Interview with Tom Smith // SOUL SURVIVOR 2017

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[Music] just want to ask Tom a few few questions could you just give him a microphone that'd be great John well yeah why don't you come and come here so I can hit you that last song we just sang Jesus I love you what's the proper title you need to speak into the microphone otherwise it doesn't really work okay that's what microphones are for thank you Jesus I love you and how did you write that um yeah actually came from a just a time of worship we were an Soul Survivor in Holland and um it was just something no I felt God was saying that we felt you know to sing out and say I love you and that was just a little phrase that came out so you were leading worship and you just started singing Jesus I love you and that's how the chorus came yeah it was just that Lion Jesus I love you Jesus I love you over and over and then bit by bit more and more came yeah and and then you had the whole chorus and then how long did it take to write that I'm just curious the write rest of the song no yes I just had the chorus and it's probably taking it you know good part of a year to UM get ready it's one of those songs that you know you've got a good section to it and so you don't want to muck it up yeah having a rubbish verse so the verses probably gone through about six different verses and now we finally got one and it was I love that song and I love the the part of it was instant inspiration and then a whole part of it was perspiration which was getting it and it's the - isn't it it's the perspiration and the e and the inspiration how did you end up at Soul Survivor and because I've forgotten and I bumped into a big Greek man in it was an enormous Greek man enormous yeah humongous thank you I'm doing this interview it's karyam and I bumped into ye and it was at another event I was leading worship at and I remember just after the event I bumped into you and you said now that wasn't very good was it and and you're like you need to have a lot of practice because can you come and lead at saw survived when I was a bit like oh my goodness what I said that I was joking you see you didn't make that clear it sounded like no and yet so that's that's how I kind of ended up here with you yeah Mandy no no did I say that out loud and just another question is did someone tell you to do your hair like that or was it your own idea it was definitely my own I just like to make a bit of an effort unlike some people you know but are you covering something up you you you really want to go there don't you you really want to go there we don't want to hide anything on this so do we okay with a declaration of war I'm up for it I'm up for it okay next time you leave worship let's see what happens let's see what happens to your little guitar and you you hadn't really written kind of you know many songs for a while really and then suddenly it's like we can't stop you and it's like please stop because you know what what did something happen or was it just you kept going I think yeah I think it's definitely just kind of digging deeper I think and I just moved to Watford and I think it puts a good good part of a year to settle in settle into new church new friends and family and and so I guess I didn't really I didn't really write that much and then once you know it felt like all the foundations were down could really spend some time and God's presence reading the Bible and started writing songs again and tried to be a bit more purposeful with it so we'd put the dates in my diary to go write with people with friends and then you kind of have to do it in a way and I think because of that and you know having people encourage you to write them as well really helps and yeah have you ever thought of trying to write a song with me no Mike G no because if he's done an album if we in the Christmas album he's done an album I had a good joke there I was gonna say if we wrote a song together maybe Andy could do freestyle on it when we come to the program can we just edit that bit out so it's just natural spontaneous but I said freestyle and everyone laughed sorry what are we going to say I was gonna talk about you around I speak over you I don't consider okay no no actually my album sole did very well pin the Vaught she sings Christmas no it's true it's true I did an album it's on summing what is he on it's on iTunes it's on iTunes seriously look more than your books sorry that's just come here a second on me but we wrote the books together and we are we are the two senior pastors of the church and we wrote the books together we did and you're just a muse Oh Andy is there anything you want to say I was talking about the ones that you wrote on your own Oh wasteland it's called wasteland for a reason oh dear oh dear how many years have you been practicing that joke and Andy thanks so much for your support there you're very very welcome [Music]
Channel: Soul Survivor
Views: 8,469
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Smith, Worship leading, worship, worship song writing, Mike Pilavachi, Soul Survivor, Banter, Andy Croft, Holy Spirit, Ministry, Songwriting, Song Writing, How to write a worship song
Id: _GysdcZaHjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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