Intro to ZBrush 012 - Perspective, Cameras, and the Draw Menu! Also head variants!!

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now while you're working and blocking out your head you may feel it feels a little bit weird especially if you're trying to match some reference because you can see that this doesn't really have perspective turned on now generally while i'm working i don't really have perspective usually turned on certainly when i'm doing hard surface stuff but if you want you can go over here and you can actually turn on this perspective button hotkey for that is p so you can turn that on and off so go ahead and turn perspective turned on and in fact if you go over here to the draw menu you're going to have some more options so zbrush has a universal perspective camera that has focal length field of view et cetera if you turn that off that goes into zbrush legacy mode and that'll actually ungrade this angle of view up here and align to object and stuff like that generally we just leave the universal on if you want to especially if your matching reference that's like hey we shot this with a 35 millimeter camera you can go ahead and choose 35 or 50 or 28 or 24 or 18 or just dial in your focal length there but generally i'll just leave this at 50 sculpt in perspective mode or just turn perspective off and continue working now while we've been working we've also been you know tapping s to go to this draw size we've been going up here and changing our z intensity if you tap the space bar and you got to hold it down you'll also have access to all sorts of things you've got color over here you've got stroke options what material you're using here's a draw size focal shift which we'll get to in a bit rgb intensity z intensity z add and z sub all sorts of things in here you can use so if you want to use this as an alternative to tapping s for draw size or going somewhere else in your interface again just remember you can hold down space bar and access all of these options we'll also get to making your own custom menu and assigning a hotkey to that for your own like custom marking menu system but that's a really easy built in one to z brush so now up to this point you can navigate around you can use dynamesh you can use basic sculpting brushes so feel free to go through here you can go through and start blocking out shapes you've got hotkeys now so you can very quickly go through and start defining volumes putting in details and you can also make a variance one way you can do this you can go up here you can hit clone and that'll go ahead and clone off a copy so you can always go back to this tool and then start modifying this tool again using all the brushes you have available to you you can use your pinch brush or one thing i forgot to mention is your inflate brush let's go into our brush menu here and hold down ctrl alt assign inflate to alt i i use it enough to need a hotkey for that and now you can see we have two variations of this face we haven't really gotten to sub tools yet but an alternative to this is you can go through here to your sub tool menu you can hit duplicate and now you've got two separate sub tools right now they're going to be drawing over each other so if i go through here for example and use the move brush there's going to be one object right on top of each other we can go through here we can turn off the eyeball for one of these and now we can use this as a way to go through and do variants as well as subtools now if we didn't if i didn't make this clear enough when we were talking about file handling if i was to go up here now and do a tool save as it would save this selected z tool which has two sub tools in it so would save both of these here and if i go down here to the solo menu we can turn this one on let me just turn this eyeball back on so now i can kind of switch between these two and let's make this one even more there we go so i got two very different ones but you can still save these as one z tool and it will have all of these sub tools along with it and because we have solo mode turned on we can switch between these heads work on one select another one work on the other let's maybe go through here and give a little cauliflower ear but again have fun with this get used to the navigation and hotkeys and the basic sculpting and zbrush and like i said make some variants and first and foremost have fun
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 3,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush Intro, ZBrush tutorial, zbrush for beginners, zbrush basics, zbrush perpective, zbrush dynamic perspective, zbrush draw menu, zbrush real camera, zbrush camera settings, zbrush focal length, zbrush orthographic, zbrush field of view, zbrush
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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