International Master Class 2019 Traditional Salami

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[Music] there is a place in the world where nature and men make the passing of time an important element which connects with the ancient philosophy of the Greek world the respect for life [Music] [Music] in Mediterranean countries the respectful life is part of people's cultural roots but in the mountains of the sealer National Park in Calabria a UNESCO World Heritage Site [Music] disrespect fuses with the culture of food as part of the soul here in the shadow of secular Pines time dictates the regulations of pork meat transformation processing in conservation time and natural secrets necessarily useful at different stages for the creation of salami using the cuomo patented aging process the accademia italiana sturgeon l law leader sums up the passion of a man who holds centuries of farming traditions today you have to use the intel meat from a locker me over the years a lot of scrupulous research and studies have made it possible to develop two lines of work master on the care of salami master on the aging of meat with the patented method and system [Music] the products obtained from all of this mark the unique fusion of secrets kept by farmers of old teachers in the art of Italian pork butcher the first rule is you cannot do b.o.b copa de Parma if your table weighs less than 2.5 g on the international master classes for traditional salami organized by the accademia italiana sturgeon and lab is the only course in the world of international vocational training which involves specific cultural studies with promises of very high standards I agree with Alessandro Cuomo that we have to show the real tradition about salami so also this loitering done in the traditional way and especially the work of the specialized butcher and cutting preparing mincing filling the casing I think they would get an important matter of thinking I know and this course is confirming to me that they really want to come to Italy to learn this regarding other food experience you can go somewhere else what for good means we have to come in it [Music] the master in salami takes place exclusively in the ceilin national park were the natural secrets of ancient masters regarding the care in traditional Italian salami are revealed well it's it's a very old company actually whatever the old is the Norman it was founded in 1828 and there are being ups and downs with the company during all these years but recently the last 10 15 years we have grown from being a small local shop with producing things behind in the same building to to invest in a new factory we have grown quite much and have developed many new products and we have read about products all over the country so now we are looking further and what to go on and to be here is part of that you see if you can find other good products that we can introduce in Norway and of course Italy is famous for the food and here is to go back to the I think I can say more than I expected out of the course it's like a new world is opening in the way of doing things we have done things with chemicals additives and so on so here we we see that it is possible and it is part of the trend of the time or something to make more pure products not so much additives and the preservers and for that these have been more than I expected [Music] students will undertake a week of intense training 56 hours of study and work eight hours a day in which to explore theoretical and practical knowledge learning how to evaluate natural ingredients such as salts and spices substituting chemical additives daily experiences are shared and directly experienced in places characterized by production processes from breeding farms cuts to aging and innovative techniques but with an ancient heart of traditional conservation I work for a company called Freddy Hirsch whose main core businesses casings and spices into the meat industry so I would go around in Zimbabwe and also various countries in Africa developing products with people who are looking for new products to develop and also doing startups with factories that they would buy the equipment for us so we would go and install them and start them up and teach their staff how to make various products the market for salami is is it would be very good most people will import this allow me from other countries very few people know how to make salami have the knowledge to make salami properly so they might make them but there won't be a true salami and so I think the prospects of making salami in Africa I think is very very good it is a journey in time through the secrets of an ancient art rediscovered by the Cuomo method patented by Alessandra's passion who created a unique training package which reforms on a whole the figure on top of the traditional Italian found chain manager in Norway I'm a sausage maker in a little butcher shop in Stavanger City and mostly I president discounter the Medes and I also make a kind of salami Norwegian kind where we put in nitrate and starters and sugar so basically here I learned how to go back to the start and make all those kind of things without it so I didn't know it was possible but it seems to be so I've learned a lot here oh yeah I'll say it it more than that I didn't have I didn't have that expression of this course that it would be like this so I basically learned how to go back from the start how to tweet the pic and how to feed the pic and go all the way from the start I will recommend it to to all nibbles it will be a big experience for people to come here and see how they do it here because I didn't know it would be like this in the sila mountains in the Silence of the valleys the sacrifice of the pig is revisited for the students it is a moment that represents a millennial culture and renewed passion from the master they will understand that Calabria is not second division region in terms of food there is not only Tuscany in Piedmont and I am very proud that they really tried the southern region food on the Calabrian plateau has never been just a memory or pleasure but always and first and foremost love family culture respect for the past first came to Italy was simple factors tradition of making salami my father's Italian and we make it at home and I just want to make sure that what we're doing is the right way about it going about it but simply is to hone my skills I guess in salami making we do it at home that was attracted to the sturgeon our way of making salami in a modern way but yet a traditional a traditional way so that's the reason I'm here with my fellowship will receive the fellowship that I received was basically based on education and what I can bring back from Italy to bring back to Australia and and share that knowledge I think with the fermented products that were being shown I believe we can do something with that using the sturgeon L it's yeah it's been a quite inspirational week for me personally and I look forward to you know using these skills that I've acquired over the last week I certainly hope that's a case that we can do that we have a fairly draconian sort of system with our laws it's in in Australia and very state-by-state so hopefully with my report when I get back that I can speak to you know the relevant authorities and supporting the supporters of what I'm trying to achieve so with a bit of luck using this technology that of more so the knowledge that I've gained and the technology with the stun journal oh I think it's going to be a going to be great really going to help me [Music] at international level Cuomo's method has been recognized for years a traditional italian patented method [Music] it is unique in the world where research and meetings have allowed alessandro cuomo to rediscover the secrets of salami conservation from old Calabrian experts [Music] the spontaneous Genesis that determined the high quality of artisanal products Cuomo started a long journey dedicated to the study and control of the natural phenomenon additives of any kind are prohibited the secret edition is based on using an algorithm of several micro climates which utilize temperature air and humidity as the sole ingredients the product in Africa is very not the same quality not the same flavor profile not made the same it doesn't have any of the properties that your proper salami has here so coming on this course obviously has given me a great insight as to how to put the product together and what is required to do the product and get it to to be a much better presentable product and then what I've seen through through the countries that I go to the skillful use of hot and cold appropriately dosed in a scientific way by Alessandro Cuomo return quality and unique as well as natural flavors [Music] an important Enterprise which has led to the master on meat aging with a patented method and system a worldwide success well this has got the most Express sort of operating systems and it's very stable on the beat that happens very quickly it doesn't tie up my inventory dollars and it's a really fantastic consistent product best on the market the Masters of accademia italiana statute nella are popular in the Philippines as in the United States in South Africa as in Holland England and Estonia different locations and distant from each other but from which a strong bond with the roots of a lands Calabria is developed which thanks to alessandro Cuomo's patented method has been able to restore ancient and precious secrets of traditional food conservation [Music]
Channel: Stagionello Channel
Views: 2,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Master Class, tradional, Italian, Salami, professional course, prosciutto, stagionello, maturmeat, pesciugatore, meat, dry aging, dry aged meat, cured meats, cured meat, hanging meat, matured meat, stagionello academy, meat aging, drying meat, wet aging
Id: sVYXMzUmyR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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