know a managed experience of netapp on tap on cloud it is a fully integrated experience as well so what that means is that you're benefiting from the full gamut the entire portfolio of data protection services data management services that come with netapp and utilizing the aws underlying infrastructure so it's using the aws compute networking and storage services it's leveraging also all of the security uh and management that a lot of our customers know and love so i'm just gonna throw like some i know enough about the aws architecture to be dangerous so i can assign that i am role to [Music] this service or integrate this service into my im roles absolutely so when it comes to the governance and control and the granularity that you would get with any other aws service you get the same with netapp i think it's really important to make it clear this is running in your customer or our customers vpc environment so you get the benefits of using things like cloudtrail and cloudwatch uh the same way that you would in any other service you use key management service for encryption for example so it is really that complete integrated experience oh always only nick i get it this is a new one to me so i understand key management service one of the second one the most under if there's an undersold service key management service the ability to manage my keys so i can encrypt data on my ontap provided nfs stores using my aws kms keys i don't need to add any more you just nailed it okay i think i'm starting to get this with that said let's talk about some practicals because i think there's going to be a lot of naysayers out here first off nick if i'm a traditional ontap administrator and i'm thinking cloud native apis all this stuff that i just don't know yet my my task is replicating data from sign a type b i go into my ontap gui i know how to use it i do it is that experience still there yes for the ontap administrators it is going to be a very similar experience say to you accessing a secondary array that might be living in your secondary data center look at aws or the on instance of fsx for netapp on tap is going to be the same kind of experience you manage it with your tools that you're used to or you can directly access it from the aws cli or console all right what if i want to replicate data as i'm doing my data migration i want to replicate data from my private data center to the public cloud absolutely snap mirror fully supported uh many of our flex and snap words that our install base know and love are all supported uh you're going to see the ability to do fan out and cascade configurations for snapmirror are all supported so if you wanted to land it in fsx for netapp on tap and then maybe cascade it out to a bunker site for whatever reason all of those configuration options that we've been doing for decades on netapp arrays are still available and that's really the way for infrastructure architects to look at fsx for netapp on tap is it's an extension of your netapp infrastructure so as i take off my keith townsend 30 through three i'll just say 33 decades of enterprise i.t experience so you know that's how i would naturally want to do that adrian however there's a new generation of folks out there doing things via these tools that allow them to do things at scale if i wanted to run on top of one aws region one tap in another aws region and use this native capability do i then have to kind of exit my world that i know in order to perform that simple task well keith i've got the privilege of working literally with hundreds but of customers that are doing this migration they're bringing their traditional applications into the cloud they're all in but we've done this thousands of times and and what we continue to see if you want to get not just the cost benefits and the efficiency benefits of the clouds you've got to get the productivity benefits and how a lot of customers are realizing this today whether you come from the old world or the new world is you bind that together through automation infrastructure as code so the the fact that you can take the service that you know and love uh or this uh the operating system and all those features and capabilities and embed that as infrastructure as code in a cloud formation script uh or a terraform script means that you're bringing all of the same sort of benefits to those traditional environments as you would for your modern applications so let's test this all the way to the modern application the traditional cloud native application in the cloud native container kubernetes base sense if i want to provision and attach a persistent storage volume to a pod is that supported in this solution either one of you guys can take that 100 i mean we could just high five across from each other yes and just simply go that no to get into more of the details uh we've had the trident plug-in the open source plug-in is now completely conformant with the csi spec from the kubernetes world so all of that still works what in any form of ontap whether it's fsx for netapp on tap or whether it's a physical array you have on-prem trident it's irrelevant to trident if i'm being frank so at the end of the day yes we can provision csi pvcs those can come either from infrastructures codes such as cloud formation templates hell you if you've jacked some yaml you can throw that in there right my favorite my favorite word uh so you could totally do that uh at the end of the day though we're gonna see a lot of people begin to move data sets from on-prem up to the cloud as a first step and then they're going to discover how they can take advantage of either native netapp or native aws services or some of the other features and functionality that ontap brings to the table that they may not have known about before and that's right nick i mean the benefit of it being a native uh service in the aws environment means that you can connect to ec2 you can contain you can connect it to the container services and you can even expose those uh multi-protocol shares to uh amazon workspaces or app stream so it really is uh you know an environment that is completely bound together so if i'm moving if i'm migrating to my vdi and i have this used data set i have workspaces for my vdi that connects to ontap so i'm using this in this traditional way and as i start to migrate my applications and re-platform my applications the data's there and i can just cycle the services around that data and identity management right so if you're running active directory for for your users you can literally join those active directory domains natively inside the environment well i told you i know enough about aws to be dangerous but i'm sure i've missed some basic questions that you'd like to know more about if you want to know more first spot is to go down and click the link associated with this video if you want to learn more about the cto advisor you can follow us on the web the forward slash road trip to learn about where we've gone where we'll be if you haven't followed the road trip if you have feedback directly from me there's questions you want me to ask these two you want me to email them and say hey you know what sarah from chicago had a really interesting question you can dm me on twitter at ctoadvisor dms are open talk to you next cto dose
Channel: The CTO Advisor
Views: 603
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Id: 5WHq5mV5hjM
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Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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