*intense* mid-year LIFE RESET | working towards 2023 goals, re-organizing, decluttering, ballet,etc

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foreign [Music] good morning you guys welcome to today's video it's 8 45 right now and I'm just getting ready to go on a little morning run no trading today it's Juneteenth and so I'm taking advantage of the free morning and I'm gonna go for a run because I've been trying to get more cardio and I wanted to do a quick intro for this video this video is going to be a major mid-year life reset you guys may have seen my life reset from January and we're basically on that same note I thought it would be fun to do a little check-in do some things in this video to try and achieve the goals that I may be behind on kind of like a little temperature Vibe check um in honor of it almost being July and 2023 basically being halfway over before we know it 2024 will be here and one of my goals for for the year was to get in I think like four or five workouts a week so that's what we're gonna do right now I don't have pre-workout but I'm definitely gonna stop for like a Celsius or something because I'm way too tired also I've been loving the summer Friday shade drops [Music] got some caffeine to get us going I made it to the park this is like my favorite park it reminds me of college because I used to run here all the time when I was a freshman so let's do this more SPF [Music] thank you [Music] little hole we just picked up some stuff for today's meals croutons salad mix bread dressing Jam some produce eggs I've been loving this Greek yogurt and some sweet potatoes and yellow potatoes I'm pretty sure that at the beginning of the year one of my resolutions was to cook more so that's what we're gonna do today I bought stuff for all the meals today because we're gonna make everything so this is me trying to get back on track with that goal guys whoa that run took me out I ran three miles my face is still red so I'm ice rolling it it's also so freaking hot I'm never gonna shut up about the heat because this summer is already a scorcher I also am booking a studio for tonight so cardio in the morning ballet in the evening let's do some skincare and then we will go cook also Renee is off today so he's gonna be joining us for all of our little activities vitamin C brightening serum eye cream hydrating serum moisturizer most importantly SPF [Music] thank you [Music] I'm in my office and before I head out to a coffee shop what I want to do is look at the goals that I said at the beginning of the year because I feel like most people make these elaborate videos making all these goals on a list and then no one ever looks back at them and I was just thinking the other day how it's June it's the middle of the year now I want to look back at what I've done the goals I set I know I'm behind on a lot of them so don't feel bad if you are too this is just like purely for fun and I thought this was so appropriate because it can also be like a little hot girl Summer Prep you know like we're fully in the summer so we definitely want to be our best selves my intentions for the year I said daily journaling that has not happened see it's good we review this so I can refresh on like what I wanted to work on hit the gym three times a week I'm happy to say I have been doing that drink at least eight glasses of water that's sometimes spend less eating out uh I've improved in that area but I've definitely not fixed that from my YouTube channel some case I have done that so I'm gonna check it off start live trading that one's gonna take a little bit more time I Read 50 books I've read like four books so unless I plan to read like 45 more books that's not happening we don't have to completely give up on the goal even though it doesn't really look like the goal is going to happen we can at least we can strive for it try more new foods I'm gonna put slash slash recipes take one to two full days off a week and I have been doing that I've been giving myself at least Sunday off let's add a few to this list while we're here Bible study daily ballet two times I'm gonna put study Trading three times a week so we're gonna work on some of those today I'm gonna be including some of that in the Vlog I am ready to go get some caffeine in my system guys I also started a new planner you know this is my favorite planner I will have it linked down below this is the outfit before we go I have on this button up top and this like light blue color from ericsia and then these white Madewell shorts with my Adidas sambas and these earrings are from love AJ [Music] okay since this is a new planner I'm going to do the yearly planning page [Music] foreign [Music] this is a planner that goes for six months so this kind of works perfectly to use for the rest of 2023 some of the things they have are like personal development relationships career business attitude mindset personal development want to be more independent with my free time for mindset definitely more positivity more gratitude and then for health I want to limit take out two to three times per week and get all my annuals done because I have not done that this year now I'm going to move on to some weekly planning yeah oh no [Music] the seating at press was awful so we are at our favorite bookstore instead change of location [Music] so we're going to do a planning session together for the week because usually we'll plan separately but then there's like miscommunications that happen during the week that we could probably avoid if we did it together [Music] do we have anything planned for Friday I guess we have two or seven okay that was successful we scheduled in workouts dinners for the day [Music] it took me a while to like grasp the concept I did it's relative to every other day that it's traded look at how a stock has been traded and that's how it's going to trade so [Music] able to break through these levels that you can expect people to be shortening and I usually in my one minute the biggest we've been studying trading together [Music] I got a black tea and an empanada that has like a whole little cafe in the Bookshop it's just so cute [Music] time to change oh I'm so tired the day is not over it is currently 5 15. I am going to do the quickest little ballet bun time to go do some ballet get these legs and lines working again we both know it's been way too long I will talk more about how I'm feeling once we get there if you want a low maintenance ballet bun all you got to do is twist your hair secure it with a little chip clip is that what they're called here we are guys well look at this we're back I had been feeling smelly I was definitely people feel when they go back to their Hobbies but it is so much fun to like explore this by myself and I love it but I will say once you fall off for me it's super hard to get back into it just because you lose the conditioning in your muscles for ballet quickly and if you're if you're not exercising it every day it's very visible especially to a long time dancer so I don't usually like what I see in the mirror when I come back I love weight training and I love going to the gym and I love doing all types of strength training and as a kid I was always taught that that type of training and ballet are not very complementary and it's really hard for them to coexist just because of what weight training the way it builds your body is basically the complete opposite of like what a ballerina wants and it's so weird because I know that that doesn't really matter to me anymore but still as an adult I have that in my head it can be hard for me to remember that like that I was taught the ballerinas don't that way does not mean it's a bad thing doesn't mean that my muscle is getting bigger is a bad thing so much body image that goes along with ballet in terms of technique but also just physique and I feel like all of that kind of makes it hard for me to come back sometimes and honestly that's all I can say for like why I procrastinated it for so and I need to be in the right headspace of coming in here and not having any expectations and that is such a mindset to step into but I just wanted to let you know that if I can do it you can do it and I encourage you and I challenge you to move your body today whether that's a walk whether that's a 10 minute stretch I'm gonna stretch and listen to some Harry Styles in my ears and then I'm going to do a bar definitely go to ease back into it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we're out of time I did a bar I'm definitely tired and my calves and my feet are not agreeing with me right now promise we'll be back till next time dinner is going I'm on asparagus Duty and quinoa we also got sweet potatoes in the oven this is dinner we did some seared shrimp with onions uh we roasted sweet potato quinoa and asparagus we're gonna make cookies Don't Mind If I Do [Music] foreign [Music] I just got to the gym I'm going to do a little midday workout it's 11 A.M after finishing some stuff this morning I was like let me just go get this over with so that way we have the rest of the day to film this video and I'm wearing this cute pink set from aloe it's week four on the evolved view app for me which is the new workout guide that I started and I'm obsessed with it so far hopefully I'm going to see some results you know I look a bit of a mess but I'm not really trying to impress anyone I need a Celsius though [Music] eating a little post-workout snack these little like fruit Greek yogurt cups are so good they have 12 grams of protein foreign with last night's leftover sweet potato with some pumpkin seeds croutons and some of this avocado Greek yogurt dressing I'm gonna do some light no makeup makeup and then we can deep clean and declutter because that is today's goal I'm gonna mix some of the Bobbi Brown face base and the Lumi lotion [Music] thank you today we're just gonna do face makeup so I think what we should do I am going to basically do what I did in my New Year's reset video we are going to deep clean declutter reorganize some of this apartment if you guys could see the apartment it's actually a major mess we're gonna take the afternoon to do that that's why I went to work out this morning I think I should clean first and then declutter [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I have some packages I thought we could open these the first one I already opened but I wanted to like unbox it with you because I got so excited when I saw it it's from verse I love their skincare I love their little accessories and I'm so excited to try some of this because I did not know that they were sending me this this is the guards up daily mineral sunscreen I love a good mineral sunscreen if you're acne prone and then these are especially good for you and the packaging is so cute and it's SPF 35 first is great because you can find it at Target this I'm so excited to try this is the backup plan acne control body mist so I can totally use this on like my back and my chest and then I have the daily brightening moisturizer weekend glow I love their other moisturizer I don't know the name of it but it's the one that comes in the tub so I'm super excited to try this and this I'm so excited about they sent me the new color of their like little croissant headband okay this is adorable here we are in my closet and it's time to declutter I have some trash bags here I'm gonna donate to the places I always donate to I'm just gonna go through and see like the things that I've been holding on to from past declutters that I still haven't worn I feel like this is good to do every so often [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ER vests had their time in 2020 and I'm just not sure I'll wear this one again it's like oversized sweater vest like little short sweater vest like that's cute oh they're not cute anymore okay that's a good little mid-year cleanse I got rid of a good amount of tops I got rid of one pair of shoes but that's still good because I still have empty boxes and I never want to exceed like this amount of shoe boxes I have all of my sports bras in this like cloth tub I love these for storage in my closet I don't love that I just have like a pile of sports bras so I think I'm going to use some of the drawers in this storage area in my closet if I outgrow the drawer then we'll hang them because I do have like hanging space [Music] foreign [Music] neutrals now I can see what I have so if I want to order more I know what colors I don't have but I organized this shelving this is swimsuits now this is shorts here is designer purses and here's other purses wow you need to refold some of these drawers specifically these two you can already see like it's just it's a mess so it happened again with the pajama drawer [Music] okay we did pants and then they're matching tops in the same order in the front I had them all rolled up before and it was just way too confusing so getting rid of all of those over there I just need to reorganize my shorts and basically do the same thing [Music] okay they're all folded we'll see how long it stays like that hopefully I can keep it organized it's time to journal and I have not updated this in quite a long time it's from March [Music] all righty guys I am in bed and we are just gonna chill I kind of want to edit my vision board that I made at the beginning of the year and just like see if there's anything I want to change anything I want to add put a picture on the screen of what it looks like I made it in January with you guys in my reset video actually I don't think there's anything I want to edit I'm actually like stunned at how much hasn't necessarily come true but is looking like it could and also has come true but I think I'm actually just gonna set it as my screen saver I actually think I'm gonna add some more pictures because now that I'm looking at this and I've resized it to my MacBook screen size there's actually room for more pictures so we are going to edit this [Music] thank you [Music] I made it my screensaver I just have a few like okay I've officially made it my screen saver this is what it looks like I love it I added um a ballet picture some more European travel pictures because I'm praying that trip happens and a little planner productivity picture just things that represent me that I want to either keep doing this year or include more now I'm done with that the vision board is updated and ready for the rest of the year now I'm gonna make some dinner
Channel: Annika
Views: 1,029,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mid year reset, mid year review, how to get your life together, how to do a mid year reset, reset your life, how to reset your life, reset routine, goal setting, getting my life together, mid-year reset, mid year motivation, how to set goals, monthly reset routine, plan with me, mid year reset 2023, mid year refresh, 2023 reset, decluttering, aesthetic vlog, productive day in my life, productive vlog, a productive study vlog, study, productive, productivity, 2023 reset routine
Id: ADXwswTjFSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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