Interesting chat with a "Microsoft support" scammer | BBB Calls Scammers

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*Microsoft support scammer* Yeah I was just having some issues, uh, so  I thought I'd give you guys a call to help.  What happened what is the problem right now. So I was on my computer and then there was   this pop-up issue and now my computer is kind of  freaking out and I'm just not sure what to do. Can you read me the message So the message isn't up anymore but I'm having   issues with pretty much all  the programs on my computer. Yeah and when did this thing happened?  Two minute, five minute, ten minutes? Yeah about 10 minutes ago or so. I've been trying   to figure it out myself but I  just I don't know what to do. um Apart from you has anyone else use your computer? U m no I'm the only one who uses the computer And how old is the computer? Um oh that's a good question it's, it's pretty old   um for a computer at least  probably at least five years yeah. And what is the purpose for you to use  the computer? Personal, financial..? Um a little bit of everything I use it  a lot for work um but personal as well.  Thank you for doing people with the  finance can work in the computer yeah. like what? you do *inaudible*  yeah all of that I really use it for everything Is it a laptop or is a desktop computer? it's a laptop.  did you ever connect this laptop to other  network like in public Wi-Fi network?  yes I have used public Wi-Fi before OK in a few steps I'm going to   follow in your computer okay okay You will look on the keyboard in  the very bottom lefthand side corner   please. do you see control key? yes which key do you see there? is it FN? yes you need to press and hold it down along  with the window key. f and n and hold down. ok While  the same time letter R. R as in Romeo Ok These will make a little window open and  a screen in the bottom left hand corner I don't. what do you see? do you see  in your screen right now Do you see a home screen or everything  is open? What do you see there?  So I just see the window to search is  up with some of my apps on the computer Look on the keyboard, do you  see the little window key? yeah like those four boxes? the wind yeah it looks like a window Ok press F and hold it down, you  have to press and keep hold it down oh hold it down okay while we will keep   pressing and hold it down the window key  at the same time that letter R like Romeo. okay now do you see any run window open in  your in bottom left hand side corner? now I do it's a little like white box and it  says run on the top and it says type the name   of a program folder document or Internet  resource and windows will open it for you do you see any program known in the  beginning there or is it blank right now right now it looks like it's blank and are you hold it down here or  do you already release the key? I have I I are you holding down the windows  keys? or did you let it go I let it go now, I held it down  for a while but I let it go now I tell you the program name  and look for the run box you'll find the run box next to the program do  you see anything in there or is it blank page? um looks like it's blank right now i want you to type letter H as in Hotel H as in Hotel T as in tiger we have a tiger then E has in Ele-sylvania E? Or P? P. P as in Pennsylvania okay. then S as in Sam. Okay then put the colon sign after the S put  the colon sign like a two dot then forward   slash forward slash two forward slash M as in Michael, Y as in the yellow  and H E L P then L I V E live Okay um it looks like "htps" colon (:) no, HTTPS https. P as in Paul Two T's? I think you just said one t yes it is two times t h and t and a t and p p as in papa P is in Papa Okay m s as in sam Trying not to laugh here read back to me before you do  anything please read it back to me So the https colon my help live dot live Dot live So what exactly is this doing your computer is breached right  now there are some bad computer   hackers so when they're trying  to compromise your identity okay Okay that's scary, but also what  exactly are we doing here to fix it? i am guiding every step and follow  it so I can able to go ahead and   picture all the problems okay I've been with us I got like an error message  it said windows cannot find it you type in the run box can  you please read it back to me https/ h t t p s right? it's a very simple program   whenever you type the program there  is a man from there "https" right ? Yeah I think I have it in there right,  I don't know why it's not working. you can read it like if you have any doubts  you're gonna make it blank and type once again.   maybe there is some worded  confused let me type one more time? Can we just take a step back  for a second because I'm just   pretty confused as to what this is  gonna do to help fix my computer you are speaking with microsoft computer right?  that's why you are calling over here. right? Where are you guys located? we located in austin. texas. Wow is the weather there right now is it hot? oh God where are you from? Where am I from? yeah Wisconsin it's cold here in Wisconsin. oh Is it, is it hot in Texas? do you like cold? do you like warm? I prefer warm but I don't mind the cold. oh right, i like cold Oh you do? would love..yeah Are you in Texas right now, or  are you located somewhere else? i'm in office You're in Texas? yeah in texas. austin texas. And is it hot there today? yeah What's - what how many degrees is  it? How hot is it there by you? can't check that Oh sure you can't even check the weather on your  work computer? You have to only do work stuff? yeah because the for the  security purpose cannot allow Now do you and your family live in Texas? Where do you and your family live? my whole family is in india In India? My name is Judy j-u-d-y ok? last name? Smith it's s-m-i-t-h. Judy Smith ok cool. s-m-i-t-h right? Right And what is your name? michael Michael?  yes What's your last name Michael? It's l-e-e, I can't quite I have a feeling we're both giving fake names. Is that your real name? ah no.. It's not? *sigh* it's not. What's your real name? my real name?  Yeah my real name is  uh Aditya it's a-d-i-t-y-a  like Aditya yes ha ha ha. right you are good pronunciation. Well I just don't like to open programs  on my computer when I don't know exactly,   like, what it's gonna do. You know? mhm. mhm. you're also connecting this laptop  to the office networks okay?  Yes. Don't let - don't let people  I don't know use my computer. most important is to never pass that information  for anyone else like the user ID password   detail any card information any banking  information anything to it right?  Right, don't share that personal information  with other people. That's a good tip.  right Yeah okay so it happens a lot and how   exactly do you help people with these issues? I have a lot of the need to can go ahead   and take all the relationships  we update the software divert And you do that by getting like  remote access to their computer?  sometimes. So you guys would   never like access somebody else's computer or  something or you know steal their information? no noooo. we don't have authorize to ask  them uh, like any personal information.  nice work. if you need any help or  any information you can call ok? too bye-bye. That was one of the more interesting and unique.  We were on that call a long time I think almost   30 minutes total and um he did give me his  phone number which might not be real but he   gave me what I think to be his real name first he  said his name was Michael Lee so a lot of times   scammers from all over the place use fake names  or more English sounding names like that and he   gave me what I do believe is his real name Aditya  a-d-i-t-y-a usually I have to kind of stall quite   a bit to keep them talking to waste more of  the scammers time but in this case he was just   a Chatty Cathy he was talking and talking and  talking and I could just sit there and listen   for about half the time so that was interesting  I never successfully used what I believe was a   remote desktop connection that he was trying to  use to access my computer to get access to my   personal information but at the end of the call  there he was giving you guys tips right there   the scammer giving you tips on how to not get  scammed how terribly ironic um so a lot of times   with these I do believe that sometimes scammers  don't know what they're doing they are led to   believe that they are help helping people and so  they might be misled as well and not really know   that they're misleading people however a lot  of them do know that they're misleading people   um but it's their jobs and this is what they do  so happens very frequently and this was a very   personable guy you know he was very eager  to engage in personal conversation with me   which sometimes they're not they just want to  get back to business get back to their script   um but he was just chatting away with me so I  don't know I don't know if this one knew what   he was doing and was just being sick about it  or truly felt that he was helping people I doubt   it but who knows I like to believe the best in  people even though we talked to scammers a lot   so BBB has some good tips uh as the scammer did  in this case on tech support scams so a lot of   times the calls will come through um to you or  there will be like a pop-up on the computer in   fact about half of all tech support scams begin  with an alert on the victim's computer screen   so a lot of times an alert will come up I knew  that so that's why I said something came up on   my computer and that's why I called um that's  that's about half of what happens to to victims   or people who may fall victim to a scam so  always look out for those warning screens   um there really shouldn't be a reason that  something would pop up especially with a phone   number telling you to call never ever give control  of your computer to somebody you don't know unless   you're absolutely sure it's a representative of  a legitimate computer support team or I.T team   that you know and trust otherwise just never do it  never even go to one of those remote desktop sites   there are several of them and two legitimate tech  support companies don't make unsolicited phone   calls so if you get a phone call and somebody says  there's something wrong with your computer big red   flag right there that is that is almost always not  a legitimate call um and and finally be aware of   clicking on unfamiliar links and emails as well  sometimes there will be an email that comes up   especially if your email address is affiliated  with your internet provider or your antivirus   software whatever it might be if you get an email  saying something about how they think something's   wrong with your computer or your antivirus is  out of date whatever it might be be sure to to   just delete that right away don't click on any  links and then if you do fall victim to a tech   support scam happens a lot specifically with older  adults who are not very familiar with technology   in general but it happens to everybody nobody  is free from falling victim to scam it happens   to a lot of people I've personally known several  people who have fallen victim to scams like these   it happens all the time so if you do fall victim  to a tech support scam first of all contact your   bank immediately and let them know what happened  so that they can be aware of any charges that   come through that weren't issued by you and  then take the infected laptop or tablet or   mobile device whatever it is to a trusted local  business so you can search local tech companies   at and find one that you can trust use  a BBB accredited business we always recommend   and then change all your passwords I know this  one's a huge pain but if they gained access to   your computer they now have access to all of  your passwords and can log into everything   of course logging into your bank is number one to  get money but even other uh your credit cards your   even just your email being able to log into your  email and then send illegitimate messages to   somebody else there's just a lot that they can  do if they're able to log into your computer   so be sure to reset all of your passwords and  finally please let us know if you've seen scams   like this have you ever fallen victim or known  somebody who's fallen victim to a scam like this   let us know in the comments below and stay safe  out there there are lots of scams going around   right now I have personally seen an increase  in scam calls I have heard a lot of different   scams going on so if you guys hear of any please  report them to scam tracker so that we can   help to do more to protect the public from scams  like this thanks so much for watching stay safe
Channel: BBB Wisconsin
Views: 8,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbb, better business bureau, bbb calls scammers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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