Installing opencore with app store macOS Sonoma on Unsupported Macs (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

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all of our videos are available in 4K resolution hello everyone in this video I'll guide you through the process of installing Mac OS on an unsupported iMac if you'd like to make one you'll need at least 16 GB of memory or more connect the drive to your Mac we use the Mac M1 to create the installation with open core let's get started first step open Safari and type the words that appear on the screen you can immediately see that the Apple site is is at the top click here to continue the App Store will open automatically here you can download the DMG file click on get click on download this could take a while if you want you can pause the video Until the download is finished your internet speed will decide how long it will take once the file has been downloaded open finder and you you will see that it is located in the application folder press command W press command space and type disk with this program you can manage and modify the drives on your Mac and this is where you format your drive to achieve this we should start by clicking on view here you need to click on show all devices now all devices are visible click on the desired device and click on erase the name doesn't matter because open core will eventually change the drive the dis must be erased in format Mac OS extended journaled and the scheme must be guide partition map in order to function properly when you're finished click erase now that a new dis has been created you're able to start with a new installation click on done and after that press command Q now we must open Safari again we need to download opencore Legacy Patcher it can be downloaded from GitHub and I will provide a direct link in the description deson click on getting started on this page you will find all the information about opencore click on download and build Mac OS installer click on open core Legacy Patcher release apps on this page you will find the open core file that you need to download scroll down until you see assets download the Open core Patcher app zip file we're done with Safari press command W open finder and navigate to downloads there you will see the file named open core open that file this this is the open Patcher app we're looking for click on it and press command C navigate to your applications folder and press command V return to your downloads folder and select the two files and press command backspace let's launch opencore and install it on the drive this is the menu of the open core Legacy Patcher in this menu you can see which iMac opencore has detected and it will create the installer for that model unless you change it this is crucial because we need to ensure that we input our model so that open core knows what to install to input your iMac model press settings and here you can enter your target click on host model I have the iMac model 11.2 don't know which iMac you have here's a quick 10-second explanation Apple icon about this Mac system report and here you'll find your Mac model okay let's continue after entering your target press return click on create Mac OS installer in this window choose the option use existing Mac OS installer click here to continue in this window open core is asking you to select a local Mac OS installer this is the file we just saw in the application folder click here to continue now they're asking you to select a local disk and that is this drive in my case it's dis 7 click on dis 7 now you'll receive this notification are you sure you want to erase flash drive all data will be lost this this cannot be undone click on yes enter your password and press okay this process will also take a while so I'm going to grab a cup of tea see you in a bit now it's done and you get the message installer created successfully would you like to continue and install open core to this disc we want this so we press yes now you're finished and you receive the notification finished building your open core configuration would you like to install open core now yes that's what we want click on install to dis now you need to select the disc you want to install open core onto in my case it's dis 7 click on dis dis 7 S1 EFI 29.7 MB it will ask for your username and password enter those and press okay open core has finished installing to disk click okay we're done with the installation on this Mac and can now install the drive on the unsupported iMac when you start up the iMac immediately press the option key this will open the boot picker when you're in the boot picker choose the EFI boot with the open open core patch logo hold down the option key and click on the arrow in this screen we see Macintosh HD this is the internal dis on the device and you see the Mac OS installer that we just created select the Mac OS installer and click the arrow to start the installation process choose your language and click on the arrow in this menu you have two options reinstall Mac OS and Disk Utility re install Mac OS will install the new Mac OS over the existing one I always find it wise to erase the drive first I would advise you to do the same click on dis utility we must format the internal drive before it can be used as a new boot Drive press the erase button a menu will now appear you can choose the name of the dis Macintosh is what I call mine the dis must be erased in format apfs and the scheme must be guide partition map in order to function properly when you're finished click erase click on done now that a new dis has been created you're able to start with a new installation press command CU choose the option to install Mac OS and click the continue button the installation will now begin all you have to do is Click continue on the next screen click agree you agree here as well select the dis where you want to install it and click continue the installation process will now begin on your Mac all right the video is sped up a bit since this follows a standard procedure once this is completed you'll need to complete the iMac setup and after that you have almost completed the installation once the iMac has started up you'll receive this message open core Legacy Patcher has detected that you are booting open core from a USB or external drive if you would like to boot your Mac normally without a drive plugged in you can install open core to the internal hard drive so I choose to install open core on the internal hard drive if you also want to install open core on your internal hard drive press okay this will automatically Launch Open core on the unsupported Mac click on install to disk just like we did before open core will build automatically but now you have to install it to your internal drive we're putting it on the Apple SSD labeled as disk zero click on the EFI partition enter your password and press okay now you can see that open core is getting installed on your iMac we need to restart the iMac one last time I don't want to press the option key every time I start my iMac open core can automatically choose the correct hard drive to start from but before we restart the Mac we need to eject the drive with the Mac OS installer okay we have disconnected the USB drive and now we can restart the iMac during the restart we're holding down the option key you'll notice that the icon for the drive has changed from an orange USB drive to an internal SSD hard drive icon next we'll click on the arrow and here we can choose our desired startup disc when you press the control key something specific happens the icon transforms into a rewind Arrow the rewind Arrow signifies that the hard drive will boot from this disc every time hold down the control key and choose the hard drive by pressing the arrow you have successfully completed the installation of open core on an unsupported Mac until the next video take care bye
Channel: Macintosh Team
Views: 1,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Install macOS Sonoma, Unsupported Macs, open core, Tutorial, Easy Guide, macOS Upgrade, Mac Performance, Mac Tips, Sonoma Compatibility, Mac DIY, macOS Features, Unsupported Mac Upgrade, Mac OS, System Upgrade, MacOS Sonoma Installation, Mac OS Hack, Apple Tips, Mac How-To, MacOS Tips, Software Update, MacOS Sonoma Features, Unsupported Mac Compatibility, MacOS Hacks, Mac OS Upgrade Guide, MacOS Tutorial, Sonoma Compatibility Guide, Mac Support, Upgrade Your Mac.
Id: B2g9JqnekYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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