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[Music] hello friends welcome back to our channel so in today's session we will discuss about internet so nowadays everyone were using the internet and for every transaction we are going to the internet right so now in this session i am going to discuss about how we can use the internet and how the internet works right so firstly what about what is the internet so internet is network of networks right so multiple a million number of systems will be connected in a network in order to communicate with each other right so this is a internet so communicating each other so for communication purpose we will connect a million of systems throughout the world that will be called as internet right so what are the applications what we can do using the internet the first thing is email the best thing is email so we can have the virtual communication between one system to another system that means we can share the content through the electronic mail right so from one computer to another computer computer there's a main thing main purpose we use in the internet and the second one is search engine so there are a lot of search engines available in the internet there are a lot of search engines available in the internet for example like google search engine right so like that there are a lot of search engines so whatever the content we require simply we can search in these search engines so any content will be returned right so how we can get the content that i will let you know soon and the third one is chat or instance messaging instant messaging so this is completely different from the email this is completely different from the email if email so it's not mandatory for the sender and receiver to be in the online right so there will be one inbox and all the messages sent by the sender will be stored in that particular inbox and whenever the receiver switches on the internet and login to the email then only he can read he or she can read the messages and from the inbox right but here chat or instant message means that there is a immediate the name itself indicates instant means immediate response so if both the sender and receiver are in the online so they can directly communicate through the text base or voice based right so that is a thing of chartered instant messaging and the next one is social networking social networking so coming to this social networking so we know that there are a lot of social networking websites so example facebook okay instagram twitter so like this we can communicate with a lot of people around the world right so this is one application and finally uh there's a media okay so best example we can go for youtube okay so whatever the content we require that can also be retrieved in a video format or else you can watch the movies using the netflix right like this there are a lot of media based websites okay so everything can be done by using the internet and also the next e-commerce e-commerce websites so e-commerce websites means nowadays everyone we are using these e-commerce websites so whatever the product we require at home we can directly move on to the internet and we can directly buy from the internet so that websites which provides this selling and buying is called the e-commerce websites so example you know the flipkart amazon all these are the e-commerce websites right so these are the main things we can do in the internet and now how these can be done okay how this can be done so for example if you are going with a google search engine so you will find the search box so here you will find some python so automatically if you click enter you will get a lot of results lot of results right so how this happens how this happens so every company will maintain a large server large server server is also a system right so server so it is also very it's also a system which will be having a lot of memory and a lot of space okay to store all the web pages so whenever you are requesting this python so we will be called as a client will be called as a client that means which we are requesting so we are requesting for the search for python so that request will be directly sent to this server for example this is a google search engine if it is a google search engine so automatically it will be redirected to the google server google server right so this google server will be having a lot of websites a lot of web pages right so whenever the request so this is the request request from the client regarding this python so automatically it will send the request to the server and it will find the web pages which are related to this python india automatically it will gives the response so this is called a response so this will be done this will be retrieved uh returned to the client so so one amazing thing is all this happens in a fraction of seconds all this happens in a fraction of seconds right so you go to the google type the python and press enter you can directly observe a lot of webpages in your window so that means all these process is going to be done in a fraction of seconds right so so this is how uh the internet that means we we can search or we can retrieve the data from the internet right so if you are moving with the any other websites so they will also provide a large server and automatically the request will be sent from our system to the server and the server based upon our request the server will send the response to our system again right this happens in the internet and the next one is how to connect the internet how to connect the internet so sorry before going to that how we can send the request to the client so this is the server so if you want to send a request uh related to the python to the server so how can we send so for sending that one we require an application called web browser so we use this web browser with the help of this web browser we can communicate with the servers right so these browsers are similar to our google chrome google chrome internet explorer okay firefox right so all these are the browsers so in order to communicate between two systems we require the browser we require the browser then how to identify the particular server so for example you are giving some and this is called the address of the website so this is called some like you uniform resource locator so these are the addresses right these are the addresses which we want to communicate right so these are the called the websites or we can say them as you are else url okay url so similarly this is also your url similarly right all these are the urls so that means we need to communicate with that particular server right now what happens if you give the in the web browser so this should be given in this web browser okay this url should be given in this is the program so immediately this url will be converted into ip address right so this url will be converted into ip address ib address means the numerical form it will be in a numerical form in a numerical form and so ip address is nothing but the address given to the system the logical address given to the system and based upon the ip address the client request will be sent to that particular uh server right so the server ip address will be converted right this url will be converted to the ip address to which we are sending this request so every system will be represented in the form of ips so it is somewhat difficult to remember all the ip addresses of different servers so that's why that ip address is simply converted into some english words so that process that conversion process is called dns domain name system domain name system so this domain name system is used to convert from the ip address to english english words and the english url to the ip address so if whenever you just type this in the web browser and press enter automatically this address will be changed to the this url will be changed to the ip address and to that ip address that request will be set okay so once again i'm saying this ip address is used to recognize the system right the address for the system okay similar to similar to the address for any any person so this is the address given to the system so automatically the page will be directly redirected to that particular address and automatically from there we'll get the response right so this process we call it as a domain name system domain name system so for every url there will be some domains so domains means see dot com if it is a dot com that gives as a commercial website commercial okay dot org it's a nothing but a non-profit organization non-profit organization similarly dot gov it's a government websites government websites so like this for every domain there will be a specific meaning right so every url first we will go into the url and based upon the url we are just typing that will be converted into ip address and the request will be sent to this ip address and after the response will also be coming from the server to the ip address from which we are seeing so our system will be also having the ipad right so this is how the internet will work now who will provide the internet so everything is fine right so we know that what is the internet and how what are the things we can do with the internet but now who will provide the internet so there will be service providers so those are called as internet service provider so these providers will give an access to the user to use internet right so this service provider most of them will be using some phone lines phone lines or cables okay modems and all these things or cell phones right cell phones so by using all these things we can access the internet so who will provide the internet that's internet service providers so isp the isp will provide the internet for the users now how many days we can connect the internet how many ways how many ways the first thing is dial-up dialogue so dial-up means it uses the telephone lines telephone lines to connect this to connect the internet right so internet means communication right so telephone lines it uses this dial up connection uses the telephone lines so unless you have multiple telephone lines you can't use the internet and a telephone at a time so if you are not having the multiple lines if you are having only one telephone line so you you you can be able to use the internet only a single time that means you can use the internet or the telephone any one but not both unless you get the multiple telephone lines and the second one is dsl dsl is nothing but a broadband so which is somewhat speed when compared to the telephone lines and here it is also uses the telephone lines itself so that means it will use the multiple lines one is for telephone another one is for internet right so that's why we this dsl is it will be using somewhat speed it will have a somewhat speed when compared to the dial and the third one is cable cable so here we will use the cables cable tv wires in order to connect the internet in order to connect the internet and this is fast it is fast then dial up and dsl so when compared to the both develop and dsl it will be somewhat fast the connection will be very fast and the fourth one is satellite satellite so it will give the wireless from internet service provider so the net will be connected through the wireless from my internet service provider so there will be no wires and but it is somewhat so due to the weather conditions the signal strength may be low so it depends upon the weather so there is a drawback okay and the last one is a 3g or 4g or 5g so using the mobile data so mobile data so using the mobile data we can also connect the internet so these many ways we can connect the internet right so hope you understood this one so this is the basic thing how uh what is the importance of internet and how what can we do and how the internet works right so simply we are just opening the browser web browser will open the web browser and at the address bar will just type the url automatically we are enjoying the internet but whenever you type the url automatically that domain name system will convert that url into the numbering ip address and to that particular ip address the request would be sent from our system and again the response will be coming from the server to the particular client so the every every company will provide the different servers okay personal servers so we are communicating means we are communicating with the servers the servers so example google search as i have said that so if you search any term or anything in the google search so it will directly redirect it to the google server so automatically the data will be retrieved from the google server to our client so this this is how we can use the internet so hope you understood this one so if you are having any doubts regarding this feel free to post your doubts in the comment section definitely i will try to clarify all your doubts and if you really understood my session like my session share my session with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to our channel thanks for watching thank you very much
Channel: Sundeep Saradhi Kanthety
Views: 6,255
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: sundeep, saradhi, kanthety, computer components, computer assembling, parts of computer, motherboard, fundamentals of computer, basics of computer, computer basics, computer fundamentals, booting, computer languages, language types, sandeep, basics of internet, internet basics, dns, url, dial up, broadband, types of internet, isp, service providers, web browsers, cables, how internet works?, server, client, search engine, email, social networking, online media, youtube, netflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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