Intel Arc A750 New Drivers + Price Drop (2023 Review)

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today I got my hands on something very exciting the Nvidia should be very very worried about let's talk about it before that this video is brought to you by cdk deals is a website dedicated to getting you the best prices on games and software and right now you can get a Windows 10 Pro OEM key for an insanely low price just find the best price and apply my special discount code gpc20 for an additional 30 off you can also check out securely with PayPal and once the payment is cleared you should get access to the code both in your account as well as in your email in order to activate the new copy Windows 10 just search activate under windows and type in your key so if you want to learn more be sure to click the link in the description below so as many of you might know I've been very dissatisfied with the pricing of gpus as of late and it seems like every single generation both Nvidia as well as AMD have been increasing their prices at a rate that is far outstripping the rate of inflation it's gotten to a point here guys where gpus like the 4070 TI and 4080 are so absurdly overpriced that gamers are starting to buy lower tier gpus or they're going to the used Market because yeah the prices are just way too high and this has especially been true in the mid-range to entry level Market but guys thankfully we have a new player entering the market and I just got my hands on a brand new graphics card that Nvidia should definitely be scared about what am I talking about well I'm talking about a new Intel Arc GPU now this GPU in question I find to be one of the most exciting releases in a very long time because I think it's going to really take the heat to Nvidia as well as AMD because not only are Intel gpus becoming more affordable but they've also been working on their drivers for some time now the GPU in question we're going to be taking a look at today is the arc a750 and this thing has recently seen a pretty substantial price drop as well as like I mentioned brand new drivers fixing a lot of the issues that they had at launch which is actually originally why I didn't take a look at them so I'm very excited today guys to take a look at this thing so let's not waste any more time let's get to unboxing mixing it and then we're going to compare it to a very popular Nvidia GPU as well as do some overclocking to see if there's more left in the tank of these Intel gpus than there are on their Nvidia and AMD counterpart and now I'm going to go ahead and pull this open to see what it looks like and guys I gotta say this is actually a very beautiful card taking it out here you can see just what this thing looks like honestly guys I think it looks absolutely fantastic I really like the feel of it as well it feels like a really nice matte finish as you can see we have an eight pin and a six pin here and it's just a typical dual fan design but you know what let's not waste too much time looking at yes it's beautiful but it's time to get into those benchmarks and to do so we're going to go ahead and throw it into the test system I will have all of the test system specs in the description below but I do want to give a special thanks to Kingston for sending over a 32 gigabyte kit of ddr5 6400 megahertz cl32 as well as a 4 terabyte pcie 4 drive so that I could complete my test system but enough about that let's get this bad boy in and see how it compares to its Nvidia counterpart alright so we finally made it into Windows here with this brand new arc graphics card and I think guys the first thing I want to do is just load up a game and see how it plays before we get into any of those benchmarks so let's go ahead and do that and then we'll take a look at overclocking as well so here we are in fortnite guys and I'm going to be dropping and I'm also going to be recording my frame rate and comparing it to the RTX 3060 which I just played this game on so far it looks like we did have one drop there that was a little bit of a stutter and I think that actually has to do with me being on high settings with Tia is actually enabling Ray tracing so I have a feeling that the 3060 probably will do a little bit better in Ray tracing and have less drops but overall the frame rate is looking pretty good so taking a look here at my benchmarks it was looking like on average you're getting about 70 FPS versus the 74 FPS that we were seeing on the RTX 3060 so that's actually pretty close the one percent lows it looks like we're looking at 51 versus 35 on the 36 so the one percent lows at least on the drop that I did here were actually a little bit better on the arc a750 which is pretty good considering the a750 is retailing for 250 and the 3060 typically around 330 so if you can beat it at anything that's very very good to be able to save 80 but first I want to see if we can do any amount of overclocking to see if that can actually give you even more value so let's go ahead and take a look at MSI afterburn and see if anything's unlocked unfortunately looks like absolutely everything is locked down in MSI afterburner right now so let's go ahead and take a look at the arc control and under here maybe you'd be under like performance or something okay so Performance Tuning let's see if we can do anything there and yes we can okay so that's good let's increase that power limit to 228 Watts I think that'll be the first thing that we do and then GPU voltage offset I'm not entirely sure if I want to do that all right so I played around with the over clocking a little bit and strangely enough actually the best way to overclock this video card is just to go and increase the power limit and the voltage limit until it doesn't crash and you get a higher clock speed if you try and like boost the clock speed on it it actually makes it worse so I was able to achieve a 300 megahertz overclock which is actually really good but in terms of performance what did we get out of fortnite well let's go ahead and take a look so taking a look here we can see that with no overclocking I got an average FPS of 69.5 and a one percent low of 64 and then after overclocking I got an average of 71.9 and a one percent low of about 67 so yeah we did get an increase but to be honest with you guys I wouldn't be surprised if we were able to get a much bigger increase if we had more options such as MSI afterburner as well as the ability to overclock the memory that wouldn't surprise me at all if we were memory bandwidth limited but now let's get into the benchmarks and first up we have a DirectX 12 ultimate synthetic 3D Mark Speedway and here we can see that the Intel Arc GPU in terms of a graphics was actually 11 faster so that's pretty good so far now moving on to a DirectX 11 Benchmark here we have 3D Mark fire strike and in this one the Intel Arc GPU was an insane 46 faster now I'm not sure if something went wrong here guys but I looked online and tried to compare my scores to other people's and it didn't look too far off I ran it multiple times and this is what I was getting so yeah apparently in this Benchmark it can be nearly 50 faster that's insane in fact my score is so high with The Arc a750 I think I might have like been silicon or something I actually have the second highest score ever recorded and that's without any overclocking so in fact guys I think I'm gonna go ahead and get that world record after I make this video but there you have it that's insane and I would not expect this to reflect your actual performance in games but speaking of games let's move on to fortnite DirectX 12 High preset and TAA anti-aliasing and here the RTX 3060 had six percent higher average FPS and surprisingly The Arc a750 had 85 percent faster one percent lows now here's another situation guys where because this is a battle royale things can change so rapidly it is hard to compare one percent lows as a lot of different things can happen game to game so I would say probably the 3060 will be a little bit faster on average and at worst the a750 will be on par in the one percent lows though it could actually be a little bit better and finally moving on to DirectX 9 and this is where Intel has made some very very big improvements with the a750 as it did really struggle on release with these but according to some stuff they put out here with their latest driver versus launch they could be getting up to 77 higher performance indirect X9 titles such as CS go so I did go ahead and actually Benchmark that one and we can see here that it is pulling in pretty decent numbers now versus launch although the RTX 3060 is still pulling in 27 faster average FPS and 2 20 percent faster one percent low so if you are specifically playing DirectX 9 games there probably still will be an advantage to the RTX 3060. so there you have it there's all the benchmarking overclocking and all that fun stuff but now we have to talk about the conclusion is the arc a750 really worth purchasing at its reduced price of 250 dollars because when it first came out at 280 with all the issues that people were reporting with the drivers I was definitely a little bit hesitant to go ahead and recommend you guys purchase this but now that it's seen a price drop in on top of that it has an incentive where I think you get like two free games and five software programs that you get as well as the reduced price actually it's starting to become a very good value card and after all the various different driver updates they've done well after taking a look at it today I had no issues whatsoever with all the games that I tried and I had no issues using it on the internet watching videos anything like that so I can't really say at least in my experience that there's really any major issues with the driver right now there might be some stuff that I didn't see but all the games in Pro programs that I ran today I didn't see any issues now in terms of performance what does it look like versus the 30 60 because yeah it's 80 cheaper and you get some free games but is it actually just as good well honestly overall I would say yes in the games that I tried it was right about where the RTX 3060 was is probably just a little bit behind in some cases the one percent low is a little bit higher on this in some cases the average frame rate was a little bit higher on the RTX 3060 I think it really depends on if you do DirectX 9 DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 and there might even be some cases with some games that maybe they didn't get around to doing full great driver support where maybe the 360 will actually be far ahead versus the a750 and then if we talk about video encoding it looks like the 3060 does have a slight leg up versus this but honestly it's not going to be a massive deal breaker this thing still does appear to be pretty good for video encoding in that sort of stuff so I think it's just going to come down to if you want something that's going to give you the best value or do you want something where you can go back to like the oldest game in your library and you know you're going to get Max maximum performance out of that game which is something that I don't know for sure will happen on the Intel R card but overall I think the value is definitely in favor of the arc a750 and Nvidia should be very worried I think the only really good benefits you're going to get out of the 3060s it does have lower power draw and it also does have 50 percent more memory I mean you're talking eight gigabytes versus 12 gigabytes so that is a significant increase in memory now whether or not it matters at this lower end of the spectrum where you're probably gonna be playing games on medium or maybe like 1440p lower settings I'm not so sure how much that's going to matter however it will allow the card to age better so those are things you should definitely keep in mind AMD also has their own cards that are definitely a lot cheaper than nvidia's but to be honest with you guys just being realistic I haven't had Hands-On with it recently but when I did have Hands-On with it I did have plenty of issues with their drivers so I can't say for sure whether or not it would be a better purchase over the a750 today or not I just simply don't know and you'll have to watch other videos on that to see but when we talk about the a750 versus the 3060 yes I do believe Nvidia should be very very worried because if these driver improvements continue the a750 will only continue to become more and more of a better option versus the 3060 because I'll be honest with you guys right now if I was on a really tight budget and had to choose between the 3060 and the Intel Arc a750 I think I'd rather save that 80 bucks and get roughly the same Performance Plus some free software if you made it to the end of the video be sure to drop a like every time you do so AMD and Nvidia release new gpus also if you want to see more check out one of these related videos you won't be disappointed
Channel: Graphically Challenged
Views: 16,837
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Keywords: Nvidia NEEDS To Respond…, Nvidia NEEDS To Respond, Nvidia NEEDS To…, Nvidia NEEDS To, Nvidia NEEDS To cut prices, Nvidia NEEDS To Respond to this, Nvidia NEEDS To Respond quick, NEEDS To Respond…, NEEDS To Respond, Nvidia respond, response Nvidia, Intel Arc A750 New Driver + Price Drop (2023 Review), Intel Arc A750 New Driver + Price Drop, Arc A750 New Driver + Price Drop, A750 New Driver + Price Drop, A750 New Driver, Intel Arc A750 New Drivers + Price Drop (2023 Review)
Id: RJt1PTrNwnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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