Installing PyEnv on Windows - Free Full-stack Course 🦄

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hi everyone and welcome to this chapter of the free fall stack course in this chapter we're going to install pi amp on windows 11. if you've just landed on this chapter without following along chronologically with the other chapters in this course i highly recommend that you actually check out the playlist uh whose link i've added to the bottom of the screen in the description section but if you just want to be able to install pyem on windows 11 by following the instructions in this chapter you're more than welcome to also stay in this chapter pi amp is a utility that is very helpful for keeping a tab on the version of python that you're running on your operating system as you know you can have multiple versions of python running simultaneously on your computer and when we then start developing our backend it becomes very important to ensure that you're actually using the correct version of python for our backend and that's why we need to install pi amp on our computer so let's go ahead and get started with this the first thing that we're going to do is to start powershell as an administrator because some of the commands that we're going to run in this chapter require that you're you're an admin so let me do some screen reshuffling in here let's see if i can get this right so let's go to powershell so if you search for powershell in your um after you start searching in here you can then just right click on it and say run as administrator so let's just go ahead and do that then we have a powershell in here as you can see i'll see if i can change the font size let's see if i can find the properties in here and let's say we have cursor size font let's go maybe for 36 so it's a little bit more readable okay so here we have our powershell running as an administrator okay so i happen to pace actually the url that we're gonna visit right now which is for the next task that we need to do as you can see at the bottom of the screen pi itself resides inside a github repository and for linux as you've seen in the previous chapter and also for mac os we've gone into this repository and just installed pym without problem when it comes to installation of pi on windows especially windows 11 we're going to use a fork of pi amp called pi and win as you can see on the screen and this fork makes it a lot easier to install pi amp on a windows machine so if you're adventurous you're more welcome to go ahead and install pi pyeam as it is on github but i highly suggest that you actually install pi and win as i'm gonna show you here so let's go ahead and open this url in here so let me see if i can bring it up so as you can see here this is the repository for pi and win which is a fork of pi m as i've mentioned before and there's lots of instructions in here how you can actually install it so instead of me putting all the instructions and duplicating all the instructions at the bottom of the screen let's just go ahead and install pym for windows by following the instructions in the repository itself i've already installed pi on my computer but i hope that the commands that we're going to execute are going to be going through just as well had i not installed pi from before okay so let's go ahead in here as you can see in here it says the easiest way to install pi and win is to run the following install installation command however if you've never done that before then you're gonna get probably unauthorized access and that's because you haven't run your um shell as an administrator so i'm going to just take this command as mentioned here as you can see set execution policy just select this whole thing and i'm going to press ctrl and c on my keyboard in order to copy it or you could just say right click and then copy and then we're going to go into the powershell which we've opened as an administrator and then just right click in here in order to paste it so then i'm going to say yes to all you can either say yes in here or a for yes to all so i'm just going to respond with a and that's it so now we've executed that command and after after doing that we can then go ahead and actually install a pi m4 window so i'm just going to copy this command in here and go back to powershell then i'm going to right click in here in order to paste that same command and then press enter so then i'm going to do let it do its installation and for you who hasn't installed pi embom windows this installation is actually going to take a while to do its work but i've already installed and you can see pi m for win version 3 is already installed on my computer so i don't have to actually do anything special but for you after running the previous command for the execution policy you should be able to just copy and paste the command for the installation of pi which is right here as you can see powershell so after doing that command and installing pym we have um we have a few things also to do and that is adding pi m to our path so we're not really done yet there are four commands in here which you have to copy and paste as well so let's go ahead and take the first one so i'm just going to press command nc or sorry control and see i'm on windows computer and then go back to powershell and then right click in order to paste that so let's paste it now then i'm going to take the second one copy it and then paste it in here and then let's take the third one copy it and then paste it and press enter okay do a clear and then i'm gonna take the fourth one copy it and then paste it in here okay so this is just going to add pi m and all the required shames and all the required pi and paths to your environment variables instead of you having to go to system preferences and changing those manually after doing all of this you should then be able to i mean to be completely certain you can just close your powershell and then open up powershell again so i'm just going to say run as administrator in here and let's then go ahead and type high-end and then you should have a pi installation in here so if you say which pi actually we don't have which i believe in in powershell and i don't really know which command it is in in windows to be honest with you but if you type hi amp you should have then a pi of install and should be able to get all the commands and that pym provides for your system so congratulations you've now installed pi amp on your computer we haven't really used pi m right now we've just installed it so the usage of pi payment is going to come in the uh upcoming chapters but plan is a very very important component before we actually get started with the back end development which we're going to use django for and django uses python and for the installation of python we actually need pi amp okay so that was really all for this chapter if you have any problems with the installation of pi on your windows machine if you're for instance using an older version of windows please do let me know i have windows 11 installed on my computer so i may not have um and so i may actually not know about all the problems that might arise if you're using another version of windows so please just do let me know and i'll do my best to help you out so that was really all that we have for this chapter and i hope that you enjoyed it again any questions do let me know and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Vandad Nahavandipoor
Views: 5,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 15AI-2_C51w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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