Interspecies Habitats & Invisible Paths! | Planet Zoo Beginner's Guide 2023

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foreign talked about how to create walkthrough habitats as well as double level guest service buildings like the one we have in the background over here now there was one major oversight with this habitat and big shout out to Michael W for pointing this out but with these signs if you don't like how they look which like let's face it I think most of us probably might like how they look you can actually sink them into the ground so if I select both of these go to Advanced move selection and we just sink it into the surface like this and then actually let's go to heat maps and you can see on the security and crime tab there the area of effect so you can sink them into the ground and they're still going to work from a guest point of view in terms of making sure that they're being quiet and not disturbing the animals and also not dropping that litter so let's sink them under the ground like this we'll click OK and then that's covering a decent proportion of our habitat and then same goes for these signs over here so we'll grab both of these let's go to Advanced move and we'll just sink them into the ground like that and then we'll move them so it's covering more of this pathway area and I'm thinking because we've got this whole area in the middle as well let's quick tick on that then let's grab if we can grab both of these though we probably can't so let's go back to these ones and see if we can more easily pick up these yes we can let's duplicate those and then let's put them in the middle here as well so we'll sink them in there let's get rid of the heat map a second I'll grab these and just go to Advanced move click X on your keyboard and just sync them into the ground so we can't see them wonderful absolutely wonderful now these ones actually aren't so far enough but let's just adjust those and yeah they'll still have those area of effects so they still work and you don't have to look at them so wonderful wonderful tip there from Michael W thank you so much for that and if you have other suggestions and things I've missed keep them coming in the comments so for today we're actually going to be focusing on this little area here and I'm going to be talking about two things firstly the use of invisible parts that you can use to kind of get really quite creative with little picnic areas which we're going to come on to in just a second but the main focus today is going to be a mixed animal habitat so if we come into our Zoo pedia and you look at different animals there is a tab here which is inter-species enrichment and you can see where animals can actually be in the same habitat happily with another animal of course if you're on Sandbox you can change your settings so that you could put in zebras with cheetahs and have a lot of fun with that but of course we're playing franchise setting mode so all the Animal Welfare Etc needs to be on point and as the game intended so we could put artbox in with meerkats for instance and you can have a look through and there's a lot of animals won't have any inter-species relationships some will have lots so if you look at the Asian small Club otter of course we've already put those in they could be in with any of these so we've got quite a variety of animals in here but so we wanted to put them in with the orangutan and the Indian rhinoceros so you need to be a little bit careful with this because if we click on the orangutan go to into species they can't live with the rhinoceros so you do need to be checking every animal that you choose so we couldn't do those three together even though the otter would be happy with those three all in together because the orangutan and the rhinoceros would not be happy so do keep an eye on that when you're choosing which species to put into the same habitats but the one that I have chosen to do today is actually going to be a raccoon and a striped skunk because I think they go quite well together so we have a look at the raccoon they're least concerned they're not particularly endangered they're quite small animals as well so if we go to the natural habitat you'll see North America obviously they don't need a huge amount of space they need a bit of climbing and they need a bit of water and of course like because they can climb we need to make sure that we've got really good high climb proof barriers there it's terms of group sizes there's not too many so it's only up to five adults and they have between two and four babies per mating event so they don't need a massive amount of space so if we come back to here we can say okay we've got the maximum adults and let's say the maximum babies you're only talking 480 meters and very small water 40 meters is not a big patch of water so don't go overboard with that now if we come to the striped skunk again they're not very endangered so these animals won't be like a massive highlight of the zoo I wouldn't expect huge crowds to be gathering there once we've got things like lions or elephants into the zoo which are going to be much much more popular um but again they're North America so they're same region so I think they do go together really quite nicely and also they don't need a lot of space either so if we go to the species data we're only talking one male and one female in each habitat and they actually can have between one and five babies so let's say we have the maximum again on these you're talking 327 meters which is a tiny space honestly you'll easily get that through any habitat and actually skunks can't climb so barrier requirements will have to focus on the Raccoon for that because they've got much more stringent requirements there now the one thing with space here is they don't like add up incrementally so if we added this many skunks at 327 and the raccoons I think it was around 500. we're not going to need 800 meters of space and I'll show you that once we add them in so you don't need to sit there and they go I need a habitat which is a thousand meter squared you absolutely don't I don't know exactly what the mass is to work it out but I'd say when you're putting into species in is is get them into a basic habitat see what the size is and then adjust it as you need afterwards obviously if you're Keen to make it as small as possible land tax based on habitat size is quite big so you don't want to overdo the size of your habitats because that will impact you financially so yeah these are the animals that we're gonna go for and I have already got raccoons up here we're really lacking on conservation credits now one thing we can do to help that you will remember with our exhibits as we set them up to automatically store animals when they had babies so they get rid of I think the oldest animal the least appealing so in our exhibit trading you need to check this periodically we do actually have two snakes in here now and if we click on these you can see we can quick trade this one out of the zoo for some money that's obviously one that we had bought as opposed to being bred in this suit and this one we can actually release to the world for conservation credits so oh we suddenly got another one we got we've got a slot in here as well so again this will be one that we've bought that can't be released for conservation credits so again that's just a quick trade for a bit of money so let's definitely release this one to the Wild and we'll take our six cups of action credits from that and then let's grab these two and we'll just do quick trade out of the zoo so you want to keep oh my goodness we've got absolutely loads coming in here we must be having babies left right and Center so again we'll have a look at these all of these are just quick trade for cash so let's go ahead and we'll do that kind of undo yes that's fine we'll quick trade those out of here so keep an eye on this when you've got exhibit species in because for some of the animals this will fill up very rapidly there's some of the frog species where you're going to get endless amounts of babies in here so do keep an eye on it and that will help with your conservation credits and money as well if you need it and just a quick note as well on animals you'll see here if we go to our African penguins is that the night that's not 94 Peg I guess I could say it's an awful lot but the African penguins are one of the best species you can get for getting conservation credits because look how many babies we have got from just a few adults so when these babies have grown up we can release these to the wild for a lot of conservation credits each one could get you anywhere between 150 200 sometimes even more actually depending on the rating for them so it's definitely worth keeping an eye on oh we've got a gold baby there as well that's quite exciting so once they start to grow up we don't want the habitat to be too overcrowded although you can have hundreds and hundreds of penguins in one habitat particularly because ours is so large but that's another thing to keep an eye on to boost your conservation credits as well um but coming back to animal trading we do have some so we could potentially spend 22 conservation credits on this one I'm actually just gonna have a look at the skunk as well because I want to see if any of these are going to require conservation credits and actually we've got quite a good female here let's just go back to the zoo pedia and check on maturity age so they only live to eight years old yeah so they're not they don't live a huge amount of time 14 years for the raccoon okay so we want to keep an eye on the age that we're guessing them at so actually two years is fine and she's a bronze rated skunk so I think let's go ahead and adopt her for some cash which seems to be better actually than the one that's asking for conservation credits and then in terms of the boys it's Slim Pickens so we might want to wait a little bit to pick our boy skunk and see what comes out let's go back and choose our raccoons here so I think we probably can't afford to spend some conservation credits her fertility is quite a bit higher and actually we do want to have really ideally two females and two males just to make this habitat a little bit more exciting and that will also give us a better chance of having babies that we then don't need to go and buy new animals to avoid inbreeding for as well so I think we will actually go ahead and get both of these let's get the one for cash because she's not too bad we'll refresh the list then we can compare these two the one for cash actually the immunity and the longevity is quite a lot better although the fertility is a bit lower so I think we're actually going to go for the one for cash and we'll save our conservation credits there and then let's have a look at the males and Noah is definitely saving like a better choice there so we'll get that refresh the list and see what comes up again if you're on franchise this list is going to be random sometimes you will have animals sometimes you won't and honestly it might just be a bit of a waiting game to get one at the right price for you and Jason here is looking pretty good too so let's adopt him so we go to our animal storage now yeah we've got our female skunk we do need the male skunking so let's go back and see how long we're gonna have to wait we've got six minutes and seven minutes I think we'll wait because neither of those are particularly good so having waited we do now have a better mail available this one's still pretty pants and I keep getting Warners warnings about Keepers cannot reach exhibits they definitely can I'm not really sure why that is they do go away pretty quickly but some of the warnings you have to kind of ignore a little bit but yeah let's get this skunk here and so now we've got all of our animals in our Trade Center let's click them all and we're going to say Center zoo and we're gonna go and find our quarantine which is all the way over here and we'll place them in there so I'll be nicely sitting in quarantine where we can go and set up our habitat barriers okay so how I would like to do this I'm going to use a null barrier for this for the moment and we're going to make sure that it's on eight meters I'm gonna do lots of building pieces around this because my general idea for this is thinking about raccoons in particular and it's going to a point a lot of them live in kind of urban environments or Suburban environments in North America so I'm kind of thinking what I'm going to do is create a couple of houses and have the skunks and the raccoons living in their back Gardens basically and that's how we're going to kind of set this up as a little bit of a themed area so it should be kind of fun to do so I definitely want to make sure that we're using eight meters for our barriers or multiples of four at least which will make the building process much much easier particularly if you're not super comfortable with all of the building aspects so I'm going to make sure angle snap is on as well and we're going to place in full lots of eight meters as our diameter there and then three going backwards like this and then again we'll come across four like that and down three so we've got a very Square quite boring habitat but of course we're gonna make this a lot more interesting than what it looks like now now let's actually just go and ahead and select the whole thing because it's not really nice and Central in the middle of this Gap here so I definitely want it to be and we're going to click this and hold and we can drag it into the position that we want I'm kind of thinking like that would be quite good now of course we do want a path running along the front of it so let's also think about that and I think a six meter path will be fine for this like I said I don't think they're a massively attractive animal so having a super wide path isn't that necessary and what we want to try and do we want to turn off angle snap actually for this we're holding Zed on the keyboard if you remember to get nice angles coming off our path here and that feels pretty good we'll turn back on angle snap so it runs nice and straight along the front of our habitat here and then yes we can connect it in that side no problem at all and then if we want to get just nicer smoother Corners we have to find a point like that put in a piece of path and then right click to delete it and of course that corner is not going to go nicely so we're going to undo that see if we can do it again although I have a feeling our path com path Network's coming a little bit too complex here for the games liking unfortunately oh no we have managed that there we go so it's a bit of trial and error with these things that's a little bit smoother there let's go ahead and see if we can do the same thing I think this side is going to be tricky let's actually just go to a smaller four meter path and see if we can just connect up like that which will help with the smoothness can we get in that corner now we can get there we'll smooth that bit out okay well that's not too bad we'll smooth it there that feels a little bit more flowy can we do an extra piece well we can there we go now in the middle here this is the next thing that I do want to talk about today if we go into our paths we have got these kind of invisible piles here so if we go with this one and natural path with curved markers don't worry about the curved markers for now what I'm actually going to do is make it super duper wide we'll go for 10. and I'm literally going to place this in in the middle of this area now that is not going to go in particularly nicely let's maybe just dial down the size of the path here we hit control as well you will remember it won't snap onto the parser there yeah that's not too bad and then we'll see if we can snap it in without kind of interrupting the concrete path too much this is what I want for this area that is generally okay can we record Another connection here we can so the edges of the concrete path are a little bit dodgy but we can cover that up with a bit of detailing but what it does mean is we have these invisible piles in here and we can create a really nice picnic area with this so if we go and just copy the picnic bench that we're using within this suit you'll see it won't go on non-pathed areas so this is why we're having to put this path in here and of course just one point as well with the path you need to remember in the settings to come in here and turn off curb on ground path if you leave that on you'll see you get these curved markers so you kind of don't get that same sort of picnic area vibe that we're trying to go for here so we're turning that off in those settings so now let's come back reselect our picnic bench we'll copy that and then we can just place a few of these in here like a very kind of open picnic area and you see if you get too close to the barriers they will go red so you might be able to put them in we'll flicker three of them around because I want it to feel quite nice and natural and I definitely don't want it to feel like a path if that makes sense so we're going to dot these in in a few random locations and we could might actually be able to smooth this out to give ourselves a little bit more space let's go back down to a width of four so it's a little smaller and in the same way that we do other parts delete that out there we go you see we've got more space with that now too and then that does mean we can add in essentially a couple more picnic benches like that now we are obviously going to get people walking through here which is fine it's fine but what we do get is a nice little open picnic area a grass picnic area which is so you can't really achieve any other way without these natural unmarked path areas so I feel like that's quite good and then we can of course come in with a bit of Nature and start you know putting in a few bushes around it trees Etc to make this feel a little bit more alive so let's actually go to tempura plants here and see if we can find a nice tree to put around this there's something like the Aleppo Pine might be quite nice here we can of course put it in the middle of the path as well if we want to so don't forget that I think in fact actually we will do that in this case let's have a nice Shady Tree in the middle of our little picnic area like that then we can see if we can find some smaller trees to put around the outside yeah Beach sapling wouldn't go to a mess so coming back to our habitat and what I am going to do is actually upgrade these nail barriers to something that's not climbable for a moment so the red brick is not climbable let's upgrade this entire thing okay so our path has come a little bit it quite so annoyingly to upgrade it to the red brick so let's just move this point in a tiny bit for a second and we can upgrade those because what I do want to do is just check that this habitat size is okay for our animals before we proceed on any further so I'll put in the gate there let's just grab a very small staff path for that like this and then of course we'll go to our barriers let's edit barrier here we'll select the entire thing and then we need it to be three meters we'll just go to 3.5 to make sure that the raccoons don't escape and then let's go to our Zoo and let's find our raccoons and our striped skunks let's select all of those and say move and we'll select this habitat area here now I'm just going to whack it up to fast forward we'll get the animals in and then we'll check that it's an okay size before continuing on with the build so here they come is that all of them we've got both our striped skunks in and we do have all the raccoons so okay let's pause because they have absolutely no animal and we go to terrain and yes you can see it is plenty plenty big enough for what they need so that was the skunk saying 49 if we go to a raccoon they will say exactly the same thing obviously they do need climbing and water in addition to that as well so we need to bear that in mind but we've got plenty of wiggle room there for building assets and foliage and things like that to take up a bit of room so all in all that's looking pretty good and now I am going to leave this on pause because we're going to go back to the barriers and we're going to convert them back to null like that and then I'm actually also going to delete out these two sections of barriers and put them back in so it's nice and perfectly at a nice right angle and in with our big Square here for building round now we definitely don't want to press play because they will escape but what we can do now is start to design our habitat so like I mentioned with this one I did want this to feel like a street almost a row of houses with the raccoons and the skunks living in their back Garden so I started this off by building the frames for the houses and I'm worried about the kind of the actual habitat barriers and the security for the raccoons climbing out afterwards and I didn't want it to just be like a straight row of the same height of houses the same type of brick I wanted to all look different and unique in different sizes so positioning them so that some of the houses were for the back or further forward than the others I do later add on a conservatory to the red brick house on the end as well and make that a slightly taller height which I think just helps to add to the interest and the realism of it so things like that you can definitely consider different reefs for each house as well so adding variation rather than just having a big flat kind of wool in the background with the windows and the doors and things like that added on and you'll see later on in the time lapse as well I do add in some shop window fronts which we do later on ADD climbing apparatus too for the raccoons to climb through again just adding a little bit more interest to just this basic front because the danger with this of course as well is that I've got a lot of space behind here that guests can't see into which isn't always ideal so we want to make sure that the front is exciting has got all of the enrichment items in as well which of course we'll come on to later on too but that they can also see through into the back so with the conservatory area for example you break down that brick wall and we put archways through so the guests could technically see through there would be a little bit difficult because the animals are small but they can see through same goes with the other houses providing access through to those back rooms and actually one thing that I do not talk about in this episode which I have done is added in a webcam into the back area so that guests can actually see the webcam and see the raccoons of the skunks in their little sleeping area inside the houses so it's not completely shut off from the guests but I have also tried to keep this building as simple as possible so that you can follow along if you would like everything is built off of one group so one kind of grid pattern used for this entire building lot and we're making the buildings too deep as well which really helps with roof design which is an important aspect as well which can get quite complex so this is the easiest way to build your houses like this and then you're not having to worry about middle sections or things like not fitting in perfectly because when you're using pitch roofs having a too deep building or a four deep or multiple of twos at least is definitely the easiest way to go for this when you're adding on the roof remembering the little roof overlays as well the extensions onto the side of it really really help to add realism don't forget those [Music] oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so as you can see we are building out a cage front very similar to what we did in a small part of the Lima area you may remember from a few episodes ago but with this we do now since I built the Lima habitat have this option to turn off climbing so when we're clicking on some of the beams that were previously climbable we can now remove that element from them so you can see me doing that here and once we've removed the climbing element for One Piece if we then take that piece and and use control X to copy it and move it into place the new piece that we put in would then be not climbable as well so you can see that here whilst I repeat these wooden beams along the edge of this cage area and again just to say we are building out one section of it and then we're going to copy and paste it across the whole thing don't try building the whole thing from hand it's such a cute huge Time Saver to do it this way but you see once we put those in now if I click on those they're all non-climbable so that will copy across if you've done it on one piece the other way you can do it is for the entire building which I'll show you at the end of this time lapse as well so if you've forgotten that it's a very easy fix afterwards if you just clip it on the group of building elements that you've put in you can change those to be non-climbable so don't worry if you do forget [Music] forever [Music] thank you Okay so we've got the basic setup of our habitat and of course what we do want to do is come in and you will need to press play just for a second once you put in scenery or change any habitat barriers just to let you know but we'll click on our raccoon because the raccoon doesn't want to climb so that's what I'm most concerned about and we're going to come into here and click on the habitat heat map and just check that there are absolutely no points of Escape within this habitat which there appears not to be so that is good news that is good news indeed so yeah it looks like arcade is secure and obviously the key thing being that these have climbing disabled on all of these objects and you can actually do it as a group as well so you'll see like here I'll click this on as a group I said climbing enabled let's go back in and we click on an individual beam you'll see that that has now been enabled if I click play for a second then we'll click on our raccoon again hopefully it hasn't given them time to escape we'll go to our habitat area and actually they still can't escape which is interesting but they should be able to is ultimately the point within that like our lemurs did a few episodes ago so we definitely want climbing disabled on all of our scenery objects here and now you may notice as well off camera I have actually added in a little staff room just in another building here it's completely undecorated inside obviously no one would see inside but we've got a little star for him again to kind of add to that effect of this little village over here because we're going to have our lake front is the plan in front of it so when you're sat at the top but the plaza looking down you'll be able to see this kind of little row of village houses the other side of the lake which I think will be quite nice here so I want to do some kind of Street detailing along the front maybe some plant pots and a cobblestone street of that sort of thing which will come on to another time but before we can really click play we do need to make sure that it is covered by staff so if we come into our stuff tab here and go to work zones now we do have a work zone for the mandrels which is the habitat right here and the staff entrance for it if you may remember is through this cave this side so it's actually really close to the staff entrance For the raccoons over here so I'm actually going to edit this one so we're going to go to edit work sign here and you can see what's included in it the green green is just in this work Zone and no others blue in work zones and others so you can see we've got a keeper Hut another keeper hurt randomly and a staff room here we're gonna deselect all of those so we don't have those and we're going to choose this keeper hat this star frame and we're also going to add in hurricanes and skunks if we can there we go so that they are all just one work Zone here so let's rename this to mandrels and we'll call it raccoons the skunks may not get a look in on this one I'll just check that I've actually spelled that correctly I have a bad time with spelling and then what we do want to do as well is I want to have a keeper for each of these because that's three animals we've got enough budget going on here that it's not so much of a problem so let's just add in our keeper like that go back into our Zoo uh we need to click Play Just to let the keeper land and kind of actually be in the zoo and then we can just click on them here and go to work Zone and that's assigned to mandrels and raccoons and interestingly they're called Robin white I quite like that another take on The Bob naming convention that we started early on in this series uh the other thing I have added just off camera is a bit of flooring in here so we've got a nice concrete floor in here and the way I did that just as a reminder is to split it so place it as part of the group so it's nicely in the grid then split it from the group so you can do that if I click on it here split from group and then use Advanced controls to move it right down into the ground as low as you can get so it still shows but we've still got little pores sitting on top of the concrete which is quite important to me and then you can go ahead and add to that group and fill out the area and I've also just added in a couple of little patio areas outside the front of some of these houses which I thought was quite a nice little touch there so now we've got our kickering we do want to look after the animals needs so if we come in to Habitat here what I have done is added raccoon and stripe stunt skunk using our filters so all of these things will be applicable to both animals thankfully like because they can go in the same habitat as one another they kind of need similar things so that's good to know so first up water I am going to put in a water pipe and I'm going to hide it back here so I think we'll just have it in the middle of the habitat like that a place that they can go get water annoyingly that that's destroyed our concrete so I don't know we can just click on it go to Advanced move and try and fix that a little bit yeah there we go just lowering it a tiny bit into the ground it should still be absolutely functional we can click on it click play accessible there we go so that's absolutely fine like that and we've still got our concrete flooring and then for food we definitely want a large food bowl for them uh we want it somewhere where the guests can see so I'm thinking somewhere out the front here and maybe and maybe right in the center might be quite nice for that so let's have a think about the gardens because I do want to put kind of little fence dividers in here obviously that the animals can climb through go under in terms of the skunk so they need to be able to access the entire habitat but we'll do some detailing like that so I think let's put it right in the middle of this middle house here and that'll be a nice focal point that the guests can easily see the animals eating their food there and if we go to enrichment items let's start off with food enrichment so we've got a few little things here actually like a little slow feeder and because this habitat has quite a lot of indoor space in it which is not that visible from the guest point of view like they can't see into the conservatory back through here you can't see into these parts but it's not hugely visible I'm going to keep all of the enrichment outside so that we can try and encourage the animals to be out here so let's plop this slow feeder down on our patio over there let's have a bamboo feeder maybe right on this corner here let's do that and we'll sink that into the ground just a tiny bit just to get rid of that plate so that we can't see that there we go that's much better I don't know if we want a rolling feeder as well we could potentially have that let's just see if we rotate it can we add it to this corner here yes we can't yeah so we'll set that in there and if we go to toys there's a whole variety of it but I'm going to come back to that in a second because we do need climbable elements for our raccoons you may have seen I've left these holes in our scenery here kind of acting as where Windows might be but hopefully say that raccoons can indeed climb through it it's what I'm hoping here so what I do want is a couple of little climbing platforms right next to these windows so I think we'll do it so that it's kind of sitting either side it doesn't need to be massive I don't know if four meters is probably a little bit excessive for this so let's line that up nicely to our wall and we'll just sit it on the base of these windows here so I have one like that and then let's click control X on the object and Advance move it over here and we'll just set it up next to that window there like that then of course we need climbable elements that they can get up to this so I'm thinking like a log in the middle so let's click X now that we've got that into position hold that there and scooch that down so that's all the way into the ground like that so you can climb up there and it could be fun to add some other little elements to it so I'm thinking maybe another climbing platform over here so let's go to Advanced move so we'll hold X now that it's nicely lined up to the wall with angle snap on we can get that perfectly aligned and then let's also flip it around this way I think then if we have that sitting slightly above this window just alongside there like that then we should hopefully be able to add in a small ramp for them I think we need to use a smaller suction for this so let's actually take off a line to surface for the moment let's spin it round like that and we'll go to Advanced move and let's just flip it up at an angle and then try and move it into place now this is the this is the where the multi-directional movement actually comes in super duper handy because we can then move it how we want to cross a couple of Dimensions at a time which is very very useful indeed just have to make sure you click in the right dimensions which is the thing that I have probably struggled with most yeah so we can put that in I'm thinking like that big Tech and then we'll just add in a second one potentially actually we just do a smaller one yeah to feed it down onto this platform like that and then they should be able to climb up there and off that way and then we could just have one more little feature to it which is another there's another slope for them to climb up like that and that should give quite a nice climbable element I think what might be nice is to duplicate these as well so let's highlight both of those control X I'm going to move the red and the blue axes so it's the same height but then we can just move it onto this corner like that and that kind of frames the doorway as well so that looks quite nice I think now if we just click play a little bit let's go to our raccoons so yeah they're actually pretty close on the climbing element like that so we probably need a little bit more in here um but that will be easier to easy to achieve in this side because I think we'll certainly add some beds in and the such light so if we go back to Habitat we can start to add in some bedding this side and I'm kind of wary of putting climbable elements too close to the actual barrier walls on the outside so I think what we will do let's turn off angle snap so we can get this in perfectly it's actually place these this side and try and avoid any animal escaping disasters this time around versus our lemurs as you may remember from a few episodes ago they're a bit naughty though although it does seem to have stopped actually I haven't even had any Penguins Escape recently which has made a nice change so we can have a few kind of small bedding areas like that which will all add to the climbable elements and in fact actually can we make that double layer so yeah from there they can climb up from that bottom bunk onto the top and we can also just check that so let's go to let's find a raccoon we'll click on them we'll go to Habitat and you can see where they can climb so yeah they can climb up absolutely they can't clear up this one actually that's interesting not sure why that would be and yeah they can climb inside so if we just check that yeah they're at 50 over 35 now so that's actually plenty I'll probably add in a few more little low bedding areas in the inside because that will make it more interesting in here and because then on that as well we can go to beds and shelters and start to add just some very small little bedding areas now this actually isn't wide enough so I think what I might do is actually place these underneath here almost like they're hidden away underneath that little shelf there it's already spoiled animals I think that'll make a nice touch and we can do some bigger bedded areas in other places like this and that will work for the skunks as well that should be pretty good on the enrichment Brad oh they need toys of course let's go back so let's go back to enrichment items and go to toys now and we can just add in a few various ones of these so yeah the raccoons are now 100 enrichment so let's find a skunk if we can and check them so yeah they're at 100 in Richmond as well they're a little bit stressed they have got places to hide though so I don't know why they're so stressed wow that was a vibe that was a violet throw over the Rook over there right so the final thing we need to do before we come on to detailing it up is making sure that their terrain uh is nice now the raccoons do need water the skunks do not they do not need much water we're talking 25 meters so what I'm thinking is in this back Garden of this house I quite like to add a pond although that recorders now put the bull there I will have to move that in a second so let's go to push let's make sure our intensity isn't too high for this and we're just going to create a very very small Little Pond because you'll be amazed at how small 25 meters actually is when you put it in so put in a bit of calm water there actually I'm not too keen on that big kind of bump in the middle so let's just push that down a little bit further and we've got a tiny bit of water they don't need deep water so shallow is absolutely fine and that's actually bang on 25 meters so let's make it just a tiny bit bigger to allow for when we have babies or a higher population in here so that's Now 37 out of 25 which is plenty more than needed to allow for extra babies so we've got lots of room and lots of space to detail with now now the final thing is of course checking terrain requirements but thankfully both these animals are actually really similar and they're both absolutely fine from that respect so we're all good there we definitely can't have any more grass long or any more rock so that's something to bear in mind when we come to detail but we can definitely add a bit more soil for both of these we want two around plants when we come to add them in so that's something to bear in mind and yeah I do wonder if we should reduce the number of guests in our Zoo because the crowds are becoming quite horrible actually I went in the sloth Avatar earlier and it was absolutely jam-packed it would not have been a very fun zoo experience to be honest so that's something to consider too but it is now time to come on and detail up here so we'll be adding in lots of foliage and thankfully both of these animals have a really wide range from quite low to very high in fact the skunk doesn't care at all how much plant coverage you have in your habitat so that'll make it nice and easy we're going to be adding little fences in to make these look like back Gardens or this kind of imitating fences we won't be doing it the whole way because the gunk needs to be able to move around of course and yeah a few little garden type props in here a little bit of fun I think will be hard with this one [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] so we do actually have little baby raccoons in already and both of them are gold starred as well which is quite exciting and our female skunk is also pregnant so we're growing the skunk and raccoon population looks like that really fast little sprinters playing with the tennis ball there but yeah I think this habitat Has Come Together pretty nicely it's really the first time that I've tried to do something sort of semi-themed with a habitat ever actually in Planet zoo I always go for natural detailing and that sort of thing but I've tried to make this one a little bit more interesting and hopefully it's come off kind of lots of little fun props like the little plant pots here the hose on the board the buckets underneath there a couple of trellises and of course the little deck chairs over here and the wound up hose the little Fountain bird bath proper I know it's a plant pot but to me it looks like it looks like a bird bath or something like that so yeah really kind of pleased with how it's come out and seeing the raccoons actually climbing up and down the climbing apparatus at the back is super exciting and using the pond down here did add a little water jet and a sprinkler again for extra entertainment some bubbles over here so there's lots going on in this we have a ton of detailing to do around the outside now I don't know how you guys feel about me doing little areas like this and particularly around this Cafe area as well off camera or whether you would like to see them perhaps we could even do it in a live stream let me know what you think in the comments below because we're going to end up with lots of little holes like this so I can't pack it all into every single episode all the time um I did just come round off camera as well and do finish off around here so we've added in our little rock border using those aquatic rocks a little tree here a few more bushes around the picnic area as well to help help that feel a little bit more natural and kind of hide where that concrete flows into the path network but I don't really like so I think that's come across quite nicely few little bins around as well but that is going to be it for today so if you have enjoyed the episode likes comments and shares are really greatly appreciated keep those suggestions for what you'd like to see in the zoo or topics that you'd like me to cover as part of this beginner's guide in the comments below as well but that's all from me for now so I'll catch you again next time bye-bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FewCandy
Views: 14,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: few candy, planetzoo
Id: h0KKIqxpJ2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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