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my name come just begin hop off the chick thank you rest mister no more and I get a chance he said I'm running on my pencil matches what's up everyone it's AJ leprae I'm out too - hi pals we've been filming videos all day so make sure to check out all these guys channels in the link in the description below today we have a crazy game I don't think anyone's ever done it on YouTube before it's called poison these guys I'm taking I'm challenging them all to this game right here you guys will understand it pretty quickly this game is like bowling basketball dodgeball and knock out all combined into one game right here so we're just gonna hop straight into it let's go first alright James is up first oh yeah I'll just stay at the end and kind of like talk through how we're gonna do it you gotta stay on the blue yeah everyone stays on the blue James is gonna shoot it well once he makes it everyone scatters and runs away as quick as they can once he grabs it and yells poison everyone freezes he rolls the ball at someone and if it hits them they're out but if you miss on your ball attempt then you're out so the rounds that go pretty quick it's fun game we're gonna get after it right he gets his rebound he misses that continuous there's no penalty for missing but the only way to get someone out is if you make your shot and bullet hit someone nope gotta have the finesse on your roll you're trying to take his legs out gotta give a huge thank you to CG for sponsoring this video if you haven't heard a seat gig already it's the best ticketing app in the world siggi go hook you up with the best ticket possible at any event you can go to games concerts March Madness is coming around NBA playoffs are coming around so make sure to get your ticket so we going to see geek look for the green deals those are the best ones possible stay away from the red deals see key hooks it up with all the best deals so make sure to download the app and use code ajl on your first purchase seeking is the best ticketing app out there I love how they straight-up tell you what deals are the best and which deals are the worst go for the deals they're in the green and stay away from the ones in the red [Music] [Music] ya know getting let go of me let go of me got it that's two I got two bodies I'll be down to the final two games already won that's how that's how the game works now everyone knows what we're doing we're gonna get after it right here Zach you been eliminated zach is done for he missed somehow there you go and that's a tactic to hide on people yeah it makes think I'm up now I'm up now so we're down to four down to four chris is a board all right final round every round that has we're two more rounds so you can get the most victories I'll start it off [Music] go to five left all right we got four left why my back hey what did you do yeah kill pretty pretty good move on his part final two here we go I was on one leg I was on one leg before he shot and I just stood there like that right it's an honest victory right here so James won the first practice round I won the first real round then James came back in won the second real round we're gonna play two more rounds and wrap this up boys eat there it is it's awful it's all bad chris has two drools I don't bow it's me down oh all right final - nailed it all right for this last and final round if you're if you're behind the shooter and they miss you can only let the ball bounce twice so yeah or else you're out all right this is the last and final round here we go Oh boy if you move you should be out no check the L down to the final two it's for all the marbles yeah the poison champion Oh Zack how's it feel feels good that's a fun game I never played that ever alright guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed that fun new basketball challenge go out and play poison with your friends go check out these guys to channel down the link description below we'll check you next time so my name jungus the hip hop up legit belly cute wrist mr. no mine I get a chance he said I run on my pizza
Channel: AJ Lapray
Views: 634,576
Rating: 4.9037642 out of 5
Keywords: poison vs 2hype, Seat Geek, poison basketball challenge, poison basketball, basketball challenges, 2hype, kris london, jesser the laser, jesser, jsr, lsk, jeidel, mopi, moochie, los pollos tv, aj lapray, t jass, streetball, basketball highlights, zion williamson, the professor, march madness, espn tournament, nba playoffs, seatgeek, duke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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