Instant Pot Made an Air Fryer! Is It Any Good? — The Kitchen Gadget Test Show

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hey guys we're back into Test Kitchen today and I'm really excited to test this new gadget it's the instant vortex plus air fryer of it that runs for about 120 dollars basically this is a seven in one miniature convection oven that can sit on your counter so what are the seven functionalities of this let's try to list them all airfryer royal roast toast dehydrate rotisserie bake I got it if that it was that right yes so right away I have some concerns about this gadget first it's seven in one and when something does too many things in one I'm always skeptical just because if one thing breaks is the whole thing gonna break and there's just like too many functionalities going on the second thing is that it only heats up to 400 degrees which is kind of low obviously at your home oven you can heat up to much higher today we're gonna test four of the functions out of the seven just because some of these functions kind of intertwine like a broiling toast it's pretty much the same thing and it's just a question of different levels of heat so first test will dehydrate we'll make some apple chips second pest will air fry french fries third function will boil sear a steak and fourth will rotisserie cooking chicken we are dehydrating I'm just gonna cut up this Apple pretty thin and lay it on these trays anyways okay pressing dehydrate and then we're gonna dehydrate this at 135 I mean listen dehydrating isn't a complicated functionality you can do it in a regular oven I love to dehydrate I do it almost every night at my restaurants and honestly the one thing that's concerning is volume to do one dehydrator Apple for like six hours just doesn't really make sense to me it's a waste of electricity okay that's it now we wait six hours by something's happening in here everything is flying around because there's no moisture in the food so now the fan is a little too strong cuz it's flying my food around inside okay it's been six hours and right away I'm noticing that the ones that flew up hit the heat source and got burned so yes they concerning other than that it looks pretty good I mean it did work I'm just gonna taste it of course yep it's like dehydrated apple chips it just doesn't seem that efficient and if you're dehydrating you can probably just do it in your oven because it has a lot more surface area okay moving on to our air frying so we're using fresh potato we'll just cut them I mean I love fries and I'm a real believer in actually frying them cuz they're called french fries and honestly if I don't have to take out a pot of oil to get french fries that's a win already we're just gonna toss them in a little bit of oil just like a tablespoon or two oil I feel like there's too many fries for this little basket and mind you guys this was only two potatoes so let's just try putting them in and see how much fits but you don't want to overcrowd this basket because then you know you're gonna steam the potato instead of frying it so I'd say like yeah I don't think you should fit more than that okay so we we have a lot left in here so about one and a half potatoes in this basket it's all that's gonna fit and it says not to preheat so we're not preheating we're just adding it straight in right close we will air fry at 400 I just hit the rotate button so that it rotates as an air fries which i think is pretty genius because the regular air fryers it's just a basket and every so often you have to take it out and shake it so that it doesn't steam but this one it rotates it for you so basically it's tossing it while air frying [Music] finally I got fries just for myself and no one else rice they sound crispy salt all right have a little piece the thing about air frying is that I think that it really sucks out all the moisture into fry so it's it's a little dry to be honest they're crispy but they're dry whereas where you when you deep fry it it really seals in that moisture and it's like really fast and it's crispy and light inside so that's a big difference obviously but we are testing the air frying method it did work you know it worked pretty well moving on to our next test we're gonna cook a steak with the broil function obviously we're gonna cook it at the highest temp which is 400 in this case I'm a little bit concerned just because cooking a steak in any gadget is always concerning for me salt for steak you want the temp to be as high as possible for that beautiful sear but we'll see how this how this works out on the top rack and I would say let's start out like two minutes and see what it looks like it's it's very strange because you put the steak in the oven and then you know you wanted to hear its sear right because at stake but it's just kind of just sitting there it's not gonna create that beautiful sear so it's been 2 minutes and we're just gonna take a quick peek it really didn't do anything we're just gonna give it two more minutes and then check it again it's basically just steaming in there because it's not searing and I'm curious to see what's gonna happen with the fat content as well I'm gonna check on the stay see it did better but it's basically cooking all the way through but not searing it's a gray steak okay I would say at this point the steak is cooked probably about midday medium to mid rare but I don't want to cook it any longer even though there's no sirree don't want to overcook it so I think this is what we have steak is done it's not seared really wouldn't recommend doing this at home even though we didn't cut into it yet I can already tell that a lot of the moisture and the fat has stripped off which means that we've probably gonna get a drier steak it looks like steak that you would get at Denny's yeah okay so my steak rested I'm gonna slice into it and see how it tastes okay got a good cook it's a nice mid-rare so obviously there is absolutely no crust so I feel like I'm just eating like the inside of the steak I'm really missing that like beautiful crispy like layer it's just yeah I don't know it's a little sad maybe we could have achieved the crust if we cooked it a little bit longer but then the whole steak would have been overcooked so I would say that it's perfectly cooked inside the mineral but obviously no sear so this is a big problem perhaps the most exciting moment of the day finally we get to rotisserie a chicken I would say this is exciting because it's hard to find any gadget that does rotisserie chicken especially at home this is something that you know you don't see often so I'm really excited to see how this turns out so a simple sign pepper with a little bit of oil this is your rotisserie spit yep pretty self-explanatory you just put it through the chicken all right so our spit is in and we're just gonna secure the wings and the legs chickens going in chickens in roasting the chicken at 380 for about 30 to 40 minutes and of course you can see your chicken rotating which is awesome it looks great but the wings are flopping around but I think it's fine the chicken looks beautiful look at it oh my gosh it's nice and Browns crispy it looks pretty even evenly Brown to all throw and the great thing about doing the rotisserie is you're getting browning on all sides of the chicken which is great and when you roast a chicken in the oven you don't really get that because the bottom is obviously sitting on a rack or sitting on the pan it looks super moist and obviously because it was rotating it was rotating and its own juices and all in its own fat so we're gonna let it rest for a few minutes so it looks amazing look at that super juicy you see those that juice and it's cooked really nicely actually it's like pulling away pretty easily super moist breasts and then legs cooked all the way through obviously so let's try a piece the breast cuz this is what tends to get dry usually but look it looks super moist mmm the skin is like nice and rendered and crispy the meat is super moist like it's juicy that is juicy I mean way better than what you can get in an oven all right so bang like this is crackling and with rotisserie chicken actually this the wing is one of my favorite parts mmm here that's good it's perfect so good this function is the best out of all the functions we tested today you can even do like a porchetta you can do a smaller bird I mean if there's as long as it fits inside this oven I think it's a great function okay so overall summary so starting with dehydrating it did work but for the amount of product it dehydrates it's just not really that worth it it blows around the product after its dried touches the heating element and then it ended up burning and then the air frying I would say it worked pretty well I like the fact that it rotates so it was getting a lot of the even heating but the quantity is not that much obviously it doesn't fit as much as we want it to and then the broiling I would say it didn't really see her to stake that well I would not recommend doing a steak but maybe for a fish it would work and obviously for toast or something that's a little bit lighter it would work fine but what I really loved about this is the rotisserie the chicken turned out so awesome for less than an hour it cooked it perfectly so I think overall maybe all seven different functions did not turn out the way we wanted it to but I think that for $120 it does a lot of things so if you're gonna get an air fryer anyway why not spend a few extra dollars and get more functionality out of it
Channel: Eater
Views: 1,685,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot Vortex, instant pot vortex air fryer, Air fryer, 7-in-1 air fryer, instant pot oven air fryer, instant pot vortex rotisserie, instant pot vortext dehydrate, instant pot vortex 7-in-1, instant pot vortex plus 7-in-1 air fryer oven, instant pot vortex test, instant pot vortex review, eater,, food, dish, chef, the kitchen gadget test show, esther choi, Instant Vortex Plus 7-in-1 Air Fryer Oven, instant pot air fryer, instant pot, instant pot air fryer review
Id: G210O7xEcEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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