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welcome to my new home in tulsa oklahoma there are things about this house that i love so much first off the exterior architecture is phenomenal i've never had a house like this before i've never even dreamed of owning a home like this before as you walk into the house there's a beautiful entryway and what i love is the architecture that gives me this vintage well-established neighborhood the neighborhood looks sort of like either from home alone or father of the bride which was actually specifically on my list of things i wanted to find in a new home so you walk in here and what do you see this beautiful grand staircase with a beautiful wood posts all hardwood floors and then a couple of arches on either side [Music] i want to show you this closet it's really cute it actually has a window to the outside and to me this will be the place where i put my mops and my vacuum cleaner and i don't know i'm sure i'll have a ton of things i need to put in there do not be fooled by this like contraption yes this is used to be the camera to the front gate yeah back in the day probably in the 80s i'm thinking 90s hello oh ups all right well here let me open the front gate and you can leave the packages on the inside that would be amazon today i need a new one but there's also this nice powder room a small powder room i'll probably redo this eventually but look at this is probably the world's smallest sink but you don't need a large sink in a powder room and then i'll put my toto toilet in here redo the wall textures but it's you know it's a nice size little powder room and it's great it's the only bathroom on this floor if you go this direction let me take you there's a couple of steps down into what we now call the living room [Music] now in here we go from i think nine foot ceilings in there to 10 foot ceilings in here which gives it so much more of a grandness love this chateau type fireplace look at it it's very subtle but absolutely beautiful cannot wait to have a fire in the fireplace and speaking of fire in the fireplace it's snowing outside you guys if you've watched me for very long you know that i love snow now do i want to live in minnesota and have to shovel out every day no but tulsa gets it every now and then and from what i understand this week that i'm moving into my house is supposed to be one of the coldest weeks in the last 20 years in tulsa and we're expecting some snow so this is going to be super fun i'm not sure that the people who are moving me in are going to think it's nearly as fun as i do but i'll be inside with some hot chocolate maybe a glass of wine and definitely with the fireplace is roaring [Music] i note some really interesting detail like eight inch base boards but take a look here these stairs have actual vented lights in them so at night you have a gentle glow of light so you don't trip down or up the stairs now that's a good thing for someone my age right because they said when you break your hip it's the beginning of the end but can i just say my neighborhood is so beautiful and i love looking out these windows and seeing all these gorgeous homes surrounding me and i absolutely love the fact that my whole house is gated and it has a brick wall all the way around it super secure and i'm going to install a ton of security cameras so if you're a bad guy don't even go there [Music] the house also has sconces already in here now these will likely change eventually but it's kind of fun to have those now and you know with my current and existing furniture i have i think they're going to go great take a look here remember i told you when you walk into this living room there's an arch and an arch but there's one here too and you know what this is too this is to the breakfast room which i'm also going to use as my dining room let me just tell you the homeowner loves this light fixture and i said you know what you may keep it i have one i'm going to put there so it worked out for everybody but look this looks out into my backyard which has a really beautiful pool so up on into the kitchen and i can close that door behind me this door takes me to my really large basement downstairs but right here is a little storage closet and i have got plans for this storage closet that will blow your mind the homeowner decided you know if i'm going to put this on the market i need to redo this kitchen because it hasn't been redone in years so she went ahead and she did a brand new kitchen so brand new let me show you this you don't believe me yeah i haven't even used the oven now the way i cook this will probably still look like this a couple months from now no i boil water and stuff because i make you know cup of noodles and yeah i do that i give kudos to the last homeowner because by doing what she did even though it may not be 100 my taste it really did help me decide to buy this house i think if i'd have looked at the price and the kitchen needed to be redone i would have gone too much work but she got it to a place where i can live here and i can enjoy it for quite some time this room was a dedicated dining room i don't need a breakfast room and a dining room i'm only one person and i don't entertain that often at a sit-down table so this is going to be my family room now here's one of the reasons why i thought this would be perfect you see this wall right here look at it has an art light on it do you see the halo of light this is where i'm going to put my television yeah it's one of the things in these older homes you know they didn't used to put televisions on the wall well actually back in the day when the house was built let's be honest they didn't have televisions so it wasn't a thing but here i think right here a television window treatments on either side of these windows but put my sofas in here make it really comfortable and fabulous and look right on into the kitchen i think this is where most of the living is going to be taking place in this house super cozy and beautiful and a view right outside to the front and i can see my car as it comes down and you know get my trash get my groceries out of the car i look like a cheerleader don't i all right one last room downstairs i'm going to show you and i think it's my favorite room it's the room that sold me on this house and i'll show you now it's my new sunroom [Music] do you love the used brick on these walls in here oh my gosh and then these gorgeous arched windows [Music] and it has little thin ship lap on the ceiling i am not actually sure exactly how i'm going to use this room but i can tell you i think i'll use it a lot i might even do like filming the design sessions from here because i think the natural light would be beautiful i don't know i feel rather inspired in my new sunroom what do you think [Music] upstairs there's a master bedroom and two guest bedrooms as well as two bathrooms wanna take a look let's go [Music] eventually i have plans to replace the wood railing because my own personal taste is more modern and it is a little bit more industrial there's a bedroom here a bedroom here a bathroom and then over there my master suite so i've been trying to decide how do i want to use these bedrooms are they all guest rooms lord knows i've got family from out of town so i could use the guest rooms i could also use a ken woven office and a place where i can you know just do my design work [Music] a nice size closet up here too kind of a lot of square footage it's actually almost big enough for a a small bathroom all right now guest bedroom two it's essentially the same amount of square footage but it's just facing another direction so the lighting will be completely different in here you know what this is over here it's so funny this is i don't know if it was a water or gas heater radiator heater i don't know what it's called maybe leave me a comment if you know what it is anyway it's still there i don't know that i would want to close it up it's very vintage and fun but i'm not quite sure what to put in there but you know that i will think of something and then another closet the shelves so it's already kind of like done it could use some updating but for now it's perfect [Music] now this bathroom is the bathroom that both of those guests would use it's a full bath you know what it has in it that's very unusual it has a toilet and a bidet and then a corner shower now i gotta say of all the things that i want to do in this house eventually is to redo the bathrooms they all were done before the previous owner bought this house so they were done more than 20 years ago and at the time the technology of these fixtures and faucets was great but it's very dated now i'm going to put this in my sketchup model and i'm going to design the perfect bathroom but the one thing i can tell you is the sink will not be here a freestanding tub will imagine with this beautiful architecture the way this drywall is shaped and looking out this window can you imagine i can see it right now i'd be lying in the tub bubble bath you know like this looking out at the snow and be thinking thank you god i am so blessed the master suite has a retreat oh my gosh i've never had a retreat in my bedroom before that right there is the bedroom but this right here it's the retreat you know i actually thought maybe i could use this as my design office it's a little intimate next to my bedroom but i love designs so why not now i love the fact that the top of this has been lit what they didn't do was they didn't light each individual shelf if you ever become a member or are a member of the design sessions you'll know i light my individual shelves that's where the magic comes in okay you ready for this ah well we'll have to get some wd-40 for that all right welcome to my closet [Music] it's a good size closet it's a bigger closet than i've ever had before and i will make it absolutely fabulous probably put in some new light fixtures and stuff but i just can't wait to get my clothes unboxed and put away it's about time how's that you can have privacy in this room because there are pocket doors on either side leading to the actual bedroom my bed will go in here do you guys know that i have been living out of a suitcase for the last uh 11 weeks yeah not a suitcase suitcases 11 weeks so i can't wait to get into my own bed and it's going to be right here and it's going to be glorious [Music] now into the master bathroom this is going to cost me some money some of you are gonna love the way this bathroom looks now it's very uh european i would say it's all white marble and there's things about it i love i love the first impression of it but there's things that i don't like and if you're part of the design sessions or you know my design style the principles of design that i go by that i've created you'll know that i have a thing about flow right so we're going to make some changes to this bathroom mostly because i want to 12 by 12 square tiles of marble everywhere on the floor on the walls i'm surprised they didn't do the ceiling has a bidet and a toilet it even has a towel warmer i've put those in people's homes before but i've never had a towel warmer before i'm super excited about that [Applause] what is it with these they look like tension rods i don't know if 20 25 years ago this was a thing to put in a shower that looked like this but remember in the guest bathroom it's like this too so it looks like you know a tension rod like you go in and then you put it and then you let it go and it stays there i guess in the day like 20 years ago this would have been considered a state-of-the-art like a like a car wash almost with all these jets coming out you look at all these buttons i'd have to wear my glasses in the shower [Music] i'm thinking the wall tile goes and maybe the floor top but this maybe this states because i think this is actually very beautiful piece of marble leave me a comment below what do you think [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's take a look outside at the beautiful backyard first thing we have is a deck now of course it's snowing here today which is so fun look at these flurries oh my gosh and we have to be careful because it's slippery this is a babbling brook that goes on all the time outside of my kitchen door i love it [Music] and then watch this i can walk to the other side where my guest house is [Music] so this is two-story right over here is my garage but i can come in from my garage with groceries there's a cute little area down here and it's right off look french doors right off of the pool and then guess what another outdated bathroom [Applause] so somebody tell me why the toilet's here nothing is here and a little tiny sink is here the year that they did these bathrooms was the year of the little tiny sinks [Music] and look at this these pull back this opens and closes and this come on that's some serious high-tech stuff right there [Music] there's a phone here i wonder if this connects to the front gate and says come on in make yourself at home [Music] so this this is a pretty like i don't know 60s or 70s kind of staircase and it brings you up to the guest house isn't this fun and it's got this cool ceiling because the architecture of the house and the architecture of the roof pretty much said well this is what's going to have to look like in here [Music] over here this is really nice these are amazing storage areas these actually go up and then it has a hoosie what's it that's pretty darn cool you could do science projects in there oh my gosh wow oh my gosh i'm finding all kinds of cool things in my new house why do i feel like there used to be an iguana here [Music] then in here what's this look at that man they really got efficient with their space i think i love my new house what do you guys think did i pick good let me know with a thumbs up so you like this video and leave me a comment because i think i made an amazing decision on this house and all i can say is where are my pods because as soon as they get here we're unpacking and we're making this house my home
Channel: Kinwoven - Robeson Design
Views: 294,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interior Design, Interior Decorating, Small Space decorating Ideas, Beautiful Homes, Home Decorating, Home Decor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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