Into the Garden - Skip Heitzig

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in the garden was life beauty peace everything in harmony finding purpose in their creator and the garden was creation breathing laughing resting [Music] unaware that a lie a deceiver had slithered into paradise [Music] and the garden was death rebellion pain banished from perfection separated from the creator desperate to find a way back [Music] in the garden there was quiet prayers distress the weight of what awaited him pressed down his blood dripped from his brow in the garden was creation yelling fighting a kiss the lie that had slithered into the garden long ago seemed to declare victory and the garden was a grave a body the long-awaited hope lay stone cold and silent in the garden there was a voice a bright light an empty tomb the perceived victory of the lie that had slithered and to destroy was undone and the garden is creation found restored still marred by the memories of the lie but redeemed in the light of the creator in the garden there is life peace comfort the creator welcomes you with his scarred hands to journey into the garden [Music] happy resurrection day so i love how the angels came to the tomb and marion was there the two women were there and the angel said almost like what are you doing here why do you seek the living among the dead he is not here he is risen i just always love that the best the best news the world ever heard came from a graveyard 2 000 years ago and it changed everything and we have made a big deal out of it we do it every year we weren't allowed to be in the stadium this year so we were out on the green belt and uh it was funny because we we had people sitting in the green belt all the way back on the five-acre park and then we had overflow in the amphitheater and then that filled up so we had overflow in here and in the hub and now we do just the opposite we have meeting in here spaced out and then we have overflow in the amphitheater and over in the park so we're really grateful for so many who have come out a quick question as we begin how many of you like to garden raise your hands okay a lot a lot of us do i mean that was kind of non-committal kind of half and half that's okay so i love a garden and most people love a well-tended manicured garden whether you do it yourself or you just appreciate the life the pleasantness the hard work that goes into it there's just something life-giving about a well-kept garden i heard about an old italian gentleman that lived in new jersey every year he planted tomatoes he had a tomato garden but he was getting quite old and his son who usually helped him maintain the garden was in prison and so he wrote his son the letter that said dear vincent i'm pretty sad because it looks like i will be unable to plant our tomato garden this year i'm just too old to be digging up the garden i know that if you were here you would do it and it would be like the old days he signed it it was sent to his son in prison his son wrote back a few days later and said dear dad don't dig up that garden that's where the bodies are buried sign vinnie well the very next morning early in the morning the fbi showed up at the old man's house the local police department showed up and they dug up the garden found no bodies put the dirt all back apologized profusely that same day a letter came from vinnie that said go ahead and plant the tomatoes now that's the best i could do under the circumstances right smart guy have the police do it for you it's estimated that about 70 million americans participate in some type of gardening activity from planting vegetables to planting flowers etc my mom loved working in her garden we had about an acre and a half growing up and she planted asparagus my mom and dad planted grapes they grew nuts melons a whole number of things and i read that there is a gardening boom taking place right now in the united states and that get this one in three american households now grow or participate in a community garden and it is the highest that it has been in over a decade probably due to covid and thinking if i have to be at home i'm going to start growing stuff there's a plaque that i found that i want to show you the words to this plaque it says the kiss of the sun for pardon the song of the birds from earth one is nearer god's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth cute little poem isn't it there's a lot of truth to that little poem because in the bible it would seem that god's plan always included a garden god's creative plan god's redemptive plan god's restoration plan all speak of a garden all revolve around the use of a garden so if you were to look up in the bible how many times the idea of gardening shows up you'd find out a lot so whether it's planting or harvesting or sowing reaping having vineyards it was an agrarian culture it was very profuse with the soil and growing things but there are four gardens i'm going to take you through a little tour of them this morning four pivotal gardens in scripture that we're going to look at three of them are on earth one of them is not two of them i have personally visited and two i have not but one i will one day and you will as well if you know the lord all four of these gardens were gardens of peace places of peace yet at the same time they were also places of sadness for three of them so we're going to take this little tour we're going to begin in eden the garden of eden and end in eternity the garden of eternity um the first and you can turn if you want to or we can put the scriptures up on the screen because we're going to be in four places this morning the first garden is the garden of creation that is genesis chapter 2. the garden of creation is of course the garden of eden this is how the text is read genesis chapter 2 verse 8 the lord god planted a garden don't you love the fact that god says i'm a gardener the lord god planted a garden eastward in eden and there he put the man whom he had formed out of the ground the lord god made every tree grow that is pleasant to sight and good for food god had a green thumb what he planted worked what i plant not so much it says the tree of life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now a river went out of eden to water the garden and from there aparted and became four river heads in this garden was creation and this garden was breathing laughing enjoying exploring loving and it says there were four rivers if we read on we would see that two of them became very famous rivers in the region two of them are well known to geographers the tigris and the euphrates river part of the persian gulf network of rivers in that area the name eden is a name that means pleasant or pleasantness in fact there's even a word in persian adeno which means eden-like and that is because of what the text here says every tree that is pleasant to see and good for food god planted there so you gardeners just imagine this garden no weeds no thorns no thistles no brambles no maladies no diseases no death no decay no covet 19 no sorrow and everything god made for that garden he said seven times it is good or it is very good and adam and eve came into the garden god made them what they say in latin creatio ex nihilo god created them formed them from nothing and then he placed them in the garden of eden and when adam and eve came into the garden they came to tend it they came to name animals it's a great job just sort of make up names and they'll stick and to enjoy it not only did they come into the garden the bible says god came into the garden we're told in genesis chapter 3 that god came into the garden walking in the garden in the cool of the day literally the breeze of the day probably the late afternoon early evening when things cool off or perhaps early in the morning and the language of the text seems to indicate he did this regularly it's like god said it's time for a walk i'm going into the garden with my creation adam and eve to walk with them so to come into the garden is to come to a place of pleasantness abundance peace joy fun and fellowship and intimacy with god sounds like a great place but someone else came into the garden we are told and he had malevolent intentions he was a super being we know him as satan or the devil or the evil one he goes by a number of different monikers in the scripture and god spoke to him in ezekiel 28 and said you were in eden the garden of god every precious stone was for your covering when he came into the garden he came in with a stubborn will and a big mouth not a good combination he came to defy god to challenge god and at his suggestion man usurped the will of god with his and her own will and all the problems began and when they began god put them out of the garden never to return it got so bad that he placed security guards outside the garden to keep them from ever getting back into the garden of eden but there was a second garden and that takes us to the new testament in the book of john if the first was the garden of creation the second garden is the garden of affliction it is the garden of gethsemane in john chapter 18 we are told in verse 1 when jesus had spoken these words that was at the last supper to his disciples he went out with his disciples over the brookhidron where there was a garden which he and his disciples entered and judas who betrayed him also knew the place for jesus often met there with his disciples now ever since the fall in the first garden the garden of creation the bible anticipated a coming one a deliverer a savior it predicted it genesis chapter 3 it says the seed of the woman will come and destroy the devil the enemy the evil one satan he will crush his skull so the bible began to anticipate that there's somebody coming to undo what was done in the first garden and that was jesus after thousands of years at just the right time what the bible calls in the fullness of the time galatians 4 4 jesus came and when he came he lived on earth and he spoke words and he preached the gospel and he healed diseases and he raised people from different maladies and death itself and he offered hope but one night he came into this garden this garden is the garden of gethsemane we're not told that here in john's gospel but in the other text it is called the garden of gethsemane it's a place you can visit today it's on the western slope of the mount of olives just outside the old city of jerusalem in a valley known as the kidron valley the name gethsemane is a hebrew word gotchmanim and it means literally the olive press the olive press it's a place where olives were pressed press right good good good so it was basically an olive farm that's where they grew olives and today on the mount of olives you still see thousands of olive trees growing in that area so they grew olives there they harvested olives and then they crushed or pressed the olives to get out a very important substance that the entire nation lived on it was olive oil they needed oil to light their lamps to light their homes at night they use olive oil for cooking by the way that's a excellent base when you cook stuff forget the butter olive oil is your friend they also used it to anoint themselves they would put perfume in it and they would put olive oil on their faces for their skin also very very good for your skin and something else when jesus went to the garden of gethsemane there was nobody there because the olive pressing is done in the fall of the year jesus gets there in the spring of the year the place was a ghost town it was abandoned so it's a perfect place for him to go to and to retreat with his disciples by the way just a little fyi this is no extra charge uh if you were to go there today and i encourage you to do so because we take people to the garden of gethsemane we walk through and have a little service there but there's a a part of the garden of gethsemane that's run by the franciscans and they have these old olive trees there are eight of them eight ancient olive trees and they'll make a big deal out of the fact that olives grow for hundreds thousands of years if preserved and they have these old olive trees that they say are a couple thousand years old that were there no doubt in the time of jesus jesus may have um leaned against this tree or that tree they have eight of these old trees they preserve them and it's it's beautiful it's a great setting the only problem with that theory is a thing called history uh history tells us that when titus the roman general surrounded the city to destroy it in 70 a.d josephus the jewish historian said that titus cut down all of the trees around jerusalem for timber for lumber to build his siege works against the city so the garden of gethsemane being that close to the ancient city these trees would not have been spared so they they may be almost a couple thousand years old almost from the time of christ but not quite so just just a little fyi none of that is germane to our study story today i just wanted to throw that in and to say what was really the most important is that it was in gethsemane where the son of god was being pressed crushed like the olives like the prophet said he was crushed for our iniquities pressed for our sins and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed that's the second garden the garden of gethsemane now jesus came into that garden as he often did with his disciples he spent regular time there but on this particular night the bible tells us that when jesus was in the garden of the olive press he was sweating and it says he was sweating great drops of blood now when you read that he was sweating you might think well you know it's the middle east it's springtime it must have been really hot no in fact it was really cold john's gospel chapter 18 verse 18 so says it was so cold the people were lighting fires to take the chill of the night air away from them but yet jesus was sweating and the reason he was sweating and the reason he was sweating great drops of blood that's not a figurative statement he was literally sweating blood is because doctors medical experts will tell us that there is a condition that a person can experience when they are in extreme mental anguish it is where the tiny capillaries around the sweat glands in the head burst if a person is under incredible duress this condition known as hematodrosis occurs where the capillaries burst and the person sweats drops of blood that's what jesus was going through in fact he said to his disciples my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death when jesus was in that garden he even prayed father if it's possible let this cup pass from me jesus prayed that in his humanity he didn't want to suffer he knew what was coming he didn't want to go through that if there's any other way people can be saved other than this happening to me let it happen let this cup pass but in his deity he prayed this nevertheless not what i will but what you will and there in this second garden jesus began to experience the suffering that sin had brought from the first garden so jesus in the garden of affliction was suffering because of the sin that was brought in the garden of creation but someone else came into the garden that night his name was judas we are told in the text and just like satan who entered the first garden judas entered the second garden to betray his master and he brought with him a roman contingent of soldiers and there jesus was arrested and he stood trial not one trial not even two trials jesus went through six no less than six trials beginning immediately and ending the next day before pilate three of his trials were religious trials and three of his trials were civil trials until finally he was condemned to die on a roman cross and then when he died on that cross jesus went into a third garden to undo what happened in the first and second garden now this third garden is the garden of resurrection it is a garden-like place that was owned by a wealthy jewish man named joseph joseph of arimathea a member of the sanhedrin the jewish ruling class he owned this garden and he was also a secret disciple we are told this in john chapter 19. i'm reading now john 19 beginning in verse 38 after this joseph of arimathea being a disciple of jesus but secretly for fear of the jews asked pilate that he might take away the body of jesus and pilate gave him permission so he came and took the body of jesus and nicodemus who at first came to jesus by night also came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pounds so they're bringing stuff to bury the corpse of christ it says in verse 40 they took the body of jesus bounded in strips of linen with the spices as the custom of the jews is to bury now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in that garden a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid so there they lay jesus because of the jews preparation day for the tomb was nearby now jesus did not walk into this garden jesus was carried into this garden as a corpse he was dead he had spent six hours on a cross on a friday afternoon there he died and he died earlier than most victims romans were going around to break the legs of the victims so they could get the bodies off the cross because of the jewish passover jesus was already dead after six hours on the cross he gave up his spirit and the bodies were taken down so that the jews could go home and have their party their passover celebration by the way you can visit this garden today in fact i'm not trying to pitch our tours to israel but we are going to do one next year i get asked that all the time and uh the last day of the tour we take our group into what is called the garden tomb area it is preserved by the garden tomb association a group out of england that for years have preserved it and there they like the biblical record have found a tomb many believe it is the tomb from which jesus rose again and they have preserved this garden so we'll take our group into that garden and take communion together around the open tomb of the lord jesus christ it's a very very moving time but this garden was a garden of hope if the first garden brought despair and if the second garden brought death then this garden brought deliverance from both death and despair it was a garden of hope because this is the garden where death was conquered you see when jesus rose from the dead death died death died that's that's where death got killed blew death out of the water death is gone now people can live forever [Applause] because though jesus was carried into this garden by friends he walked out of this garden by foot which meant that all of those promises that jesus made about living forever eternal life everlasting life suddenly all those promises were true i mean without a resurrection a lot of the things jesus said you'd listen to go huh oh he must have meant that figuratively that must be some kind of deep spiritual analogy until he rises from the dead it's like oops i guess he really meant that promises like i am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me will never die okay check that's real how about this one i am the way the truth and the life or this one he who hears my word and believes in him who sent me has everlasting life once jesus got up from the grave every promise he made about eternal life now made sense now it was real and this is what peter referred to when he wrote first peter chapter 1 and he called the resurrection a living hope a living hope listen to what peter writes first peter chapter 1 verse 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again or we are born again to a living hope listen through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead let me unpack that really quickly for you peter said now that jesus is alive from the dead i have a living hope so before jesus and peter got together what was peter's job what did he do for a living he was a fisherman so it sounds like wow that sounds like a dream right that's what a lot of guys everything's a dream until it's your daily job so peter would get up early in the morning on the sea of galilee put on his little fisherman's hat his little vest put his nets in his boat go out fish all day catch a bunch of fish go home in the evening sell them all go to bed get up the next day do it all over again get up the next day do it all over again get up the next day do it all over again six days a week one day off they were jewish month after month year after year it's pretty boring peter probably even thought is this all there is to life work fish from being a fisherman you know those bumper stickers i see him on cars every now and then i'd rather be fishing peter would not put that on his car first of all peter did not have a car to put it on but let's say he had like a chariot he wouldn't put that bumper sticker on there because that's what he did for a living it's like every day until one day a man named jesus walked up to him and said peter put your nets down dude i'm going to make you a fisher of men and he went like what what what does that mean so he started following jesus and listening to him and watching him perform miracles and helping him maintain crowds who were coming to jesus and fishing for men and something grew inside peter it's called hope hope and that now he's hopeful now he has purpose man life has never been better than this and for three years it was so good until one day when that same jesus died on that cross and when he died on that cross peter's hope died with him peter would had never been so hopeless than the day that jesus died on the cross but we know the story three days later jesus got up again and appeared to peter and the other disciples and in one fell swoop peter went from hopeless living to living hope like that so when peter writes living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead he knew that he would now have a hope that would never die so the first garden brought a death sentence the second garden is where jesus submitted himself to the death sentence and the third garden is where death was conquered by resurrection which takes us to the fourth and final garden that is the garden of restoration and i'm speaking now of the paradise of heaven jesus came into this garden the fourth garden by an ascension the bible tells us in acts chapter 1 jesus christ was on the mount of olives and he ascended up into heaven and his disciples watched him go up now do you remember um in the upper room disciples were all bummed out and jesus said he said let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house there are many abiding places and then he said this i am going to prepare a place for you now think of those words i am going to prepare a place for you jesus said that 2 thousand plus years ago now when you step outside on a day like this and you look around at this beautiful place god has created and you can even drive up to the mountains see the pine trees you can drive to a river or a lake if you can find one you can drive of 800 miles and go to the ocean it's a pretty stellar place god created for us right it's pretty awesome even in its fallen state it's a pretty awesome place he did it in six days he just said i'll let there be this let there be that i'm gonna make this i'm gonna make that. so he he six days now imagine if he had like two months what it would look like but this is pretty good for six days pretty awesome for 2000 years he's been preparing a place for you can you imagine what that place must look like well jesus said this to one of the churches in revelation chapter 2 to him who overcomes i will give to eat from the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of god that's a description of heaven the paradise of god now that word paradise is a very important word according to william barkley bible scholar par excellent said the word paradise literally means a garden a walled garden it was a word the persian kings would use when they wanted to honor somebody um of renown or make that person renown the king would invite that person to walk with him in his private walled paradise paradiso walled garden and that person became a companion of the garden specially honored by the king to fellowship with the king so in the final chapters of the bible it tells us of the final phase of heaven known as the new heaven and the new earth and it is described as a restored garden in fact the description sounds very much like the garden of eden on steroids in fact it is even complete with the tree of life listen to revelation 22 and he showed me a pure river of the water of life clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of god and of the lamb in the middle of its street and on either side of the river was the tree of life which bore 12 fruits each tree yielding its fruit every month the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse but the throne of god and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him i love the fact that in heaven like in eden like in the first garden it's going to be this garden-like environment in fact there's going to be the tree of life and i love this it bears fruit monthly so what variety it's like well welcome to heaven this month we have mangoes you like mangoes i love them but come back next month because it's going to grow apricots you know and then guava and then banana whatever 12 fruits one each month the curse that was once placed on the earth in the first garden will be gone forever in the fourth and final garden if the first garden was paradise lost then this garden is paradise found paradise restored because of what adam did in the first garden jesus had to do in the second garden and because jesus going into the second garden is why he was buried in that third garden but because of his work in and between the second and third garden he can invite you and i into the fourth and final garden and he does [Applause] in revelation 22 it says the spirit and the bride say come let him who here say come and let him who is thirsty come whoever desires let him take of the water of life freely god is inviting you into no less a place than the garden of eternity the place of restoration the place of peace and rest and no curse and eternal life the question is will you come into the garden you remember when jesus was on the cross the bible says that there were two criminals crucified with them one on the right hand one on the left hand and one of those criminals had a change of heart and cried out to jesus and said lord remember me when you come into your kingdom and jesus turned to him and remember what he said he said today assuredly i say to you today you will be with me where paradise paradiso same word today you will be with me in the walled garden today i am inviting you to be a guest of the king a companion of the garden and to have the honor place of walking in fellowship with me in my father's house that is god's invitation to you and i and i would be remiss to not extend the invitation to some of you who have come to church but perhaps have not come to the lord personally maybe you are a very traditional person you want to go to church on easter i'm glad i really am glad for that that's that's noble that's awesome but the the pressing question is have you come all the way into a personal relationship with god through his son jesus christ have you submitted to him have you personally said lord be my savior be my master i want to walk with you now as well as in eternity your life can change now he can plant hope in your heart today that will grow throughout your life and then icing on the cake heaven paradise later on that's what he's offering you but he won't force himself on you you know the holy spirit is always a gentleman god is always always um aware cognizant respectful of your choice he doesn't say you know what you're going to heaven with me like it or not because there's a lot of people go no i really don't want anything to do with god i don't want to go to heaven because i'll have to be around god all day long okay you don't have to but i want you to i've made a way for you to the bible says behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone will open the door i'll come in and i'll have fellowship with him so this morning i believe he's like knocking on the door of your heart right now knocking knock knock you've heard that knock before you listen to that before and maybe you just said okay enough of that and today here it is again it's coming back that same old knock keeps coming back solution open the door open the door let him in let him take charge give your life to jesus be a guest a companion of the garden i'm going to give you that opportunity let's pray father thank you for the resurrection of jesus christ the single event that brought the greatest hope the world has ever known because now we realize death itself the last enemy has been vanquished it has been conquered it does not have a grip on us we who die and that is all of us will live again in resurrected glory and resurrected life and every promise jesus made to that effect can and do come true it is a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead i pray that you would plant the seed of hope in more hearts and souls i believe you already have and i pray father for for some who have not yet committed themselves to you would do so today it's been a crazy year we all know that we we know all the lines we know all the feelings but today we have hope today we have peace today we experience the presence of almighty god who in the midst of any pandemic or any situation has paid the price for the most fatal of all viruses the sin virus has given us a vaccine in the blood of jesus christ that is a hundred percent effective every single time lord i pray that that more will say yes to you in this place our eyes are closed we're just sort of taking in the moment as we get ready to leave in a few minutes if you're here and you've not given your life to christ yet you've not surrendered to him but you may be a church-going person a religious person a devout person a well-meaning responsible man or woman of the church even or of the community but you've never personally said yes to jesus or some of you had some religious experience in your past but you've walked away from that you've walked away from god the truth is you're not walking with him today [Music] and you've come and your heart is longing i know it is [Music] god is calling you he's inviting you if you are willing to open the door of your heart to him and ask jesus in for the first time or to take him again or to come back to him maybe you've wondered but either way if you are willing to do that i want you to do something right now i want you to just get up and stand right where you are just stand in place just stand to your feet jesus came and made a stand for you and died for you on a cross make a stand for him stand up if you're willing to give your life to christ in this place or come back to him just just stand to your feet as we close this surface god bless you sir [Music] anybody else just stand in your kingdom just right where you are stand up and remain standing if you don't mind just stand your feet thank you and standing here saying i want to get my heart my life right with almighty god i want to come to him or come back to him i want to learn to walk with him and please him honor him just just stand up to your feet god bless you and you i see you in the balcony god bless you sir right up here in the middle thank you for that we're all praying that you'll do this [Music] anybody else just just rise up just stand up where you are if you can stand stand up we'll give just a few more moments maybe god has been doing this for a long long time listen to that knock open that door let him in let him take control it's going to feel so good to give up the fight and to surrender to him god bless you yes anyone else just stand up stand to your feet [Music] you may be outside in the amphitheater or out on the green belt in the park or in the overflow rooms you do the same thing right where you are just make a stand there's going to be a pastor there to acknowledge you [Music] now as we sing this final song i'm going to ask you to do something else i'm going to ask you if you've made a stand to get up from where you are standing find the nearest aisle stand right up here or i'm going to lead you in a prayer publicly jesus walked to the cross i'm just going to ask you to walk to the front of a building and i'm going to lead you in a prayer we'll distance you safely we'll make it all good and kind and safe and all that but just come as we sing this final song get up and come put put put feet on that commitment and stand up here right now as we sing you get up and come up come right up to the front and stand right up here in the front [Music] yes sir that's right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not trying to embarrass anyone but trying to encourage everyone [Music] [Music] anybody else anybody else i saw people standing up in the back i saw a few on the balcony you can just come down those stairs and we'll wait for you god bless you you guys were outside right glad you came in so glad you joined us [Music] today [Music] the precious blood of jesus christ [Music] the father's arms are open wide there's forgiveness [Music] blood of jesus christ jesus christ those of you who have come forward can you hear me okay by just talking a little voice like this just come just a little closer i'm all vaccinated you don't have to worry i can't give you anything i can't get anything i'm all good so i'm going to lead you in a prayer i'm going to ask you to say this prayer out loud after me say these words from your heart say them to the lord and new chapter new day starts today in your life let's pray say lord i give you my life say that i know that i'm a sinner please forgive me i believe in jesus i believe he died on a cross that he shed his blood for me that he rose again i turn from my past i repent of my sin i turn to jesus as lord and savior fill me with your spirit help me to live for you in jesus name amen amen god bless you guys can you look over there see pastor antonio with his hands raised in that pink shirt is that a pink shirt you're wearing a pink shirt you're a pastor you're a man wearing a pink shirt i love it you are so secure you are such a man he's a marine by the way who rocked would you follow this man right over here god bless you guys we're going to take care of you guys and share with you i want to thank matt brock for being with us this weekend we hope you enjoyed this special service from calvary church we'd love to know how this message impacted you email us at my story at and just a reminder you can support this ministry with a financial gift at give thank you for joining us for this teaching from calvary church
Channel: Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Views: 5,101
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary, Albuquerque, Skip, Heitzig, Sermon, Calvary Church, Jesus, Gospel, creation, the cross, the crucifixion, Easter, Eden, the fall, garden, garden tomb, Gethsemane, heaven, paradise, resurrection
Id: or2eH4t1yFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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