Interview with Abhishek Thakur | World's First Triple Grandmaster | Kaggle
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kaggle
Views: 76,462
Rating: 4.9575033 out of 5
Keywords: Kaggle, Kaggel, coffee chat, live-coding, live, learn, api, cli, python, data, data science, interview, questions, transfer learning, coding, networks, programming, technology, tech, machine learning, AI, artificial intelligence, coders, programmers, help, tutorial, projects, 101, rstats, stats, statistics, what is kaggle, how to, github, developer, kernels, datasets, data visualization, deep learning, sql, challenge, competition, whitehat, code, lesson, CS, Interview with Abhishek, Triple Grandmaster, Abhishek Thakur
Id: 8lniZVqRLA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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