Interview with Dr. Josh Buice on Leaving the SBC

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is justin peters i hope that you and your family are doing well today i want to thank you so very much for joining me for this podcast i had the special privilege today of interviewing josh vice josh is the pastor of praise mill baptist church in douglasville georgia which is northwest of the atlanta area and i'm interviewing him because a couple of days ago as of this recording josh made a lot of news and he did so when he made the announcement that he and his fellow elders have made the decision for their church praise mill to leave the southern baptist convention the southern baptist denomination and they had 100 support from their congregation to do so and they cited as their reasons for leaving the sbc the liberal drift within the sbc now when he said that a lot of the sbc elite came out and they derided this no there's no liberal drift in the sbc in fact if you follow such things on social media you know that they have been saying that anytime it's brought up there's no liberal drift in the sbc well the fact of the matter is that there is liberal drift in the sbc it's very real and so i wanted to give josh this opportunity this platform to just come and and talk about these things they wrote an article that i will link to down in in the description but um sometimes it's good to to hear and see uh see a face and hear a voice and i think that if you'll watch this interview you'll see that he's uh he's a really nice guy josh is a nice guy known him for about five years really really good guy a tremendous pastor's heart and that comes through in this interview so um i hope that you will watch this all the way through and i will say that there is a there's a bit of a technical issue when you when you watch josh his audio my audio is fine for some reason we did this on zoom no offense to zoom but uh for some reason his audio is just about it's just a fraction of a second maybe a tenth of a second or so off and so it's a little bit annoying but just bear with it and the content is good so thank you very much dear ones for watching this and without any further delay here's josh josh thank you so much for joining us brother good to be with you justin well it's an honor um josh most of the folks watching us right now will probably be at least somewhat familiar with you and the ministry of g3 but for those of for those who are watching who are not tell us a little bit about yourself and your maybe even a touch on your conversion and and your pastor there at praise mill yeah thank you justin well i i have the privilege of serving praise mill baptist church on the west side of atlanta georgia um sort of a unique situation for me and my family because i grew up here in the context of this local church and after i was saved and since the call to ministry i was sent out from this church to seminary and then would eventually pastor two other churches one in kentucky when i was a seminary student at the southern baptist theological seminary and then i also pastored in middle tennessee prior to being called back here to where my wife and i grew up as children we grew up in the context of this church we met somewhere in the hallways of this church building wow we remember when we first met and really you remember when you first met her yeah no well we don't actually remember you don't okay so young as children we just grew up in in the context of this church and so it just was the fact we were just children here and so that that that's that back story is i think extremely important for me because um i have the privilege of serving people who served us as children and and of course now with yeah emily being here i serve as the pastor of my in-laws my parents my grandmother uh so it's a it's a unique privilege and then also with with the reality that um you know i've been a member of three churches in my life and i've pastored all three of them because i started here and now i've come circle and i'm back in my home church setting but all three of those churches have been southern baptist churches now when i came into the life of this church at age seven my parents had gone through a horrific custody battle and there was divorce and broken home broken marriage all of that and so i was a young confused boy and my grandfather had taken me to church when i was about six years of age and i made a profession of faith in christ i came into praise meal baptist church when i was seven they counseled with me regarding membership i told them that i had quote unquote ask jesus into my heart and they would eventually baptize me at about age seven and so it would not be until i was 25 as a member of this church engaged in various different ministry endeavors in the context of praise mill that i was converted after graduating college and working in atlanta georgia i was listening to a sermon on the internet when the lord saved me and so at that point my life radically changed and had a hunger for preaching a hunger for uh teaching and evangelizing and would go and preach and teach in jails and nursing homes and various other places and then would eventually end up resigning from my job and moving away to pursue formal training for ministry wow praise the lord praise the lord i've known you for about five years or so i guess but i've never really heard that detail of your testimony and i rejoice in that i think so i wrote a book on that very subject about how so many kids you know i was the same way i was i was baptized when i was seven years old in the southern baptist church and was not converted until uh much much much later well into my adulthood so anyway but uh praise the lord for that so so josh i guess moving into the the subject matter for our interview today that the the big news has been that uh you and the elders there at praise meal have led your church to leave the southern baptist convention walk us through a little bit of why you're why you felt compelled to make that decision and what has led to that justin that's a great question through the years i've had the conviction that to be a part of the southern baptist convention i thought it would be wise and good for me to be a part of the annual meetings so i've taken time every summer to go to the annual meeting of the southern baptist convention i've gone to state convention meetings i've i've been involved in various different ways in local associational meetings through the years as well however as we've been watching the what i would consider to be the liberal drift of the southern baptist convention over the last decade or so things have really picked up speed uh in the last you know three to five years but it's been through that last decade that i've been sort of watching the trends and listening to the sermons and reading the books and attending the meetings and sort of watching the direction that things were headed and through the elected leaders of the sbc from you know the seminary level all the way to the national level uh with regards to the erlc and russell moore and others we've been able to see a a definite leftward lean and drift of the convention and so we disassociated ourselves and negative designated uh in years past and just tried to support missions and various different you know moves you might say from a leadership standpoint regarding our affiliation with the svc but really back in 2018 i was a part of that group of course yourself included others that we were noticing these trends and these problems as it pertains to social justice and we met in dallas texas to talk about this issue of social justice and the gospel and then what came out of that meeting was the statement on social justice in the gospel right well when i went into that meeting justin i was actually saddened by the state of affairs you might say but but i was hopeful but i had really no idea coming out of that meeting once we published the statement what would transpire that there would be individuals who would double down the way that they did and posture themselves the way they did and really attack us in our intentions with the statement on social justice and the gospel and so really what we've seen is a bright light that's been shining down upon these individuals that's exposed them it's really exposed their motives it's exposed their their uh their agenda in many ways we've been calling this a social justice agenda and then we've been critiqued for that right look at what's happened through the endorsement of critical race theory and intersectionality keep in mind when we went to that meeting in 2018 the the resolution 9 was not in existence at that point right so coming out of the release of the statement on social justice in the gospel then the leaders of the sbc led the convention to adopt resolution nine on criticize theory and intersectionality yeah okay and for those who may not be familiar with it resolution nine uh said that uh critical race theory can be used as a analytical tool to help us in in our gospel work yeah and so for me when i'm i'm seeing that and the elders that i served with here in the context of our local church we had once been you know very much happy to be a part of the southern baptist convention a convention that had stood for biblical inerrancy fought the war on you know the the the bible so to speak the battle for the bible and you know move through that era of the conservative resurgence but now we're watching a convention and leaders that are instead of standing on the the authority of the bible if you will they're actually embracing and endorsing godless ideologies ideologies that are antithetical to the gospel into the scriptures right so i've been a part of private meetings and i've been a part of public meetings i've been a part of groups that have tried to have conversations behind closed doors with leaders and sought to work for change within the convention but finally moving into the 2021 annual meeting in nashville when i watched the politics continue and the election of ed linton as the president of the convention yeah became abundantly clear to me that we were at a point where to continue to be a part of this group was a violation of my conscience as a leader to take trusted resources financially speaking and to put it into the life of the southern baptist convention at any level whatsoever was in in many ways a violation of my conscience and i believe a misuse of those funds and so because these leaders are refusing to repent then we had no other choice but to disassociate ourselves with the sbc now the election of ed litton was bad enough at the beginning i mean he's definitely not complementarian with his wife and all sorts of other issues but then after the election when what's now known as the sermon gate and you've done a really good job of exposing that and and providing commentary on that he was exposed as plagiarizing jd greer sermons well you would think that these leaders in the sbc would call for his resignation but instead they've actually practiced what we have come to know as the 11th commandment a refusal to critique any of the other leaders or entity leaders of the sbc so instead of critiquing or asking for him to step aside they've actually embraced him publicly brought him into the seminary circles as an example to young men who are preparing for the the ministry in the local church and then applauded him that's exactly what happened with adam greenway at southwestern seminary and then of course during the election of ed litton we saw danny aiken taking to twitter to encourage the messengers to vote for ed linton so again at this point it seems like it would be embarrassing for us to continue to be associated with the sbc we would have to wear a paper sack over our heads to go to the convention yeah indeed josh yeah i share those exact same sentiments with you now in full disclosure a lot of people think i'm southern baptist i'm not i used to be born and reared in a southern baptist church and i got two degrees from southwestern baptist theological seminary but i've been out of the denomination now for about 11 years for the same reasons that you're articulating here um shocking to me as you said that is bad enough that ed linton plagiarized voluminous amounts in his sermons but to be given a platform at southern baptist seminaries and in ed linton lied right on the platform in front of everyone lied and he was applauded and that is just uh that is shocking to me yeah it is shocking to me as well and and as i think about the context where i serve here this is this is a historic baptist church in georgia it's the oldest baptist church in all of douglas county on the west side of atlanta um it is it is a church that predates the sbc by three years and so i've been asked by members of this church leading up to the vote i've been asked uh by people outside of this congregation what are our plans as we think about the future and as i think about the reason that the sbc is really in existence it's for a couple of primary things one is theological education so you have the seminary entities and colleges and then of course you have the church planting and mission entities or agencies if you will and so for us once we have lost confidence in the educational entities and the church planting agencies we would not send members of this church for the most part to be members of churches that are planted through the sbc have those elders as elders in this local church right at that point it's just a logical conclusion it makes no sense to stay involved or associated with the sbc so we had to had to disassociate ourselves for convictional and theological reasons but also it just makes sense at the end of the day as well yeah indeed indeed uh josh you and i talked about this in a phone call yesterday but talking about the doctrinal drift and the liberal drift of the sbc one of the dangers with the social justice movement it's not that at least those in our evangelical circles they're not outright denying the deity of christ or the virgin birth i mean they're not flat-out denying those fundamental doctrines but but they're saying the gospel is about these things plus social justice and plus you know all this other stuff critical race theory and uh anytime you say the gospel is about salvation by grace through faith in jesus plus something whatever follows that plus always gets the attention right and then the gospel gets forgotten eventually the doctrinal slide yeah it and that's exactly what we're witnessing and you're right to say that is that there is a doctrinal drift and a theological drift and we've seen that and i think really you can trace it back to the sbc's big tent approach to ministry and if you're going to be big tent and always try to be the quote-unquote largest denomination evangelical denomination in the country then what you're going to end up with is you're going to end up with this idea of being a slave to pragmatism because whatever the culture says you should do then you're going to have to cave into that you're going to have to hit your wagon so to speak to that train and so that's extremely dangerous and that's exactly what the sbc has done through the years and you know as it pertains to this idea of adding something to the gospel when you hear people talk and it's like you said they get a lot right but they get a little bit wrong i i think back to spurgeon's definition of discernment when he said you know it's not about just being able to figure out that you know what's wrong it's being able to discern between what's right and what's almost right right and so we need to always be mindful of that now let me just make something very clear as i as i've led our church and our elders here with me we've walked our church through this process and i i sought to articulate this in the article that i published i want to be clear that when i'm complaining about the big things that we're seeing as it pertains to critical race theory intersectionality this doctrinal drift towards the left i will say that i do believe that there are still really good believers in the sbc professors missionaries they're all sorts of really good churches they're connected to and associating themselves with the sbc but i think in many ways a lot of these people were a part of church settings and groups and associations that were a part of what we know as the conservative resurgence and they said well we won the war on the inerrancy of the bible and then they sort of fell asleep at some point and they have been you know been made aware or are paying attention to what's happening at a national level and so they have failed to see that the sbc although is a champion in many ways of the inerrancy of the bible they have completely lost their way as it pertains to the sufficiency of the bible exactly giving themselves over to pragmatism they have they have walked off to the left and it's a it's a tragedy in fact you and i were in a meeting at southern seminary and and uh without going to all the details i mean it was admitted to us that when the 2000 bf and m baptist faith and message came out there was a conscious decision to to leave out sufficiency to affirm inerrancy but leave out sufficiency of scripture and and when you leave that out that's that's this is what you get right absolutely absolutely and you know if the bible isn't sufficient then you're going to need to look for analytical tools from the culture which is exactly what they've done in recent years and so it's one thing to go back to 2019 and birmingham when the svc voted and i was actually in the room when it happened to vote to affirm and to embrace and to adopt resolution 9 on critical race theory and intersectionality and i do believe that there was a lot of political posturing and political maneuvering that was at play to bring the convention to a place of actually adopting that resolution but that's a whole another conversation but it's one thing to actually make a mistake but then after two years because of the break of covet in 2020 to go into the 2021 convention where we've had a long time to think about this a long time to talk about it to write articles to write articles to have conversations right and then to be given opportunities from the floor to officially adopt language that would that would actually make it abundantly clear to the watching world that the southern baptist convention repudiates critical race theory and intersectionality they refused to do it at every juncture yes that's tragedy so again we we see you know making a mistake is one thing but to continue to confirm and refuse to admit fault is is a completely different story exactly you know it would be one thing if if the leaders of the sbc were just kind of caught flat-footed they didn't know what crt was and social justice but now that we've had years to examine this thing look at it and consider it and and yet they still even even after years of warning they still uh will not take a stand against it and are embracing it um i saw an exchange josh i want to ask you about this so when you made the announcement a couple of days ago as of as of this recording january 6 um so this this gentleman i don't know who he is maybe you do but jt english he he responded to your uh to your to your assertion that there is a liberal drift in the sbc and he said this he said one way to find out if there's a liberal drift he puts that in quotation marks in the sbc ask actual liberals outside the spc if they identify with the theological trajectory of the sbc this stuff is just nonsense and then jd greer who is the previous president of the sbc he responded and he said great point i have some liberal dialogue partners whatever those are and they definitely don't think we are coming their direction so what would what would be your response to that jd greer says his liberal dialogue partners they don't think the sbc is drifting leftward so what say you yeah i mean that's a it's a great question well i tweeted out i took a screenshot of that by the way you might not have seen it but i tweeted out and i said you know you can actually take two boats that are adrift at sea and they can talk to one another all day long if they're not anchored to the to the floor of the ocean right and and yet you know until they look down at their compass they're not going to be able to determine how far off course they really are so i was urging them to rethink their positions and to actually make scripture their point of reference not other liberals exactly so that again once again when you walk away from the scriptures you you open the door for massive theological error absolutely absolutely not i don't know if you've had a chance to see the video i did on homosexuality in the sbc but i would i would say for those who doubt that there's a liberal drift just uh this is january so just six or seven weeks ago a james merritt who is a current sbc pastor former president of the sbc tweeted out and commended and endorsed a sermon preached by his son jonathan merritt that we take no we take no satisfaction this or pleasure sadly we say he is an open homosexual openly so and james merritt endorsed this sermon from his son and he called it brilliant and faithful to the gospel and uh kind of in the same vein of what we were talking about a second ago it's not just that he made a mistake and that's a big mistake but when when others criticized this rightly so he doubled down on it he tripled down on it and there was no rebuke from any of the sbc presidents none of them called him to repent of this and so here we have a prominent pastor sbc pastor former president endorsing a sermon by an open homosexual and i watched the sermon there was no gospel in it at all yeah i mean if you're homosexual you don't believe the gospel exactly not going to preach it and so james merritt has lost his way this is a man who was once a towering southern baptist leader in in georgia baptist circles and very much closely connected to al mohler and preached one of the the sermons there i believe even uh at the installation of mueller as president at southern seminary and so uh once again a massive capitulation and then you take that with david platt's church in the recent video that surfaced with one of their leaders that was making statements about you know the fact that maybe jesus experienced gender dysphoria i mean we have literally lost our way as southern baptist and so you know this is the right time and the right move for our local church to disassociate with a group of leaders that have completely capitulated on massive theological issues absolutely i mean you really have to have your head in the sand to not see a liberal drift i mean it's just it's absolutely undeniable and uh uh i've shared this with you josh and this is just my own opinion and uh evaluation of things but it seems to me you know when you when you think of the judgment of god we often think of earthquakes fires famines pestilences those you know dramatic things sodom and gomorrah fire firing down from heaven that kind of stuff but but the real judgment of god often is his abandonment when he gives people over and when when you see a denomination that prides itself on inerrancy of scripture and yet welcoming female preachers in some cases female pastors but at least female preachers and embracing social justice and now embracing sermons preached by open homosexuals that that's what judgment looks like is it not do you do you agree i do agree yeah i absolutely do and you know again like you made the point sometimes you know judgment is not cataclysmic in some sort of a natural way using the natural laws that god created but sometimes it's just giving people what they want and you know that's quite apparent as it becomes uh you know evident week after week with the the the drift of the sbc and the leadership of the sbc so it would be my prayer that they would repent it would be my prayer that they would actually abandon the 11th commandment it would be my prayer that they would actually admit fault and that they would actually institute a means of you know inner dialogue and you know cross-entity critique of one another which would actually make the sbc more healthy than it would weaken the sbc and so um but as many people have suggested we've probably reached a place where the sbc will not recover but there's likely not going to be a second conservative resurgence yeah because these the leaders in the spc today that they are the conservative resurgence i mean these are the guys that supposedly want it and uh you know last year 2021 at the southern baptist convention and that was in nashville you know in the in the south and um it was kind of i've referred to it as the as the high water mark or at least should have been the high water mark for the conservatives to marshal their forces and get there and and uh and and right the ship or at least keep the ship from falling off the cliff or the falls but that didn't happen yeah i mean i was in the room justin i can tell you that when there were attempts at the microphone during public debate opportunities to specify language of critical race theory and intersectionality to distance ourselves officially from and to repudiate these godless ideologies there was applause from the floor when individuals were called out of order or called down from the microphones and it was quite revealing at that point that we had reached a critical moment in the history of the southern baptist convention right right yeah i just don't see how what mechanism would be in place and even if there were some token uh capitulation to theological conservative uh thought it it's been said a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still um so i mean this this should be the very fact that we're even having these discussions shows you how far the sbc has slid um josh let me ask you this there's there's undoubtedly a lot of southern baptist pastors watching us right now and as you rightly said there there are some good men who are serving as pastors in southern baptist churches um i have friends who are good faithful men serving as pastors of southern baptist churches a number of them but there's a lot of men i think probably watching us right now and they see the same things you see and i see they agree with you and it's a matter of conscience for them as well and their their conscience is being violated by being a part of the sbc and they know that the right thing to do is is to leave um but their churches aren't necessarily on board the the the person sitting in the pew they don't understand these issues i was really i know it's kind of a long question i was really surprised to read in your article that you had 100 support from your congregation to to make this move to agree with you and the other elders there at praise meal what what would you say to the men out there who are watching us they they know the right thing they know what needs to be done but their their congregation isn't on board or they just don't understand these issues enough to be on more what would you say to that man how does he how did you get 100 support i don't think you can get 100 support from your congregation that the earth is round but you got you've got 100 support so how did you do it and what would you say to men who were wondering how to go about doing what you've done yeah that's a great question justin well first of all this is not something that we just brought to the floor for a vote overnight so this is something that has been in process for the last three years as we've been hearing of this liberal drift we've been talking about the capitulation of the sbc and so since my engagement with the statement on social justice in the gospel back in 2018 all the way to present day 2022 i've been i've been trying to keep the elders as well as the deacons as well as the members of this church up to speed with what's happening so each year when i would go to the svc we would come back and i would give a meeting uh and a an overview if you will of um the the happenings of the svc what's going on what what's the good and what's the bad what's something that we should be concerned about then as we continue to watch the the controversy of it of the social justice movement to continue to increase i sought as a pastor to not drag that baggage into the pulpit every single week and i asked the elders of this church to hold me accountable to that so that every illustration culturally speaking was not somehow landing in the social justice arena yeah so but once once we got to a certain point and we finished up our series through romans we determined that it would be necessary to to address the social justice controversy so i preached a series on social justice and the gospel i had i held meetings here in the life of the church answered questions answered emails and just sought to educate the church after the adoption of resolution 9 founders ministries put out a documentary by what standard and it was basically just giving an overview of what happened in that whole debacle so we held a meeting here at the church one evening and we watched that once it was released and then did a q a for the members of the church to talk and so after watching that they had already been hearing about the problems that were you know increasing and picking up speed in the sbc and so after we watched that film when we opened the floor for q a i fielded the questions and one of the elderly women of the church who's in her 90s stands up in the back of the room and she says pastor josh it breaks our heart to hear this this evening but if it is true and if it comes to the point where we have to leave the sbc it will not be that we left the sbc but that the sbc left us and when he said that you could hear amends across the room and and people agreeing with her statement and it was a very powerful moment and so we moved beyond that of course through the next couple of years and and we've just been trying to be patient with the church and educate them always remembering that the whole church doesn't have the capability of attending all of the meetings or going to the annual meetings and having all the conversations they're not in the room with us when we have all of these different talks with different leaders and that sort of thing so we just wanted to be very careful and not to just yank the church in a direction just based upon the knowledge that we had as leaders but always being sensitive to the fact that our church had been supportive of the sbc causes for so long um that we wanted to be clear and articulate with the rationale to separate and so i think honestly it was the work of the elders of this church and the members being patient with one another and seeking to learn is this or is this not really a line of separation and so for us we determined that it was yeah yeah okay all right so educate your if you're a pastor educate your folks talk about these things you know it's it's not going to be an overnight deal it's going to take some time took some time for you and if i could add something justin i would say that one of the big questions that we needed to be able to answer rightly is you know how are we going to continue to cooperate with other churches how are we going to be able to engage in mission work and church planting and how are we going to still support christian education and for us we had an answer to that and we do believe that one of the strengths of the sbc through the years has been cooperation you know churches coming together cooperating together and you can always do more collectively than one individual church can do all by itself and so one of the the providential developments in recent days and months has been the development and the rise of g3 ministries and the the g3 church network and so we're a part of that network which is not mutually exclusive you don't have to just be a part of the g3 church network and then separate from all other networks so we have who are part of the sbc and g3 church network but for us we were able to give our church an answer and say well cooperation is good but you know we predate the sbc by three years so we can actually fulfill the great commission and support christian education apart from the sbc right but how is that possible and so do we have an answer for that and for us we we do because we can cooperate with other like-minded churches within the g3 church network we have mission agencies and groups that we're connected to like heart cry missionary society international church planters icp so we have other avenues of engagement and partners in ministry and then of course with the master's seminary and the master's university for christian education as well as a few other friends that we partner with for theological education right we had you know substantive answers that we could give to the church yeah i'm that was going to be my next question actually so i'm glad you answered that josh and and uh i know because i i was born and reared in spc when you when you're when you're born into that when you're reared in that that that's your paradigm right i mean you just can't imagine doing church outside of those parameters when that's all you've known but what i've discovered in the last 11 years is that it you you can you you can that god does not need the spc um our church cares about missions we support missionaries we just don't do it through the cooperative program we're not svc but you can still do missions and you can send men to to good seminaries non-sbc seminaries and so the work of the gospel goes on um and i want to say to you josh and and other like-minded pastors i you know all of us in our theological circles we would say we have a high view of the sovereignty of god we would say that yeah we're we know that one day we're going to to give an account to christ for for what we've done but i but sometimes i wonder how many of us really do believe that um some do you do john mcarthur does you know some of these names that we're familiar with that but one day josh you and i we're not going to stand before a denomination we're not going to stand before a committee i'm not going to have to answer to a committee or denomination whatever denomination that is we're we're going to have to stand before christ and um so i i appreciate your faithfulness and uh commitment to the truth of god's word and knowing that we've got we have an audience of one right we've got one person that we've got to please yeah amen amen and thank you for that kind words justin i feel the same about you brother i will say that you know leaving the sbc is one thing but i don't treat it like exiting church membership i have church membership on one level and denominational affiliation on a whole different level i think a lot of these men who are champions of the sbc almost put affiliation in the sbc at at least the same level as church membership and i would just reject that absolutely yeah we need to have a higher view of church membership than we do some sort of denominational affiliation if the denomination goes to the left we don't have to exactly that's exactly right yeah it's it's a very freeing thing that's been my experience in the last 11 years it's a it's a very freeing thing um i mean i'm aware of what's going on in the svc but but uh but it's very freeing for me to know that i'm that i don't i'm not entrapped by those things anymore you know it doesn't have any bearing on our church or what we do and gospel work goes on yeah well josh thank you very much brother for your time and uh for your courage and uh your encouragement to other pastors that i know are watching right now as we close out how can how can people find out more about praise mill maybe if they live in the northwest atlanta area or g3 sure yeah so praise meal baptist located about 25 miles west of the city of atlanta you can find us at and then of course there's g3 ministries that's dot and of course there's a ton of information on there as well as uh information about the g3 church network and biblical worship workshops preaching workshops conferences and and all sorts of blog articles we just released our first uh portuguese article today we have a new platform for that and as as well as uh almost two new unique articles every day coming out of g3 ministries scott annual our vice president and editor-in-chief is doing a wonderful job and we have g3 press just getting started with lots of good resources that are about to come available so you'll want to find out more information there okay all right josh thank you so much brother blessings to you and to the saints there at praise meal thank you justin god bless okay dear ones thank you so much for watching until our next time together may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship of his holy spirit be with you all you
Channel: Justin Peters Ministries
Views: 63,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBC, leaving SBC, Josh Buice
Id: O2A0NVE6vEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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