Intro to Node-RED: Part 3 Advanced Nodes

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Many tasks in Node-RED can be done with the default core node set. And, when they're not enough there's often an external package of nodes that you can install to fill in the gaps. But, some applications just require more. In this workshop I'll talk a little bit about function nodes and what they can do like access persistent variables as well as the JavaScript object notation or JSON format that the flow message uses. And, finally, I'll talk about some other nodes like 'link' and 'exec'. With all of this at your disposal you'll be well equipped to build clean, powerful and sophisticated Node-RED applications. Having the ability to write your own JavaScript inside a flow is incredibly powerful. Just about all the tools of JavaScript are available to you so if you already know the language you'll be right at home. Otherwise, there are a ton of resources and books on the language for you to learn. Since most other nodes are essentially pieces of JavaScript you can use the function node to replicate their processes and even do multiple tasks at once from the one function node. Of course, you can also go beyond that and make full use of the JavaScript language to customize your processing on the fly. As well as the conditional statements, loops, functions, string and array manipulation tools that you can use in JavaScript there were also some functions specific to Node-RED that are very useful. They're all in the documentation on To give you a quick outline, function nodes are able to send messages to multiple output ports, send out multiple messages on a single port, or send out messages while processing before completing the code block and exiting the node. There's also the ability to log messages and errors, show status info during runtime, and store data persistently between function calls or even between deploys. Context, flow and global are the three different levels that you can use to set access and modify persistent variables where the range of their access is referred to as that variable's 'scope'. lLet's head over to Node-RED and see how this works. Here I have a function node that uses 'context get' and 'context set' to keep a rolling count of how many times I inject this function node. So, if I click done and inject a few times you can see the counter go up in the debug window. If I try to access this context account from another function node here where I context.get count from below. If I inject this I get undefined since it hasn't actually been defined in the scope of this function node, only within the one above it. To fix this I can increase the scope of count by going into the function and changing 'context' to 'flow'. Now the variable count will be available from anywhere within this flow. I'll click done and change the other node to use the same. Now if I click done, deploy I'll see the number is reset since it is now under a new scope. And, every time I inject the count goes up. But, I can also request it from this node. Now I'll take it a step further and go over to this other flow and try to inject 'flow.count'. Now when I try to do it from here I still get undefined and that's because it isn't defined within the scope of this flow only the other. To fix this I can level up the flow once more, go into count and edit it to be 'global' instead of 'flow'. I'll hit done, change over to the other tab, increasing this to get the global count. Now, when I deploy and inject I can get the count from any flow that I would like. So, while these global variables are universally accessible some applications may be better off using a link node to share data between flows. Link nodes not only share variables but can also trigger different flows across your project in a sequenced predictable way. Here I'll bring in an inject and have it throw in the time stamp. I'll go down to the function section and use a delay node to set this off 5 seconds after I actually inject the message. I can send this to a link output node. I'll call this link 'example' so I can find it later. Now, I'll bring in a link input node, wire it to a debug and connect to the 'link to example'. Now, you can see the link has found it's pair. And, when I deploy and inject five seconds later I will see the timestamp appear in the debug window. And, there it is. If I grab these two nodes, cut them and paste them on another flow, then when I deploy and inject on this flow five seconds later I can go back to this other tab, and when the time appears I can see by the dashed line that it's coming from this debug node. When I select the link node I can see it is connected to my other flow. While persistent variables can be accessed across flows they will not move an inject or flow message only allow you to access your stored values. To move the message across flows or to start one flow from another you should use linked nodes. So far the messages I've been moving around have been pretty simple though mostly a message object containing a single property payload. This makes up the majority of Node-RED objects. But, sometimes a node will require input or give output that is a much more complex message object. To get an idea of what this can look like I'll use this HTTP request node to get a Weather Underground API object. I have this debug node set to display the complete message object in the debug window so that I can see the full structure. So, I'll activate that and inject the node to see the object. Now, when I expand it Node-RED is already telling me that payload itself is an object not just a variable. So, I can expand that out and see that it contains two more objects called a response and forecast. Forecast itself is a pretty complex object with text forecasts and simple forecast objects. Simple forecast itself expands into an array called 'forecast day' that holds four days worth of forecast data. Each of these objects contains a lot of data about that forecast. Here I can expand 'high' and 'low' to see Fahrenheit and Celsius for both. If I wanted to find the path to this exact object I can use this button on the left from the debug pane. To copy the path to my clipboard now if I go down to the function section and drag in a function node, wire that in between the message and the HTTP request, I can paste that path directly into my function node. Now, I'll find out how to reference JSON objects first I use 'msg.' to reference the payload and then '.forecast' to get that object then '.simple forecast' and '.forecast day'. 'Forecast day' then requires square brackets to reference the first item in the list and index zero. Once I have that I can reference 'high' and 'Fahrenheit' using the '.operator'. From there if I were to return a new object using this as the msg.payload, hit done, deploy, and inject on this message I can see that 76 degrees has come through. If I wanted to change this to get the low centigrade for example all I have to do is change those fields. Now when I hit done and deploy and inject I can see the number 15 appear from the payload. That's how easy it is to reference different fields of JSON objects. Now this weather object is very specifically organized and will be consistent with all calls from Weather Underground. But different api's have different standards with what they output and even what they may take as input. Take for example the email node. You might remember this from the 'email alerts' video. I'll go and click on one now so that we can look at what it says in the info tab. Here it says that you can set the email body using msg.payload. The subject using msg.topic and recipients using to, CC, and BCC.You can either apply these using the email node static settings or you can hand them in every time you call the node using dynamic message objects. By using message properties instead of node settings to supply information you're able to use the node dynamically as opposed to being restricted by your static settings. Another powerful node is the 'exec node' which allows you to run a command line instruction from within Node-RED. Be aware that this node is very powerful and if you enter the wrong thing it's possible that you could damage your system. Do not execute anything before you understand what it does. Here I have an exec node setting off an exec node to read my groov box's CPU load using the top command. If I activate the debug node and inject on this flow I can see that my cpu load of 1.5% appears in the debug tab. Now that it's in Node-RED I could do anything with it like plot it in groov, lock it to a database or anything else I would like. The possibilities are only limited by what you want to do with your application. With these nodes and some understanding of JSON objects and JavaScript at your disposal you'll be able to use Node-RED to easily create powerful applications that meet your need. You'll be able to do this no matter how straightforward or advanced your problem is. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Opto Video
Views: 134,017
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Keywords: automation, opto 22, opto, opto22, automatizacion y control industrial, node-red, nodered, node red, ibm, flow, node, advanced, beginner, tutorial, how to, iot, iiot, internet of things, professional, jason, java script, exec node, link node, function node, persistant variable, node-red tutorial for beginner, node-red tutorial, lesson, learn, learn node-red, javascript, node red tutorial, nodered tutorial
Id: bovIZtgL68E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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