Internal Flow Analysis| Pressure Drop| Nozzle Outlet Velocity | Introduction Internal Flow Analysis

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hello everyone myself kirish with solidworks flow simulation tutorials today i'm here with uh the new topic that is introduction to internal analysis so in the previous sessions uh have gone through introduction to external flow analysis and even the basics of solidworks flow simulation and the cfd or cae cfd interview questions and all i have covered in the previous session so you can go through that okay so in this we'll see uh three examples one is finding out the uh each output velocity and even finding out the uh pressure difference between multiple output if you are having okay and then finally in the third case study we will have a look on how to deal with the pressure drop analysis by using the a simple wall taking into account and running the solidworks flow simulation okay uh we'll have a look on the nozzle here we'll take uh the case study of nozzle okay we'll give the uh inputs like a fluid will consider water okay uh this kind of sprayer nozzle house seen in washrooms and all right yeah so i'll define the inlet pressure of 4.5 atm okay and then outlet pressure it is one atm that is environmental pressure will define okay by taking these inputs into account uh we'll find out how this nozzle behaves and what is the average velocity at the output okay we'll jump into the solidworks now yeah here you could see the uh nozzle model okay uh the input and the output has been defined and the list has been automatically created by using the sandbox flow simulation okay i'll take this section view to just showcase how exactly the uh model has been generated with the inlet cutouts you could see there so the top uh knob will help us to stop or regulate the flow inside the nozzle okay so by adding the uh flow simulation from the add-in you can have this flow simulation tab and from here you can use the new wizard to define the study okay i'll define the unit system uh i'll keep it as degree celsius remaining as default i'm not gonna change anything here okay uh the flow is internal as you already know okay and then remaining everything is fine if you want to activate the gravity you can do it i'll keep it as it is now if you are looking for heat conduction and all you can activate radiation is there if it is there you can activate the radiation as well okay so what exactly this exclude cavity does is it will exclude the extra cavity is there and like if any extra cavities are there inside so now i'll select the water as a fluid medium from the liquids so we have the flow type laven iron double and i'll keep it as default because software automatically select as per the renault number okay the ball conditions i'll keep it adiabatic there is no friction and the wall boundary conditions okay and the pressure and temperature will keep it as it is as for the room temperature i'm not gonna change anything here okay so according to that the software will create the computational domain with respect to the cavity okay now we'll directly jump to the uh project and here in the inputs i'll define the computational domain so this is fine so if you want to manually edit it you can go ahead to edit the uh parameters uh now i'll just just go ahead with the input parameters that is boundary conditions i need to define so here i'll select the uh static pressure of 4.5 atm okay as the input pressure and this phase is the reference and then i do need to define the outlet condition i'll go ahead with the boundary condition and uh i'll select the phase as a reference and i'll define the environment pressure into account that is one atm uh i do need to select the face so this is the reference okay for output yeah so once you've defined these things you can quickly go ahead with the uh cold definition i'll define the few of the global goals okay the first one is the mass flow rate and remaining if you want you can add it for now i'll select this surface cool on this face i need the velocity to be taken into account so that is average and maximum okay so meshing part there are two methods one is automatic and the manual so here i'll keep it as default and i'll run the study okay here just we are analyzing how to just get the results according to the uh goals we require okay once you've run the study you're gonna get the results here so we will take some time to just give the results okay it might be a few iterations so once the results get converged the output tool will stop the entire process and it will go ahead with the post processing stage here the cut slot so i'm select like i'm selecting the velocity slot as you could see at the outlet the velocity is more and the value is 30.71 meter per second okay if you want to customize it you can set it to re uh original default and according to that it will just customize your study sometimes this will happen okay everything is right so that time you just need to reset your plots uh if you want to change the slot you can simply use this drop down and from here you can activate the different flats okay this is the pressure plot how the pressure is varying and then if you want to check the flow trajectories you can use the uh flow trajectories and here you can select the input phase into account and accordingly you could see the flow trajectories if you want you can animate it so these are the pipes actually if you want to change it you can go ahead with the options and change it so according to the cut plots the pro trajectory will also update okay so here i'll just change it to instead of pipe i'll choose the arrows if you want you can reduce the size okay yeah so this is how it is and now if you want to animate this you can simply go ahead with the play option to just see how exactly the flow is happening okay yeah so this is the simple fundament the uh internal analysis so here we have just gone through the boundary conditions and we have just checked each and everything so finally the gold plot so you could see the average and the mass flow rate as well as the maximum velocity average is 20 and the maximum is 30 meter per second okay so if you want to cross check the uh results in the form of graphical representation you can use the drop down and do the same instead of switching to the summaries okay yep that's all about the first case study so we have seen the internal flow analysis to calculate the average output velocity now we'll concentrate on the uh multiple outputs what if you have the single input and the multiple output outlets into account so in that case what we need to do okay so here we'll consider the fluid as air instead of water and inlet velocity defined as 12 meter per second so inside pipe normally this would be the case or scenario we can say depending upon the walls uh the speed might vary from two to uh 10 meter per second outlet is one atm fine so these are the few boundary conditions here let's jump to the solidworks to see the same okay so this is the section view of the model so when this is the complete model okay so i'll just activate the section view to just uh define each and everything you can analyze how exactly the cavity is made of and now uh the first thing here is uh to define the boundary conditions with respect to flow and the nozzle as well lead sorry so uh to define the lids you just need to zoom in and select the face accordingly software will automatically create the lids for the outlets as well as the inlets okay if you want you can manually change by using the drop down option there okay it has been automatically created yeah next step is to define the wizard so from here you can define the very various inputs so the unit system keep it as it is analysis of internal here fluid will change that is air remaining everything is same i'm not gonna change anything okay so accordingly the fluid domain is created with the boundary conditions here uh i'll go ahead with the uh instead of 12 meter per second inlet velocity i'll select the inlet mass flow rate okay i select the input as this lead i'll define the uh inlet mass flow rate as 0.15 kg per second okay so i'll select the fully developed flow which will uh help me to just get the constant pressure fluid inside so need to remember this one so if you want to get the uh constant pressure you need to activate the fully developed flow yeah so the next thing is to deal with the outputs so you can select the environmental pressure at the both the output regions this as well as this okay i'll define twice so environmental pressure one and this is for second one once you are done with this okay you cannot select both the faces at once you can delete it yes i have removed one face now it is fine now i need to define the goals i'll go ahead with the uh surface goals and here you can select the pressure into account so i'll simply define the maximum total pressure on this phase and this phase okay and even this there are three faces i have selected so according to that you can customize your goals even if you want you can add extra stuff that is mask for it on these all the faces okay so i'm gonna create this separate uh plots for each and every selection so fine so you can run this study by using the mesh option so by refining it or else you can quickly run it by using the default settings again it will take some time to just solve the what are the input boundary is how given with respect to the fluid medium and it will give the results in a fraction of time while running the study can even activate the flaws to cross-check how exactly the flows are behaving okay like this when the results get converged you can just have them into account well in the outputs i'm gonna define the cut plot okay you can change the plane accordingly okay the top plane and the contours is pressure and you could see you can change it to velocity and how the velocity is distributing you could see here so at this location the velocity is more once it moves towards the multiple uh outputs the velocity will decrease according to the pressure distribution when you can activate the charts and cross-check how exactly the each and every uh uh goals or plots are behaving so the total pressure and the inlet mass flow rate as well okay so this is how we can deal with that particular case study now we'll go ahead with the one more case study that is uh valve analysis okay so here we'll consider the entire uh wall of assembly into account and we'll just slightly tilt the uh the ball wall up to certain degree okay and then we'll give the fluid velocity to 12 meter per second to 10 meter per second we'll take into account accordingly and we'll cross check the pressure drop okay so why the pressure drop is utilized and why we need to uh calculate the pressure drop in wall industries and all we'll see yep this is the ball wall assembly okay so you could already define the doll you can activate the section view just to cross verify the scene so even i have defined the angle of attack up to certain level so that we could able to create the pressure drop region at this wall region okay if the pressure drop is more to energy needed to just uh maintain the same will be more okay remember that so here i have defined 110 degrees to just rotate the entire knob okay so i'll start with the study now and create a new wizard we'll start the basics so first thing is i'll define it as uh pressure drop analysis one as a project name and then the system anyway you can change it to pressure value as bar or remaining everything is fine so temperature should be degree celsius simple as it is so gravity can activate you could see this downwards the flow is internal don't need to worry okay and then finally you can go with the next step there comes with the flutes so in this i'm going to consider the liquid so liquid is available in fluids and you can activate the same the flow type is turbulent and linear cavitation needed you can activate it otherwise you can keep it as it is so default thermal wall condition it is adiabatic here i'm not going to change it to a wall temperature as well because here there is no changes so thermodynamic parameters everything is at default the room temperature changes to 25 degrees celsius okay and finish so software will try to analyze the fluid domain and it will create the fluid domain accordingly and if you want to customize it by using the manual method you can use this computational fluid domain and right click on it and edit it plus you can use these draggers to drag it accordingly okay here by using the drop down and you can define it to set or default or parametric and accordingly you can change the dimensions so play the dimensions of the computational domain you can hide it for now next thing is to define the boundary conditions so i'll select the inlet velocity or i'll first define the environmental pressure on this face so now i can define even the input velocity by just selecting the face into account and here the instead of mass flow or the volume flow i can consider inlet velocity so i'll take it as 10 meter per second and i'll select the fully developed flow okay if you want more details about it you can go to help and just cross check so it will help you to just cross check this thing okay so everything is done you can go out with the uh measuring so i've gone with the global mesh and i'll define the automatic uh refinement method to certain value okay you can do the same and if you want to deal with the advanced options you can use the manual method and from there we have the different options okay let's say if i switch to manual here you can define the uh basic mesh along nx and y and lnc directions here the refinement cells you can set it to any of the level or let's say here if i consider the minimum height of the channel refinement and the height of the maximum height here you can define it and according to that the channels will be created okay and then the advanced refinement here it will ask you for the small solid feature refinement if anywhere you need you can do it and then here if i activate this you could able to see how exactly the refinement will be done according to the channels okay well now i'm not going to consider this much refined uh mesh for this i'll just go out with the normal automated mesh so i had already run the study so what i'll do is i'll simply instead of running the study i'll switch to the the first case study and here and switch to the results and i'll just cross verify all the uh flats just showcase the uh goals which i have defined the first one is the mass flow rate goal so how much is the mass flow rate is happening with respect to the global goal condition and then we have the global goal condition of average velocity inside the model and the inlet total pressure very important stuff if you want to find out the pressure drop you need to select the fees and here you need to select the total pressure okay if you're confused here i'll show keys again uh go to uh goals right click and select the surface goals and define the face which you want to define and from there you just choose the maximum total pressure okay and even you can select the faces and just click on green check like that you can do it same thing for outlet pressure i have selected l1 bar and pressure drop so for that you need to create the equation that is inlet pressure minus output pressure which is equal to whatever the value comes pressure drop okay expression you can consider and from here i'll just choose the uh initial pressure minus output pressure that is indeed total pressure to the output pressure so according to the that the equation plot will be created and once you run this we have the results so let's just activate this cut flat yeah here you could see the results so how the f lot is now showing the results you could see it is uh minimum is 0 and max 768 and you can even animate it you could see the animation of that particular plot with respect to the position you can stop it and you can switch to the other slots by using the velocity draft and switching to the pressure drop down you could see how exactly it is changing so at the initial position the velocity is very less the pressure is very more pressure and velocity are inversely proportional okay so uh let me just see the sketch here which i have simply drawn it at the ball ball location so that i can show you the x5 plot from here to here how the pressure and velocity is changing to do that again switch to the x5 lots from the flow simulation drop down and here you can define the same line and here you can select the parameters which you're looking for let's see if i am looking for the pressure and the velocity can activate the booth and see the floods initially the pressure is at high level so constant pressure we have given right the fully developed one so from there it will start decreasing again at the center of the wall so it will start uh increase and then finally while going out the pressure will totally decrease and velocity will increase inversely proportional right same thing here the velocity initially at a certain velocity and then it will try to decrease at this pressure of reference and then again it will increase due to the nozzle uh activities and the velocity will be more at that region okay so this is how you can generate the uh flaws and the pressure drop results and again uh here the flow trajectories you can select the inlet as a reference and you can see the same let's say this is the face which i need to consider into account i need the arrows instead of pipes okay once the floor is generated you can hide uh unnecessary slot i'll choose two velocity slots accordingly the plot pressure like this flow trajectories will also change okay you can even see the animation so i'll hide this for now okay good to see so this is how the flow is happening inside the wall fall so depending upon the different different angle of attack the pressure drop will even change so to just avoid the explosion of failure you can just customize your entire uh the wall region by using the washers or something else okay fine so for the better understanding you can even activate the assembly and you can change the transparency to transparency to see the results okay this is also one of the best option you can even activate the different views by just pressing the normal to view you can visualize the same uh the flow stream lines okay so that's all about this session so we have gone through the basics of uh internal flow analysis we have covered the how to crosstrack the average uh velocities of at the outputs and we have seen the multiple uh pressure differences and by using the uh multiple uh output uh model and we have seen the pressure drop analysis by using the volvo into consideration okay so here you could see the values uh the output that is pressure drop value it is uh in bars okay the maximum is eleven point eight one okay let minus outlet pressure if i activate the history here you could see how exactly they are changing and how they are converging okay so these charts will uh highly important to just deal with this kind of iterative methods to understand how the results are varying with respect to time and iterations okay finally so that's all about the session thank you guys keep supporting uh keeping keep helping us to just uh create the new contents by subscribing or commenting if you're extra like if you're looking for something else or if something goes wrong you can even mention the same okay thank you stay tuned
Channel: CAD Guru | Girish M
Views: 748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8aDl3052-2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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