Introducing a Queen to a Colony with Laying Workers using a Push in Cage

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[Music] this colony's got a lane worker it's obvious because of the Drone cells the Drone that are in the worker comb I'm going to install a new Queen [Music] and I'm going to use a pushing cage there's my queen she's in a California mini cage with the Cork and I have a pushing cage here I'll need to move the bees I want to move all the bees off in case they decide that they're Lane worker is good enough okay here's how it works I've got my pushing cage and I got my queen cage I need to take the cork out so she'll be released in here she has some honey in case don't feed her right away uh she has some empty cells to lay in so once she starts laying eggs she'll smell a whole lot better to the other bees they'll be more likely to accept her less likely to reject the new Queen because they think they already have one all right we're going to try this this is what I've been recommending to many of our customers I'm trying it here for sure so we can give you a video and a report on how it [Music] works there's the queen Coming Out Of The Cage she stopped to pick up some honey right first thing she did she's marked so we'll know if it's her if she's doing okay after we've taken the cage off in a couple of days all right a few days later got to check on this queen that's in the queen cage see if she's laying eggs see if they've accepted her see how things are going [Music] okay there's more bees in there they found their way in they've chewed underneath or around it looks like the Queen's still in [Music] there there she is and there's a bunch of eggs in those [Music] cells she didn't have room to lay eggs in any more cells so she repeated herself that's the best way I know of to get a queen accepted into a colony that has a lane worker
Channel: The Honey Company
Views: 44,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, Stan Moulton, laying worker, queen, push in cage
Id: 1G0NBjtqkS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2015
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