Installing the Water Wheel for HYDRO POWER @ the Off Grid Cabin!! EP #25

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so i've raved about jerry's craftsmanship this entire process of the build but this [Music] jerry came to me and said what do you think about building your water wheel out of old wagon wheels i said i've never seen that done before but i said jerry if anybody can do it you can do it so unfortunately i was not able to be with jerry during this build process he had to do this at his house because he had all the welding equipment and everything over there we had so many things going on this summer that i just told jerry go ahead and build it and then you can explain to me how you built it so i'm going to get jerry over here we're going to talk about how exactly he built this thing but first what we're going to do is we're going to unload this thing get it over to where we need it then i'll have jerry explain to you the build process of it what we've done right now was we needed to stop the water we got some water coming over the flume right now so we pulled our plug right there and that water as i've said in previous videos it goes in a pipe a six-inch pipe underground over into the woods a couple hundred yards away where i'm gonna be putting a pond at some point and so that's gonna lower our water level and also stop the water from going over the flume so we can work over in that area hey you guys got it i film right no no now move that little board down there move what that more all right coming down that ramp is going to be the cart where the ends want me you want to try and lift see what kind of weight we got grab that bar right there you sure pretty heavy yeah but you know it's uh i mean we can control it yeah if we just don't let it get going too fast so is this going to burger up the the wood we need this paint we can put some plywood down in front of it all the time don't slip on us pretty heavy you're looking good on them okay well maybe that was a lot of pressure and i thought it was pretty heavy oh you were doing it all whenever this ground gets underneath so that we need to remove our ramp yes okay [Music] so what are we doing jerry we got those plates yeah you see those plates where i welded them bolts on there so we can take these bolts off those are stainless steel bolts anyway we won't be able to get to them once we anchor this down right they're going to put some concrete anchors in there but i don't want it rocking so i'm going to hollow out a spot right there right there so these recess in the concrete okay now if you ever got started this thing get it out there and lift it out there so we're going to put a plate on both sides and that's going to be what's going to be the hold for the water we're trying to hold them bearings okay and we got the same bearings for this side same bearings that's over there it's in the truck door of the truck ready [Music] i may not be able to do this let's go a little higher can you get it or you need to dad all we need to do is go straight up [Music] so jerry's trying to get the plates in position where they need to go everything's got to go that away which way this way back toward greg see how we're all centered yeah and then this has got to come around toward me [Music] give her a spin see if she stands really well it's gonna be pretty have you even pushed you just push it once i just barely twist it i didn't even try to push it because i was afraid would knock it off with the skill she had to be sitting on saw horses you know yeah barely those stocks up there see i haven't touched it you haven't touched it since you started well it's just spinning naturally pretty much it's got a it's a little bit off balance just a little bit one side's heavier yeah can you notice that pick up speed just about right now yeah speed it's hard which is fine it's hard to get them treated lumber yeah you got some dried actually it's actually making it work really good because i ain't touched it that's incredible and it's still spinning these wheels were warped whenever i first put it together i had pretty good wobble to it yeah so i take my cut my welds off and put i've made them both where they both work the same so i had to reverse one rotation and put half of the work this way and have to work back that way and pull them back together so do you think using the wagon wheels was an easier process than just building the i mean building it all out of wood from the beginning i don't know the first one i ever felt i don't know the first yet well i love the uniqueness of this i do too i just think versus you know i mean wagon or water wheels are just cool in general but to use one out of wagon wheels and come up with this creation i think is really cool started off with a round circle and it kind of helped him on ice cream a lot of scratching your head okay so i just asked jerry how you built it and he said a lot of scratching his head all right so wagon wheels obviously you'll know what those are but so jerry let's talk about how you actually welded them as one so all you did so we got two wagon wheels and you got your shaft got that that's a one inch shaft okay one inch shaft and then looks like right here right put your welds up right there put a pipe like that inside of that shaft okay to fit this shaft and then i welded around that so that shaft will spin and the bearing will turn so you're saying you you welded you welded uh there right okay so made a weld there because these holes in the wagon wheel was larger than this one inch shaft that makes that rod and the wheel one piece right okay so then after that then what he did was up under so was the next thing this uh loop aluminum roofing or this tunnel that was that standing seam metal okay and i ripped it just like this right here same stuff same stuff as yeah same stuff as that anyway had ripped the two sides off of it okay wrap it around the wheel and kind of silicone that through the wheel and then we got these two inch screws you'll see some of them right there and put some temporary ones in there first just kind of hold it in place and pull it together okay and then we cut these uh tube coils into a circular fashion and every one of these spokes if you look at them this spoke here let me get on that side his right angle to that spoke now this one is a 22 or a 45 degree angle so that divided this into equal sections and you had to cut your curvature from here to here on a 2x12 which you know he was able to get about an eight inch radius on that okay and you put one of those every every spoke that makes a that makes you 90. that makes a 45 makes a 45. and if you made it any bigger it wasn't going to be balanced so anyway that's kind of the way the method of my madness okay and there's uh we welded these steel plates after i got that into place and these on cut these steel plates and i cut four bolts to keep these um two by twelves they were kind of warped and twisted kind of bring them together make a good seam then there's a 12 inch long 4h carriage bolt and so that's just holding the hold your paddles together and pulls everything to the same width so that you got the same spacing all the way around okay and then it also looks like you put a plate right i rolled that plate on there before i put the two trails on there got it all spinned and got it all equally balanced out so that it's all spaced the same and anyway like i said the first round how long did it take you out of one couple days three days three days yeah and and that's you know that part over there the technical part where we put that wheel on there and get not all fed up and everything yeah so what jerry's talking about after we get this part then we still got to put the pulley system over there on on that shaft which we just got a that's going to be trying to figure that out based upon our hydro generator is going to be the difficult part because we got to get it to spin in so many rpms to be producing 24 volts which i'll talk more about that soon before i anchor that down uh water coming through there it's going to shoot it plumb over so we just put the uh 36 inch pulley on and we'll tighten it down with that bolt there so it'll be connected to the shaft and then as it spins it's a v pulley and then it's going to be connected to another pulley and then the generator the hydro generator will be right here towards the end of it and we got some water starting to come through there you go i mean it's suspending pretty easy just a minimal amount of water there's not much it's just splashing that's all it's doing we got water coming through this loom now very little water very little water but it's uh it's really spinning now of course we don't have the generator hooked up yet but right now there's nothing that's there's no resistance against it so it's just gonna it's gonna keep going but it's a good thing that it's able to easily turn with little water [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so we got our pulley on we got the hydro generator on and i'll talk more about the hydro generator at a later time and kind of give you some specifics on that and some specifications on it but right now so what we've got to get and what we're kind of looking for is to see if we can get one revolution on the water wheel and the pulley because one revolution on either one of those it's an eight to one ratio we've got to get one revolution per second to produce 24 volts of electricity we've got to get it up to 500 rpms you
Channel: Loftis Party of Six
Views: 644,964
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: water wheel, hydro power, hydroelectric, off grid, off grid cabin, cabin build, wagon wheel, homesteading, living off the grid
Id: dtdMLG0KdDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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