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here are 30 instant regrets caught on camera lucky for the waiter that he did not do this blunder in Germany of the [Music] 1940s when you're already stressed and overwhelmed but the workday just keeps getting [Music] worse he almost succeeded in doing the bottle flip trick until the soda took the U-turn and aimed back at him mean kids could not stop themselves from taunting the monkey so it gagged them with real crap they see him uh-oh didn't you I didn't look oh he's God damn it look I this are you okay oh looks like he mastered the art of graffiti but slipped on the canvas of karma the next second what the yo what the yo what the dude got caught on camera while unintentionally flipping others during prayers and then felt Next Level embarrassment well that's one way to break the internet and your mom's hard at the same [Music] [Music] time who in their right mind will risk doing wheelie right behind a friend's [Music] car the thief got what he wanted but at what [Music] cost the mishap was inevitable because the idiot had the zipline in SED over the pool when he did not even know how to swim hopefully he is never going to disturb Birds again after this sweet memory he just created Dam three cops paddling a tiny rickety boat with shovels is a recipe for [Music] disaster [Music] poor cat was disgusted after doing [Music] this dude managed to dunk his brother this hard but not the tiny ball how's he going to explain this to Mom he was too stunned to react at this perfect yet tragic magic Dart shot nobody gets to scare a peaceful cat and get away with it the instant regret in his face doing this party trick says it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all yeah bro started out all cool on the ride until he started making the face of a horror movie [Music] villain not everybody is a fan of water fights so pranking others in a Home Depot store was a really dumb idea go no oh I'm so sorry this accident hey one of the most painful instant regrets we all can relate to and I'm wearing gloves right now because all of that heat well it comes from these seeds right here now I just came back from Beast where they held Melbourne's annual chili eating competition and competitors had to compete eating these uh eating these uh chip when the litterer becomes the litter she deserved that to think about her actions I not see that it's a iPhone 5 yeah you can see it you get see could tell me will put it back break the cat is never going to trust her human again after this brain freeze moment oh my God you the nurse it's pistachio ice cream looks like he was deep frying something he shouldn't have been hopefully he was safe no carrying so many beers on a tray can effortlessly ruin any waiter's day one kind of tip see there overtaking cars is all fun and games until you bring police car into the mix that's what you get for staring at your phone and not where you are walking kidding April Fool it's funny how as a society we think it's okay to lie but lying is never this is why being honest isn't always the right thing to do I I'll get you over there what were you doing on the beach I was just sitting on my toil nobody was around me so apparently you were masturbating on the beach who saw that I mean a couple people no they didn't that's that's not true would they call okay look let me let me show you but I did okay okay is there anything in the bag listen I was sitting on the water like this and I just put it in there and it was covered up and I just had an orgasm I'm sorry I was stressed out okay a family saw it they had kids he what are you there was nobody around me none of those people tried to help him which shows everyone wanted him to learn how stupid his idea was to take a selfie like this [Music] caught a selfie but the phone was the one that took the plunge talk about a really bad [Music] decision her rat catching skills need a little refining who told her that using a net would be be great to catch and throw the rodent around what [Applause] [Music] my this woman just gave her glass table a taste of the smash hit it never saw coming she will definitely be gentle next time her enthusiasm reached new heights but her consciousness took a detour during the ride what a thrilling [Music] regret oh my [Music] God
Channel: Hyperloop
Views: 46,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k85A4SbsQKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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