Instruction for Mankind

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The following message by Alistair Begg is  made available by Truth For Life. For   more information visit  us online at And I invite you to turn with  me to 2 Samuel and to chapter 7,   and we’ll begin reading at the eighteenth  verse. Two Samuel 7 and reading from verse 18:  “Then King David went in and sat before the LORD  and said, ‘Who am I, O Lord GOD, and what is my   house, that you have brought me thus far? And yet  this was a small thing in your eyes, O Lord GOD.   You have spoken also of your servant’s  house for a great while to come,   and this is instruction for mankind, O Lord  GOD! And what more can David say to you? For   you know your servant, O Lord GOD! Because of  your promise, and according to your own heart,   you have brought about all this greatness, to make  your servant know it. Therefore you are great, O   LORD God. For there is none like you, and there is  no God besides you, according to all that we have   heard with our ears. And who is like your people  Israel, the one nation on earth whom God went to   redeem to be his people, making himself a name  and doing for them great and awesome things by   driving out before your people, whom you redeemed  for yourself from Egypt, a nation and its gods?   And you established for yourself your  people Israel to be your people forever.   And you, O LORD, became their God. And now, O LORD  God, confirm forever the word that you have spoken   concerning your servant and concerning his house,  and do as you have spoken. And your name will be   magnified forever, saying, “The LORD of hosts  is God over Israel,” and the house of your   servant David will be established before you.  For you, O LORD of hosts, the God of Israel,   have made this revelation to your servant,  saying, “I will build you a house.” Therefore   your servant has found courage to pray this  prayer to you. And now, O Lord GOD, you are God,   and your words are true, and you have  promised this good thing to your servant.   Now therefore may it please you to bless the house  of your servant, so that it may continue forever   before you. For you, O Lord GOD, have spoken, and  with your blessing shall the house of your servant   be blessed forever.’” Amen.  And we ask God’s help as we come to the Bible: Father, we come now, saying, “Speak, Lord,   to us through your Word.” We recognize that you  speak to us through what you have already spoken.   And so we pray for help, that we  might both understand and believe,   and live in the light of the truth that is here  in the Bible. For we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.  Well, we resume our studies at the  eighteenth verse. Some of you will   remember how we struggled all our way through the  first seventeen verses but eventually got there.   I think it’s appropriate for us to be  reminded of what we have said as a kind of   gateway into our study of 1 and 2 Samuel—indeed,  into a study of all of the Bible, and particularly   the Old Testament. And I’m referring  to Paul’s statement in Romans 15:4,   where he says, “Everything that was written  in the past was written to teach us, so that   through endurance and the encouragement  of the Scriptures we might have hope.”  “Everything.” So in other words,  it is a comprehensive statement.   “To teach us.” This is Paul writing in the first  century about all of the material that has gone   before. And he is saying to those who are the  initial readers of his letter to Rome, “All that   material was written not only for its impact upon  the moment and the day and the time but in order   that it might teach us”—and teach us this morning;  and that the material that has been granted to us   is of an intensely practical dimension,  insofar as it is to bring about endurance,   so that we can keep going, and encouragement,  so that we might life hopeful lives.  And our conviction as we study the Bible  together, of course, is that God himself   encourages us, each of us. The encouragement comes  from God through the living Word of Scripture   as God continues to speak to us through what he  has spoken to us—that what he has spoken to us we   now have in our Bibles, and we turn to our Bibles,  and we say, “Speak, LORD, for your servant hears.”  Now, that this is so comes across quite forcibly  in a phrase that you will notice at the end of   verse 19, where David says, “This is instruction  for mankind.” “This is instruction for mankind.”   We won’t delay on that now, but we will come  to it as we work our way through these verses.  The chapter, you will recall, began with the  desire on the part of David to build a house   for God. He was living in a nice spot, and the ark  was in a tent, and so he said, “I think it would   be good if we did something a little better.”  You will recall that that request was denied him,   and yet, despite the fact that he is not going  to do this, the word of God comes to him through   the prophet (that is, through Nathan) that the  Lord—and I’m referring to the eleventh verse   now—that “the LORD will [build] you a house,”  or “the LORD will make you a house.” So, “David,   you’re not gonna make a house for God, but the  Lord is going to make you a house.” And we’ve   noted already how that word “house” comes again  and again; how it refers not sometimes to the   physicality of a dwelling but to a dynasty and so  on. And then in the sixteenth verse, that house,   “your kingdom shall be made sure forever before  me. Your throne shall be established forever.”  Now, we make reference to that because it  is important to recognize that all that now   follows here in the prayer that David prays  is triggered by all that has gone before in   the word that has come to him through Nathan  the prophet. And you’ll see that in verse 17:   “In accordance with all these words, and  in accordance with all this vision, Nathan   spoke to David.” So the words that were spoken by  Nathan painted, if you like, or created a picture.   And it was as he heard God’s word to him  through the prophet that he was enabled, then,   to see things which he would never have seen by  any other means. Now, if you think about that—and   again, we won’t delay here—the same is true  for us: that it is as we hear the word of God   that we then see things in a way that we would  not see things were it not for what it is we hear.  Then we come to verse 18, which  begins, interestingly, with   “Then…” “Then,” we’re told, after all of this,  “David went in and sat before the LORD.” Now,   presumably he went into the tent—the tent that  has been mentioned back at the very beginning   of the chapter. You will remember that it says  back there, if your Bible opens in that way,   he was… “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar,  but the ark of [the Lord] dwells in a tent.”   And now here he is, sitting “before the  LORD.” It may be of passing interest to   you that that is the same verb that is  used both of “dwell” and of “sitting.”  So, having heard from God, he now speaks to God.  First he listens to God, and then he responds   in prayer. This, of course, is the pattern of  prayer throughout the story of God’s dealings   with us. The hymnwriter helps us by saying that  “prayer is the soul’s sincere desire, uttered   or unexpressed,” so that when we think in terms  of our response to God, when we think of that   in terms of prayer, we ought not to think of it  in a formulaic way or even in a way that demands   that our language and the process of our speech is  ordered in just a perfect fashion, but in the same   way that you’re able to sit in the presence—as a  child, perhaps—with your father or even with your   mother, and you don’t have to actually say very  much, but you are able simply to engage with them.   And so it is that David sits. He “went in”  purposefully “and sat before the LORD.”  One of the ways that we could summarize these  verses all the way to the end of the chapter   is to view David first of all as sitting  in the Lord’s presence, and then, secondly,   as standing on the Lord’s promise. Sitting  in God’s presence, standing on God’s promise.   We’re not going to approach it in that way,  but I think it is one way to summarize it.  Instead, I want to employ four words  to help us through at least the opening   section of the prayer. We won’t, today, get  through all of these verses to verse 29.   And in order to help us remember the  four words that we’re going to use,   I created an acrostic so that we can perhaps  remember it, because the words are very similar   to each other. The acrostic is this: Eat Out  Every Day. Eat Out Every Day. All right? And that   gives us, with the first letter of each of those  words, the first letter of the four words that   I’m going to give you—which actually sounds a lot  more confusing, and I wish I hadn’t mentioned it.  David’s Exclamation But anyway, here is the first of the four words:   the first word is exclamation. Exclamation:  “Then King David went in and sat before the   LORD and said, ‘Who am I, O Lord GOD, and what  is my house, that you have brought me thus far?’”  Now, you’re looking at the text, and  you’re saying to yourself, “Well,   why do you say exclamation? Isn’t it actually  a question?” Well, of course, it is a question,   and you will notice that in our English text,  there is a question mark at the end of verse 18.   But I take it that it is rhetorical—in other  words, that David is not actually asking for   an answer to this question; that at least,  I think, in the early part of this prayer   (and it may not be true the whole way through),  we’re actually eavesdropping. We’re eavesdropping   on private prayer. We’re given the privilege now  of going into a place that few of us will ever   get in the lives of each other. I don’t know  how you begin your day. I don’t know whether   you pray on your knees or standing up. I don’t  know. And you don’t really know about me either.   And so it’s a very special thing when we’re able  to go behind the scenes and enter into the life of   the servant of God as he turns to the living God. Murray M’Cheyne is the one who has reputedly   given this quote: “A man is what he is on his  knees before God; that he is, and nothing else.”   That statement would be true of a woman: “A  woman is what she is on her knees before God;   this is what she is, and nothing else.”  In other words, the reality of our lives,   exposed before the living and true God, is  nowhere made clearer than in that place where   we engage with God, as we find David doing here. What is this man, then, if a man is what he is   in this way? What about David, the man? What do we  know about him? Well, those of you who have a good   memory will remember that we were introduced to  him as being “handsome” and with “beautiful eyes.”   We know that he was chosen by God. We  know that he was anointed by Samuel.   We know that he defeated Goliath. We know that he  is the king in Jerusalem. In other words, we know   all these things about him. And we know, too, that  he had plenty of reasons for making the mistake   of thinking of himself more highly than he  ought. After all, his CV is pretty good: not only   handsome, not only chosen, not only anointed,  not only victorious in battle, and so on.  And as we sneak in, as it were,  to this very secret moment—as   we peek in on it—we listen to him as he  makes this exclamation: “Who am I, O Lord?   O Lord God, who am I that you have brought me  to this place? O Lord God, why have you showered   your blessings on someone as insignificant  as me?” You see, he views himself—himself,   first of all—as undeserving. And he recognizes  also that he comes from an undistinguished family;   that his perspective on his own life before the  greatness of God is such that he is humbled. He’s   not walking around cocksure of himself. He’s not  presenting himself as some peculiar individual.   No, he recognizes that that is not the case. After all, in verse 8, he knows this.   Nathan was given the charge to say to David in his  disclosure, verse 8, “[This] you shall say to my   servant David, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts,  I took you from the pasture, from following   the sheep.’” That’s where he came from. And not  only did God take him, but God kept him. Verse 9:   “And I have been with you wherever you went and  [I] have cut off all your enemies … before you.”   The God who takes is the God who also keeps. David  in one of his psalms will write about how the Lord   is the one who watches over his going out and his  coming in, “from this time forth,” says David,   and even “forevermore.” “I lift … my eyes to the  hills,” he says. “Where does my help come [from]?”  Well, you see, his prayers are true to his  life. If you go back to the Goliath scene,   you will remember that Goliath says to him, “You  coming out to me… Do you think I’m a dog, you   coming at me with stones and sticks and things?”  And you remember what he says: “I come to you   in the name of the living God.” That’s where his  confidence lies. And so we’re told that David   has become greater and greater because the Lord of  hosts was with him. In short order, he is where he   is, in this “house of cedar,” by divine enabling,  and not on account of his own genius—or not on   account, ultimately, of his own human endeavor. Now, let’s just pause and acknowledge something:   Every single one of us in Christ may say the  same thing. We are where we are not as a result   of peculiar gifts and worthiness. That’s why we  sang the song: “My worth is not in what I own.”   My worth is not in who I am. My worth is not in  me. This, you see, is what David is pointing out.   It’s quite remarkable, isn’t it? I think he’d  be perfectly happy to come and join in many of   our songs. I imagine him singing with us, “O how  the grace of God amazes me.” Of course it does.  You find the very same thing when you run into the  New Testament. And there you will remember how the   priests and the Levites came to this strange  character, John the Baptist. He was preaching,   and many, many people were coming out to him. He  dressed strangely, and he had a rather bizarre   diet, as we’ve noted on previous occasions. And  they came to him, and they said, “Who are you?”   And they said, “And what do you have to say about  yourself?” And you remember what he said? “Why,   thank you for asking. Why don’t you  check it out on my Facebook page?” No.  Do you really think everybody  is that interested in us?   No, you see, what we do is we magnify  ourselves, and we diminish God.   And when God reveals himself through his Word, he  reverses that order. For “this is the one to whom   I will look,” says the Lord God: “he,” or she,  “who is humble … in spirit and [who] trembles   at my word.” That is why we see David right  here, amazed at the privilege of being a servant.   “Who am I?” is always and ever  the right response, as opposed to   “Let me tell you who I am.” David’s Observation  That’s the first word: E for eat, for  exclamation. O for out, for observation.   Because he goes on to say, verse 19, “And yet,” he  says: “And yet this is a small matter compared to   what’s coming.” And, of course, what has happened  is that this word that has come to him through   Nathan is making it clear to him that God has  even bigger plans for him, bigger plans for his   house. For his house. We’re thinking dynasty.  Verse 16 again: “And your throne, your house,   your kingdom shall be made sure forever and  ever.” And you will notice what he says here:   “This,” verse 19, “this was a small thing in  your eyes.” “In your eyes.” Now, of course,   God doesn’t have eyes. It’s a metaphor, isn’t it?  From the perspective of God. From the perspective   of heaven. From the perspective of eternity. You think about all the things that preoccupy   us and concern us in the moment. And they’re  realistic, and they’re important. They’re   vital in the journey of our lives. But when you  stand far enough back from it, if you put it in   a long continuum in terms of time, it pales. I had an illustration of this without looking   for it this weekend, when a couple of my  granddaughters were staying with us overnight.   And in the morning, somebody wanted  to know what age I was in 1968—or   ’64, it was. And I said, “Oh, in ’64… I was  twelve in ‘64.” I said, “Isn’t that very old?”   She said, “No. Well, not in relation to the  time of the Roman Empire, Papa.” I said,   “That’s good! That’s good.” That’s a different  perspective on things. That’s a vastly different   way from viewing everything in such an atomized  fashion that we’re almost paralyzed by the now.   And the word of God that comes to David  blows the categories wide open, and he says,   “And yet, as dramatic as everything has been to  this day, this was a small thing in your eyes.”  You see, I think it would be perfectly  understandable if David were to have viewed   everything that had happened to him to this point  as kind of the apex of things—that this was it.   You know, after all, from shepherd boy to king of  Jerusalem, to king of Israel. This must be—there   can’t be anything more now, is there? Hmm, yeah!  This is just the beginning! You will notice again,   if you see verse 19 there: “You have spoken also  of your servant’s house”—here we go—“for a great   while to come.” “For a great while to come.” What is he referring to when he says, “You have   spoken … of your servant’s house”? He’s referring  to verses 11–16. That’s the context. Notice   that it is “your servant’s house.” When you have  time later on in the day, you can count how many   times he is referred to here as a servant  and how many times he says again and again,   “You are the God of heaven’s armies. You are  Adonai. You are God. You are Lord.” In other   words, he’s got this very, very clear  in his mind: “You are great. Who am I,   that you would speak so clearly to me and  that you would have these plans for me?”  Actually, the real wonder is not that David refers  to himself as God’s servant but that God refers to   David as his servant. If you look back up in  your text, you will see that earlier up in 7,   the word that is given to Nathan is to “go and  tell my servant David.” “Tell my servant David.”   Now, you won’t know this unless you’ve  researched it, but I can let you into a secret.   For David to be referred to as “my servant David”  takes him into rare company. For to this point,   the only other people in Holy Scripture referred  to in that way are Abraham, Moses, and Caleb.   So when God speaks to Nathan in this  way and he designates David in this way,   it is quite dramatic. He is the servant  of God. He is only the servant of God.  You see the tension, again? What a wonder  that we are made the servants of God.   Let’s not forget that we are only the servants  of God. You remember when Jesus is speaking to   his followers and he says, “You know, if you  have a house, and you have a servant, and you   come home, and you say to your servant, you know,  ‘Could you please fix me a meal? Would you please   dress properly? Would you serve me correctly?’ and  so on.” He says, “You don’t make a big fuss and   bother about it. You’re not giving out awards,  because after all, he is simply a servant.”   And then he says to his followers, “So you also,  when you have done all that you were commanded,   [you] say, ‘We[’re] unworthy servants;  we have only done … our duty.’”  It’s quite wonderful, isn’t it? It’s  the same thing when Paul writes,   and the people in the context of Corinth,   understandably, they decide, “You know, which  preacher do you like the best? Do you like   Apollos, or do you like Paul, or whatever it might  be?” It’s an inevitability. And he says, “Well,   let’s not get hung up on this.” He says, “What,  after all, is Apollos? What, after all, is Paul?   Only servants, through whom you believed.” See  it again? The magnificence and the might of God,   and the amazing wonder of it, that he  sets his love upon the likes of us.  Now, here we come to the phrase with which  we began. You will notice he goes on to say   that this is actually “instruction  for mankind.” “You[’ve] spoken …   of your servant’s house for a great while [still]  to come, and this is instruction for mankind.”   In other words, the plan and the  prescription for God’s kingdom   is the plan and prescription through  which the whole world is to be blessed.  Now, just let that settle in your thinking for a  moment or two. God is conferring powers and rights   and privileges on David and on the seed of  David for the benefit of all mankind—not simply   that David will be secure in his kingdom, not  simply that Israel will progress as God’s people,   but this instruction is like  a charter for all of humanity.  That’s why we began, again, with Romans 15:4.  Because the reaction to that is surely to say,   “But wait a minute! It’s very interesting. We’re  in the twenty-first century, and we’re considering   something that’s way, way, way back, and we can  learn principles from it.” No. That’s fine, but   that’s not it. No. “This instruction,” says David,  “that has come to me through your prophet, Nathan,   affects the entire story of the entire world,  of the entire history of the world.” Oh! “Hmm,”   you say. Because God’s promise to Abraham that  through his offspring all the nations of the   earth will be blessed is a promise that David now  realizes is applied to him and to his seed—that   God is promising that through the seed of  David, God will establish his kingdom forever.  Think about this for a moment or  two. There he goes: “David went in   and [he] sat before the LORD.” And he’s  thinking. And he’s giving voice to this:   “The things that you have said,  gracious God, go way beyond me.   I mean, you’ve given me a place, but who  am I? This actually goes to the ends of   the earth.” How does he get to that? How is  it that he is able to respond in this way?   The answer: by faith. By faith.  There is no way that David could know   how this would be and will be fulfilled. All that  is yet to come in the fulfillment of the promise   is hidden to him. It’s part of an unknown future.  He doesn’t know what we are privileged to know,   having been the recipients  of the record of the gospel.  He doesn’t know, as he sits in that tent and  thinks about these things, that one day an   angel is going to come to a virgin girl  and say to her something that will be   virtually beyond comprehension: “Behold, you  will conceive in your womb and bear a son,   and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be  great and will be called the Son of the Most High.   And the Lord God will give to him  the throne of his father David,   and he will reign over the house of Jacob  forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”   Do you see? You see, it is as we hear the word of  God that we see things from an entirely different   perspective—that the purpose of God from all of  eternity is focused on his King. And that King is   the one about whom we’ve been singing. David’s Explanation  E for eat. O for out, for observation.  E for every, or for explanation.   So, exclamation, observation, explanation. How is it—as you look at the text—how is it that   God has brought about all this greatness? That’s  the question. You will see that he’s dealing   with this there, in verse 21: “You have brought  about all this greatness.” How is it that he’s   brought about all the greatness? What can David  say in response to this? That’s what he’s asking.   Again, a rhetorical question in verse 20:  “And what more can David say to you?” Well,   actually, he still has quite a bit more to say;  otherwise, the chapter would end right there.  But you see what he’s saying: “Really, I’m not  sure that I can adequately respond to this.   What can I say? For you know… For you know your  servant.” It doesn’t mean that he knows who he is,   or even that he knows what he is,  but also that he knows where he is.   In other words, “God, you and I both know—you  and I both know—that all this greatness   that you have bestowed and that  you are apparently about to bestow   has nothing at all to do with my worthiness,   has nothing at all to do with my importance,  has nothing at all to do with my giftedness.”  You say, “Well, how can you say  that?” Well, because the text says.   Verse 21: “Because of your promise…” You see,  again? “It is because you made a promise.   That promise that you made first of all  to Abraham and now to me is the promise   that you have spoken.” “You have spoken…” How did  he speak? Spoke through his servant, Nathan. He   told him of these great things that are to come,  the “instruction for mankind.” “And now,” he says,   “I understand this. It is because you made a  promise.” It is because “the steadfast love of the   LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an  end.” It is because of the covenant purpose of God   to take to himself a people that are his very  own and to make those people like the sands of   the seashore and as vast as the stars in the sky.  Revelation 7: a company that no one can number.   How is there ever gonna be a  company that no one can number?   On accordance with God’s promise.  He promised. He promised!  You see, it’s the exact same, whether you’re  in the Old Testament or in the New Testament.   How did the people in the Old Testament that  sang the Psalms know they were forgiven? How   did they know that God accepted their worship? On  the basis of his promise. And so the same here:   “It’s according to your promise, and it is  according to your own heart.” You see that?   “Because of your promise, and according to  your own heart, you have brought about all   this greatness, to make your servant know it.” Well, of course, this, you will remember, some of   you, way back into 1 Samuel and chapter 13, when  we came on what is one of the most famous verses   in the whole of 1 and 2 Samuel, and a verse  that we said is most often applied incorrectly.   And that verse is where Samuel said of  him, “Your kingdom [won’t] continue,”   he says to Saul, but “the LORD has sought out a  man after his own heart.” “After his own heart.”   And I hope you remember then we said that the  significance of this is that he was a man of   God’s choice—that what is being said there is  about the place the man has in the heart of God,   not the place that God has in the heart of man. You see, when you get it the other way round,   you immediately run into problems: “Oh, he was  the man after God’s own heart.” We’re only a   couple chapters away from a disaster zone in  the immorality of his life with Bathsheba.   So suddenly we have to readjust our view: “What  does it really mean to be a man after God’s own   heart? We hold him up as the epitome of that.” No,  the wonder of it is that God’s heart was filled   with David, not that David’s heart was filled  with God. “And the reason that this is going to   happen,” he says, “is because of the place that I  have in your heart, O God.” In other words, it is   by trusting God’s promise and knowing God’s heart  that the greatness that has been revealed to David   will be his to know. David’s Declaration  “Therefore,” verse 22. Our time is gone. Let  me just give you the last of the four words:   D for declaration. Verse 22. We’ll resume here—not  this evening, for we have Communion this evening,   but next time we will come back around verse  23. Verse 22: “Therefore you are great,   O LORD God. For there is none like you, … there is  no God besides you, according to all that we have   heard with our ears.” You see the progression  from “Who am I?” to “There is none like you.”  It is amazing how many times we have reason  to refer to the prayer of Hannah way back at   the beginning of 1 Samuel. First Samuel 2:2, and  Hannah prays, “There is none holy like the LORD:   for there is none besides you; there is no  rock like our God.” Now notice this as well:   that David’s ability to declare this—his ability  to declare this—the final phrase of verse 22,   is “according to all that we have heard with our  ears.” “All that we have heard with our ears.”   What has he heard? God’s promise. What has  he listened to? God’s word. “Faith come[s] by   hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” It goes  like this: preaching, hearing, believing, living.  So we end where we began: “All these things  have been written in the past for us.” “For us.”  I was rereading this week Surprised by  Joy by C. S. Lewis. And towards the end of   his autobiographical piece there, as he  recounts his move from atheism to theism and on,   he says that he was convicted of what he  refers to as “chronological snobbery.”   “Chronological snobbery.” He says, in other words,  “the assumption that whatever has gone out of date   is” on account of the fact  “discredited” and virtually   obsolete. That is standard in our world today.  Why would we pay any attention to history at all?   Indeed, the best we can do with history is  deconstruct it, is rewrite it, is reframe it. And   one of the distinguishing features of what it  means to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ   and a believer in the word of the Bible is  actually to have an entirely different view   and perspective of history than that which  is part and parcel of what we’re facing now.   After all, we’re living in a world that  has lost its story. We’re living in a world   that is unprepared to pay attention to the  greatest story ever told. And if you know that   story, then let me encourage you—let us encourage  one another—to share it widely and kindly   and boldly and unashamedly, because  this is “instruction for mankind.”  Just a brief moment of prayer: Our God, we thank you that your Word   is fixed in the heavens. And we thank you that  it introduces us to the wonder of a promise made,   a promise kept, a promise fulfilled. We want  to emulate David in this respect. We want to   sit in your presence, and we want to stand on  your promise. Help us, for your Son’s sake. Amen. This message was brought to you from Truth For  Life where the learning is for living. To learn   more about Truth For Life with Alistair  Begg visit us online at
Channel: Alistair Begg
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Keywords: Biblical Figures, Faithfulness of God, God's Covenants, Prayer, Promises of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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