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[Music] that's take chalk on the left I'll go with David will take shots on the right hi I'm Helen I'm silent and I Jane hi Jake [Music] [Music] but you want this chair Jane by the window or in the corner over there Ali it's a lovely flat and this is a very pleasant street what did you say the neighbors were like oh don't worry they're all lovely you're going to be very happy here here let me give you a hand why did you want to move in here I told you a hundred times Matt I needed a change so don't understand you had a great room at Helens house and more space but you haven't got more space here by the time all your stuffs in it's going to feel really cramped and you're moving in with your sister it's forcing you to looks at that old mr. ahsha call me Eddie is it reliable reliable it's top quality Ellie I'm sorry Matt the whole thing between us was a mistake her moment of madness it wasn't I love you and I love you too but not like that I think I was feeling sorry for you and that's not really the basis for a relationship isn't everything's in perfect working order any problems I'm only a phone call away it's my card thanks but this is only for office hours is that there are 24 hour emergency service Hallie do me a favor on this rent just give me one more chance Matt please oh no that was my fault I'm really sorry no it wasn't yes it was what the hell's going on down there I'm sorry we just we're just moving in well can't you move in some other time he's trimming the afternoon and I got back from New York at six o'clock this morning so can you try to keep the noise down [Music] is this your guitar Jane what no it isn't it's mine no I'm off to a rehearsal now with my band I didn't know you were in a band well you don't know everything about me obviously not you can't judge a book by it's cover now I'd like to hear you play have you got any gigs planned no we haven't not yet we're waiting for the right moment good for you nice to be in a music business now I work with all the biggest bands Led Zeppelin deep purple ABBA maybe I can help you there's your band made a CD here you are send me a copy [Music] know what's happened to our telly it was my fault I dropped it I'll see if I can get it repaired that's beyond repair mate [Music] [Music] professional non-smoking definitely what else was in the advert when you moved in here you are of thanks Ali sorry what time do you finish today at 6:00 are you were coming to see our new flat absolutely yeah definitely great quiet that's important put that in what is it David [Music] what oh nothing just going to the loo what's going on have you got any money money how much I could possibly manage 5 pounds 200 200 pounds you must be joking well note you want 200 pounds for please David it's important please if nice is the rent chief hardly the landlord thinks it is well we are renting a whole flat not just a room maybe that's Simon I'll go how are things with Simon I don't know he's always busy I never see him what's that I brought you a housewarming present ah Matt it looks really expensive yeah it's cost a fortune Simon champagne and flowers oh right thanks Helen it's ok that's really thoughtful of you yeah but they're not for me I found them outside the door hang on a sec there's a note it's from bill who's bill I'm so sorry I was rude earlier I was really very jet-lagged welcome to your new home the guy upstairs what that grumpy American well he can't be that grumpy can he [Music] [Music] hi see the bit yeah hi heaven I'm so sorry I'm late it's alright your hair looks wet I didn't know it was raining it's not I had a bit of an accident you okay yeah I'm fine it's a long story I'll tell you later but what about you you sounded really worried on the phone what's wrong everything why Matt's changed since he left he used to be so quiet asleep most of the time half asleep the rest of it but now he's taken up the guitar yeah he's joined some kind of band hasn't he what are they like I haven't heard them but he's calling and I don't know what to do about Simon it's getting worse he's just not interested in me anymore he's always doing something else take last Tuesday [Music] I've been waiting outside the cinema for over half an hour before he turned up I bet everything alright I was really looking forward to seeing this film but it had only just started when his mobile rang just read a very mature philosophically I mean literally but boom wahala nightstand oh wow okay yeah I'm really sorry pet but I've got to go what about film tell me how it ends I'll call you later monster nep-chi that's why I skipped by blowing burn bed for whenever that's your spin like this for weeks I think he's seeing someone else are you listening what that's terrible you should tell him to turn down the volume who Matt Matt Thanks it's really helpful so what happened to you you said you had some sort of accident well it involves our new neighbor bill the American yep good got to hear this I'll be right back [Applause] [Music] Ali had gone to work when I got home I fancied a relaxing evening so I made the flat nice and decided to have a shower [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello is anybody there can you hear me is everything all right yes thank you I stuck my toe we haven't been formally introduced my name is bill bill Fisher and I'm Jane Jane Wilson good to meet you look I'm uh I'm sorry about the door but I I heard a scream yeah it was me when I got in the shower the water was freezing I think the water heat has broken down you're not an electrician by any chance well I am a scientist although I work in pharmaceuticals actually have you got a screwdriver and a flashlight oh you mean a torch is that what they call it over here yeah but I haven't got one okay I'll go get mine [Music] [Applause] this is appalling I was put in years ago can you turn off the main switch oh yeah it's probably in the hall yeah right of course next the fuse box under the stairs okay just as I was going to look for the main switch the phone rang again it was you hi Helen what are you up to of course shall I come and meet you there at say in half an hour I'm a bit busy at the moment thanks Jane okay bye yep there's a loose wire can you hold the torch for me unfortunately the electricity hadn't been turned off what do you mean the electricity hadn't been turned off you hadn't turned it off I know and I felt terrible it's bill okay well hey take it easy I am so sorry about this accidents happen it's no big deal but just wait till I talked to Eddie yes sure that wiring is disgrace how what is that stuff it's a homeopathic keel hmm I'm scientific but it's good I guess you really like TV not especially why well that's a pretty impressive screen Oh God it was given to me by Matt is that the guy I saw you with last Sunday yeah is he your boyfriend no ex-boyfriend and then what happened nothing I came here and left him to mend the door here didn't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice one boys very impressive though you should work on their ending I've drawn up a contract for you [Music] heavens speak black trouble yeah miss all things useless it's such a lovely day I wanted to go for a ride in the country well why don't you come with me I'm just about to go for a spin in my mg I should stay and sort this out I can fix that for you later come on is that thing safe safe you mean like can it give you an electric shock I just meant it looks a bit on the antiquated side that is one of the finest sports cars ever made in Britain see you coming okay have I got time to wash my hands sure cappuccinos all around le okay let's get down to business I liked your CD I think you boys are good I even think you might become quite big if you get the breaks but listen I'm only going to say this once you must get a new singer got it what's wrong with Matt oh do I have to spell it out no don't good because you should always listen to your uncle wedding I love it I never understood why the British stopped making cars okay I can understand pull without a volume production because those cars could be made cheaper elsewhere but cars for niche markets Brits were the best sorry bill this won't take a second no problem you don't have to sign anything you don't want to but if we enter into a formal agreement I can give you boys a helping hand finished thanks Ali Thanks what kind of help first off I can fix her up with a gig a deacon we could set up a gig for ourselves at the galaxy I don't think so what else let's put it this way I'm seeing an old friend of mine this evening he signs up new acts for the top record companies I could ask him to come along to your show what do you say and you ride I may be an American but I'm no cowboy I guess you can yeah I love it I like to ride at drama school it was part of the training you know speaking singing dancing horse riding right so do you do a lot of acting I wish I actually do a lot of teaching I've got to make a living sure do you like what you do well my job yeah jobs good [Music] there's no need to read the whole thing is a standard agreement sorry I'll be back in a minute I just need to have a word go trouble we're meeting at the Lobo at about 10:00 so if you'd like to come a lot hi Helen hi Simon I didn't see you in here I'll catch you later is he a friend of yours oh yeah well sort of actually I came into the alley what are you doing here everything all right it's all totally aboveboard Matt you just have to sign here uh-huh but what about Simon we only need one signature [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and your copy you won't regret this you know how Matt was really cool about Jen well this music things become really important to him and I just wanted to give him some support you know this secrecy is because of Matt but why didn't you tell me I thought you were seeing somebody else oh sorry I just didn't think I could tell I know you can't stand his music it isn't a new thing well Eddie thinks it is can you believe him no but Matt does and that's enough for me where's Eddie no he couldn't hang around he's a busy man [Music] [Music] you know I haven't had this much fun in a long time me neither I'm gonna really like it here the thing is I might be going back to the States the work yeah that's why I had to go back to New York just before you moved into the house I might be taking on something new it's not definite they're still making up their minds [Music] [Music] [Music] my math what's up nothing I was looking for Ali she's still at work isn't she oh yeah right that doesn't look too good yeah chain keeps coming off right I'll see you then fine hi [Music] [Music] ha are you feeling well tonight yeah but just for a drink nothing serious then the last thing I need right now is a relationship especially one where we could be waving at each other from opposite sides of the Atlantic he's probably being transferred to New York oh no oh yes which is why I'm taking a step back we should talk about this later yeah sure see you bye [Music] sorry I'm a bit lost I'm trying to find a rehearsal room for the broken hearts are you going to the audition you don't look much like a singer me no I'm a friend a friend and an advisor is that where you're going I can't find the number me neither I've never been here before hang on Goodin idea hello what David hi just a minute I'm taking a call look Matt all right come in for the audition yeah great we're just this way [Music] [Applause] oh hello is that the cosmic harmony center yes I'm interested in joining one of your Tai Chi classes no I've never tried it but I do yoga every day I'm sure the contracts alright better you know what Helens like and she's making Simon nervous too you know I'm doing a big favor here yeah I really appreciate it I mean I normally charge for legal advice and I doubt that you could afford my hourly rate and you are Iggy great we're not quite ready at the moment why don't you take a seat why David just one thing it's okay to video the candidates isn't it candidates it's not a job interview David as long as you don't use the video for commercial purposes it's fine that's what I said that's brilliant thanks for your help David you know you still owe me the 200 pounds I lent you for Jane's TV I haven't forgotten it I'll start paying you back after our gig your real mate okay Melissa can you tell us something about yourself sure my name is Melissa but I guess you all know that by now and I've always wanted to be a singer in a band in fact I've been in a band and our records have soared all over the world really you know I had a number 27 hit in Norway and got into the top 100 in Luxembourg and we were pretty successful for about two years but then it all went wrong our manager was sent to prison he was really horrible he cheated us out of lots of money uh-huh but hey we were young and innocent things happen how young well I was eight when I joined the band so I guess I was 10 when we split up right so could you sing something for us now sure I'd love to I'd like to sing amazing grace Amazing Grace how sweet the sound hi hello I'd like some information on your acupuncture classes please yeah it's Jane Wilson the address is number nine Manchester Road okay [Music] what do you make of that it's amazing I had no idea he played the piano it's quite something isn't he maybe but like I said he's not for me oh come off it Jane you're crazy about him we're just having a bit of fun that's all you're just two ships passing in the night well I hope you won't be sending me an SOS [Music] that was hopeless ten singers and ten disasters what about Melissa her singing was even worse than yours it's pretty fit though in an obvious way that doesn't appeal to me I think we could all do with a drink good idea I played in jazz clubs back home time I even thought about going professional you know work money career what did you sing along me why not I can't you're always singing at home mistakes a lay guess you'd better slow that Mustang down come on the b-side mustang sally' my baby guess you better slow your Mustang down you didn't run it all over town I guess you better put your flat feet on the ground all you wanna do is ride around Sal a roster there are all you wanna do is ride around Sally Wow I think you found your singer absolutely what if bill doesn't want to do it bill thread around Sally Ride Sally Ride one of these are the more you're gonna be wiping those we pan ahaha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you're telling us the contract is disaster afraid so what if we decided to ignore the contract well you could ignore it but my advice is that you would be in big trouble that's just brilliant why did you sign it a contract drawn up by a wide boy like Eddie Ocean what happens if we do the gig David Eddie you'll get all the money I'm not turning up at the galaxy just a line Eddie oestrus pockets you'd better do something about that contract or we won't be playing any gigs anywhere okay I'll think of something Yeah right and what about Jane is she gonna sing with us or not look I'm working on it don't worry [Music] Wow somebody likes you I doubt it who are they from we don't know there's no card or anything oh that wonderful they must be from bill he likes to send flowers I'll put them in some water yes Jane hi hi Bill I don't know what I've done to deserve them but thanks for the flowers the flowers they're wonderful but not from me or not no but anyway it's good you called can we meet up later something's come up and I'd really like to talk to you about it such as well I really don't want to talk about it on the phone I'd rather tell you face-to-face I'll pick you up 7:00 would that be okay sure I see it 7:00 bye that's weird they're not from Bill it's Eddie hello Eddie look glad you've called are you that's nice now listen girls I'm a reasonable man but rules are there to be obeyed you're getting behind with your rent and that isn't good for anyone why don't you arrange a standing order with your bank to pay me the rent every month because if you do that will avoid any unnecessary unpleasantness when you fix the wiring and repaired the water heater we'll pay the rent but not before that told him at least we know Eddie can't have sent the flowers you know what I think he must have been mad Oh perhaps you'd better call him could you do it please [Music] is that you Matt it's Ali sorry Ali there was something funny with the line I know this is a bit of an odd question but did you sing some flowers to chain this morning will she do it what it was all on the note there was no note oh no it must have fallen off I want her to sing with us sing with you well with the band we need a singer and when we heard Jane the other night we thought well I thought she was brilliant did you so did I you know something that's a really nice idea I'll have a word with her about it thanks Ellie you're a star bye Matt how about trying something that could really change your life [Music] I can't believe this it's crazy you know he's my job if I get caught Eddie's the real criminal not us probably go to prison but if we don't find the contract I'll never be able to pay you back all your money so let's get started how are we gonna Quine a contract in all this lot it's like looking for a needle in a haystack I know have you got it already [Music] so wonder what to say to you once they've offered you the job in New York that's right they emailed me this morning and went to know how soon [Applause] [Music] what the hell are you doing in here legally it's called breaking and entering who do you think you are a lawyer that's right and I'm representing Matt and Simon I wouldn't do that if I were you if you call the police I'll have to show them this mr. ahsha or should I say mr. Pym or mr. De Quincey or Senor Hector Fernandez no the contract for the band isn't very favorable to my clients I wonder if I might suggest one or two changes David are you okay it couldn't be better listen Eddie's agreed to make changes to the contract has he cancelled the gig no the gigs fine also he's going to be doing some repairs to Jane's flat all you need now is a singer a what a singer yeah I'm working on it good the only concession Eddie wasn't prepared to make was that the lead singer could be you sorry catch you later bye yeah bye Matt would you mind telling us what's going on [Music] I've been dreaming of this chain I always knew you'd come back to me hi oh hi more things Oh fine listen can we meet up later I don't know I'm not quite sure what I'm doing the thing is I really need to talk to you and we never really got a chance the other day what with Matt's unexpected arrival we could talk now yeah I'm sorry I can't right now I've got to go to the office on a Saturday there's loads of stuff I need to sort out you know for the move back to New York they're really putting the under pressure to leave as soon as possible right anyway do you think we can meet up later say about 8:00 well you can try don't worry I will I'd like to take you out for dinner [Music] [Music] I've been thinking oh no really what are you going to do about the band don't you start I've already been sent this he's a bit desperate isn't he wouldn't you be the geeks in ten hours you've got to let him know I will I will be awful to let him down and it isn't just him there's Simon there's Helen she's doing everything she can even David's helping out and for no money why don't you sing with them you know the songs and you've got a fabulous voice what have you got to lose you know what the problem is I just don't want Matt getting the wrong idea anyway bill wants to take me out for dinner tonight it's funny how people think bad news and food go together I really think you should give Matt a break doesn't he deserve it deserve it he's put such a lot of effort into this band and he's tried so hard to put your relationship behind him he isn't trying it on I'm sure of it he doesn't want to get back together with you you seem to know an awful lot about Matt all of a sudden well we've talked about it that's all [Applause] [Music] [Music] one two one two it's great to see but you're a bit early for the gig I know I was just wondering if there's anything I could do to help that's really nice of you I want it to go well is there any news about Jane [Music] she's not coming is she she must have decided to go out to dinner with bill okay Matt it's down to you [Music] everybody gather round everybody could anyone tell me what's going on you're just warming up where's your singer she couldn't make it couldn't make it I've invited important people from the business I've signed a contract that gives away nearly all my rights and now you're telling me you haven't even got a singer you're not singing that noway contract clearly stipulates that you are not going to sing with the band am I right or am i right from a strictly contractual point of view you're right Eddie we're on in a few minutes [Music] Jane I really care about you you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time and I don't want to lose you well I'm not the one who's going to New York you can come with me what well I don't mean I don't know what I mean but there must be a way we can make this work please I'm so sorry I really ought to ask this what's happened and now let me introduce to you the one and only broken heart featuring Eddie you've got to be joking they didn't have a choice wait a moment I need to talk to bill what's going on is it the gig yes it's a disaster I've really got to go and sing okay we can sort this out later Ali I'm coming [Music] only you know what love you so baby [Music] oh my god I'm gonna live because if I got the cash was all babies [Music] now did you in a video make it well to know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up what's going on sorry Edea change of plan what's she doing here the contract clearly stipulate that the band can choose its own singer provided it's not mad come on Eddie you know make sense break a leg you better be good those boys have got a damn good deal out of me [Music] on the float shitless oceans I did all my best to smile [Music] singing eyes and fingers to [Music] sale to me to me let me [Music] here [Music] waiting [Music] I dream you dream the No [Music] leaving [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh as the oyster [Music] here [Music] Here I am [Music] grazie [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Learn English with English7Levels
Views: 2,705,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learn english with subtitles, learn english vocabulary, english listening, advanced english, Oxford english learning, intermediate english, english for beginner, english conversation, real english conversation, natural english conversation, english is fun, the best way to learn english, study english, english video, Headway, Intermediate level
Id: AP5UD8c3T_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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