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Landr is okay ... because it's free. Or at least used to be.

But it pails in comparison against someone else spending time and mastering it with their ears.. and not with a series of algorithms.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/desperatehouseknivez 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
mastering mastering mastering master it's seen by a lot of people as the last magic step into making your production ready for the outside world but there isn't that much magic about it now I think a year ago or something I did a video it's called blender versus cloud bounce I will link it in the corner and I was comparing those two online instant mastering services with each other today I want to do the same thing again but I want to make it even bigger so I'm not going to compare instant mastering ways to each other I'm also going to compare this with the master assistants from OSHA and I'm going to be compare it with a real mastering engineer and I'm going to go into all of these things as a consumer that's also why I am NOT the mastering engineer that I'm using for this video because I cannot be a consumer of my own services because I'm also the guided yeah anyway now let's start with the instant mastering services so I've googled a bit and I found four interesting instant mastering services we've got email cert major decibel Aria which is interesting because it says it's analogue and Lander which we all know the first thing I want to look at is as you know pricing now keep in mind that all of these services are automated there isn't a human directly interacting with the track of course they erode an algorithm and stuff but it's all automated in the end now as we can see mostly services they they all have a subscription-based the major decibel has a one-month pass with unlimited possibilities area does have a single song price for $20 you can also you know subscribe to the service I'm not getting the subscription lander with lander you can only choose between master and release and release only but not master only and it's all monthly it's not there isn't as far as I know a single price and and email sir this is same story it's all all monthly now what is interesting is also what I saw on email cert is this is an annual subscription so so you actually have to pay seventy two dollars for a whole year and yes you can get a limited masters with only mp3 if we go to monthly that service disappears we get professional service which is $39 per month which gives us uncompressed WAV files but this is the only one that's actually monthly the other ones are still annual but you need to pay them every month but it isn't possible to run a single trick true it as far as I can see now what I can do is is read over their whole website like a grammy-nominated producers Grammy Grammy Grammy references stuff I don't care really we all care about the sound now what I'm going to do is I'm going to get a a master from all of these services using the track that I mixed last week on headphones what I did with the mix is I corrected it a bit so that I like it a bit more but I didn't go until the last last tiny details and as I mix normally first of all because I didn't have time the second reason is on my last video about the Lana versus cloud bounce I got a lot of comments that the mix was too easy to master who makes was too good so let's give them a bit worse mix now let's start with E mastered and yeah they say drop your audio foul here please wait while we upload your track okay a few moments later okay so it's uploaded and it's analyzing analyzing waveform this animation has nothing to do with mastering it's like from the matrix or froom froom I don't know from ironmen modeling processors this is from pioneer this is the pioneering mastering the track mastering complete play [Music] [Music] what come on guys come on come on [Music] gasps download HD well sign up no I don't want to sign up a download and comprar now I need to sign up and I'll get a lot of spam in my email box sign up and download your track all right you're now locked in uncompressed download my resolution all right so it doesn't really matter what I choose I just need to pay $39 to get one track mastered I know that I can have more tracks for the same amount of money but I just want one track what if you want one track just to try it out that's all by the way one of the the side effects from from reviewing this stuff is that not now I'm getting advertisements from email cert all right major decibel master two tracks for free every month uploading track that will take a while now what I really like about their website is that it's completely black there isn't a lot of well there's a lot of information on it I think a bit too much it's a lot of text no photos no look at it like that and when you do that you really have to believe in the products that you are delivering so I really like the idea of marketing in a way that you know let the product speak and and not you know I have too much of information of course we want to see something we want to have something but if you are marketing your service like this with a black website better be good please wait while your track is being mastered okay it's also comparing this with the interface of email cert like like just please wait not not like the whole Tony Stark so this is hit like a listen to it [Music] it's annoying that you kind of compare it on the same level but okay all right now let's download this one there it is for free we're just getting an mp3 for free it's not a high quality and between area which is analog which should go real-time maybe artist name okay good alright knock day they drag files here uploading order received we must search in aprox calculating minutes Nemo will be I don't know we'll see how long it takes now last one is Lander of course Lander now let let me drop a track there stir a drop drop get started alright master track three master uploading all right preview ready medium intensity medium one medium [Music] a flagger [Music] and again is it for itself I can't a different sound but at least they're not stealing each other's algorithms let me get the waffle nine nine euros yeah why not it's cool actually that I just like I can just buy this master that that isn't really clear from their website from the landlord but you can just you know buy a single file and the only website where really isn't possible or isn't at a reasonable price for the master you're actually getting is email search you can only get a subscription and their price is only reasonable when you're doing you know a lot of tracks now we have the I get down premaster the major decibel version I did buy this one we have the Aria and we have the lander version now this is interesting we see that area did go a bit louder on the track laner and major decibel are about the same in terms of level now another one that I want to make so this is the premaster and I want to call this one ozone and I want to put the ozone master assistant on this one now let's also automate or let the ozone do its automatic job [Music] [Applause] [Music] now what is cool about the ocean is that you can tweak afterwards you can tweak the exact settings but then again you don't really want to do that you just want a good master it's actually not up to you to do that because if you could make a good master then you shouldn't use these services so now we also have an ozone version now next up to complete my session I need one more file and for that I have booked an attendant mastering session and the mastering studio called amasing it's been confusing I was just talking about a master test what a whole different thing a mastered there's a whole different frame from a master ring so I've booked an attendant mastering session over there and let's take a look at that before we are coming to the end conclusion good morning good morning you want yeah directly a minute yeah I want good I want good coffee okay now this is one of the things I always like about going to mastering session no having a conversation with real people but also you know getting a good cup of coffee I mean it's more important than you might think and I also take this moment to sabotage things like yeah you have to see this you have to see the gear that's in here it's look at this I mean what oh it's a cappuccino now I didn't get this from the other websites I should send me one okay sit here yeah yeah sorry yeah okay all right first step okay first step well we start with the project we have to track here yeah you mix it yeah sort of sort of that is it also your production or it's for no it's from from a client of mine okay okay yeah it's a client of mine but it's not not a paid production it's it's the production given to me to use on YouTube okay yes it's very important because the medium where it's going to oh yes for me also important for you before I start as its CD is it a collaboration is it streaming is it YouTube you know the Masters you will be competing against we're all set on CD I requested the other websites I requested a a CD master so let's take that as a start writing okay well first let's start listening yeah very important step listening listening yeah this or you better want to do now I can also listen to it right now on you know very good speaker so that's also a lesson for me Oh [Music] a few moments later alright okay you think yes what I think well I'll make some notes there are some points which noticed directly and because you are here now and you are the mixer I've got immediately in question yeah there is something on the kick bass low end yeah the the kick is very impressive yeah that's nice because that's I think the song needed but low and it's very deep low end yeah and it's not nice combination I think I can combine it in the in the master yeah to put it together like I don't do bands compression maybe the take use automation I think so this point able to listen and so kick bass combination and the blend between those because you're here I can't ask you it's also a possibility to do within the mix so now I'm listening a smattering he met also as a musician of course yeah it's not my opinion about the production but there's some several things I think it's better to to catch the Gentiles this is suggestion absolutely there is another thing what I noticed in the build-up yeah very nice very nice build-up but then the drop the drop is like whoa go go go go go and it collapses yes yeah it's not it's not freaking out or so yeah I think this song nice it but yeah yeah it again no mas an issue but I I make I think I can make an an inversion which I think it's good for the song you need so need that yeah yeah no it's actually it's you know it's a climax of the song so actually was an issue in the mix as well yes the guys had seen my mixing video know that I was you know struggling without a lot if you have time to remix that yeah there we are on a certain point that is very greater than yeah then it's in the mastering let's say I don't have that time let's show what you will do yeah exactly yeah I make some things there yeah another thing it's a minor thing yeah before the phone call starts yeah little bit too soft Oakland on the other hand maybe the vocal is too loud for the beginning yeah yeah so normally what I normally do is I automate the phone call in like softer parts focus also lower and volume in my mix so so where do you actually start right now do you start with like like that drop compensation in the in the books speak first or not I start with a correction and thank you yeah boost or cut so we're we're responsible yeah where it needed [Music] this is what I want to explain well yeah you know yeah and what you're actually doing this you're automating the volume upwards towards your mastering chain in order to compensate for my yes my drop in the mix like it's a full of form for a Fink 4 dB yeah so I put it for to be up yeah in the drop yeah so that so that your compressor keep you know working and everything yeah of course yep yep and you are like writing over the whole arrangement in order to get everything in balance in order to make sure that you are hitting you're letting all the frequencies all the energy yeah for me an important thing as listener to music so yeah that's a that the volume flow and energy flow is yes yes yeah also the vocal is a little bit freaking out there ah yeah so you're yeah ultimate it yeah I don't I don't know if the little if the viewers can hear this because I'm using the camera audio that I'm already feeling a better drop it has more energy right now so so it's actually actually a pretty simple thing just for you my automation yes but you have to be aware of what you're actually doing in order to do this yeah okay we are talking about volume yeah gain but there's also another part in the song which maybe it needs some attention that's the other do you call it in English Lygia trees and oh it's here maybe we can listen to that low hand now yet a sub drop yeah yeah it's not very transparent yeah okay I think when you automate it and what in queue okay maybe because only automate that so the impact of the drop will be more yeah your ball yeah this is also something that I could have done in the mix yes yeah and there's a suggestion again yes this song needs that because it's there but it's not there yeah very obvious okay done no come up name okay so we are going to record it back into the session because it's analog of course same story yes with my own workflow just from my information and also for the information of the hewers I'm going to check it on my own speaker so I'm going to check it in my car I'm going to check it like like everywhere that sells what I advise everybody to do your grandma yeah your grandma see if she likes it for you granddad alright so so what if I don't like it okay seriously and there's a possibility to do three revisions yeah free remasters how many do I get how many do you get how many revisions can I do like like ninety-nine options here now well first check it yeah then you check your own mix maybe you can fix some things in your mix yeah if you want a really a new master yeah then you've got three four maybe five yeah no problem reasonable amount when it's more than five then there was another thing yeah yeah of course yeah and that's also what I also say to my own clients like if if you need that many revisions then probably there's something else going wrong and it's a big difference between you know the situations it's not a lot a certain thing that's going wrong so what I can do right now is so check this monster like it maybe I just mix or maybe I don't think it's necessary then I don't do it and I can just send you the mix again over the internet and you can just run it through the settings you you made I've got a recall sheet I'll quit all there was a lot of documentation you know all the settings are safe and as soon as I make a new mix then you can walk through the ring again rightfully we are gather a great result we'll see I'm there submit it maybe it's the worst from all of them yeah in that case don't call me but call him all right so fate thanks you and two you'll see the video yeah I give you the USB yeah do you want a quick coffee now for what what does a quick coffee bean knows instantly it's a coffee like innocent mastering Oh No yes yeah yeah you can say that let's do that yeah yeah okay one minute no no no one minute ten seconds ten seconds okay ten seconds so I have to leave pretty quickly took a bit longer than I expected so yeah I really have to go show it quick quick quick thanks thanks all right super thank you thanks for the coffee as well yes okay okay bye this is a quick coffee don't like quick and cheap so that was a very cool session and what I always like from these real mastering session that's also what I want to give with this video is that you not only are getting a file you are also getting like like as I just did you know a sheet with a lot of love information and even for me I have again learned something and I think you will never stop learning as an audio engineer so that's what I always like now time for the end conclusion what I want to do first is do a loudness test to see at which loudness is everything is now let's first do a loudness analysis and all the channels because I want to I want I just want to know that the loudness differences between tween them all alright so we can see that the ozone was the loudest emo string another very nice - 7.8 so round -8 which i think is the best loudness for this type of music but again that's something to argue about we had area also at minus 7.8 but a bit less dynamic whereas the real mastering was actually the most the most dynamic of them all are these numbers correct actually now what I'm going to do is I'm going to level them all at the same volume so that we can do a proper comparison without volume differences now let's first you know run through them all [Music] Dasia [Music] okay - that can see clear [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I actually like the area one the most I would like to have a chin down a bit like it's a bit - it almost feels like it's it's saturating too much [Music] until that can see clear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lander is ozone ozone and Lanner almost sound completely the same [Music] now let's compare this to the to the real master from Iman stirring [Music] [Music] it's a loudest master but it sounds way deeper I don't know if you guys can hear it but so much like all the auto masters right here and and that one is has more depth how how did he do yet I'm going to send him a list back with questions I have [Music] [Music] [Music] differences to go [Music] almost like my synthesizers are different and you have to believe me on this but I didn't do any mixed notes or checkups yet baby anymore string really had the same file as the other ones now I'll show that buildup that's also interesting so you can hear let's compare this with I think it's very obvious on landlord how it collapses [Music] [Applause] comparators with [Music] stronger way stronger I think we can draw a conclusion I can I can do comparisons for another one hour but I think that we can draw the conclusion by now that the remastering still has one it's from the rest and it's also logical it was also the most expensive one and it's not really like we're playing a game and who is the best what I really wanted to do was show you guys the differences normally mastering is seen as a as like like a black Oh like you throw something in it and something comes back and I wanted to show you the differences between the black hole called Lander or area or major decibel or the black hole on the internet for a mastering studio and if you are going to work with a mastering engineer what I really recommend is is you know finding a mastering studio nearby where you can go to where you can travel to and and sit next to the mastering engineer Oh while mastering you will get a lot of tips even I I was still getting a whole list of comments and and stuff of which I can do better again and it's I again I've did so many mastering session is a team a string but I still I learned something new again so that that is my advice so search for a good mastering engineer and and if you can't join the session or don't want to join a session you now at least have had some insight in what actually happens during a mastering session done by a real human by someone with with feeling and stuff with that being said I want to end this video over here I hope you like this video this video custards way more time then I was expecting chef you want to help me or support me would be nice go to patron over here and I will give you some things in return also let me know what you thought of this video by putting a comment below try to be kind and if you like my videos keep on watching subscribe or check out another way video over here thanks a lot for watching this one I'll see you guys again in the next one bye bye
Channel: White Sea Studio
Views: 838,837
Rating: 4.7707415 out of 5
Keywords: instant mastering service, online mastering service, real mastering service, analog mastering service, comparison, emastering,,, landr,, aria mastering service, aria analog mastering service, mastering services, mixing and mastering, mixing, online mixing, majordecibel, izotope OZONE, izotope, plug in, mastering engineer, how to master a track, what is the difference between mastering, difference landr and real mastering, mastering shootout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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