Interior HDRI Lighting in Unreal Engine Step by Step Tutorial.

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I will try my best to cover all the techniques and tips and experiences which I have learnt over doing Lunt over all the last three years doing after doing more than 50 commercial projects and more than 20 to 25 practical sample projects so I have quite enough experience on lighting and working inside an engine on architecture images and scenes today I am going to first of all this scene is brought inside an engine from today studio max which I think we all know how to bring it scene from 3ds max to Unreal Engine and it's the default only the thing has been done on this project is all the objects are properly you be mapped on the channel - according to their all this resolution it means they have been brought inside Unreal Engine and in traditional Max they have been properly and wrapped everything has been properly and up and then brought inside Unreal Engine so that they will go good so that they can give the best possible result inside on your journey so once the scene is brought inside Unreal Engine suppose it's raw and only the scene has been brought or important is our religion from there we have to start the scene to make to do the lighting and make it realistic from I will try to start it from scratch to finish and if we need to start as started in from scratch what we have to do is we have to go inside project settings and then go inside rendering and in rending we have to switch off texture streaming we have to this box is generally ticked on we have to switch it off and then we have to go to default setting and generally what this is my procedure of doing Latin or completing a project inside an engine and lighting thing it could be your personal preferences but this is how I do it so I switch off the bloom I switch off ambient occlusion I switch off ambient occlusion static faction or to expresser auto exposure motion blur lens flare every everything which has been if it's ticked on just ticked off take it off all these things all these things in this column and take Sara streaming textures streaming just switch off if it's on and then from there we have to go inside here and we have to use one light mass folder light must sorry light much importance volume and we have to put a light first importance of volume and here I will show the size of the generally this has to be 20 to 50 percent bigger than the actual project or the actual area which you want to light light of the same and after that we have to we use a box reflection capture box if listen capture any generally I make boxes lesson capture tilde area or according to the area of the project that means the whole area of the project or which we are going to see or walk around in the real world I make this box effects and capture all those areas from after that we may give I give reflection captures a small small reflection cube sphere reflection captures and which will overlap generally my rule of blessing reflections where a person capture is I will put one here and then the other will just cross it and another will cross it and I will keep adding until the whole project there are some there the whole project there is as feared FSN capture peasant and all are they are overlapping at least some walk beat so that it gives us the best reflections possible and after that I put a post process volume inside the scene yeah it's most ferocious you can see post process and all the processor settings I have switched off so that I will let you know what to do and how it has to be done the only thing I have boss enabled is it's enabled and it's unbounded and some camera exposure and then auto exposure I generally when I do lighting generally when I do lighting I just fix my minimum and maximum brightness so that we can get in a uniform lighting first of all inside the scene and then from there we goes we go on improving and all those things just if you can see stop say here is the light we have been getting from the skylight and the intensity of the skylight is 1.0 its default but no matter how I'm going to but basically what I have to do i do is i also put i put the posters process volume on 0 only and I fixed the minimum and maximum brightness on 1 and 1 and after that I go inside and I added HDRI image for that you have to go inside light source type and then I say the specified cube map and then in content browser I search for HDR I here is the HDR image this I have four one two three four this one is your default therefore HDMI up see when these maps are from raw emotions you can go and download this images from no emotions dot-com they'll put it inside my description box of from where you can download it from my Dropbox to record to revise the things is go to the project setting and then go to rendering and switch off all those things then add the light mass portal and then post-process voloom and then a box cube map and some spirit effects and captures which will overlap every espera fastened will overlap each other and really fill fill the whole thing with her reflection captures and the most thing is and we have to put a light must folder but first of all i will switch off this light must Porter visible and is visible suppose so that we don't have any lightness Porter and now what we have to do is I just use take this skylight and then take this SDI image which I have got from no motions and then I just put it inside I use it on my cube map of skylight and then what I had to do is just switch it off everything just effect world and then I what I will show is when we build the light the whole entire scene is black nothing is lit so that we can get a good ground from where we can start to doing the lighting from scratch to finish so I will meet you guys after this rendering stops oh sorry finishes so now the light has been built and as we can see we don't have anything lit inside the same every geometry or every every static object is just a black because there is absolutely no light inside present inside the scene from here how I goes on is I just switch on my skylight I have already put this cube map inside the cube map slot and first of all what I do is I all of the project almost every project I have done in the Latino I just tend to increase this intensity of a skylight 23.5 it can go beyond this maybe all those things and as I have said I have used post-process volume and have fixed the minimum and maximum brightness every one because every time I do lighting on any project I just fixed it on minimum and maximum on one and then I just use unborn and then a member because enable because there should be a adequate amount of light present inside the whole scene which should be not less if we put it point one and point one the amount of light in the amount of basic light it will tell take the same to light now will be very less so I put it one way because if I light the scene on this one point one one and one minimum anniversa minimum and maximum brightness and what happens I need proper amount of light basic light internally which is generated from the sunlight or maybe skylight or maybe these spotlights or on world lights that amount of is adequate so the if the basic internal amount of light which is basically getting generated from the light sources and in proper than all the reflection on these metal objects they will be proper and they will not be default or that may be black but if I put this Bush versus volume point one point one what will happen is this since scene is too bright and I have to decrease the cu1 it will also work the same way but at the end of the day what will happen is if this object is of metallic and that this scene is not decorating internally adequate amount of light then this metal will come quite black it will be dark which I have to tweak there I have to do it manually to brighten in Dublin so so I what I started doing is I just put this minimum maximum brightness to one so that an adequate amount of light has to be generated from the base light sources so that the internally there is enough light which will reflect the objects because every reflective item it's due to because of its the the reflection of light and if there is no reflection of light there is no amount of not a different amount of light present inside this the scene they will reflect it black it's just my process partner if I don't make my point clear here but I tried my best so I put the post process volume to minimum brightness and maximum brightness to one and then I first of all right thing as I rendered before everything was black now I go to insane intensity of a skylight and I put 3.5 and then I build the scene on preview and everything on the world setting here is of default so then now so no lighting is getting baked because light will come deleted and I will see how it goes from here see know the amount of lighting is this so it's dark it's dark but what I generally do is to get a hang of what's going around I just sit on camera compensation for a short period of time they just increase it to see how things are coming and how the light is behaving maybe make it three so see here now we have thing now if I want this light to winter to do this winter go inside the room a bit both further what I do is I go in world setting then number of the now let's do the settings what I do inside my were setting first of all I need to just [Music] switch off exposure then make this lateral bonds it may be killed it is it should be to ensure that when light bounces twelve times inside the same then I just come taste like message of the campus like Muslim world setting I don't know thirteen letting a still able to sit into 0.45 or maybe 0.35 density to ten and then Moses no no miss one now let's see it has been baked inside then type down a region again and it's updating reflection capture the amount of light entering inside the scene I think it's quite quite good and quietly now see we are already we already started meeting this contact Sadow's and all those things but then light is quite raw at this moment now what I will do is wherever there is see by default or world setting I'll go inside and I'll see the how much time it's good it takes four minutes to build the same what you have to do is first of all I will try to see I can get some more lights go they'll be same so I believe what I will do is the indirect lighting quality number of the skylight bounces for for test purposes I generally try to use disk and then light bill but I some of the objects inside this I will get and the resolution is too much so I need to lower down the resolution of them for this we will go to lighting lightly lighting info and the like thing a static image just setting my sinful and then we will go inside lighting building for we will arrange this by resolution just a static miss Latin in front then we ran by a resolution and every object which has 512 I will make it 256 so that gets render very fast as much as fast as possible then I will refresh it and then again I will get some object remaining and 256 I will make them also as 256 of resolution first no more three objects having funded with the result I will make them also as 256 in resolution then I will refresh it and I think all the objects in the scene are 256 almost all of it so now how we go and build the scene I have increased saya lower the resolution which were to 512 to 256 and then inwards the thing I have increased this enormous skylight bounces to 6 to see the effect of how it goes and I always and now we build a light on medium instead of preview because we are going to build the final item on medium not on preview or high-end production so let's keep the setting on medium all the way so that we know get as much as accurate information as possible so now I build a scene and let's wait for the syncope sees we have the uniform light going around the whole scene which I think looks ok so see what happens is we are going to put some artificial light filler lights in here and this one is almost sky sky blue so I think this 6 is the bit more here and I think we should decrease the value from 6 to maybe let us see how much time it takes to build oh my god 10 minutes I mean Chris 4 and then we will add the artificial lights here so I have this white light already placed there to not to spend too much time inside here so what I will do is the lighting on lighting this I just go to light properties and then make it a candle ass and then give it point 1 5 lighting and then switch it on and then go to temperature and then make it 0.25 0.25 and then this temperature I make it 5,000 and I will do this for all the lights present in here switch it on make 1 to 5 or maybe 0.15 because we are using Candela instead of so we need quite low of the simples 5000 this the one I have or just hit I will just switch it on 5,000 and then and a large and then 0.15 so to speed things up what I will do is and just select all the lights you think I've selected all the lights and then learn this light and then I will make it 0.15 candy lash 5000 so all the Lighting's lights and now make all the lights static I make point let's 2.25 I think point two five first we should try on and then skylight everything is okay nice good and on word setting I just go on rice that is the amount from six to four and then we will do it I think today something for the millions tenderness the point of okay person they will delight now we have jib this you can see the blue light is coming inside the house we have a started getting content shadows we get to know how we are getting good and shadow by this the blue like the skylight is going inside the house quite well and see now we have to match the intensity this intensity has to be matched accordingly besides so we are going to these few lights this light 2.5 and then this light 2.5 and increase light intensity to 2005 so that we can match the intensity from this this this intensity and that s and the intensity has to be maxed and I think let's select all the sports lights and then make 5500 because it's making to make them static so now the light has been built and as we can see still those lights are quite low in intensity now let's make it 1-0 one and then select this this one in this light here there is no need to be dead select all these lights we hide this so that controls it and then make it point three in fact point three will be a thing good oops make these lights point oh five unit-less Candela - zero perfect this extra light which is so so you make this - let's point zero one hence the lighting of inside part is still not quite evident I think we need to increase the intensity a bit more yes point two five dislikes needs to be replicated then here the light intensity should be point five point five and five there should be light here its intensity will be also fun for one here we will do light bounces properly here point five point five one zero one one zero one one zero two five and then point five point 15.5 2.5 2.5 25 now let's see how it goes after that we'll go suppose the same the skylight is coming quite good only we need to take one handle the interior of the lights and what I will say so just select all the lights select all the spotlights and make the sauce radius 5 so that this or shadow will be smooth it will be quite nice now save this so good so - then table I think I have already imported in loot bleach bypass I put the link of this loot inside then Mickey see the difference now we can see how the lighting has been done now what I feel is we have to decrease the intensity of a skylight it's okay keep a producer we have to increase it to 1-0 for 1024 then intensity make it seven we make it seven and it'll be perfect same project and then here were setting increase in deposit to steam now here it goes I think the lighting is quite quite quite good here now now we're next going post pushes and then decrease point 5 to point 5 and once this has been done and I'm set apart the with the lighting quality and before on before I good for the final bill what I do is I change some settings in side the light mass base light mass I am i yeah I can see the contacts elders and all those things and now I think the lighting is completely done inside this project now let's I will show you what I do for the final quality I just go inside lighting quality it I leave it to the medium quality world setting I can go in forty point two five and the lighting that lighting quality I make it for when Linda largest smoothness I make it two point seven five and then then base light must config file what I do is I made an shadow 232 Nam Nam Saturdays and nom-nom penumbra shadow rs-232 and then Nam hemisphere sample two sixty-four or maybe 128 from then numb in direct calculation photons to to zero before it then I save it close it close it and then I will go for the final build so once the lighting is done on medium lighting quality world setting all this point two five twelve three four and point seven and then in base like must Sinai the settings which I changed the is the settings which I have altered in baseline masses num shadow is 32 the new number the number of shadow 32 and then M is fear 128 and then three and then gamma radians calculation photons 2048 so after the light build has been build is complete on this setting what we need to do is we just go to boost process and then just this brightness contrast and all those things a bit so that it gets even better for that we need to make it point to one and one and then in exposure 0.25 now here I think it will be 1/3 maybe point five now you can see the lighting has been done and complete and you can see it in all five and all five you will see the detailed lighting of the same and here we see see the contact shadows and all those things then point six your lighting only and if you want to see some more than just increase it maybe two one one five here you have the lighting of the scene and now I have told you or talk to you or I have shown you the process of lighting and Unreal Engine scene using only skylight and some fill lights that is spotlights and all those thing and here you can give some material of like a bulk material I think then select such your bulb material here so you can give some all metal and all those things and since I have increased you make it one five one four maybe and then give this ball to matter wherever you like so now I have in this tutorial I have shown you how to do lighting on an architectural vision project inside Unreal Engine using only the HDR I and then fill lights so feel free to ask any question if you have if you want to know or if you don't if you want to clarify all you want to something ask something anything else and I really really really big pardon that my English is not good because this is not my mother tongue and since I want to reach more and more audience so that I can share my knowledge - if you as much as people possible so I have to talk in English rather than speaking inside in my mother tongue and if you guys have any problem or any doubt or any thing you know I can be a help of just let me know in comments please subscribe my channel and please like it hit that like button for my efforts which I have made in May in this tutorial it will encourage me and encourage me to make more tutorials of and I have planned to make lots and lots of tutorials of Architects of yes and in Unreal Engine but since my niece is not very good I always get hesitated to make it but I don't want to hide my skills and knowledge and I want them to be shared so that most of them many of people can get advantage of it so see you in the next tutorial by the time take care and
Channel: 3darchstuffs
Views: 77,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4 archviz tutorial, unreal engine archviz tutorial, HDRI skylight, HDRI skylight for unreal engine, HDRI Lighting in Unreal Engine, ue4 interior lighting tutorial, Interior hdri lighting in unreal, unreal engine for interior lighting tutorial, ue4 lighting, ue4 interior, unreal engine, ue4 architecture tutorial, using hdri in ue4, hdri unreal engine interior, speed level design, ue4 archviz lighting tutorial, ue4, archviz, unreal, epic games, game engine
Id: XNhwt3iIWTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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