Intense HEAVY METAL Tops & Anime Stadium Unboxing & Test Battles! | Spintop Battle Trinity Tops

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[Applause] what's going on guys welcome back to the beyblade geeks video today we got something very very special to unbox um it's this new thing called spin top battle so this is a package sent from draco light and he actually created a brand new uh spinning top battling system and he sent us a prototype or like a pre-release of the product for us to check out so we have like the tops over here we have a huge stadium in this big fedex package so it's completely different than beyblade but um it's obviously inspired by like infinite nato uh beyblade even like hms from all the way back to the first gen beyblade so let's check out his products let's find out what's so cool about them because it is very very different and it's insanely intense from all the promotional videos i was watching and the pro types that he was making so let's dig in to this big box all right before we get started with unboxing make sure you guys are subscribed and click that bell notification icon so you guys don't miss the next video also make sure you guys check out our instagram page and give us a follow okay quick peek at the stadium all right this is the huge box i was talking to you guys about okay it's fragile clearly it is a stadium or a battle arena it's kind of like an anime stadium so him and his team has worked really really hard on developing the ballerina and all the bunch of different spinning tops and they're calling this the s fight spin top battle all right so before we dig into checking out the stadium we'll take a look at what they have for us in regards to the actual spinning tops themselves so let's go and check it out and looks like yeah they hooked us up with a hoodie as well so there's the uh s fight uh spin top battle logo right there so yeah gonna rep this uh whenever we can with a hoodie and uh there's some instructions so it's actually pretty complicated like even if i just open this up uh show you guys inside look at that wow looks super cool but very complicated like how do you work this thing so there's a bunch of instructions here on this paper that draco light has given us to check out essentially just give you a summary is these tops are not for kids all right they are super heavy duty you can see the metal inside them and again these are prototypes still they are pre-released so i'm sure they're still figuring out the rules so we won't go into too much details on that but yeah it's kind of cool that they are trying to like reinvent the wheel i'm trying to make a new type of spinning tops targeted to like adults and targeted to teens because i guess it is pretty dangerous the cool part about this is that you can actually use some drivers from beyblade burst yeah that's the craziest part exactly so they are planning on making their own performance tips but at this current time you can actually use your beyblade burst tips and drivers on these uh tops i always call them bass but they're not beyblade obviously yeah and then some more information like they're planning on making a community on this whole spin top battle system they also have a store so check out the links below if you guys are interested in checking these products out so yeah super important they are not for kids um they are super dangerous apparently so make sure you are using protective equipment yeah so the unboxing of these boxes are really satisfying because there is a magnetic flap i really like the packaging actually so dracolite and his team did a really good job with the packaging yeah it's fancy i think even if like regular bays come in these kind of packaging i'll be very happy with that too yeah that schematic looks sick there yeah so take a look at the top there so that kind of shows you a breakdown of how the top assembles i was gonna call it bay again but i caught myself it's hard to break a habit man yeah it's true so um you guys can see there's a different ring category so like a b c so depending on the top that you're using there is a weight limit so like 50 grams limit for example for arrow ring is the metal piece there is a ball bearing underneath the ring and then finally you have a performance tip so currently i don't think these are shipped with the performance tips you have to use a current beyblade burst tip or driver a lot of things could change these are still prototypes so i'm sure even their like weight classifications and things like that will change as they introduce more tops but so far there are only three so we have arrow we have quad and we have gear i'm kind of assuming the types here so i could be wrong i don't think it stays directly on the box itself but um this quad guy does look pretty much like an attack type to me um for the stamina type the blue one called arrow the ring is actually a lot smaller so i think they did a really good job of trying to find out like the sweet points make sure things are really balanced like the metal game is going to be balanced and things are not too op so the stamina type they have a ring here that's completely basically like a smooth and you guys know for spinning tops like a beyblade for example if you have a really smooth surface like that it's going to be pretty op especially if it's stamina type and they also limited the weight on how heavy this salmon type can be so that way it's more balanced when you're battling against the other guys very bold of draco light and his team to try to create like a brand new uh toy or product uh a brand new sport so that's basically what they're trying to do here so yeah let's take a look at these tops put them together and we will show you guys the stadium all right so let's check out these prototype tops try to put them together it's very cool that they put in a screwdriver as well for you because that's how you have to put them together so it is definitely designed for a lot older audiences thing people who like to tinker with their things so yeah we have the ring over here i think that's the ring yeah yeah the ball bearing is a bit greasy and that's how you can keep it and maintain the base performance or i call the bay again i mean the tops performance so they were really nice to include some ball bearing grease for us too to lubricate it there are some screw holes over here so that's how you attach it to your ring and then it comes with a screwdriver so for those of you who like to tinker with your things this is going to be pretty fun the screws i feel like we almost lost them i only find two i only have two right now but i'm sure we'll find the other one somewhere but looks like they are pretty critical so you can put them in place very very small flat head screws and so let's do one here all right found my uh remaining screws so they were actually hidden in the back of the box so i guess product design feedback maybe uh have them more clearly shown in the the front maybe the ziplock bag would be nice but i did end up finding those screws um so then you can put in your ball bearing right here so that's how the bait actually will spin through the ball bearing and then you have the basically this is like the performance tip adapter click that in and now you can use your any beyblade burst drivers and you can click it in like that nice it looks like a burst bay so locks in just clicks once and then to top it all off we put in the blocker so yeah so that's stuck like that now and we also have the sticker so why don't we just use that yeah there's recommended weights for the drivers too guys so you can't just throw on like any driver you want there are some recommendations i want to get into a spin top battle battle basically so yeah let's uh put together the rest of these spin top s-5 tops the trinity tops and then try it out in the stadium we still gotta check out the stadium okay so all the trailer tops are put together and we have them all screwed together the stamina type one the arrow is a lot smaller uh this one the quad reminds me of kerbeus and then the attack one it's more like a dragoon yeah it's got that classic dragoon attack ring style yeah so yeah these are the ones here using the driver adapters so we can put in the beyblade burst drivers on there looks pretty cool so finally we have to find out how the stadium is like so let's go and open up that big box all right now for the spin top battle arena they're sick this is awesome oh so excited for this nice oh looks underneath actually there's two more t-shirts oh cool cool well yeah i'm actually really happy about this wow all right so this is the stadium i am so excited to play in the stadium even with just like metal fight stuff or beyblade burst products this stadium is just so amazing they did a really good job with the design and the quality is really awesome it's like high quality plastic the red and the blue designs just makes it like very much like an anime stadium at least in like beyblade burst season one anime stadium great design good quality and looks like they sent us a black and white kind of mesh looking design and on their website there's actually different designs and colors as well so yeah make sure you guys check them out so yeah it looks like this is kind of like the base of the arena it also came with some borders so these borders you can kind of wrap them around like that and there is a bunch that they gave us these are obviously 3d printed and so very high quality now you might be asking how do i stick them on because they're just moving right well they thought it all so we have these velcros that we can stick on the bottom of the borders and that's how you can like attach them on here man this stadium honestly it's huge yeah the stadium is sick so just to give you guys a size comparison this is a regular bay stadium beyblade burst look at that dude it's like legit almost double the size man if you don't look at the actual cover if you just look at the actual platform of the stadium it's legit like double the size or more yeah like the tornado ridge is huge so this is gonna be really really fun to be able to battle like multiple people like we we do that a lot with the big stadium from takeratomi but this is gonna be like extra cool to have uh more like an anime stadium design so and looks like it also comes with a light strip so cool we can stick it at the bottom technically with 3m tape and make it all light up in the dark so i guess we can try that later on we won't mess with it right now but yeah you can control the color of the lights the flashing of the lights the frequency and things like that with the remote alright so we have the walls or the barriers of the borders up now using our velcro so we can literally rip them out if you don't want them or we can just stick them back on so i like this because uh it helps us with transportation so we have to move this anywhere we can really easily take them apart um so yeah that's the stadium let's take another moment to appreciate how beautiful this design is so these stadiums are meant to be battled with your s-fight tops so here's a size comparison with or to keratomi sparking bay so yeah a little bit wider depending on the s5 top and so you can tell when they're battling it's gonna be harder for them to contact each other just because the surface area is so much bigger so if you want they actually included these plastic pieces so that way you can mod your stadium you can place them in you know these battle ridge areas so when the bay is going really fast along the tornado ridge it can actually redirect back to the center so that will help you with getting more action in the stadium and they actually have included some putty so that way you can stick them on the stadium without having it's uh you know blocking the bays and whatnot so really uh smart design over there so i like this piece it's gonna be pretty fun to uh use them with or without it okay it's test spin and battle time so here i have the s5 tops and let's do some test spins with them now you guys might be wondering how do you launch these well you can actually just use a regular they like burst launcher and launch them so here we go three two one layer and let it rip is that gonna be the slogan for the espy tops or is it different maybe it's different but that's cool this is actually pretty heavy duty this thing is intense and so they don't recommend that you grab it with your bare hands just because it is pure metal especially this attack type has some pretty like sharp edges dude i can definitely see like people cutting themselves just trying to grab it legit so yeah it's spinning pretty uh smoothly and it is using one of our beyblade burst performance tips [Music] okay so i think it's time to do some battles what do you think brendan yeah test it out let's go six stadium so this is gonna be our first test bed with the s fight tops let's go three two one the hits okay and that's why they say this is for adults only i get done okay a little serious there just knocked off this wall too it's like i did what wall oh okay that was pretty intense uh and i don't know what they call it in s fight but it bursted so yo this chunk of metal is legit intense wow look at look at that look at that so you guys look at the close-up this metal just got chipped from that one battle three two one oh dang boy my life just splashed before my eyes yo the walls in this room i was picking up something i was like grabbing this foam and my head was like almost at this level that could have hit me hard so make sure you wear your protective equipment okay so for those of you guys who didn't know what was happening basically the base went like i mean not based the tops went in this direction and the recoil this is why you almost never see beyblade burst tops are designed this way where it can go directly recoil like that because that because that is pretty uh pretty dangerous all right so we gotta test out arrow next yeah aero stamina type so less intense okay uh that was a little bit too much arrow versus gear three two one okay okay yeah a lot rounder so this kind of makes sense i guess and so you guys can see why they introduced uh redirect plastics over here like the mod so that way you don't get stalls like that we might as well launch the attack type just because it's a it's a i launched it purposely slower so that's more fair oh so much recoil with the attack type three two one the suspense okay stamina arrow versus our attack guy oh oh must knock you out oh the recoil's unreal and with the uh attack top there's actually two modes you can do one has less recoil since we're going right spin you can uh basically change it two ways you can flip it upside down all right standard type wins for that round but yeah with this guy you can flip it and use your right spin in that direction so there's less attack happening that's usually how uh beyblade bursts bays are like all right guys so that's basically it for unboxing of the spin top battle the s fight tops along with the epic arena sick what did you guys think of uh this video guys it's a little bit different we are checking out uh this like brand new uh prototype of these different lines of spinning tops uh especially it's like a fan-made one so it's extra uh interesting and we are so happy to see other people you know taking a different spin on beyblade and designing their own stadiums and designing our own tops uh this was really intense so like these metal pieces are insane um especially when we did the rights uh spin with the attack type when both of them went up against each other the recoil was unreal i'm sure the team over there at spintop battle would like to hear from you guys as well so make sure you let them know in the comment section below what you think of these tops and what you guys think of the stadium go check out their website guys thank you so much for watching until the end of this video we are going to be doing a lot more videos on this uh stadium and maybe able to do some battles with these s-top s-fight uh tops with our takara tomy or hospital base too who knows let us know in the comment section below if you guys want to see that make sure you like the video subscribe check us out on instagram give us a follow and as always peace
Channel: BeybladeGeeks
Views: 722,466
Rating: 4.8913274 out of 5
Keywords: beyblade, geekdosage, reviews, unboxings, battles, beybladegeeks, gaming, collectables, 爆旋陀螺, 擊爆戰魂, ベイブレードバースト, finance, beyblade burst surge, beyblade burst superking, beyblade burst sparking, beyblade burst gt, beyblade burst rise, bbg, metal beyblades, heavy beyblade, anime beystadium, beyblade burst anime stadium, spintop battle, trinity tops, beyblade anime vs real life, custom beyblade burst stadium, custom beyblades, modified beyblade, beyblade burst mods, heaviest beyblade combo
Id: 6NVCdt9feDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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