INSTANT RELIEF! Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) Self Adjustment Technique

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what's up guys hey Jared Beck strand here doctor of physical therapy tone and tightened calm today is all about the SI joint will talk what it is we'll talk about why you get pain there and most importantly I'm going to share my favorite self adjustment technique that's gonna help you to feel better let's get into those right now [Music] all right you guys hey thank you so much for joining me today right here on tone and tighten I'm excited to be able to share some of this information with you guys I hope it helps you out if it does of course I would love you hit that thumbs up button also leave me a comment down below let me know your experience with some of these things that I'm sharing finally if you haven't done so already little red button down there in the corner that's how you can subscribe to my channel and thanks for doing that in advance okay cool let's talk about your SI joint what the heck is your SI joint your sacroiliac joint so basically it's right in your back I've got my spine model right here to show you where it's at this is our pelvic girdle right down here or our pelvic ring is it sometimes called because it is in fact a ring it's made up of three bones now he's looking at you guys this way you got two on the side so those are your big ones over here on the side those are called your ilium this one in the back is kind of a triangle shape that one is called your sacrum now where are those let me make sure I'm in my camera where those two joints are where those two bones come together I guess those three bones come together your ilium is on either side this is your sacrum right here the joint or the area where they meet is called your sacroiliac joint sacroiliac joint or your SI joint so if I were to point it out on my body basically it's this wedge shape kind of right down here at the bottom of my vertebrae this should not move this should actually be a very stable structure we want this to be a very stable ring that we can then build our vertebrae on top of where we run into pain is if movement has occurred right here now movement can occur in a lot of different motions so I typically see SI joint problems happens a lot in pregnancy um basically baby has to pass through that opening right there especially in the third trimester your body starts to release hormones that are gonna loosen that joint up after pregnancy and after childbirth that doesn't always go back together right where it should that's one super common problem um any any trauma or any jolt to that area so like a slip-and-fall or a car accident or things like that are gonna are going to exacerbate that area as well so lots of lots of cause lots of potential injuries to this area now SI joint pain can look very similar to low back pain just because it occurs right down low in that area it can creep up into your lower back it can awesome can also radiate down your leg typically we don't see it going below the knee but it can get down into your butt and into your hamstring so if a patient walks into my clinic and if I diagnose this SI joint problem I want to do basically two things with that person we've got to put the SI joint back into place we've got to realign that pelvis and we've got to realign that bones into their natural neutral position again and then we need to strengthen and stabilize the muscles around that joint so as to hold it into place even better so this is going to be part one of a two part video series that I want to shoot on this SI joint I'm going to show you how to put it in now and then the second video in the series check the description down below I'll float it right up here that will be home exercises to help you to keep your joint in place once we get it there and so for the purposes of this video let's show you how to put it into place all right so this SI joint adjustment is going to be what we call a muscle energy technique simply meaning I'm going to use your muscles to help to put that back into place to help to align it back into a neutral position again you do need a couple of things for this um ball I've got a belt right here doesn't have to be a belt like this can be just like a normal belt and with like a buckle and the holes that you can use and then also I've got a golf club because I like that and that works well and a broom or a mop or a dowel or even like a piece of PVC PVC pipe will also work well for that part of this mobilization technique and so those are the three things that you need what I want to do is I want to talk you through it first and then I'll run you through it real time you guys can do it with me okay and so basically once again we're just going to fire all the muscles in and around the pelvis in hopes that that pulls it back into a normal position again so you're going to lay down on your back first thing we're gonna do is grab our golf club broom mop whatever it is that you guys have it's gonna go over one leg and under the other so I just put that between my legs and it's underneath my left leg and it's on top of my right leg now in this position my hips are at a 90 my knees are at a 90 my hands are on the golf club and what I'm going to do is push down with this leg so this legs trying to straighten out while I'm pushing up with this leg so this legs trying to come up towards my shoulder I'm going to push push push I'm gonna hold that for about three to five seconds and then I'm gonna relax and then I'm gonna push push push and I'm gonna hold that for three to five seconds and then I'm gonna relax I'm gonna do that three times then I'm gonna go the other way with it so now it's on top of my left leg it's under my right knee with my hands I'm holding right here and then I'm going to do just the opposite this knee is going to come up towards my shoulder that leg is gonna try to straighten out that way so then I'm gonna push push push hold from three to five seconds and then relax hold for three to five seconds and then relax you're gonna perform that one three times okay get rid of that golf club and so now the next thing that we're gonna grab is our ball and want to put your ball between your knees now very simply all you're gonna do is try to inspire our adductor muscles or groin muscles we're gonna try to smash that ball so one two three about three to five second hold and then relax and then we're going to repeat that one three times so one two three to five second hold and relax and then we'll do that three times next step and this is going to be with your belt you know wrap this belt around my knees so with this again you don't necessarily have to have a therapy belt like this but I do want you to have something firm and don't use the thera-band don't use like those elastic loops to do this I want I want it to be an isometric contraction I want you to be able to push into it but without it giving okay so hopefully that helps you helps you out there so we're laying down and now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna push my legs apart I'm trying to spread my knees into that band hold for again that three to five second count and then relax push hold for that three to five second count and relax and we're going to do that three times and then finally the last muscle group that we want to fire is going to be your hip extensors so to do that the easiest thing to do as a bridge you're going to squeeze your glutes you're going to come up and you're going to hold about three to five seconds and then come right back down come up hold three to five seconds come right back down now while I'm up in the top of that I'm really trying to contract my glutes I'm really trying to fire those muscles and squeezing really hard while I'm up in the top of that contraction and then come back in and so that's what the entire muscle energy technique looks like let's review through it real time alright first steps with your golf club your broom your mop your dowel your PVC whatever it is you've got we're right here I'm gonna push down with left and up with right so push and hold two three four five and then do it again one two three four five one more time one two three four five now we're gonna switch that up so now I'm gonna go on top of my left leg underneath my right and let's do it again so push and pull two three five five one two three four five last time one two three four five just like that grab your ball it's between your knees we're gonna smash it one two three five and then relax smash it three four five and relax one more time smash it two three four five and then relax grab that belt is our next step around both of your knees lay down on your back we're gonna go out into the belt one two four five out again one two three four five and relax out into the belt one more time two four five and then relax and then finally it's just those bridges so we're right here knees are bent contract the glutes lift the hips one four five down up again four five and then the last time up again three four and five that's it right there you again that is what we'd refer to as a muscle energy technique meaning I'm using all the muscles around my pelvis to to fire and to contract but there's no movement so hopefully the movement occurs in the SI joint to help to reseat it into its normal neutral position again that's the whole goal of the muscle energy technique again phase one is we want to put that joint back in its proper position back in its proper alignment phase two would be to then perform some exercises that are going to help to strengthen and stabilize the muscles that are around that joint in order to keep it there and so there you go you guys there is your self adjustment or your self mobilization for the SI joint I really helped I really hope this helps you out if it does do me a favor hit that thumbs up button down below leave me a comment with your experience about it I'd love to hear from you hey thanks for watching this video today if you haven't done so already hit this circle button right down here to subscribe to tone and tighten here on YouTube if you're looking for Phase two those exercises for your SI joint you can find those right over there down there that's one more video that you guys might enjoy check that one out and until next time we'll see you again right here on tone and tight
Channel: Tone and Tighten
Views: 367,227
Rating: 4.9577713 out of 5
Keywords: jared beckstrand, tone and tighten, sacroiliac joint self adjustment, sacroiliac joint self mobilization, SI joint self adjustment, sacroiliac joint mobilization, si joint mobilization techniques, what is the sacroiliac joint, SI joint adjustment, what is the si joint, si joint mobilization, sacroiliac joint exercises, si joint mobilization exercises, sacroiliac joint adjustment, sacroiliac joint mobilization techniques, SI joint pain, SI joint pain relief, Physical therapy
Id: Az1wKCmD52Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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