Interfaith Dialogue at Gandhi Ashram

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[Music] are you okay I'm fine myself what he does [Music] [Laughter] we have a toilet dad in here [Music] when he says swagat karti hai is munch potion show with Carnevale ham sub K param Pujya His Holiness Dalai Lama jika joj the body Sanskriti bottom key frames Anita Sam Rasta or a hymn sake of taro dupa me hamari beach but hurry here on rampart Anka Java okay run back the banker is man cheeky Shobha Maharaja he respected many guru geez we all actually spiritual brothers and sisters now all major world is tradition is he carry message of love loving kindness in spite and different philosophical fields full also can views all carry same message and all measure world's tradition have same sort of ability to him to increase his human loving-kindness so now I always is a field all major words religious tradition rigid with human being not other animal so best the quality of human being as a social animal human loving kindness sense of brotherhood sisterhood so therefore all major religious tradition you see carry that message so on that basis all major religious tradition can develop genuine miss respect and a harmony so that's very important especially now these days in the name of religion fighting killing each other very sad unthinkable all rigid measure is tradition carry this main message is loving-kindness love forgiveness tolerance so the religious harmony is very important and very possible to develop religious harmony now India is one living example in this country almost over 2000 years different religious tradition which is different philosophy exists here occasionally some problem but otherwise basically very good this is harmony I think over 3,000 years Sankhya philosophy develop and Sankhya philosophy main message is ahimsa and Karuna so because of that in this country eventually different religious tradition from outside from West personal world Middle East Islam come and then later Christian come and in Bombay very small community Zara saw him come so all not fear very peaceful so that is the India's tradition so now this India's tradition now time come to show world different rich tradition can live together and miss respect that's very important India itself they practice these things kept over thousand years so now so rest of the world where some conflict in the name of religion in Burma including Buddhism Buddhist Islam problem so this very sad so India is the living example different rich tradition can live together among the different religious tradition see different philosophical views particularly in this country the Sankhya philosophy which in some key philosophy two groups one Sankhya philosophy Josefa believe creator-god one Sangha was over this is no con of concept of creator so Jainism also that category and later Buddhism also data category so we believe self creation rather than there are some absolute is a God so therefore you know there are different philosophical views and within Buddhism there are different philosophical views chitta mantra mind only school of thought then a medieval philosophy and written chitta mantra and Madeira there are different sub per se so some schools there so these different philosophical views is useful so long for all aiming compassion so you utilize different philosophical views according individuals mental disposition so it can be I said a more Kasota but make more useful more people different reviews different mention position so different philosophy is very important I oh yes III always I never state it is Buddhism is best Buddhism is one of the important religion but I never say no just mister best medicine so we cannot say one medicine this is best medicine you cannot say according different or say the patient's individual patient to some people this matter is best to some people that medicine is best so like that according different amenities position then you see these in different philosophy you see like that so some people you see the believed God Creator Islam Christian and then many Hindus also use a belief creator I don't know this person I really don't know he greatly was a yoga practice practitioner wonderful so he many occasion he demonstrated this useful experience of yoga practice Oh wonderful so there are different philosophy isn't a same so it is totally wrong due to different philosophy and disrespect each other and fight now today's were even the name of religion some violence some killing unthinkable really very sad so India is living example all major war is tradition can live together and a visual learning so now India these religious tolerance not just sufficient preserve within the country but now time come to show rest of the world is harmony very possible in this country over 2000 years different religions live together so now Oh then another sore point among seven billion human being about 1 billion non-believer these also human brother sisters so India's tradition secular not necessarily with religious belief or faith but you see from India's tradition training our mind not just a prayer oh you know over 3,000 years in this country develop schemata Vipassana these are the method to tackle our emotion so the so these we can take as a sort of method training our mind as a academic subject not a religious subject although these information come from religious texts that we should consider disa academic subject so whether believer or non-believer as a matter fact entire seven billion human being need certain thousand-year-old India's tradition tackle our emotion that's very important and then within Buddhism two groups Pali tradition and Sanskrit tradition Pali tradition mainly you say based on Buddhist own word Sanskrit addition mainly analyze analyze experiment so some follower of Sanskrit tradition like a Nagarjuna and some other they even rejected some Buddhist on world if you accept this Buddhist word literally it goes against the reason so it is more important reason experiment rather than faith Buddha himself you see Express or my follower mungus scholars should not accept my teaching out of faith out of devotion but a rather Torah investigation so they are more now you see today the because of human population and also global warming now people who think about the well-being of Shimon we should think about importance of environment because global warming now decade by decade increasing that's a very serious so this is only our home if our home you see gradually to hot and burning then we have no other place to escape so I think firstly the too hot then she's just be a burden so therefore now we also should take care about environment and save water pure water and then more tree is very important when I was in Tibet I have no idea about the ecology after I reach India then some my friends say but you cannot drink this water oh this too much polluted then first first time I learnt pollution oh then listen the specialist then I realized this world planet planet is only our home we must take care about only one form and another thing I want to share with you this country over three thousand years already knowledge how to tackle our emotion that's ancient Indian knowledge now modern India I think not adequate to pay attention about this ancient Indian knowledge how to tell you our emotion how to bring inner peace so we I think generally too much attraction about modern education modern education oriented about material value so now India should combine modern education very useful for economy science technology for development these things modern education very important but at the same time ancient Indian knowledge how to bring peace of mind only in this country have the ability to combine ancient in the knowledge about mind emotion and then modern education is to combine then with through modern education materials development these things then ancient with ancient Indian knowledge peace of mind that's very important so on according Indian tradition analytical meditation analyse thinking reason experiment therefore now today I found modern quantum physics yes and India's thousand-year-old sort of concept very similar so they according quantum physics there is a big differences appearance and reality appearance things exist objectivity but if we investigate nothing objectively exist but very much in Tibet on observers mind so this is exactly in this country Siddha mantra and Madhumita you see clearly mentioned that so you see that not only just a concept it's the most destructive emotions such as anger esteem attachment very much based on appearances so once we get more sort of understanding this gap appearance and reality then the emotions basis of negative emotion or according you see believe appearances now once that now this today nothing exists as appears then that very helpful to reduce the grasping of negative emotion thank you that's all Fujiya de la la Mexico yet terrace a Turkish happy milk are yet rest even or the car even peduncle a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hamton oh damn - Nick got you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 257,022
Rating: 4.8916702 out of 5
Keywords: dalai, lama, interfaith, meet, environment, gandhi, ashram, delhi, india, 2019
Id: MtUgZUqwUas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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