Intro to Grasshopper for Industrial Design

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okay so welcome to the first lesson inside of grasshopper I'm going to try to keep it fairly simple because you can actually go on terrible I can go on tangents that last basically hours but um but I'm going to try to basically give you the simplest way to sort of start doing some cool stuff just to sort of help you get to know grasshopper so I'll go tonight I'll go slow and I'll try to explain part of the process but this is very much a basic basic intro so I won't go too deep into the more complex parts of this but I'll make sure that you guys have some cool some cool things to do so the first thing you do obviously is you you install grasshopper grasshopper is a is a plugin for Rhino it won't be a plug-in for long the next Rhino will have it natively and then once you once you load it out of the way to to turn it on inside of inside of Rhino is to go to your command line and click on in right grasshopper and then will turn on and also while you're at it we're going to be using the plugin lunch box and this is a really great plugin to sort of get you going before so you don't have to note you don't have to do too much crazy stuff and you get some pretty cool results so the first thing we're going to do is add a surface to our to our Rhino file so first turn on your grid snap and then just and here in the tool panel just add a surface and we'll keep it will keep it from let's say we'll go 40 to 20 millimeters and then in the bottom left corner you can see you can see where it is if you if you on if you have it still like a wireframe to see is shaded like that you go here and you press shaded and actually I don't need to see the other views right now so I'm going to go full screen and also I don't really need to see the grid anymore so i'ma go grid and then IH tutorial hide the grid and and so the next thing I do is I add I select my surface and then I add it to a layer called surface and then and then now it's here so I could hide it if I want but yeah that's how we're going to start so so once you load up your grasshopper you'll see it so it's a fairly weird on idea if you've never done this type of workflows it's it's a it's a little hard to understand what's going on but basically this is the canvas and here you could this is where you start writing your algorithms and and to import and to input this surface into my my algorithm I need to put it into my algorithm and the way to do that is here in these tabs you have the the parameter tab and here in geometry because you can select what what type of things you want to add to the scene so here I'm going to go to surface and click on it and then I'm put here and see they're still all I did is add a surface an input for the surface but there's nothing there yet so to add this you select the surface and there you go you right click on this on this component and then you go set one surface and there now now I set not now this this surface is inside my algorithm so now I don't need I don't need to even see the actual surface that I'm using negative could hide that away and now all we're looking at is the preview of the of the algorithm and to change that in terms of the color and stuff you could click this button and then here you because you could change you can change how it looks in your in your screen or add some transparency I'll probably add a little transparency on something so now we have this surface in our algorithm and now that the next thing we're going to do is just to keep everything quick we're going to go into lunch box and then we're going to click on the text icon cell and we're going to paste it here and as you can see once you put it in here we have a lot of options so here it says surface this is where we input the surface to this component so once I connect it see now I have I have this um detective guns in there and then here's the U and the V if you're not too familiar with nerve modeling you and B are basically the directions of the surface it said I get the same as a lefty right talked about them except that in this how they sort of this how their labels in them in computers in nerves so when you select something you can hit the spacebar and this radial menu comes out and you need to hide it so I don't because I don't need to see my input surface I'll just hide it away and now all I have is is a hexagon left so if I right click this and press help here you can see what I actually want so surface and here it says the the the you want an integer as a number in for the U direction and another integer for the V Direction another number for to transform the hexagon angle and and don't difference between an integer and a number is that an issue is basically just a whole number as you know instead of 1.15 - it's one two three and a number can be anything so so first first let's add a regular number to our T parameter we're going to add a number we're going to go to our parameters let me go to input number slider and then you select the number sign a select it you select the canvas and now we connect this to this and and there was no difference and that's because that's the that's the point two five is where it's naturally outward where it's set for the beginning but if I move this around you see it moves the it changes the angle of the of the hexagonal grid and then here in U and V I could add how many I want in terms of the ratio and the number of of hexagons so I'm gonna go back into my numbers I get another number slider and then to change the number slider settings I'm right click it and here in values I'm gonna go max imma go ten and press commit change and also I don't want the I don't want the point zero zero numbers I just want the whole number so I'd go integer and there now I have that of non control copy control paste then go here and connect this here so now I could sort of dictate the the number of sales and what I actually do is I know that I know that um I know that I when we built it we built it a 40 by 20 so I know that the ratio is a two by one so I'm gonna I'm actually going to keep it occupied so actually I might get three two one two like that and then I'm gonna I'm going to actually use math to sort of on to control that aspect of my design so we go here to math and then we go to operators multiplication like that and and then I'm gonna I'm gonna control copy and paste so now I'm going to press this I'm gonna connect the two here and I'll go through ten and connect the ten here so now if I connect this here now I have I have a 20 and then I'll do the same control copy control paste and instead of but instead of the two I'll connect the one and then I'll connect this to this so now I have I have a nice squared up pattern and and now if I I could control the resolution of the pattern or you know the density of the pattern like this and my ratio will stay the same and and now that it's a little more balanced you can really see what that the angle does to it so see now now we're already sort of we're getting to do some cool stuff another thing too is I'm gonna I'm gonna basically start organizing everything I kind of want to give you guys a start start giving you guys a proper or good habits in terms of organizing stuff because well after after even though these are very easy after a while it gets really difficult to control where everything is that and and you really need to start sort of um cleaning up as you go or else it will be a huge mess so one of the ways I do that is I hide at the my is my I use with my line and then all you do is you click on it on the on the where you put the line and then wire display hidden and then here to wire display hidden wire display hidden and your just going and wire just lay hidden so now if I go here and here I could basically put this here and I will put this here and I want to start labeling them because on because then I start getting confused so a way to do that is you use the scribble so the scribbling is I think it's here I actually don't even know words ah I mean in the what is it how I actually usually find tools is actually I press a I double click and then and then see this enter search keyword comes out and the experts I start writing the letter or whatever how whatever the tool is called and as you can see my tools they have their icons to change that you you click here or is it see in draw styles draw icons because if not then you'll have the letters but personally I like I like using on icons so as you can see it when I added the scribble edit this so I'm going to double click it and I'll put here ratio here density and here output hex angle so there you go and now let's let's uh let's just keep going so just just kind of show you some of the things we could already do let's say I wanted to scale all of all of these all of these hexagons right I can I could use my scale tool so let me go to transform and then you go to a sign and then I'll just click on scale and and then so basically scale is just scaling right and we have the factor here so if I add my number slider if I add my number slider and keep it at one if it's a factor of one whatever I add it's not nothing's going to happen because you know is that one but if I start if I like go down see I'm scaling it but as you can see it's getting scaled down to the middle point I don't want that I wanted to get scaled down by their own center so here as you can see here the tool gives you the center so you can put the centers here and there so now we're trying to do some cool stuff and then I'm going to then I'm going to select it and then press spacebar and then first here to hide it so now we have this cool little scaling and we can change the angle and we could change the density if I if I ever want more density it's not like I'm stuffed to anything I could also I could always go back to values and then go 110 by one and stuff right commit changes and then look it's not getting it starts getting pretty heavy if I if you do too much but but I'm just trying to show you guys that you can do whatever you want so actually I kind of like we'll keep that look you guys I'm alright so now on so this is a very simple algorithm right but I want to sort of show you I hundred to one hundred to another how to do so a little more things so the first thing we need to do is add a point into our algorithm so you go here to standard and you add a point and and now we want to add that point into our actual algorithm so we go to parameters the geometry point and and then you add the point and then I right-click it set one point and see now now that point is is in my algorithm and I'm actually going to add a new layer or I'll change this layer into input and then I'll add the here actually Frank now actually although I'm sorry Aiello because I kind of want to show you got something later so I'll put point up at the point in this one change object layer and then I'll right now I'll hide it away so that point is right here and also I don't even got to do this that often anymore but usually I you I would put something like inputs like that here right ok so what I'm going to do is actually I'm going to use that point as what is called in grasshopper terms an attractor I want to scale these two I want to scale these based on their distance to this point so I'm going to slowly do that and as I go through it I'm not going to explain too much of what's going on on the algorithm in the in the data of it and the data tree management of it those concepts I'll get a little all start of approaching them a little later after after after we get past this so the what I want to what I'm trying to find is is the distance between this point and the rest of the centers that were here right so right now I only need the Centers so a way to sort of see them without having to see the other stuff of the component I just want this one right so I could I could go here back to parameters drop the point put it here and if I press if I connect these cells here see now I now I could see my and and and now like let's say let's say I'm going to measure the distance between all of these and and this one and a way to sort of visualize that I'm going to add a quickly just to show you guys a line component so we go to primitive lines so if I connect all the Centers to the bottom one and then on the input I you add that main one you see now everything is connected to that point so if I if I open that point again and divide if I move it inside of Rhino you see how is they're all getting connected to that point that's basically what we're going to do but with measuring the distance so I wanted to I want I want grasshopper to tell me what is the length of all of these a lot of all of these lines I want to know that distance right so instead of a line tool I will use a distance tool distance and I think also a tool to actually I think it was like this no there you go to if if you ever forget where a tool is and you found it through here you know like doing something like that um a way to sort of figure out where it's from or where or when if you press ctrl + alt and then press the thing it shows you where it is and inward and you know it's under vector under points and that's where you can find that so it's the same thing now I want I want the the distance from that point to all of these points so I don't actually need the line for anything it was just to sort of illustrate what's going on so let me let me show you what's what what's happening to the actual data of this and I'm going to hide this because I don't need to see it right now hi and technically I wouldn't need to see this either as you kind of just connect that to this you know that all I did right now is just so I could find I could see them but nothing's happening to the data as in the pointer here I'm connected to the to this thing which is connected just collect points and then I'm merging into that so but this this thing isn't doing anything but but holding on to information it isn't manipulating it if I went here it wouldn't change anything but fry not just to keep everything a little more clear we'll keep like that and and to actually see what's going on is as you could use here an input in the parameters panel can you put it here and when you connect it here you start seeing all the different these are all the distance to every point distance to that sent to that point we put so you see all the the different numbers as you can see they're everywhere and I want to use this information to scale my my hexagons so the tool we're going to use is we're going to remap the domain and and this is where and and I'll start slowly explaining what that is okay so to go further into our lesson I need to teach you guys about domains and remapping numbers so the first thing we want to do is add is construct a domain so under math go to domain construct domain and put in your canvas and and and this is just a quick exercise to sort of show you guys um well what what domains are what what on what what does remap numbers do so if I if I am if I add a number slider and in the number slider will go to slider type integer and then value max will go we'll go ten right climate change so I'll put the ten here and and then and then the the beginning of my domain would be here so now I just made a domain from 0 to 10 if I if I connect the the panel here you'll see that that's the domain and and now we're going to use the remap remap numbers a component so remap numbers and and and and as you can see let me let me I'm gonna I'm going to work with 3 so I'll put the in remap numbers that's basically what the name is what is what's doing is just remapping the numbers to a different domain this is a this is my starting domain 0 to 10 so here I could see us or source domain and another one is a target domain so my source domain I'm going to connect it here and then I'm going to I'm going to copy all this control copy and then paste hmm and then here I'm gonna I'm going to put the value to 100 okay and then that I'm going to put in my target and then I'm going to connect T as V is for value so we're going to connect the three here and now when I get the result I see right now in the things happening because the domains are the same but once I change this domain to a hundred see it changed the number to 30 so basically what happened is is it looked at this domain and then it's all where the three lands on that domain and then it looks at this domain and then it uses the percentage to find to find out exactly where that is and obviously this is a very easy very easy mathematical problem right if you have three and you only have ten you know that's 30% so 100 would be what would be a 30% of 130 but you know in here we get what if it's 25 you know or or you wanted to know what was 30% of 80 you know it doesn't it that's what that that's basically what we're remapping does it finds it finds them it finds the number where this in this in this source domain and then it remaps it to whatever domain you want and and this is basically it's basically underlying mathematics of scaling so so this is this is what we're going to use to to remap the the distances that we that we have on the other on the other another algorithm okay so now that we actually have now that we've seen what remap does let's use let's apply that knowledge now into into this algorithm so first let's add the remap number and and I need to make a domain right so let's go to math domain construct domain and I'm a place it right here and for since I know I want to scale it then I'm going to scale it from 0 to 1 I'm gonna I'm gonna that's what I'm going to do for my target domain because because that's basically what I want to do I want to I want to figure out the distance and then change that distance from from a figure out the distances of all of them and then we map them to from 0 to 1 so a way to a way to figure out what what the distances are right we already we already saw with the panel tool we could see we could see all the different numbers but they're not in order you know they're just sort of they're not random but where the where the point is so on a quick way to find out what what's the smallest number and the highest number to basically build a domain from the highest and the lowest is by using the tool called bounds so if you double click it and be oh you and so so that's bounds and to find it it's actually in under math domain and then bounce and then you put it in you put it here and when you connect the distances and now when you connect that here so now I know that the closest the closest distance between the cells and that point we put is one and the farthest is 27 so I'm going to attack end of our new domain so we're going to put this domain here and as our source and then for our values we're going to use the distances right so we go like that and then for our our target domain we're going to we're going to use the 0 to 1 so if I if I get this scaling and I place it over here on I don't need I don't need this factor anymore because I got the results right here and I connect them here you see now it's I don't limit advisors oh now now as you can see it's scaling and again I got red because I actually hit 0 if you scale anything times zero is vanishes so that's what it's kind of telling you so I go like that see it on now now it's kind of now it's happy and as you can see the tables are kind of running through each other I sort of have a rule of if if if the cable is the Box goes if the cable the Box goes through anything I just hide it I'll go wire displayed hidden fire display hidden and that just keeps everything a lot more organized and I could always know you know the flow of things just by looking at that and then also it's always nice to sort of organize everything so now I could actually also like these and I'll hide them so see now now we actually have this cool attractor and and and there's no limit to you know what you can do with it if you if you move around that the target domain you know and I use this a lot I definitely use this a lot with when there was a lot of criteria you know whether like okay we can't get it smaller than this so now would will or or as also we'll leave this at point three and then from there we'll go up so now we know that the smallest one is always going to be at point three and as you can see from the grid it's already kind of doing some cool stuff and since it's simply by the nature of algorithms right if I go back to here and I and I get the density up the difference is difficult itself because I left a very minimal but let me let me do something like that see and that's basically how unattractive works and this is a very simple example but um I'm going to do I'm going to some more things to sort of own to have some cool effects so yeah okay so now we're actually going to get even trickier what I want to do is actually I don't want I don't want to have the whole grid in my in my algorithm I sort of just what I want to use the distance at this point to if I move it around to sort of just just a find whatever closest points are to it and then delete the ones that are aren't here that way I don't have these edges I kind of want to just have like a circle so what I need to do is basically some data management and some math so instead of scaling I'm actually going to use on what the scaling is going to come in later but for right now I will I will delete this and and then so we could see what's going on we'll go back here actually we'll go tails coming out curves okay so what I want to do is I want to I want to since we already have the values we already remap the values from well right now from point zero 4 to 0.8 but I'm going to go back to zero and back to 1 and then so basically now what that did is it gave them it put all the distances from 0 to 1 I know I'm repeating myself but I feel like it's especially the first time you do it this is very confusing so so I will be repeating myself multiple times so if I if I go back to the results you know using my panel right so now all those distances are relating from 0 to up from yet from 0 to 1 if I copy that and I show and I use this see so so the one on the left is the new remap numbers and here on the right is the is the actual distances so now I actually want to use a way to get a percentage out of there I want to know the I want to get to the closest 30 percent so how you do that is with math so you go to math and then you go to operators and I'm sorry now I have operators and then I want I want everything that's smaller than then 30% right so here's here's a you know that I have to I have to add my results here and therefore 30% I need a number slider and then I go point 3 and then I click that here so so what happened there if I go back into and so if I if I use my my panel tool to see the data see see how it says false here was basically doing it is going through all the numbers and it's finding what what are what was this under the 30% and what's over the 30% and and now I want to use this data to to to manipulate my actuals myself to use it as a way to sort of it's called choline which means uh it basically removes it I want to I want to keep all the true and remove all the false and the way to do it is with coding so you go to set sequences cold pattern like that and then here it's asking for the pattern and this is the pattern that we developed and now it's asking for the the list and and uh I was let me connect once I connect it and then I hide these see now I get that's the closest 30% so just to go over what is happening here this this whole pattern is removing all the all the stuff that also anything that's above a 30 percent of the of the distance so I could change that and and this sort of gives me this effect now what if I'm now I sort of want to use I like this but I want to return and use my scalene again another good thing you know this is parametric you know you could always move it around so now I want to I want to do what we did last time but with on with the with another with another scalene so the first thing I need to do is actually get all the distances and and and use the same technique of delete the ones I don't need with with this tool so with the Coleman pattern so I'm going to ctrl copy and paste and then here on the list I'm going to actually attach the measurements so here's the distance and I'm going to attach them here now remember this we made this this a pattern you know based on on but I'm using that pattern to manipulate different different data points one before I did it just to eliminate the cells but I also want those distances that we took originally but I don't want everybody else I also only want these so I'm using the same the same thing and if I look into the to the into the data you sort of you could see it like that so see now now we can see here that there's only 249 curves and now there's only 249 distances distance measurements that are the same so if I if I go back to this distance and I put it here see this is the rest of it 884 but I don't want all of those because I only want to I only want to use the the the distance that is left not not a nut of the whole thing so now I'm doing I'll do the same thing I did last time I'll get the actually just copy control copy paste all these okay and now instead of instead of the all of the numbers we're going to connect these here and then also the same thing with the bounds we're going to connect that here and and then we don't need this anymore and just to keep everything again clean I'm going to hide it and I'm going to hide that sign too so now I'm going to I'm going to scale them using my scale tool and the other thing I'm missing are the actual the points and so I'm actually going to use I'm going to use this this coal pattern again to eliminate the rest of my points right because that now I have all these but I don't want those I want I just want the closed ones so I'm going to comply copies is and paste it and then but instead of the cells I'm going to get the points and I'm going to put them here so now when I remove these now I got the centers again so as you can see the coal pattern is the pattern it doesn't the pattern doesn't care what list you put on here or how you got the list although all it does is it looks at looks at the true or false and then it applies it to whatever you put it on top so now so now I'm gonna I'm going to connect the cells up here to my scalene because this is this where you put the geometry and then I need the center points which are here now and put those here and then now I'm going to use the the new attractor here so if I if I hide all these see now we actually have something something pretty cool and and and now we could if you could use this for a speaker or or whatever whatever we want and and if you see everything is still alive I could always I could always change any of the settings I want and also the density or whatever I'm actually I'm going to I'm going to show you guys one more one more thing instead of because you know we're using we're using of the distance between a point but that's not the only thing we could use we could if I if I go to my Rhino and I get the curve tool and let's let's add a curve sort of like that right this curve I'm going to add it to my algorithm curve and then set one curve so now that curve is inside the algorithm and remember when we got the distance I want to see the distance not not to one point but to the curve so I got to use here in curves and it analysis there is curve two closest point so this the tool basically give you input a curve into it and then you in point you input all the all the rest of the points here and now it's the same thing the you get you get that distance so if I add that distance if I add the distance which is here into here and here see now I'm using that curve to control the the same thing and now now I'm not using anything oh and I have to put this here too because I remember that that through the algorithm we we sent this distance to here and then we remapped it so we actually have to remember to connect whatever whatever is in this one - for the distances and so you go here we connect it here so now now that now I did this this curve is a valuable sorry if I hide it that curve is is it making this line and I could I could always start changing everything around and so basically that's kind of how how this is this is how you do how you start building these types of algorithms and after this I'll show you how to how to take these into into illustrator and also alias so you're going to actually start using them right now so before we actually go into into illustrator or alias I'm going to do just a little bit of cleaning up and and also I'll show you I'll show you guys about grouping and how to actually internalize data because I'm going to actually you could download this file and and play with it when a in my site so that so that on if you have something to sort of reverse engineer if maybe something with too complex so the first thing I'm going to do is just organize stuff so I'm going to do I'm going to do this and in NL end this is actually it's going to be very much organized to help you guys usually I'm a little more dry in in terms of my own I don't really need that this much but but I feel like it would it would help out so I'm going to group these two group something you you select it and press spacebar and then there you group it like that and then you could because now they're in there nice and in order and I'll put this over here and then a control copy paste um scaling and then and then this is the percentage right so hide and then we're going to take the percentage over here and then we're going to go we're going to call it distance threshold so I could use that to control that and also I'm actually going to let me put my curve input on this I don't need what oh I do I'll actually get I don't technically need it so we'll put that like that delete that and then this like I said you don't actually need these but you know I'll leave it so that you could kind of like see what what's going on so this is uh in another way if I know if I know something is always going to stay constant like I'm not going to move it around for example here I could actually internalize all this I gave you to go here and go internalized and go here and internalize and so now I don't need that that information sort of got stored into this thing and and also even even this thing could be stored into here so but for right now we'll just leave it like that and and then this is this is the other one so what I'm going to do is also group all these like that and actually you could group inside groups and I'm going to group these individually oh I'm gonna change the color now whoops sorry let me try that again okay okay I'm group we're going to change the color so first you go like that group it and you go here color we change it Oh like that there you go and then these things will uh we'll just see if like that for right now and actually I kind of want to group them and let see if I can oh it's done doing it backwards I'm sorry I apologize I know that I did it sorry so let me change that to like we'll change it to like a blue right and I want to use that blue again so I'm going to go here and go make color default there you go and then group and then group and now that and the reason I did that is because it's something the group I could label it right click it and up here I could first I want to see what I think this is the points yeah so I'm going and I go points and then here I go these are the actual cells so cells and then here nothing this is the distance right yeah the distance on whoops this then okay so then I'm gonna I'm gonna in group this and then this will be the distances and then this is the curve that I added into the machine and you can actually even internalize curves and also the surfaces that we did in the beginning and I'm actually going to do that because that way if you once you download this file you don't need to actually add the curve yourself they'll be look they'll be inside the file so I right-click it and I go internalized data so now even if I would delete this curve in my actual file it wouldn't matter because it's already inside so then I'm going to hide and I'll put that here and this one I'm going to turn are lies two and this one I'm going to internalise two so now basically I've internalized all my inputs and now this algorithm is basically self run on so even though at this point I don't this point doesn't need to be here I could just like I said before I can I can sort of I did that to help you guys see what's going on but I could always you know I can see words connected and just sort of jump through it and then this connector over here and then this is connected over here so there you go oh and then this is uh yeah so what I'm going to do actually is go like that and group this and we're going to call this a curve distance and we're going to do also is control copy and paste and then on this one I'm gonna I'm going to see where all of these are connected and I'm going to actually use this thing use those original points that we did that way that way you guys will have both and a lot of times when I'm doing this sort of thing like I know I want this distance of this curve and and I'm replacing it with this one so a lot of times I'll just see where it's connected and then I'll just sort of follow the line and then connect this thing and then so now I could delete that will group that will call this point distance distance there you go so I guess I didn't have to do this well you have to do this part twice but at least that way you can you can see you can see both of them so when you select all of them and you go and hide see now you can see this one and and then if you go here you could play with the distance the scaling all that and then and then if you hide this one and you should see this one oh not this one now you can see the curve and so yeah that I'll leave this in my in my in my website to download in the the grasshopper tutorial section and um so let's let's let's actually take this - we'll take it to alias so we'll just we'll use this one so let's say I want to use this in alias or illustrator but first we'll do alias let me let me change the - we change it up a little bit reason like that okay so first I'm going what I got to do is actually with what is called baking so if I go here and I go bake let me do that again because I know it I can move kind of fast I click here right click it and then here this bake I click on bake and then here it asks me if I want to group it and I say yes so now this is an actual now this is actually real data that is inside of rhino so now I want to export this export selected present I just this is for alias or I need any nerve modeling software so we'll call this curve default yes now let me open up alias okay so so now I have I have my alias open and this is Elektra I think I've talked about her and yes but um that's let's import first we got import the curves that we just exported so import file import curves open and actually our our if I if I hide unselected by just a hide everything else besides the whoops where is it oh there it is if you remember in the when we started this we actually made it very small so um so if I if I uh y if i zoom in with all L see there it is and it's tiny that's because we did the with the we started with that that 30 by 30 by um where's no 20 by 40 millimeter surface so this is this is basically where it is in in in alias self first first what I'm going to do is move the pivot to the center and I think the center point is well actually know what of the planted center point and then I'll move it oops then I'll move it and snap it to the center excuse me and then we're going to scale it and I'll scale it by 100 and then for right now I'll put it in my the roof of my car I'm going to scale it down a bit obviously this is not really my intention of any of this in terms of the design but it's just more to show you guys so after that I select it I project I select the curve and I project the curve and then I trim them and keep and there you go now I have a hex pattern for no real reason in the side of my car but you know what I think I'm since since we're really not that far from actually going to the second of the second chapter of this lesson I think I'm just going to quickly show you guys you could use you can if you remember in our algorithm we use an input surface so I kind of want to use and a surface from Electra to actually use my to make my pattern and and I think I think for right now I'll use this door surface and I'll I'll hide the I'll hide unselected and I'll confirm it and I don't want I don't want it to go that high up and I also don't want it to what this links doesn't matter that much but I'm just going to help out here okay so what I'll do is actually delete this that whoops I'm going to ctrl copy paste and I'll hide that and then this one I'll as as you can I don't know if you guys already noticed but I actually have most of my stuff on hockey duct so I don't really I could actually look I can actually model like this yeah we'll use down so then I got to export this out file export active as I just save and then here we'll put input surface okay and then I'm going to open that up in um in grasshopper okay so now that on we're back into Rhino I wanted to show really quick how to use the surface from alias into our algorithm and then send it back to alias so um as you can see right now it's it's still the old pattern is still there the one that we did so for right now I am going to hide it and the first thing I'm going to do is actually import the surface we just made in alias and then also I actually forgot to record this but I also duplicated the edge of where is it yeah as you can see it's a it's a like like like how we saw in the other file that that is a we're working a very tiny own increments so so if I go up here and maximize see the the doors is way over here and also it's really easy and you go to properties and then you go to grid and let's make the creating soon maybe every 100 I will go every 50 or 60 millimeters and okay so now we have the door that we did in you know in alias and then the other thing I actually forgot to show you guys when I was in on when I was in on also I forgot that that I wanted I wanted this curve so I in alias I went back in real quick and I duplicated this edge and in the net exported again as a zone I just sew on input curve so now we have that curve now now let's put this into our algorithm so we'll select the surface and go here to input set one surface and then we get the curve and we go here to input set one curve and if we turn this on see now we're getting a we're getting a pattern and right now let's see that seems like a lot let's go back to here and then we'll see okay so now we caught up we got to change the density to something a little more a little better and also the ratio something like that probably kind of like that okay then let me hide this like we just see it okay so then we could always change the angle bit get more distance or we actually go all the way to would really wanted okay and the reason why there is that um there isn't like a straight line because you remember or like a like when when the distance threshold you would kind of think that that this that this distance as well as the distance special will sort of be linear but if you see the distance between here and here and here and then well basically here and here it's not it's not on it's not direct so it will have some something sort of like this but that's fine for our example right now and then obviously we could change the scaling we could do something a little more aggressive okay so then we go back to here big group yes basically we're going to do the same thing you select it file export and then as an I Jess and then we'll do we call this store pattern okay and now let's go back to Elias okay so now that we're back in alias we're doing basically the same thing I did a second ago but - we'll show you guys how it looks import um door pattern open currency now it's now it's there so I could hit that and I'm sort of and then just project it and then and instead of trimming it or discarding the other one I'm going to divide it and then let's unhide and will color it look a bit black okay there you go obviously this is a very simple algorithm it's a to me I didn't I did a lot I didn't do a lot of things I was doing normally because we would have to start talking about a lot more complex subjects and and to me if there's no point when when you're just starting to learn a grasshopper but I will say that I see a lot when I show people this thing they sort of the first are running away and and they'll they'll basically think that this is it and they could they could accomplish anything and honestly grasshopper you don't have to become an expert on it to do things like this but I do want to say that there's going to be you're going to hit a wall eventually and and to sort of overcome that wall you're going to have to start learning about programming um kollene dispatching series sets matrixes of data tree management it's it's very own it's it's actually it might seem simple what we're doing right now but once you really want to start sort of making things a lot a lot more complex it actually gets very difficult so it's or sort of has a learning curve where you start doing things like this fairly quickly um and you could get really far in that but then a lot of times what I see is people actually they'll stop learning and then on and then they're actually causing themselves a lot of work because they don't know how to basically control the data or the process so they'll either do a you know everything else in alias or or they'll just basically start making these ridiculously long algorithms um because they don't know how to actually do the proper data management so even though I know that this is a you know we're already getting pretty cool results I thought I want to just take this time to tell you guys that own there's actually this is just scratching the surface there's um there's a whole other world that on that I will I will show you guys in the video it's going to take a it's going to take a very long time and obviously like I've recommended a bunch of books on on how to on how you could learn yourself but just remember that this isn't really this isn't complex and and to really start doing some some very cool you know Ford because this is already to me it's already played out I see it everywhere and and to be really honest um I get a lot of requests for something like this and and to me I even tell my clients like you know um yeah we I could definitely do this for you but um it's not that unique a lot of people are doing stuff like that so you want to if you want to sort of push it and do things that are a little more complex it will take a lot longer to learn but I felt like this way you could at least start to sort of understand a little bit of the workflow and yeah so this is basically how how you could do this simple algorithm and and I'll I'll show you real quick on how to do it for the graphic designers are looking at this video how to do how to send this to illustrator which is super straightforward and really easy so um okay we're actually almost done so what you do it's actually really easy Rhino has a really good illustrator exporter so once you have the the pattern bait you select it and go file export selected and then here you go to you you select Adobe Illustrator and then we'll call this pattern and then you save and and here you can choose nap chat snapchat snapshot of a current view and and that will kind of leave the measurements a bit a bit on random or you could also use preserved model scale and in that would that would that give you more control everybody depends on what you want to do usually I just since I don't I'm not that picky on that I'll just go snapshot of current view you press okay and then that's it you open you open you get the file I mean the file it just comes out like that you open it and that's how and that's how it comes into into illustrator and usually I do is I just select all of them and then I invert them right here and that's it and actually I'll show you guys some other stuff that I've done with a Ellis traitor and Rhyno and you've actually there's actually a lot of graphic designers are sending me emails and also I hear a lot about how they're using Rhino and I like a grasshopper to develop these patterns so I think it's really cool I've made a bunch of projects that here I'll throw and I'll throw a couple of here went on as I'm talking and and yes so so this is basically how you could use a grasshopper for alias and illustrator I have a bunch of different tutorials also on my site and and I'll have this style loaded for you guys so you guys can just download it and and sort of move a play around with it but I always encourage to do this yourself first and then um and then come and then try it and then open the file and see where you messed up or or maybe you know hopefully didn't mess up and I was and I was a good enough teacher that anyways um yeah if you if you actually do build something or you know always you know send me an email or if you have a question I always like to see what people do and it's always nice so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video and have a have a nice day bye
Channel: HandleBar3D
Views: 26,646
Rating: 4.9805827 out of 5
Keywords: Grasshopper 3d, Rhino 3d, Parametric Design, Insutrial Design, Car Design, Graphic Design
Id: ZP1m0bzNkxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 1sec (3841 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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