Installing Quarter Panels on a 1972 Monte Carlo!!!

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what's up guys here i have a 1972 monte carlo and uh you know more junk in the back i got a 67 camaro convertible in there all that crap but um anyway so i have a 1972 monte carlo it is here to get some stuff done it's a friend of a friend i'm kind of doing him a favor um he got so far and kind of got stuck he knows that i build my own stuff and uh likes my work so he asked me if i could help him out um so yeah i said bring it on by bring it by the garage i'll uh take care of it for you he had a um he had a friend that was helping him out basically gave him a lot of pointers on how to get it cut apart without destroying anything he did really good i'm not gonna lie for somebody that's never done anything like this before he's he did a really good job um but yeah he got this far and the guy that was helping him got a little too busy so he was um the project kind of fell behind a little bit and then guy wants to speed it up and get things done so it is here for outer wheel houses strong floor drop-offs it's getting quarter panels obviously the deck filler needs to be done and it's also getting the uh package tray here and you can see it's already out he took it out he destroyed a couple spots over there so i gotta fix that some tears there's some rot here i gotta take care of as well but it's no big deal it's typical stuff for a vinyl top car anyway so the package tray is already out and um these pieces he thought were savable i guess they're not so i had them order those pieces and they're on their way this one's totally gone he wanted me to make one i said nah not happening those are on the way that's just the list of parts that need to be done to this thing it's really not a huge job so the parts you brought me are auto metal direct i use auto metal direct frequently they're great parts um that's not a plug i'm not getting paid to say that i'm just i just really like their parts um all the parts are amd actually for this job anyway i use a lot of dynacorn stuff dynacorn is great i love dynacorn um this guy in particular wanted to use amd panels so that's what he purchased but i'm not even sure honestly if amd or i'm sorry dynacorn makes monte carlo stuff i'm not i haven't really looked into that to be honest with you this is i think the first monte carlo that i've done actually all right guys i'm not exactly the smartest when it comes to technology i made a big boo-boo and uh ruined a whole lot of footage because my microphone was not turned on yeah so i get to explain what i'm doing here um so the outer wheelhouse gets sandwiched between the structure and the inner wheelhouse so here i'm drilling out the structure or the spot welds in the structure rather and then you separate it once you get the hole drilled out far enough usually 5 16 or 8 millimeter which is where you want to go then once you get the wheelhouse slid up in between the structure you want to grab your vice grips and you want to clamp it down as tight as you can to the rocker because it's very important for fitting then you pretty much just slide it up until it stops alright next up is drilling out the spot welds to the trunk floor drop off you don't want to drill all the way through because you want to save the lip to the trunk floor once you get that out of there you slide the new one up into place and screw that tight then you can throw the quarter on get that fit get it all clamped up tight and then you can decide where you want to drill your holes for welding later on [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so now that you have everything marked out you can pull it all back apart and start punching your holes if you don't have this fancy tool that i have it's called a hole punch tool and you can pick one up off of amazon for about 70 to 80 dollars really not that expensive but it definitely makes your life that much easier and the job a whole lot faster if you do pick one up i suggest grabbing the one that's got the uh the eight millimeter or 5 16 size hole that it punches mainly for welding penetration purposes the smaller one you can fill in the hole before it actually penetrates so i would strongly strongly suggest getting the eight millimeter hole punch tool and it pretty much does ninety percent of the job you still have to drill some of the holes out like in the door jam and as a small spot on the drop off you'll see in a few seconds but um for the majority of the job you can use this tool and it gets it done so much faster so even if you're doing one car i highly suggest investing in this tool it'll make your life so much easier i [Music] promise [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so as you can see we got the wheelhouse in place and we got the drop off fit it's all in the right spot and everything's been ground down and sprayed with weld through primer in the correct areas the purpose of the weld through is to make sure it doesn't rust between the seams so you don't want to have it just bare metal you want to make sure that there's weld through primer in there some people use it some people don't i prefer to use it that's just my methods alright so now that you have everything else back in place and screwed tight you just want to make sure that everything's in the right spot by throwing the quarter panel back on once you have your holes punched there's these half holes here in the roof channel they're gonna fight you putting the quarterback on a little bit they typically get hung up like as you can see right there um but anyway once it once it's in there in that roof channel it should just kind of fall into place and click back into where it should be as long as everything underneath is where it should be after that point you um typically would just start welding the ins from the inside of the car you would weld the inner wheel house to the structure slash outer wheel house and sandwich all that stuff together before pulling the quarter off so you just have extra strength there make sure nothing moves um but i still have so much to fit at this point because the guy cut both sides off so there's no welding getting done yet i'm i'm just gonna fit everything and then we'll deal with welding later [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] all right now we got the quarter panel on and i'll show you some gaps here quarter panel fit really nice um got a little bit of an issue up here i got to adjust i'm not really sure what's going on with that gotta cut it back and make it the right line that it's supposed to be but as you can see nice clean line clean line all the way down the rocker all the way up the door no filler needed it all fits really well the only thing i got to do is uh like i said give it a little slice here tap it back and make that fit right fits up in the channel real good follows the roof line real nice oh this fits really good all up in the roof line back window area deck filler needs a little bit of work um there's no package strain here so it's not really sitting right anyway but this is a little too wide here so it's got to be trimmed and then i might need to cut into here and here and kind of relax it to kind of pull it back because as you can see the way it sits we're a little far ahead there even if we pull that ahead where the other side should be we're still way ahead so we're gonna have to notch the quarter panel here a little bit sorry notch it a little bit there to get that part of it to slide back and then it'll sit right so once we notch that it'll be fine and then the quarter extension it fits great i mean usually you don't have it fitting that nice on the first shot and it i literally just put it in there and put a nut on it and that's that like it never fits that well for a shot these amd panels man they uh they know what they're doing they uh definitely got got it figured out for sure so like i said there's one side fit i'm going to uh get going on the other side [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] huh and there you have it i'm pretty happy with how this stuff is fitting right now this is pretty much just a rough fit honestly i um as you can see the garage is still a mess i just got everything on there and put a piece of tape to hold my lines and everything that i took the latch out so that i could get everything adjusted right in the trunk i didn't want the latch fighting me but as you can see left side's all fit i got the wheel house and drop off all tucked in there it's all nice and fits real good i don't know if i showed you the door gap or not but there's a door gap real nice door gap there follows the roof line nice just looks really good so anyway guys that's a wrap um i'm gonna get out of here because it's getting hot but uh like i said this is how you fit the rear end of a 1972 monte carlo stay tuned for the next episode where i start welding stuff together thanks guys
Channel: DT's Garage
Views: 4,813
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Id: 8Sm9jwgiLYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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